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Season 7

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Unimatrix Zero, Part II


Tuvok: "Lieutenant." 
Torres: "I'm all right." 
Tuvok: "You've been given a subvocal processor." 
Torres: "I can live with it." 

Chakotay: "I want you inside Unimatrix Zero.  When the virus is released your friends there will be the first to know.  Problem?" 
Seven: "No, but I wouldn't call them my 'friends'." 
Chakotay: "Acquaintances then.  If you're having issues with these people I suggest you set them aside." 

Korok: "It's obvious your heart is in conflict." 
Seven: "My heart is functioning perfectly." 
Korok: "Some advice from a warrior in the bedchamber as well as the battlefield.  At times like these you must treat your heart as the enemy so you won't be distracted in battle." 

Tuvok: "Captain."
Janeway: "What's left of her." 

Tuvok: "I can hear the Collective." 
Janeway: "The neural suppressant must be wearing off." 

Axum: "What are you doing out here?" 
Seven: "Looking for you.  Korok was concerned." 
Axum: "That doesn't sound like Korok." 
Seven: "He said you were missing." 
Axum: "As you can see, I've been busy setting traps." 
Seven: "Not the most sophisticated technology." 
Axum: "Seems to work." 

Seven: "I should return to the camp; wait for word on the virus." 
Axum: "I'll go with you in case you run into any more trouble." 
Seven: "As you wish." 
Axum: "I'm sure Korok will be glad to see me." 

Tuvok: "Stardate 38774, Vulcanis lunar colony.  The time and place of my birth.  Recalling the details of my life helps me remain focused.  Captain, if I succumb to the Collective I'll pose a security risk.  You must be prepared to deactivate me." 
Janeway: "Without the Doctor's help that could kill you.  Stay focused.  Stay Tuvok.  That's an order." 

Chakotay: "Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan." 

Paris: "You know, it occurs to me that, with you in command and Tuvok off the ship that makes me acting first officer, technically speaking." 
Chakotay: "What's your point?" 
Paris: "Well, it's my duty to give you an opinion and in my opinion I think we should pull them out now before it's too late." 
Chakotay: "I appreciate your diligence but I've made my decision.  We wait." 
Paris: "How long?  A day?  A week?" 
Chakotay: "As long as it takes to complete the mission." 
Paris: "This mission isn't worth their lives." 
Chakotay: "You've made your point." 
Paris: "Apparently not." 
Chakotay: "Lieutenant.  A first officer could get in a lot of trouble for talking to his captain that way." 
Paris: "I've learned from the best." 

Tuvok: "My daughter's name is Asil.  She was born ... in the city of T'paal." 

Tuvok: "My designation is Three of Twelve." 

Borg Queen: "I'm losing voices.  Five in spatial grid 96.  12 in Grid 182.  Hundreds now, thousands." 

Borg Queen (to Janeway): "I altered the transmission to restore your original appearance.  I know now vain humans can be." 
Janeway: "Why am I here?" 
Borg Queen: "You've caused a great deal of suffering.  I wanted you to see for yourself." 

Borg Queen: "Many more will die unless you tell me how to counteract the virus." 
Janeway: "Sorry, we didn't think to develop an antidote." 

Janeway: "The resistance is already underway.  It won't be long before thousands of drones begin to fight back."
Borg Queen: "They will fail." 
Janeway: "Maybe.  Probably.  But a lot of damage will be done before they do." 
Borg Queen: "Yes, a lot of damage.  Spatial grid 94, cube 630.  Complement:  64,000 Drones but I can no longer hear three of them.  No doubt they've joined your resistance.  Are they trying to sabotage the vessel and liberate the others?  I don't know because I can no longer hear them.  Initiate self-destruct.  An effective solution, don't you agree?  Spatial grid 091, sphere 878.  Complement:  11,000 Drones.  Only one is silent but I have no choice.  I must silence all of them.  I know how this must upset you, Captain.  As a Starfleet officer, you value all life, even drones.  How many more are you willing to sacrifice?  Thousands?  Millions?  You can put an end to this.  I want you to go on a diplomatic mission.  It's one of your primary functions, isn't it?  Negotiations?" 
Janeway: "Go on." 
Borg Queen: "Tell them to rejoin the Collective, and I'll stop the destruction." 
Janeway: "They will never agree to that." 
Borg Queen: "They're individuals now.  They have a choice.  What are you afraid of, Captain?  That they may cooperate?  You've been waiting for a chance to damage the Borg.  Now you've found one.  You're only using them." 
Janeway: "If you really wanted to negotiate you'd visit Unimatrix Zero.  You found a way to send drones.  Surely, you could go yourself.  Or are you afraid that a taste of individuality might make you realize it is something worth fighting for?"
Borg Queen: "Comply or you will be responsible for many more deaths."
Janeway: "You'll have to destroy the entire Collective to find them all." 

Doctor: "You're in a unique position.  Not many of us get to lead a double life." 
Seven: "When this crisis ends I intend to sever my link to Unimatrix Zero." 
Doctor: "May I ask why?" 
Seven: "I'm having difficulties with one of the people there." 
Doctor: "Mr. Axum?  Whenever you mention his name your pupils dilate by nearly a millimeter, blood flow increases to your facial capillaries.  Both are consistent with an emotional response." 
Seven: "Axum and I apparently had a relationship." 
Doctor: "Oh.  Romantic?  There go those pupils again." 
Seven: "Your diagnosis is accurate." 
Doctor: "Well, how ironic.  All this time, we've been trying to develop that aspect of your humanity and it's been there all along." 
Seven: "Not anymore." 
Doctor: "My readings say otherwise.  You're very particular about who you choose to spend time with, Seven.  No doubt that's why you and I have become friends.  If you were involved with Axum once, doesn't that suggest he's a worthwhile individual?" 
Seven: "He does possess commendable qualities." 
Doctor: "Coming from you, that's high praise.  There's nothing wrong with feeling ambivalent, Seven.  After all, you're in the middle of a civil war but eventually you may want to give this romance a second chance.  Who knows?  You may even get to meet him in person someday.  I'll say this for your Mr. Axum:  He's a very lucky man." 

Axum: "The Collective has found a new way to attack us.  Eleven ships have self-destructed in the last three hours." 

Axum: "We still have Unimatrix Zero." 
Seven: "It was sufficient before." 

Borg Queen: "Don't be frightened.  Stand up; let me look at you.  Comply." 
Boy: "You're one of the machine people.  You're trying to hurt us." 
Borg Queen: "That's the last thing I want to do.  I'm here to help you, all of you." 
Boy: "They said you want to assim - assimi -" 
Borg Queen: "Assimilate you.  Yes, but that's nothing to be afraid of.  You like having friends, don't you?  Assimilation turns us all into friends.  In fact, it brings us so close together we can hear each other's thoughts."
Boy: "Is that fun?"  
Borg Queen: "Yes.  It's fun.  I was just about your age when I was assimilated.  I was worried then, too.  But when I began to hear the others, hear their thoughts, I wasn't afraid anymore." 
Boy: "Don't you miss your parents?" 
Borg Queen: "They're here with me, part of us.  I can hear them right now.  Would you like to be with your parents?  They miss you.  They want to see you." 

Borg Queen: "I took your advice, Captain.  I paid a visit to Unimatrix Zero.  It's far more primitive than I expected.  I don't understand how anyone could prefer a crude environment to Borg perfection." 
Janeway: "Spend a little more time there.  You might find out." 
Borg Queen: "I've seen enough.  It's an illusion." 
Janeway: "Even so the people who go there are real and they won't give it up without a fight." 

Janeway: "The Borg have established this link so I could propose a compromise.  ...  They've developed a nanovirus that can kill every Borg with the mutation.  They're prepared to release it inside Unimatrix Zero unless all the drones there return to the Collective for assimilation immediately." 
Seven: "That's not compromise, that's surrender." 
Janeway: "I won't be responsible for any more deaths.  At least they'll survive as drones.  Tell them Unimatrix Zero can no longer exist.  That's an order.  Have I made myself clear, Commander?" 
Chakotay: "Yes, Captain." 
Doctor: "We did our best." 
Chakotay: "It's not over yet, Doctor.  Can you disrupt the interlink frequency   for Unimatrix Zero?" 
Doctor: "Commander, the Captain gave us a direct order." 
Chakotay: "Yes, she did, but not the one you think.  Seven?" 
Seven: "I believe I can, but why?" 
Chakotay: "Didn't you hear?  Unimatrix Zero can no longer exist." 

Korok: "Starship Voyager.  I am General Korok.  This vessel is now under my command.  We've come to join you in battle." 

Janeway: "I don't compromise with Borg." 

Seven: "I've wasted our time together." 
Axum: "No, you didn't.  It gave us a chance to fall in love again." 

Janeway: "If I ever imply it's been easy on you these last few years, remind me about today." 
Seven: "Noted." 

Janeway: "Have you heard from your friend?" 
Seven: "No, but I don't expect to.  Axum's vessel is in a remote sector of the Beta quadrant.  If I ever imply that he was nothing more than a friend, remind me about today."



Critical Care


Inside Man

Flesh And Blood-Part I

Flesh And Blood-Part II

Body And Soul