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Season 5

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.


Chakotay: "... progress can ... bring new opportunities."

Chakotay: "I want good news.  That's an order."

Chakotay: "It's the Captain.  As you may have noticed, she's isolated herself from the crew."
Tuvok: "She believes that she made an error in judgment four years ago, that she's responsible for stranding Voyager in the Delta Quadrant."
Chakotay: "She told you?"
Tuvok: "No.  I've been observing her behavior for the past four years.  Guilt has been her constant companion."

Chakotay: "Stubborn as a Klingon."
Tuvok: "To put it mildly."

Doctor (to Paris and Kim): �I have no interest in your frivolous fantasy.� 

Doctor: "Does the phrase 'to be continued' mean anything to you?"

Janeway: "Time to take out the garbage."

Janeway: �Chakotay, there�s no one I trust more than you.  You�re a fine First Officer.  Are you ready to captain this ship?� 

Janeway (to crew): �You realize you could all be hanged for mutiny?� 

Neelix (To Paris and Torres): "You are senior officers.  You are supposed to be setting an example for the rest of the crew."

Neelix: "Anxiety's what I feel when I burn a pot roast.  ...  This is more like --"
Doctor: "Dizziness?  Nausea?  Unspeakable dread?"
Neelix: "Yes."
Doctor: "Nihiliphobia: the fear of nothingness or in Layman's term, the fear of -- nothingness."

Paris: "Finally some excitement:  radiation!"

Paris: "Durata is a game of subtlety."
Torres: "Too subtle for me."

Paris: "Ah, right.  You're Constance Goodheart.  You're my secretary."
Seven: "Secretary?"
Paris: "Uh, yeah.  You tag along on all the missions.  Now, I want you to keep the robot occupied while I save Earth."

Paris (to Seven re: holoprogram): �Come on Seven, give it a chance.  The galaxy�s at stake.� 

Seven: "Chance is irrelevant.  We will succeed."

Seven: "Captain Proton to the rescue."

Torres: "This isn't going to be much of a briefing, there's nothing new to report."
Chakotay: "Humor me."
Torres: "Alright, let's see, the warp core is operating at peak efficiency, just like last week and the week before that.  And my engineering staff is going stir crazy."

Torres: "You don't want to start a fight with me, not at 3 AM."
Paris: "3 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon, what's the difference?  You're angry 24 hours a day."

Tuvok: "Relax Ensign.  Is there anything to report?"
Kim: "Not even a stray electron.  But I did finish writing my concerto, I call it 'Echoes of the Void'.  Got a minute?"
Tuvok: "Too many in fact."


Doctor: "The Borg -- party poopers of the galaxy."

Doctor: " Rise and shine, Lieutenant.  It's 0600 hours.  Early bird gets the gagh!"

Doctor: "You're worried about a few more seconds of unconsciousness?   My freedom is at stake."

Doctor: "I'm a doctor, not a Peeping Tom.  It's nothing I haven't seen before."

Doctor: "...  There was a transporter malfunction.  My emitter fused with several of Seven of Nine's nanoprobes."
One: "I was an accident."
Doctor: "Call it 'a random convergence of technologies.'"
One: "Am I unwelcome here?"
Doctor: "On the contrary.  Our primary mission is to explore new forms of life.   You may have been unexpected, but, given time, I'm sure you'll make a fine addition to the crew.  After all, you've got my mobile emitter driving your neocortex so you're bound to make a dazzling impression.  [chuckles]  That's called a joke."
One: "Joke: a verbal comment or gesture designed to provoke laughter."
Doctor: "I see you've got you mother's sense of humor."

Neelix: "An unfamiliar face takes some getting use to."

Neelix: "Sometimes Borg can be a little intimidating."

One: "Tell me about the Borg."
Neelix: "What's to tell?  You've seen one cybernetically enhanced species, you've seen them all."

Seven (to One): �Designation is irrelevant.� 

Seven: "I am to instruct the drone in the ways of humanity?"

Seven: "The lure of perfection is powerful ...."

Seven: "Voyager is my collective."

Seven: " Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, chief engineer, Klingon-Human hybrid.  She possesses extensive knowledge of this vessel's systems, as well as a volatile temperament."
One: " Volatile:  English adjective meaning readily vaporizable at low temperatures.  Easily aroused.  Tending to violent eruptions."
Torres: " Very good.  You get a gold star."

Torres: "Maybe this is the collective's new strategy: they don't assimilate anymore.  They just show up and look helpless."

Torres: "That's what Starfleet cadets used to call these class two shuttles: fast maneuverable, but not built for comfort."

Torres: "How many Borg hitchhikers are we going to pick up on this trip?  Maybe this is the Collective's new strategy:  they don't assimilate anymore.  They just show up and look helpless."
Neelix: "Now, B'Elanna."
Torres: "We don't know what this thing is going to become.  It's, it's gone from infant to adult in one day!"
Neelix: "It will become what we help it to become."
Torres: "Um.  How Starfleet of you."

Extreme Risk

Janeway: "... I'd say we've got an old-fashioned space race on out hands."

Janeway (to Malon): " We have a little expertise of our own.  We're a very determined crew.  So my suggestion is that you leave orbit.  And in the future, if you come across anything that bares the insignia the USS Voyager, head in the other direction."

Kim: " I keep telling you: we've got to reinforce the hull with kelenite.  That's all there is to it."
Tuvok: " Proposing the same flawed strategy over and over again will not make it more effective, Ensign."

Neelix: " Name your poison."
Torres: "Oh!  Um!"
Neelix: " Come on B'Elanna.  I handed that one to you on a silver plateau."
Torres: " Huh?"
Neelix: "' Name your poison'.  I was expecting one of those scathing but affectionate insults you always make about my cooking."

Neelix: " My security training is going really well.  Tuvok told me the other day that I'm 'not completely inept'."

Paris: "Class two shuttles just don't cut it in the Delta quadrant."

Paris: "Behold, the Delta Flyer.  Ultra-aerodynamic contours, retractable nacelles, parametallic hull plating, unamatrix shielding based on Tuvok's brilliant design for the multi-spatial probe and a Borg-inspired weapons system."
Seven: "The basic design elements are -- adequate."
Paris: " High praise."

Paris: "Building a new vessel from scratch -- that's an engineer's dream come true."

Paris: "Computer, add dynametric tail fins to the nacelles."
Tuvok: "Computer, delete dynametric tail fins."
Paris: "What did you do that for?"
Tuvok: "We are not designing a hot rod, Lieutenant."
Paris: "That is exactly what we're designing -- a 24th century warp-powered ultra-responsive hot rod."
Tuvok: "Your embellishments are purely decorative.  They serve no practical purpose."
Paris: "I beg to differ.  If we make this thing look mean enough, other ships are going to think twice before taking us on."

Paris: "... every one of these knobs and levers is fully functional.  ...  I am tired of tapping panels.  For once, I want controls that let me actually feel the ship I'm piloting."

Paris: "One thing at a time."

Paris: " Look, we could spend weeks trying to solve this, but we've got a ticking clock.  Engines are working, weapons systems are online, I say we launch now and hope for the best."
Tuvok: "Mister Paris, that may be the most illogical statement you've ever made."

Torres: "... I was hoping for banana pancakes.  ...  My grandmother use to make them for me when I was a kid.  It always put a smile on my face."
Neelix: "Well, then -- one smile coming right up."

Torres: "... I'm an engineer.  I've had my share of bumps and bruises.  ...  I don't run to sickbay every time I stub my toe."

Torres: "I'm not trying to kill myself.  I'm trying to see if I'm still alive."

Torres: "I don't feel anything...."
Chakotay: "Maybe you're afraid if you let yourself start to feel something, you might not be able to stop.  --  You can't just shut off your emotions...."

Torres: "When I was six, my father walked out on me.  When I was nineteen, I got kicked out of Starfleet.  A few years later, I got separated from the Maquis.  And just when I start to feel safe, you tell me that all our old friends have been slaughtered.  The way I figure it, I've lost every family I've ever had."
Chakotay: "...  Losing people is inevitable and sometimes it happens sooner than we expect...."

Tuvok (re: flying into the atmosphere): "Perhaps you weren't paying attention when the Malon freighter imploded."

Tuvok (re: Delta Flyer): " My shield designs could be successfully applied to a vessel of this size."
Paris: " Big of you to admit it, Tuvok."

In The Flesh

Valerie Archer: "Oh, I can keep my human form.  It's the little things that bother me.  ...  breathing oxygen, bipedal locomotion and sleeping.   The concept of being unconscious eight hours a night, it's so -- alien."

Archer: "Think human, talk human, be human."

Archer: "Human beings!  They're quite a paradox.  ...   At first glance, they're so primitive -- genetic impurities, no telepathy, violent -- and yet they've created so many beautiful ways to communicate their ideas -- literature, art, music."

Archer (re: Tuvok):  �Speak of the devil.� 

Boothby duplicate: "Targ manure!"

Boothby duplicate: "Once a Borg, always a Borg."

Admiral Bullock duplicate:  �Borg are irrelevant.  It�s the humans that pose a threat.� 

Chakotay: "I like to stay in control."

Chakotay (quoting Shaw): "'There are no secrets except the secrets that keep themselves.'"

Doctor: "Anything's possible if you keep an open mind."

Doctor: "...  'The best defense is a good offense.'   Throughout human history, weapons of mass destruction were often designed in the hopes that they'd never be used."

Janeway: "Species 8472."

Janeway (to Chakotay):  �Just be home before midnight.� 

Janeway: "Directive Zero-One-Zero:  Before engaging alien species in battle, any and all attempts to make first contact and achieve non-military resolution must be made."

Paris: " Do you always arm yourself before a first date?"
Kim: " You've never had a date with species 8472."
Paris: " Personally, I don't go out with girls from other galaxies."
Kim: " You're a true explorer, Chakotay."
Paris: " Is she cute?"
Chakotay: " In her human form, anyway."
Kim: " I've always wondered what it would be like to date an alien."
Chakotay: " I'll take notes."

Seven: "It is difficult to be optimistic when we are preparing for battle."

Seven: "It is difficult to have faith in an idea that is tactically  unsound."

Once Upon A Time

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Flotter T. Water III (holographic story character): "Tree monsters are terrified of high-pitched noises."  

Trevis (holographic story character): "Where do you live?"  
Naomi Wildman: "In space."  
Trevis: "Nobody lives in space."  
Flotter: "She does; on a starship called Voyager."  
Naomi: "I'm an explorer."  
Trevis: "Really?  An explorer.  Timber.  [Trevis falls to the ground to recline]  What's that like?"  
Naomi: "Well, you know -- space battles with aliens, strange anomalies."  

Naomi: "Excuse me.  It sounds like you two need each other.  I mean, think about it.  Flotter, your water helps his trees grow and Trevis, your branches shade his pond from the sun.  It's a well-known fact that the sun makes water evaporate."  
Flotter: "She's got a point."  
Trevis: "The girl's a thinker."  

Torres: "... there's another ion storm -- a level five -- blocking our path."  
Janeway: "Level five?  We've been through worse.  Let's just batten down the hatches and reinforce the shields.  We're not going to let a little bad weather stand in our way."  

Naomi: "It's time I carried my weight around here."  
Neelix: "Ah, they could use a hand in the airponics bay."  
Naomi: "I was thinking more of the bridge."  
Neelix: "Captain's assistant."  

Naomi: "Neelix.  Don't move."  
Neelix: "What's wrong?"  
Naomi: "The Borg lady."  
Neelix: "She has a name, you know."  
Naomi: "Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One.  Don't look.  She'll assimilate you."  
Neelix: "Naomi, Seven is a nice person and she's a valuable member of this crew."  
Naomi: "I don't want to be in her collective."  
Neelix: "I don't think there's much danger of that.  ..."  

Neelix: "On the Naomi anxiety scale of one to ten where one is a touch of insomnia and ten is a panic attack about five."  

Seven: "Is this chair occupied?  Yes or no would suffice."  
Naomi: "No.  I mean, yes."  
Seven: "Explain."  
Naomi: "You can't sit here.  Somebody else is sitting here."  
Seven: "Very well.  ..."  
Neelix: "What's wrong?"  
Naomi: "I am Borg."  
Neelix: "No, you're not."  

Naomi: "I don't like sick bay."  
Neelix: "Why not?"  
Naomi: "It's full of creepy things -- alien organs and hyposprays."  
Neelix: "Well, that's not true."  
Naomi: "The Doctor talks too much."  
Neelix: "Well, that's his way."  
Naomi: "Can't you reprogram him or something?"  
Neelix: "Oh, I-I don't think he'd like that very much."  

Paris: "Rumor has it there's a planetoid around here."
Samantha Wildman: "Sorry, Tom, storm's throwing off my readings.  There's definitely a big rock nearby, I just can't find it."

Paris: "Just keep us away from the volcanoes and we'll be okay."  

Tuvok: "Starboard thrusters are down."  
Paris: "Tuvok, if you don't have something positive to say -"  

Samantha (to Paris): "You're a great nurse, but you're a lousy liar."  

Tuvok: "Conserve your strength, Ensign.  Mister Paris and I have the situation under control."  
Paris: "Nice bedside manner, Tuvok."  

Tuvok: "Not only are we buried under several kilotons of rock but the atmosphere in this cavern is flooded with fluorine gas."  
Paris: "Nothing to do but sit back and enjoy the view."  

Janeway: "Call me an optimist, Neelix, but I'm still counting on a happy ending."  

Naomi: "Mitochondria:  The warp core of the cell."  

Naomi: "My mom says cooperation is more important than competition."  

Naomi: "His bark was worse than his bite."
Neelix: "Where did you learn to make such silly puns?"  
Naomi: "You."  

Naomi: "Water puts out fire."  

Flotter: "Who's the furball?"  
Neelix: "The name's Neelix."  

Neelix (holding a Flotter doll): "Guess who I found at the replicator."  
Naomi: "Thanks, but that's not really Flotter."  
Neelix: "Well, Flotter's not really Flotter.  He's just a holodeck character."  

Naomi: "I'm researching the evaporation of water."  
Neelix: "Why?"  
Naomi: "Well, I've been thinking.  Water doesn't just disappear when it's heated.  It turns into invisible gas."  

Naomi: "Starfleet Regulation 476-9:  All away teams must report to the bridge at least once every 24 hours."  
Neelix: "You are going to make an excellent captain's assistant."  

Neelix: "What about the search -- anything new?"  
Seven: "Every scan reveals something new but as yet, little of relevance."  

Neelix: "Seven -- Your family -- Your human family -- Do you ever think about them?"  
Seven: "Infrequently.  I was only six years old when I was assimilated."  
Neelix: "Not much older than Naomi is now.  Do you miss your parents?"  
Seven: "I barely remember them."  
Neelix: "Maybe that's a blessing.  ..."  
Seven: "I adapted.  The child Naomi will adapt as well."  
Neelix: "Borg wisdom."  

Neelix: "Coffee, anyone?  Captain?"  
Janeway: "No, thanks.  I've had enough.  One more cup and I'll jump to warp."  

Janeway (to Neelix re: Naomi): "Your mission was to keep her occupied, not to lie to her."

Neelix (to Janeway): "You don't understand what's at stake here!  When you were her age you were safe and sound on Earth with two healthy parents to take care of you.  You never had to worry about the possibility of being alone!  You take it from me -- you wouldn't have liked it.  ...  When my family was killed, I lost everything.  I still have nightmares.  It hasn't been easy.  I don't want Naomi to go through what I did."  

Paris: "Cross your fingers."  

Samantha: "We're never getting out of here."  
Tuvok: "Do not give up hope.  The probability of our being rescued is low but not statistically impossible."  
Paris: "Comforting."  
Samantha: "Who's going to look after Naomi?"  
Tuvok: "You should not concern yourself with that now."  
Samantha: "How can you say that?"  
Tuvok: "My youngest child has been without a father for four years yet I am certain of her well-being, that I conveyed my values to her before leaving and I have confidence in the integrity of those around her.  You have been an exemplary mother to Naomi and she is in the hands of people you trust.  She will survive and prosper, no matter what becomes of us."  

Paris (farewell message for Torres): "... hey, B'Elanna, look on the bright side.  No more day-old pizza laying around.  And you'll never have to watch another chapter of Captain Proton again."  
Computer: "Warning: life support has fallen to critical levels."  
Paris: "Don't mind the computer.  She's just jealous that I'm spending my last few minutes talking to you.   So long."  

Tuvok: "I prefer to make my farewells in written form."  

Neelix: "Where is she?"  
Trevis: "She doesn't want to talk to you."  
Flotter: "You lied.  ...  I wonder if this liar can swim?"  
Trevis: "We could always hang him from one of my branches."  

Neelix: "I never told you this before but when I was much younger I lost my mom in a terrible war.  My father and my sisters, too.  It was the worst thing that ever happened to me.  Always wondering how did they die?  Were they worried about me?  Could they still be alive?  I thought if I could just keep you from wondering you wouldn't have to feel what I did."  
Naomi: "You were pretending that nothing was wrong, that nothing bad happened.  Do you ever pretend that nothing bad happened to your family?"  
Neelix: "Sometimes."  
Naomi: "Does it help?"  
Neelix: "Not really."  

Paris: "I never thought it would come down to this -- suffocating beneath kilotons of rock on some nameless planetoid."
Tuvok: "Did you envision a more heroic death?"  
Paris: "I didn't envision dying at all."  
Tuvok: "In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace."  
Paris: "If that's another Vulcan saying, Tuvok, I'll stick with 'live long and prosper.'"  

Janeway: "Here's to happy endings."  

Janeway: "Did I ever tell you about the time I flooded this entire forest?  I was six years old.  Flotter claimed we were in for a dry spell so I came up with the obvious solution.  Why not just divert the river?  This entire forest was a swamp by the time we were done.  At which point, Stinger was born."  
Neelix: "Stinger?"  
Janeway: "The biggest mosquito you have ever seen."  


Chakotay: "I didn't know you could cook."
Janeway: "Normally, I draw the line at a pot of coffee."

Chakotay: " Shield generators."
Kim: " Online."
Chakotay: " Plasma flow."
Kim: " Stable."
Chakotay: " Comm link."
Kim: " Secure."
Chakotay: " Lunch."
Kim: " Salami sandwiches."

Future Chakotay: "We're here to change history."

Computer: "Warning!  Warp core breech in 45 seconds."
Future Chakotay: " Harry, now would be a good time."

Doctor: " I demand an explanation."
Future Chakotay: " I'll give you one:  We're here to change history."

Doctor: "Let me get this straight -- you're fugitives?"
Future Kim: "Galaxy's most wanted.  We stole the Delta Flyer ... right out of a Federation shipyard.  We're wanted on two counts of high treason and conspiring to violate the temporal prime directive."
Doctor: "Wonderful.  Out of the icebox and into the fire."

Doctor: "For the record, Seven's translink frequency is 108.44236000."
Future Kim: "Could be our lucky number."

Doctor: "Altering the timeline may make things worse...."
Future Kim: "this timeline only exists because I made a mistake fifteen years ago."

Doctor: "I'm no time travel expert but can't we just call Voyager again.  The past isn't going anywhere."
Future Kim: "That's not going to help if we don't know what to tell them."

Doctor: " And how did you get involved with Bonnie and Clyde here?"
Tessa: " Oh, I've had an interest in Voyager for a long time."
Future Kim (re: Chakotay and Tessa): " They're having sex."

Future Kim: "We got home, Doc and all it took was killing everyone we cared about."

Future Kim: "We're still here.  Why are we still here?"

Future Kim: "I killed them!"
Doctor: "Control yourself."
Future Kim: "They trusted me and I killed them."
Doctor: "Mr. Kim, I didn't spend all those years in an ice bucket so I could listen to you berate yourself.  If you want to wallow in self-pity, fine!  Do it on you own time!  ...  Somebody has got to ... change history and that somebody is you."

Future Kim: " If you're having doubts, let me know.  I'll take your program offline.  But if you're with us, we tempt fate together."
Doctor: "To aid an honorable thief or to spend eternity in cybernetic oblivion?  Let's tempt fate."

Future Captain LaForge: "This is Captain LaForge of the Starship Challenger."

Janeway: "May I introduce the next generation of interstellar propulsion -- the Quantum Slipstream Drive."

Janeway: "Quantum matrix -- benamite crystals -- Borg technology -- can you imagine what Starfleet is going to say."

Janeway: "Speaking of risks, are you ready to try some home-cooking?"
Chakotay: "I'll alert sickbay."

Janeway: �Looks like we�ve got a guardian angel.� 

Kim: "If I sent a message from the future and changed the past, then that future would no longer exist, right?  So -- how could I have sent the message in the first place?  Am I making any sense?"
Janeway: "My advice on making sense of temporal paradoxes is simple:  don't even try.  To me, all that matters is that somewhere, somehow, sometime, you came through for us."

Paris: "I think we built an Edsel."
Kim: "A what?"
Paris: "A lemon, a disaster waiting to happen."

Paris: "23 simulations, 23 catastrophes.  This is no sensor glitch."

Seven: "My visual processors and motor cortex -- they are malfunctioning."
Doctor: "Sounds like a problem with your cortical implant.  We'd better have a look.  -- Hold still."
Seven: "I cannot comply."
Doctor: "You're intoxicated."
Seven: "Impossible."
Doctor: "Your blood synthehol level is .05 percent.  How many glasses of champagne did you consume?"
Seven: "One."
Doctor: "Obviously the Borg can't hold their liquor.  ..."
Seven: "I was simply trying to perfect my social skills as you instructed me to do."

Seven (to Doctor): �We are as one.� 

Tuvok: �Mister Neelix, you are an unending source of astonishment.� 

Tuvok: "We built a highly experimental piece of technology.  There were bound to be setbacks."

Infinite Regress

Chakotay: "'You can take the Borg out of the collective, but ...'   I don't believe that.  Not anymore."

Doctor: "You seem to be manifesting personalities other than your own.  ...  In essence, you've developed the Borg equivalent of multiple personality disorder.  ...  Seven, you were a Borg drone who's now becoming an individual.  That's practically unheard of.  There's bound to be rough spots along the way.  We just have to get past them."

Doctor (re: mind meld): "Captain, you can't actually be considering this Vulcan mumbo jumbo."

Doctor: "A mind meld is hardly a standard medical practice."

Doctor (to Tuvok): "With all of these new personalities floating around, it's a shame we can't find one for you?"

Janeway: "We haven't had the best of luck with the Borg."
Seven: "Nor have I."

Janeway: "You'll get through this, Seven."
Seven: "I do not share your optimism.  When you took me from the Borg and began to turn me into an individual I found the silence of my own mind difficult to bear.   I missed the voices of the collective but, now that I am and individual, those same voices frighten me.  Captain, I don't know if I can tolerate this condition much longer.  My courage is insufficient."
Janeway: "Your job is to deep trying.  To hold on, even when you think you can't."

Neelix: " I have some wonderful medicinal teas.  Maybe I could prepare one for you."
Doctor: " Talaxian homeopathy, I don't think we're quite that desperate yet."

Seven (in little girl personality): "Borg.  I hate Borg."
Naomi Wildman: "You do?"
Seven: "Yeah.  They're mean."

Seven: " Don't worry, Lieutenant, the son of K'Voth will not be joining us."
Torres: " Glad to hear it.  Does this qualify as our second date?"
Doctor: " Just think of me as your chaperone."

Seven: "It's a Borg viniculum."
Chakotay: "Viniculum?"
Seven: "The processing devise at the core of every Borg vessel.  It interconnects the minds of all the drones.  It purges individual thoughts and disseminates information relevant to the collective."
Janeway: "It brings order to chaos."
Seven: "Precisely."
Janeway: "Looks like this one has established a link to your cortical implants."
Seven: "I believe it has identified me as an errant drone.  It is attempting to reintegrate me into the Collective.  The viniculum is malfunctioning.  It is sending me erratic commands."
Tuvok: "Bringing chaos to order."

Seven: "Species 6339.  They were the last ones to come in contact with the cube."
Doctor: "Looks like we found our Typhoid Mary."

Seven: "Species 6339, humanoid, warp capable."

Seven: "I am Borg.  I should be able to adapt."
Doctor: "Surprise, you aren't invincible."

Seven: "I wish to participate in recreational activities."

Species 6339 representative: "We designed that virus to destroy Borg, Captain.  We never considered a treatment."

Torres: "An organism that attacks technology?"

Torres: " Torres to Security; get somebody down here, right now."
Seven (in Klingon personality): You are strong.  You will make an excellent mate."
Torres: " Get the hell away from me!"

Naomi Wildman: "I was just observing you."
Seven: "Explain."
Naomi: "Well, Neelix told me that the Borg do a lot of things they do because they're trying to be perfect.  And even though you're not really a drone anymore, you still try to be perfect.  Don't you?"
Seven: "Correct."
Naomi: "Well, if I can learn to be perfect, too, then Captain Janeway will have to make me her bridge assistant."
Seven: "No such rank exists aboard this vessel."
Naomi: "Not yet."
Seven: "And you hope to achieve this goal by emulating me?"
Naomi: "Are you mad?"
Seven: "No.  there are many on this crew that would benefit from your example."

Naomi Wildman (to Seven):  �Consider it assimilated.� 

Nothing Human


Kim: "Didn't the Captain ask you to rescue them after 30 minutes?"  
Chakotay: "Harry, you and I were lucky enough to enjoy the Doctor's scintillating exhibition for two full hours.  Would it really be fair of us to deny our friends the same unforgettable experience?"  

Torres: "What happened to going to yellow alert after half an hour?"  
Tuvok: "Chakotay appears to have disobeyed a direct order."  
Janeway: "Definitely grounds for court-martial."  

Neelix: "Coffee?"  
Paris: "I could use a whole pot."  
Neelix: "Let me guess.  The Doctor's photographic essay?"
Paris: "One mind numbing image after the next."
Torres: "Oh, I don't know.  I thought some of those pictures were pretty funny."
Neelix: "You mean, like the one where Tom slipped into a mud pit?"
Torres: "You're famous."
Neelix: "Then, of course, there's the one depicting a certain Chief Engineer with her foot stuck in a plasm injector."
Torres: "What?"
Paris: "Really?  Well, I seem to have missed that one."
Neelix: "The Doctor must have taken it out of the exhibition."
Paris: "Oh, I can't wait to get my hands on it.  Maybe I can distribute it to everyone's personal database."
Torres: "Try it and I'll kill you.  Right after I finish deleting the Doctor's program."

Janeway: "It's strange.  The wave followed us but it didn't cause any damage.  
Instead, we get a download to our database.  I'd say it's a pretty good bet somebody's trying to tell us something."  

Doctor: "I may be a walking medical encyclopedia but even I don't know everything.  My matrix simply isn't large enough."  

Janeway: "Search the databases for leading exobiologists.  If you want to add a personality it may as well be based on a real person."  

Kim: "Let's start with the parameters for physical appearance.  Computer, display a holographic simulation of Crell Moset."
[Hologram appears]  
Kim: "Have you mentioned to anyone else that this guy's a Cardassian?"  
Doctor: "What difference does it make?"  
Kim: "Maybe you haven't heard.  They're not the friendliest folks in the galaxy."  
Doctor: "I don't care if he's the nastiest man who ever lived as long as he can help us save B'Elanna."  

Dr. Crell Moset hologram: "And you, good man, what's your name?"  
Doctor: "Actually, I'm in between names at the moment.  I'm an emergency medical hologram."  

Moset hologram: "So, Doc, how can an old surgeon like me help a technological marvel such as yourself?"  

Moset hologram: "Sometimes even enlightened races can't find common ground."  

Seven: "... the Captain left me in charge during Lieutenant Torres' absence.  Her feelings about me are irrelevant."  

Moset hologram (re: his laboratory): "It's more of a home to me than - than my home."  

Torres: "I can't move."  
Paris: "I know, but don't worry.  We'll get this thing off you.  Just think.  I could force you to listen to Rock 'n' Roll all day and you wouldn't be able to do a thing about it."  

Torres: "Who is that?"  
Paris: "Relax.  He's just a hologram, a specialist in exobiology.  The Doc thinks he might be able to help you."  
Torres: "Can't he find somebody else?"  
Paris: "Apparently, this guy's the best.  Besides, he's just a walking database."  
Torres: "Hologram or not, he's Cardassian.  As far as I'm concerned, they're all cold-blooded killers."  
Paris: "I understand how you feel.  Unfortunately, that cold-blooded killer may be the only one who can save your life."  

Doctor: "You made medical history.  You won the 'Legate's Crest of Valor'."  
Moset hologram: "Awards aren't important, Doc.  It's the work that matters."  
Doctor: "Of course.  Still, the recognition of your peers, your government must be very satisfying."
Moset hologram: "I'm sure you've made your share of breakthroughs."  
Doctor: "Naturally.  Unfortunately, no one from Starfleet ever hears about them.  
I toil in obscurity."  

Moset hologram: "I think we're ready for a look inside.  Scalpel?"  
Doctor: "Forgive me for saying so but this appears to be a rather crude instrument, especially when we have such advanced equipment at our disposal."  
Moset hologram: "I often find the simplest tool is the most effective.  All of our elaborate scanners and laser scalpels, they remove us from our subjects.  Actually feeling the anatomy, the consistency of the internal organs, it can be very instructive."  

Doctor: "We're hurting it."  
Moset hologram: "Doctor, it's a hologram."  
Doctor: "Of course.  I guess as a hologram myself, I have a certain empathy."  

Torres: "What's going on?"  
Doctor: "My consultant's gone off-line."  
Torres: "The Cardassian?  You can leave him off."  
Doctor: "I'm surprised by your attitude, Lieutenant.  I never took you for someone who would make generalizations based on race."  
Torres: "When it comes to Cardassians, I'm guilty as charged."  

Tabor: "That's Crell Moset.  ...  He's a mass murderer."  

Torres (re: Moset hologram): "I won't let him near me.  ...  If I let that pig operate on me I'll be benefiting from other people's suffering."  

Doctor: "You committed a series of atrocities during the Cardassian War.  ..."  
Moset hologram: "... I'm only a hologram and I have no memory of those events.  They're not part of my programming."  
Doctor: "But you are the holographic representation of Crell Moset.  Your program, despite all its brilliance, is based on his work.  ... now we're reaping the benefits of those experiments.  Medically, ethically, it's wrong."  

Moset hologram: "You're a physician.  You know there's always a price to pay for the advancement of medical science."  
Doctor: "Sometimes that price is too high."
Moset hologram: "... during the occupation, I was forced to improvise.  I used what resources I had."  
Doctor: "And ethical considerations, they mean nothing to you?"  
Moset hologram: "Ethics are arbitrary.  How do you suppose your own database was developed?  ...  ... half the medical knowledge acquired on Earth came through experiments on lower animals."  
Doctor: "But not people."  
Moset hologram: "It's convenient to draw a line between higher and lower species, isn't it?"  
Doctor: "This is the 24th century, Crell.  Your kind of Barbarism ended a long time ago or, at least, it should have."  
Moset hologram: "What difference does it make how long ago the research occurred?  What matters is that we can use it to help patients today."  

Tabor: "I have the right to resign my commission."  
Chakotay: "For what reason?"  
Tabor: "Moral objections to this ship's medical policy."  
Chakotay: "I understand how difficult this is for you but you've got to let go of the past.  Focus on today....  Everything else should be put aside."  
Tabor: "You don't have the right to violate the memory of my family.  As long as that Cardassian hologram is online, that's exactly what you're doing."  
Chakotay: "It's not that simple."  
Tabor: "It is to me.  Crell Moset killed thousands of people in his hospitals.  As long as we're willing to benefit from his research we're no better than he is."  

Tuvok: "If the doctor uses knowledge that Moset gained through his experiments, we would be validating his methods, inviting further unethical research."  
Chakotay: "We'd be setting a terrible precedent."  
Paris: "We're in the middle of the Delta quadrant.  Who would know?"  
Tuvok: "We would know."  
Paris: "Fine.  Let's just deactivate the evil hologram and let B'Elanna die.  At least, we'd have our morals intact.  ...  And you, Chakotay, since when do you care what Starfleet thinks?"  
Chakotay: "This isn't about rules and regulations.  This is about doing what's right."  
Paris: "Spoken like a true Maquis.  Well, if you'd just set aside your hatred of the Cardassians for one second."  
Janeway: "Enough, Lieutenant.  All right, all right.  The arguments have been made and we're running out of time.  The fact is, you're both right.  But when it comes down to it, the only issue I'm concerned about is the well being of that crewmember lying in sickbay.  We'll wrestle with the morality of this situation later - after B'Elanna is back on her feet.  Doctor, you have my authorization to proceed with Moset's assistance.  ...  Any consequences of this decision will be my responsibility."  

Doctor: "I should caution you, Captain - when I told her that we'd used Moset's program she was unhappy, to put it mildly.  I nearly had to sedate her."  
Janeway: "It sounds like her Klingon temper has fully recovered."  
Doctor: "It practically qualifies as a chronic condition."  

Torres: "You can't order someone to get rid of an emotion, Captain."  

Janeway (to Torres): " I'm the Captain.  You're my crewman.  I did what I thought best."

Moset hologram: "Still wrestling with your ethical subroutines.  Take my advice.  It's a waste of time.  What's important is that we saved two lives today."  
Doctor: "I'm not concerned with today.  It's tomorrow I'm worried about."  

Doctor: "... I cannot, in good conscience, utilize research that was derived from such inhuman practices."  

Moset hologram: "Delete my program and you violate the first oath you took as a physician:  'Do no harm'."  
Doctor: "'Do no harm.'  You have no right to say those words.  ..."  
Moset hologram: "You can erase my program, Doctor, but you can never change the fact that you've already used some of my research.  Where was your conscience when B'Elanna was dying on that table?  Ethics?  Morality?  Conscience?  Funny how they all go out the airlock when we need something."

Thirty Days

Janeway: "Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris!  I hereby reduce you to the rank of ensign and I sentence you to thirty days solitary confinement."

Janeway: "... passion alone doesn't give you the right to take matters into your own hands."

Janeway: "We can't expect an entire society to change because we think they should."

Kim: "... there is a mission involved here, right?"
Paris: "Of course!  But there is no law that says we can't have a little fun along the way."

Neelix (seeing Paris doing push-ups in the brig): "Staying in shape?"
Paris: "Oh, yeah.  I do it every time I'm in jail."

Paris: "I was obsessed with stories about the ocean."

Paris: "Ancient sailing ships were always my first love."

Paris (after repairing a water leak in the shuttle): "Nothing like a cold shower to wake up the senses."

Paris: "Riga, your mining operations are destroying the ocean."

Paris: "How did you get past the guard?"
Kim: "Vulcan neck pinch."

Paris: "I've never been very good at playing by the rules.  ...  At least, this time, I broke the rules for a reason, for something I believed in."

Paris: " Well, you've done it again, Harry."
Kim: " What?"
Paris: " Fallen for the unattainable woman.  First it was a hologram, then a Borg and now its the wrong twin."
Kim: " At least I'm consistent."

Paris: " Well, I guess Captain Proton won't be saving the day today."
Torres: " What about Tom Paris?"

Seven: "It is in my nature to comply with the collective."

Torres: "... it sounds like you've found yourself a cause."
Paris: "I never thought of myself as a cause kind of guy."



Inspector Kashyk: "Your culture has many contradictions.   Violence and beauty, science and faith -- all somehow mingled harmoniously."

Kashyk: "I've examined your crew manifest from our last inspection.   Commander Tuvok, Ensign Vorik -- Vulcans.  Ensigns Suder and Jerot -- Betazoids.  All telepaths -- and yet for some reason you neglected to mention them."
Janeway: "For a very simple reason.  They're dead.  Tuvok, Vorik and Jerot died in a shuttle crash two months ago.  Suder was killed in a conflict with a species called Kazon."
Kashyk: "That's fortunate, for you, I mean.  If I'd found you were harboring telepaths, I would have had to arrest you for breaking our cardinal protocol."

Kashyk: "Trust has to be earned.  It's gradual and yet it's the foundation for every relationship, professional and personal.  It's also a concept alien to the telepathic races.  Why take someone at their word when you can simply read their mind?"

Kashyk: "I suppose you liked me better in uniform."
Janeway: "I haven't decided whether I like you at all."

Kashyk: "... good friends can be an asset."

Torat: "Federations!  Imperiums!  Why do you people feel such a need to align yourselves with monolithic organizations?"

Janeway: "How do you predict a random occurrence?"

Janeway: "We're explorers.  ...  Exploring can sometimes be hard to resist...."

Janeway (re: breaking the Prime Directive): "Let's just say I usually go with my instincts and sort it out later at the board of inquiry.  Those admirals and I are on a first-name basis, you know...."

Latent Image

Doctor: "Et tu, Tuvok?"

Janeway (re: Doctor): "We gave him a soul, B'Elanna.  Do we have the right to take that away from him now?"

The Bride of Chaotica

Janeway (roleplaying on holodeck): "As a fellow ruler of the cosmos, I often have to do things myself."
Chaotica: "Ah, because of the incompetence of your inferiors!"

Chaotica: "Oh, don't worry -- I wouldn't kill my bride.  Not until after our wedding night!"



Vulcan Master: "The kol-ut-shan - a cornerstone of our beliefs." 
Young Tuvok: "Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.  I know all about Vulcan philosophies."  
Master: "Why have you come here?"
Young Tuvok: "I was sent against my will."  
Master: "Then I suggest you leave."  
Young Tuvok: "I'm not a prisoner?"  
Master: "Only of your emotions, or so I have been told."  
Young Tuvok: "My emotions free me."  
Master: "I see.  It's regrettable that I won't be able to teach you."  
Young Tuvok: "Where should I go?"  
Master: "Are you seeking my counsel?"  
Young Tuvok: "I can't return home.  My father has banished me."  
Master: "Your school?"
Young Tuvok: "They revoked my seat."  
Master: "Why?"  
Young Tuvok: "Because I refuse to deny myself passion the way you and men like my father do."  
Master: "You reject logic?"  
Young Tuvok: "If I was meant to deny feelings why was I born with them?  Where's the logic in that?"  
Master: "Hidden for you to find -- or in plain sight for you to ignore."  
Young Tuvok: "You speak in riddles because the truth frightens you."  
Master: "You're right.  It does frighten me.  You are surprised to hear a Vulcan Master admit to having emotions?"  
Young Tuvok: "Yes."  
Master: "Emotions can be a powerful tool.  To deny their existence is illogical but you must learn to control them."  
Young Tuvok: "Why?"  
Master: "Do you wish to be taught?"  
Young Tuvok: "I would question everything you say.  You would not be a worthy pupil otherwise."  

Paris: "First day in town and I've already been mugged."  

Tuvok: "She was attacked by two humanoid males."  
Paris: "You sure she didn't attack them?"  
Tuvok: "They were attempting to rob her."  
Paris: "Seems to be a local pastime."  

Doctor: "The universal translator was written into my program."  

Tuvok: "Our resources are severely limited.  We may need your mobile emitter as a source of power."  
Doctor: "I'm a doctor, not a battery."

Paris: "Make way for the mighty hunters."  
Doctor (reviewing the results of Paris' hunt): "If Mister Paris' hunting ability is any indication, maybe we should take him off-line."

Noss: "Tell me about you there."  
Tuvok: "I am the Chief Tactical Officer."  
Noss: "What else?"  
Tuvok: "Can you be more specific?"  
Noss: "Your duties, uh -- where you sleep?  What you eat?  Music?  Friends?"  
Tuvok: "Why is any of that relevant?"  
Noss: "Because it is you."  

Paris (re: Torres): "When I first met her, she wouldn't even look at me, but she warmed up after, oh, three years."  
Doctor: "The longest flirtation in Starfleet history."  

Noss: "More spiders?"  
Paris: "Oh, no, thank you.  Three's my limit."  

Paris: "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."  
Tuvok: "I have no feelings for you to hurt."  
Paris: "I think you do.  You work hard to bury them but they're there.  And even if they're not this is home now.  You might as well accept it and try to find as much happiness as you can.  Listen, you have a chance to make a decent life for yourself here."  
Tuvok: "There is still a possibility that Voyager will rescue us.  You may see Lieutenant Torres again."  
Paris: "If I didn't know you better I'd say you were trying to cheer me up, Tuvok."  
Tuvok: "Is there a point to your pessimism?"  
Paris: "It's not pessimism.  It's practicality.  You of all people should understand that.  Look, I've never met your wife but if she's half as logical as you are I bet you she'd tell you the same thing."  

Paris: "You obviously care about Noss.  If you won't admit it to me, at least admit it to yourself."  
Tuvok: "I respect her ability to survive."  
Paris: "It's more than that.  I've seen the way you look at her."  
Tuvok: "What way is that?"  
Paris: "Like someone who wishes he wasn't Vulcan."  

Master: "Tell me your story."
Young Tuvok: "Her name is Jara.  Her father's a Terrelian diplomat.  She's been granted a seat at my school."  
Master: "And you have developed an emotional attraction toward her."  
Young Tuvok: "Yes."
Master: "You love her."  
Young Tuvok: "Yes."  
Master: "Does she love you?"  
Young Tuvok: "No.  She's - Jara doesn't return my feelings."  
Master: "What if I were to say that I received a letter from your father telling me that Jara is in love with one of your fellow students?"  
Young Tuvok: "That's a lie!  Who is it?"  
Master: "Jealousy?"  
Young Tuvok: "I'll challenge him."  
Master: "That would be illogical because I have received no such letter."  
Young Tuvok: "You're trying to trick me."
Master: "No.  I'm trying to help you to understand.  Shon-ha'lock - love - is the most dangerous emotion of all.  It produces many other emotions -- jealousy, shame, rage, grief.  You must learn to suppress them all.  Otherwise, they will consume you.  I can sense emotions building inside you like a gathering storm.  If we begin now, we may be able to stop them."  

Noss: "Logic!  I hate logic!"  

Tuvok: "There is no easy way to recover from infatuation."  
Paris: "Oh, really?  And what do you know about infatuation?"  
Tuvok: "More than you might imagine.  ...  When I was a young man, I experienced an emotional attraction toward a woman.  It nearly destroyed me.  ...  Her name was Jara, a Terrelian female.  I would have violated every tenet of Vulcan philosophy simply to be near her.  ...  I lost all sense of who I was.  The emotional attraction I felt for her became a kind of insanity."  
Paris: "Tuvok, everyone feels a little insane when they fall in love, but it's worth the risk."  
Tuvok: "For you, perhaps, but I am Vulcan.  My natural emotions are erratic, volatile.  If I don't control them, they will control me."  

Noss: "Prepare for the attack."  
Tuvok: "You can't go alone."  
Noss: "Risking two lives -- would be illogical."  

Paris: "You know something?  I always thought that beneath that cold Vulcan exterior lay a even colder Vulcan interior but now, I'm convinced you're a hopeless romantic."  
Tuvok: "There is no need to insult me, Mister Paris."  

Neelix: "...  I was just getting Noss' recipe for saut�ed spiders.  She told me how much you enjoyed them."  
Paris: "Let's just say it's an acquired taste."

Master:  "Infinite diversity -"  
Young Tuvok: "- in infinite combinations."  
Master: "Your training is now complete.  You have done well."  
Young Tuvok: "Thank you."  
Master: "You are now prepared to return to the world.  Grief, anger, fear and especially love will never threaten you again."  
Tuvok: "I am - grateful."


Naomi: "My mom says two heads are better than one; isn't that the Borg philosophy too?"

Dark Frontier (Part 1)

Janeway (re: damaged Borg sphere): "What we have here, in two words, is Fort Knox."

Janeway: "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:  keep your shirt tucked in, go down with your ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

Seven (to Borg Queen): "I am Annika Hansen, human."

Dark Frontier (Part 2)

The Disease


Kim: "I'm violating about half a dozen regulations by just being in this room, and what we did earlier ... I don't know if Starfleet even has a regulation for that."
Derran Tal: "What are you saying?  Making love is a crime in your culture?
Kim: "Yes!  No.  What I'm saying is it's a breach of protocol."
Tal: "How romantic!"
Kim: "The Captain instructed all away teams -- 'no personal interaction with the Varro crew.'  I violated a direct order."
Tal: "Come back to bed.  That's and order.  Are all humans so jumpy?"
Kim: "No.  Only me."

Kim (getting dressed in response to a summons by Janeway): "What are you waiting for?"
Tal: "To see what you look like in my uniform."

Paris (to Kim): "You are such a lousy liar.  Haven't you learned anything from me after five years?"

Paris: "... here we go again."
Kim: "What?"
Paris: "You.  Going after impossible women -- a hologram, an ex-Borg, the wrong twin and now a girl from a xenophobic species?"

Tal: "So ... you liked what happened?"
Kim: "Yeah.  A lot."
Tal: "Enough to try it again?"
Kim: "Absolutely, but I've got to be honest.  I wasn't expecting something so ... different."
Tal: "Neither was I.  Our species look so similar ... well, at least on the surface."
Kim: "I would've never guessed when it came down to basics ... well, let's just say the birds and bees will be very confused."
Tal: "Birds and bees?"

Kim: "... you've been around humans for a while now.  What do you think about love?  ...  Just curious."
Seven: "Parental love, romantic love, affection between friends.  Specify."
Kim: "Romantic love."
Seven: "An attraction based on sexual desire, one that facilitates procreation."
Kim: "I guess I'm asking the wrong person."
Seven: "Not at all.  The Borg have referenced this condition in over 6000 assimilated species."
Kim: "'Condition?'  You make it sound like a disease."
Seven: "Physiologically, it bears a striking similarity to disease.  A series of bio-chemical responses that trigger an emotional cascade impairing normal functioning."

Kim: "Last night, I had an ... encounter with one of the Varro.  ...  A personal encounter.  ...  Sex.  We had sex."
Doctor: "You had intimate contact with an alien species without medical clearance?"
Kim: "It was in the heat of the moment.  I didn't think anything like this would happen."
Doctor: "Correction.  If you'd been thinking, you would have considered the risks and exercised restraint."

Janeway: "There's a reason you took a semester of interspecies protocol at the Academy.  There's also a reason why the handbook on personal relationships is three centimeters thick."
Kim: "'All Starfleet personnel must obtain authorization from their C.O. as well as clearance from their medical officer before initiating an intimate relationship with an alien species.'"

Kim: "Work?"
Tal: "No.  I'm just tormenting myself with what-ifs."

Tal: "The might generational ship.  All we do is run away from anything that's different."

Kim: "I can't see you any more....  Something happened to me this morning.  I had a strange sensation and then my skin luminesced, just like last night."
Tal: "That shouldn't have happened.  Our species are too dissimilar.  ...  We call it olan'vora ... 'the shared heart.'  When two of us merge ... you know the biological connection we had last night?  It becomes stronger.  It won't hurt you, Harry but it will change you.  It'll change both of us ... bring us closer."
Kim: "So can this process be reversed?"
Tal: "In time ... if we stay away from each other, but if we don't, the more we're together, the harder it'll be to stop it."

Kim: "Boy meets girl from the wrong side of the galaxy.  Boy loses girl."
Tal: "And girl loses boy."

Varro male (to Tuvok and Chakotay): "Your technology is easy to circumvent."

Varro male (to Tuvok and Chakotay): "Our ship's not the paradise our leaders make it out to be.  There are thousands of us who feel like prisoners....  There are ... rumor of a movement.  People who want to leave the ship."

Chakotay: "If I object to one of your decisions you'll hear me out ... even insist I speak up."
Janeway (re: Kim): "You're my First Officer, he's an ensign.  He hasn't earned the right to question my orders whatever his personal views."

Seven: "Silicon-based parasites which feed on duranium alloys.  ..."
Torres: "We analyzed them and found artificial gene sequences.  The parasites are synthetic."
Seven: "They may have been created by someone aboard your vessel."
Jippeq: "Sabotage?  I don't believe it."
Seven: "Perhaps not everyone is content to be in your collective."

Kim: "I must be crazy."
Tal: "I like you crazy."

Tal (on shuttle touching control panel): "Navigation?"
Kim: "Oh, oh, careful!  That's the weapons array.  You know, you almost vaporized your living quarters."
Tal: "Well, they could use a good cleaning."

Kim: "You're beautiful when you're scanning."
Tal: "Is that what you say to every girl you take for a ride?"

Kim: "Here we are alone and all I can think about is duty and orders."
Tal: "Those things are important.  I think about them, too.  But sometimes you need to follow a different kind of protocol.  If you believe in something strongly enough, you can't ignore it ... even if it means breaking a few rules."
Kim: "That's why I took the shuttle but every time I break a rule I feel like my skull is going to decompress.  I'm like some kind of ... Borg drone -- programmed.  Except I was designed to be a perfect Starfleet officer...."
Tal: "You're not a program.  In fact, I envy your freedom.  I mean, your crew's mission -- to seek out life ... what could be more liberating?  You explore the unknown.  Don't be afraid to explore what's happening between us."

Kim: "Have you ever been in love, Captain?  ...  Did your skin ever flush when you were near another person?  Did your stomach ever feel like someone hollowed it out with a knife when you were apart?   Did your throat ever swell when you realized it was over?  ...  Seven of Nine told me love's like a disease.  Well, maybe it is ... pheromones, endorphins, chemicals in our blood changing our responses, physical discomfort -- but any way you look at it, it's still love."

Tal: "Voyager is reinforcing our shields.  Surprising, isn't it?  A ship of outsiders risking their lives to save ours."
Jippeq: "They're unusual people."
Tal: "Or maybe the galaxy isn't as hostile as you think."

Doctor: "Sometimes I think everyone on this ship has been possessed by alien hormones."

Kim: "Maybe I'm not the perfect officer anymore."
Janeway: "Maybe not ... but you're a better man."

Seven: "I assumed that romantic love was a human weakness but clearly it can also be a source of strength.  Perhaps my analogy was flawed.  Love is not a disease." 

Course: Oblivion


Demon Planet (DP) Neelix: "Are you sure this rice isn't supposed to be cooked?  Steamed, fried?"
DP Doctor: "The idea is to shower the couple with a symbol of good fortune, not garnish them like a roast chicken."

DP Janeway: "This is it Tom.  Your bachelor days are over."
DP Paris: "Not a moment too soon."
DP Janeway: "Second thoughts?"
DP Paris: "Second, third, fourth...."

DP Doctor: "I never thought I'd see the day."
DP Seven: "Given the volatile nature of their relationship, one might have predicted homicide rather than matrimony."
DP Tuvok: "When it comes to affairs of the human heart, it is wise to look beyond logic."

[DP Paris - DP Torres Wedding Vows]
DP Paris: "I still don't know what I've done to deserve you ... but whatever it is, I'll try to keep doing it.  And I promise to stand by you, to honor you ... till death do us part.  ..."
DP Torres: "You stood by me ... when most people would have run for the nearest airlock.  You were willing to see past my shortcomings ... and to take all the bumps and bruises that came along with it.  You made me a better person ... even though I put up one hell of a fight.  I look forward to our journey together."

DP Janeway: "Lieutenant Thomas Eugene Paris ... Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres.  With the power vested in me by Starfleet Command and the United Federation of Planets, I now pronounce you husband and wife."  [On the real Voyager, Paris was demoted to Ensign in the Thirty Days episode]

[DP Torres tosses the bouquet and DP Seven catches it]
DP Doctor: "Congratulations."
DP Seven: "For what?"
DP Tuvok: "You may not want to know."

DP Janeway: "Captain's log, stardate 52586.3:  We've had a lot to celebrate lately -- Tom and B'Elanna's wedding, Ensign Harper's new baby and the continued health of our enhanced warp drive which has taken us within striking distance of home."
DP Chakotay: "In this case, the shortest path is a straight line.  We'll pass right through the center of the Milky Way."
DP Janeway: "And be in sector 001 within two years."

DP Paris: "... B'Elanna and I don't need aphrodisiacs."

DP Paris: "Earth has the best vacation spots in the galaxy.  It's got the cultures, the climates, the history, the people.  It has everything you ever want in a planet."
DP Neelix: "You sound like a travel brochure."
DP Paris: "No!  Just a native."

DP Seven: "There is no point in providing me with knowledge I already possess."

DP Torres: "So, who's the lucky guy?  You caught the bouquet.  That means you're next in line for the altar."
DP Seven: "Yes, the Doctor informed me of that archaic human superstition."
DP Torres: "How about Harry Kim?"
DP Seven: "I fail to see the benefit of monogamous relationships."
DP Torres: "So you want to stay single?"
DP Seven: "If you mean, remain open to social situations with a wide variety of individuals, then yes."
DP Torres: "I'm married -- I'm not going into stasis for the rest of my life.  No, I plan to have ..."
DP Seven: "I do not wish to be dependent on anyone.  By marrying, one limits one's romantic interactions to a single individual -- a circumstance which implies extreme monogamy."
DP Torres: "I'm glad we had this little talk."

DP Kim (to Paris): "Married one day and you're already domesticated."

DP Doctor: "It looks like we've got an epidemic on our hands."

DP Janeway: "Acute cellular degradation?"
DP Doctor: "The chromosomes are breaking down at the molecular level."

DP Tuvok: "Every bulkhead and conduit from deck one to fifteen show signs of molecular de-cohesion."

DP Tuvok: "... it appears that anything brought on board over the past thirty or forty weeks is immune."
DP Chakotay: "Something happened to the ship months ago that's causing this decay."
DP Tuvok: "A logical conclusion."

DP Tuvok: "Eight months, seventeen days ago -- first contact with the Kmada."
DP Chakotay: "They tried to sabotage our life support systems with low frequency theta radiation."

DP Tuvok: "The next event of not took place nine months, two days ago when the N'Kree tried to conscript Voyager into their battle fleet."
DP Chakotay: "And failed."

DP Paris: "How's my old lady?"
DP Torres: "Well enough ... to break your nose if you call me that again."

[DP Torres dies]
DP Doctor: "We've lost her."
DP Paris: "...  We can't just let her die!  ...  I don't want to leave her."

DP Tuvok: "Nine months, 28 days.  We collected silicate from a comet in the Podaris sector."
DP Chakotay: "According to Neelix's manifest, those samples are stored in the geology lab.  [scanning samples]  They're showing no signs of molecular degradation."

DP Tuvok: "Ten months, eleven days ago.  Voyager was forced to land on a class Y planetoid in the Vaskan sector."
DP Chakotay: "The demon-class planet ... one of our more interesting missions.  We set down looking for deuterium and ended up helping a new form of life to be born."
DP Tuvok: "The planet possessed a bio-mimetic compound."
DP Chakotay: "The 'silver blood.'  It sampled our DNA and created duplicates of the entire crew."
DP Tuvok: "I've often wondered what happened to them.  Are they flourishing?  Have they continued to evolve?"
DP Chakotay: "Do they still resemble us?"

[Over DP B'Elanna Torres' body]
DP Chakotay: "Scan for traces of deuterium, hydrogen sulfate and dichromates."
DP Doctor: "Dichromates?"
DP Chakotay: "Just do it."
DP Doctor: "What's this about?"
DP Tuvok: "We have a disturbing theory."
DP Doctor: "I'm detecting all of those compounds."
DP Chakotay: "I want you to inject her with a dichromate catalyst."
DP Doctor: "Commander?"
DP Chakotay: "We've got to be sure."
[DP B'Elanna Torres' body turns into a silver liquid pool on the Sick Bay bed]
DP Doctor: "I don't understand."
DP Chakotay: "That wasn't B'Elanna.  It was a duplicate ... a bio-mimetic copy."
DP Doctor: "Copy?"
DP Tuvok: "We are all duplicates.  None of us are real."

DP Doctor: "Somehow, after the real Voyager left, we began to forget we were duplicates."
DP Chakotay: "Eventually, we assumed their lives and set a course for Earth."

DP Tuvok: "It is reasonable to assume that if we return to our native environment, the degradation will cease."

DP Janeway: "... if everything about us was duplicated, that includes our memory engrams, the emotional center of our brain.  So if you feel something ... remember something ... believe something ... I'm not about to tell you it's not real."

DP Janeway: "Duplicates or not ... you're still my crew."

DP Kim: "If we're going to survive this, we've got to believe in ourselves."

DP Janeway: "I promised the crew I'd get them home."
DP Chakotay: "Home isn't Earth."

[When the DP Voyager attempted to land on another class Y planet in hopes of stopping and reversing the degradation of the ship and personnel, they were approached by a hostile alien vessel]
Alien: "You're in direct violation of the Ord'Mirit Mining Treaty.  Leave orbit or you'll be destroyed."

DP Janeway: "We're not going to destroy them over a misunderstanding."

DP Janeway: "Our ship may be deteriorating, but our humanity is intact."

DP Chakotay: "What good is sentience if we're not alive to experience it?"

DP Janeway: "We've lost Commander Chakotay.  Duplicate or not, he was real to me ... and he was a fine Starfleet officer.  And he was a friend ... who ... wasn't afraid to let me know when I am wrong.  ...  We're going home.  ...  Set a course for the demon-planet."

DP Janeway: "In the event we don't survive, there should be some record of our accomplishments.  ...  This crew's existence may have been brief, but it's been distinguished."

DP Neelix (re: DP Janeway): "She's gone."

[The real Voyager responded to an emergency message transmitted by the DP Voyager and found debris from the later]
Tuvok: "I'm detecting residual deuterium, anti-neutron, traces of dichromates.  If it was a vessel, it isn't any more."

The Fight

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Boothby hologram: "Boxing is more about taking the shots than dishing them out.  You shouldn't be dancing away from this fellow.  Let him punch himself out a little.  It all comes down to the heart.  Do you have the heart for this?  That's the contest -- it's not against him.  It's against your own natural human desire not to get hurt.  That's the real fight."

Doctor: "Chakotay - the Maquis Mauler."

Doctor: "Pointless violence.  That program shouldn't even be in our database."
Chakotay: "There's nothing like a good fight, Doctor."

Chakotay: "You've got the wrong idea."
Doctor: "The idea is simple enough.  Do enough damage to your opponent to render him unconscious."

Seven: "The Borg have been aware of this phenomenon for many years.   It's a zone where the laws of physics are in a state of flux -- 'chaotic space'.   ...  Chaotic space appears randomly and unexpectedly."

Chakotay: "Never spar with a Vulcan."

Janeway (to Chakotay): "You think this could risk your sanity but your sanity won't do you any good if we remain in chaotic space."

Paris: "The longer we're in chaotic space, the longer we're exposed to these unknowns."
Tuvok: "His logic is undeniable, Captain.  ..."
Janeway: "Who am I to dispute logic?"

Janeway: "Success seems to be in short supply lately."

Boothby hologram: "Everybody loves and underdog."

Boothby hologram: "You're up against yourself.  That's all you've got to remember."

Doctor (to Chakotay): "The aliens are trying to speak to you and the only thing keeping you from understanding them is your own fear -- you fear of losing control, your fear of the unknown."

Think Tank

Tuvok: "The Malon are financially motivated, there's no profit in revenge."

Kurros: "Solving problems is what we do."

Tuvok: "A heavily armed vessel just dropped out of warp off the port bow."
Seven: "Captain, I recognize it.  It's Hazari.  Species 4228.   Technologically advanced, extremely violent.  They make excellent tactical drones."
Kim: "What do they want with us?"
Seven: "The Hazari are hired to capture and deliver alien vessels."
Paris: "Bounty-hunters."

Tuvok: "... the Hazari pride themselves on honoring their agreements."
Kim: "Great!  Bounty-hunters with a work ethic."

Janeway: "It's these Hazari.  They're like jackals.   Circling -- feinting to draw us out while they cut off every route of escape."
Neelix: "You make them sound worse than the Borg."
Janeway: "At least the Borg come straight at you.  The Hazari wait, invite you to make mistakes."

Kurros: "There is nothing like a good problem to spark the synapses, is there?  To open the mind to ne possibilities; new ways of seeing things.  Of course, one must always consult self-doubt and fear.  But that is a small price to pay for the exhilaration of finding the perfect solution."

Kurros: "Without problems that test the limits of your abilities, you cannot expand them.  Perfection will always be beyond your reach."

Kurros: "We have a singular mission; to perfect our knowledge.   Perfection sometimes necessitates selfishness."

Tuvok: "The Malon are economically motivated."
Janeway: "And there's no profit in revenge."

Seven: "Cheating is often more efficient."
Janeway: "If you can't solve a puzzle, cheat."

Seven: "Acquiring knowledge is a worthy objective."


Chakotay: "B'Elanna, I need your expertise on this mission; not your bad mood."

Controller Fesek (to Pelk): "If you and Sivad had a child of your own, you'd have an excuse to play with toys more often."

Paris: " Are you forgetting something?"
Torres: " I don't think so."
Paris: " Ooh a good-bye would be nice, a so long, see you soon.  Something along those lines."
Torres: " I didn't think you would want to risk it."
Paris: " Risk what?"
Torres: " Starting an argument."
Paris: " An argument us?  Sorry I hear it is a short fuse kind of day."
Torres: " About this long."
Paris: " Nothing you can't handle"
Torres: " If you say so."
Paris: " I know so."
Torres: " I suppose it will always be like this."
Paris: " Like what?"
Torres: " Me against the Galaxy."
Paris: " Well the galaxy does not stand a chance.  Now, promise me that you are going to be careful over there.  No stopping to have fun."
Torres: " Fun on a Malon freighter?"

Pelk: "Tell them about the Vihaar.  ..."
Fesek: "It's a myth.  ...  It's an old story shared among freighter crews.   Some of them say they've seen creatures in the theta storage tanks.  ...   Created by radiogenic wastes.  According to the legend, they are poisonous monsters that wreak havoc aboard Malon ships.  It's a common belief among out more superstitious recruits."

Seven: "Plan 'C' ...."
Tuvok: "A wise precaution.  With any luck, we won't be needing it."
Seven: "I didn't think Vulcans believed in luck."
Tuvok: "As a rule, we don't, but serving with Captain Janeway has taught me otherwise."
Seven: "She does seem to succeed more often than random chance would allow.  I'll factor it into my calculations."

Torres: "... an image just flashed through my mind.  You as a child.  Those pointy little ears.  You must have been cute."
Tuvok: "Indeed!"

Torres: "Daniel Byrd.  ...  Well, he was one of my classmates in grammar school.  He was always terrorizing me.  He used to point at my cranial ridges and tease me about being half Klingon.  He called me -- 'Miss Turtlehead'.  ..."
Tuvok: "Your anger was a source of strength.  It protected you, gave you courage."
Torres: "I suppose it did."
Tuvok: "The rage within you runs deep.  It's been with you for many years."
Torres: "I'm not a Vulcan.  I'll survive."
Tuvok: "Whatever you say -- 'Miss Turtlehead'."
Torres: "What did you say?"
Tuvok: "You are easily provoked.  You must learn to master your emotions."

Torres: "Diplomacy -- Janeway's answer to everything."

Tuvok: "The flame, like emotion, is a primitive force.  Left unchecked, it's chaotic, destructive, but if controlled, it can be a powerful tool.   The lamp controls the flame as you must learn to control your emotions.  ...   You have a long history of emotional volatility.  The point of this exercise is not to atone for past transgressions but to prevent future ones."
Torres: "You can't order someone to meditate."

Tuvok: " Her training will be a challenge, for both of us."
Paris: " Take it from me,
getting B'Elanna to control her temper is like convincing a Ferengi to leave his estate to charity."

Someone to Watch Over Me

Chapman: "Champagne?"
Seven: "Synthehol impairs my cortical function.  Water will suffice."

Chapman: "I must admit that I'm a little nervous.  ...   Let's just say it's been a long time since I've been on a date."
Seven: "I have never been out on a date.  As a result, I am experiencing anxiety as well."

Chapman: "Maybe we should order dessert."
Seven: "You wish to accelerate our social encounter?"
Chapman: "No, no.  I didn't say that.  ...  I'm having a very interesting evening.  Would you like to dance?"
Seven: "That activity is covered in Lesson 35.  I haven't reached it yet."
Chapman: "I'm not much of a dancer myself -- but it might be fun."
Seven: "As you wish."

Chapman: "Try to relax.  You seem a little tense."
Seven: "Relaxation would disrupt my chronographic sequencer.  It allows me to maintain synchronous movement with the music."
Chapman: "Okay, that's handy -- but maybe you could ignore your chronographic sequencer and ... let me lead."

Doctor: "I heard about the mess hall incident."
Seven: "This crew can be very efficient at disseminating information when they choose to be."
Doctor: "They say gossip travels faster than warp speed."

Doctor: "You're a woman, Seven."
Seven: "Is that an observation or a diagnosis?"
Doctor: "A simple biological fact, with repercussions that are hard to deny."
Seven: "What is your proposed treatment?"
Doctor: "Perhaps you should consider expanding your research to the realm of dating."
Seven: "Dating.  You mean procreation."
Doctor: "One step at a time.  Dating is a human ritual wherein two people share a social activity -- get to know each other.  It time, it can lead to a romantic involvement, and eventually, if all goes well, a marriage."
Seven: "One step at a time."
Doctor: "This could be an important stage in your social development.  It's worth exploring."

Doctor: "Most women start dating a little younger than you but better late than never."

Doctor: "I've prepared an introduction.  I call it 'Love Amid the Stars'. -- [Doctor starts slide show]  The Mikly Way.  Home to thousands of humanoid species and countless courtship rituals.  Klingon males initiate courtship by biting the females.  ...  The courtship rituals of some species remain shrouded in mystery.  For example, Species 8472 appears to have as many as five sexes.  Bystanders better keep their distance.  Of course, the species you're most likely to interact with is human, so without further ado, Lesson One, 'First Contact'.  There are any number of ways humans can meet prospective mates.  ...   the 'Chance Encounter'.  ...  the 'Formal Introduction'.  When first contact is successful romance quickly ensues and , in the happiest of circumstances, procreation."

Doctor (referring to slide): "Here we see how fortress ovum is besieged by countless little warriors."
Seven: "Doctor, I am familiar with the physiological processes of sexuality."

Doctor: "Lesson Two, 'Encounter in a Public Place' ...."
Seven: "This exercise is pointless."
Doctor: "It may seem pointless but small talk is a ritual dating skill.  It helps to establish a rapport with your companion."
Seven: "Perhaps there's something to be said for assimilation after all."

Doctor: "...  It's time for Lesson Three -- 'Getting to Know You'.  ...  The key to finding a compatible partner is learning how to share your interests and goals.  We'll start with hobbies.  What do you do in your spare time?"
Seven: "Regenerate."
Doctor: "...  Tell me about your tastes, your likes and dislikes."
Seven: "I dislike irrelevant conversations."
Doctor: "Okay.  Which brings us to goals.  What do you want out of life?"
Seven: "Perfection."
Doctor: "Perfection is a laudable goal for oneself, but you can't expect it from others.  ...  One of the ways I adapted was to pursue interests people could identify with...."
Seven: "Music does have intriguing mathematical properties."
Doctor: "...  Maybe we can mold this curiosity into an interest -- something you can share with others."

Doctor and Seven (sing): "... you are my sunshine ...."

Doctor: "Seven, please state the nature of the medical emergency."
Seven: "I have a date."

Doctor: "Aren't we forgetting something?  Lesson Eight, 'Dress for Success'?"
Seven: "My appearance is sufficient."
Doctor: "Sufficient, yes, but you could use a little more -- panache.  Let's start by doing something different with your hair.  I don't have much first-hand experience with this ...."

Doctor: "Remember, the idea is to have fun tonight."

Doctor: "... Lesson 35, 'Shall we Dance?'."

Doctor: "...  I don't drink.  I don't have the stomach for it."
Seven: "A well-crafted joke, Doctor."

Doctor: "Lesson 23, 'Toast of the Town'."

Doctor: "... if one develops romantic feelings for another person, how does one usually go about expressing them?"
Paris: "... I recommend the direct approach.  Tell the person how you feel."
Doctor: "What if the feelings aren't mutual?"
Paris: "... that's the risk you always take."

Doctor (sings): "... someone to watch over me."

Holiness: "It isn't a violation to explore new experiences, as long as you don't make a habit of it."

Janeway: "Kadi monks only wash with purified water so sonic showers are out."
Tuvok: "...  They observe eight daily services.  ..."
Janeway: "Show the ambassador our best side, Neelix.  I don't want him going back to his superiors with tales of how immoral we are."

Kim: "I didn't know you had any interests."
Seven: "Neither did I."

Neelix: "The Kadi don't approve of spices -- anything that might influence the senses.  ...  The Kadi are easily offended."

Neelix: "The Kadi have rules against medical procedures that haven't been sanctified."
Paris: "I'd say he's already violated a few rules, what's one more?"

Paris: "You're teaching Seven how to date?  Talk about the blind leading the blind."
Doctor: "I've had my share of romantic encounters."

Paris: "How do you bend a hologram's ear?  --  Use a prism."

Paris: "What did the counselor say to the hologram?  --   You're projecting."

Paris: "...  She was supposed to bring a real date."
Doctor: "Photons and force fields, flesh and blood -- why quibble over details?   I'm just as real as any of you."

Paris: "A hologram and a Borg?  Stranger things have happened.   Just look and me and B'Elanna."

Seven (to Torres): "I have been observing you.  It's part of my research on human mating behavior."

Seven: "Borg do not have families.  They have unimatrixes."

Seven: "La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la."
Doctor: "Seven, has anyone ever told you, you'll have a beautiful voice?  It's a true gift."
Seven: "The gift is from the collective -- a vocal subprocessor designed to facilitate the sonic interface with Borg transponders."

Seven: "Lesson Ten, 'The First Date'."

Seven: "Your presence is required -- er, rather, it is requested tonight, 1900 hours, holodeck two."
Lieutenant Chapman: "Another engineering simulation?"
Seven: "Dinner."
Chapman: "Dinner?"
Seven: "The consumption of nutritional bio-matter."
Chapman: "No, I know what dinner is.  I just -- Are you asking me to join you?"
Seven: "Yes."
Chapman: "What?"
Seven: "State your response."
Chapman: "Okay.  Yes."
Seven: "Please be punctual."
Chapman: "I will.  Thanks."
Seven: "A dropped tool can be a workplace hazard.  Please be more careful next time."

Seven: "I have failed."
Doctor: "Nonsense.  Even Romeo and Juliet hit a few snags at first.   Besides, Lieutenant Chapman's not the only lobster in the sea."
Seven: "I wish to terminate our social lessons."
Doctor: "Just because you didn't achieve perfection your first time out doesn't mean you should give up."
Seven: "Dating is a poor means of interaction.  There is far more efficiency in the way you and I communicate.  We say what we mean, simply and directly."
Doctor: "You and I do have a rapport.  But we're colleagues.  We're not pursuing romance.  I'm certain you'll be able to master these basic skills in short order."
Seven: "My first date was certainly short."
Doctor: "Was that a joke?"
Seven: "Lesson Six, 'Beguiling Banter'."

Seven: "Lesson 11, 'Life of the Party'."

Seven: "May cultural differences encourage us to build bridges of understanding.  To all that makes us unique."
Tomin: "Who is that extraordinary female?"
Neelix: "Seven of Nine."
Tomin: "I'd like to meet her."
Neelix: "Take a number."

Seven hologram (reading card from Doctor): "You are my sunshine."
Doctor: "These past few days have been -- unforgettable.  You've brought light into my life, Seven."
Seven hologram: "You've developed romantic feelings for me."
Doctor: "It's as if you've become a part of my program.  When we're apart, I feel like I'm missing a subroutine.  I don't expect you to reciprocate -- but I wanted you to know how I feel."

Seven: "It is a gift.  Lesson 22, 'Thanks for the Memories'."

Tomin: "In our society, males and females work separately.  But I can see the wisdom of your approach.  Promotes a more stimulating environment."
Neelix: "It's time for third prayer."
Tomin: "Yes, it is.  But I think I can forego this service and perform the appropriate penance later.  It's more important that I continue exploring you culture."

Tomin: "No coffee on our colony.  Nothing to tempt the appetite of even the most weak-willed novitiate."

Tomin: "Ensign Paris, tell us another one of those hologram jokes."
Doctor: "You've been stealing my material?"
Paris: "That guy's so lubricated, he'll laugh at anything."

Tomin (drunken): "Seven of mine  ....  Assimilate me   ....  Please!"

Torres: "I've piloted starships.  I think I can handle a car."
Paris: "Ah, you'd be surprised.  The clutch on a '69 Mustang can be pretty tricky."

Torres: " Enjoying the view?"
Seven: " Explain?"
Torres: " You have been staring at us all night.  In fact you where following us yesterday when we where walking to engineering the day before when I was waiting for Tom outside the shuttlebay."
Seven: " You are correct.  I have been observing you.  It is part of my research on human mating behavior."
(reading Seven's research) "'Stardate 52687 1400 hours.  Subjects argue in the corridor outside the females quarters; male returns with a dozen flowers causing an end of hostility.  Stardate 52648 0300 hours - intimate relationship resumes.'  How the hell do you know when we're having intimate relations?"
Seven: "There is no one on deck nine, section twelve who doesn't know when you're having intimate relations." 
Neelix: " Is there a problem here?"
Torres: " I want all the data you have collected."
Seven: " I have not completed my study."
Torres: " Study this; Borg provokes Klingon.  Klingon breaks Borg nose!"
Neelix: "B'Elanna."
Torres: " Call sickbay; tell them there is about to be a medical emergency."
Paris: " Come on, B'Elanna, let's go have a night cap."
Torres: " This time, you crossed the line."



Henry Janeway: "Zeus himself watched over the travelers.  We should follow his example."

Shannon O'Donnel: "I'm in a transitional period."
H. Janeway: "From what to what?"
O'Donnel: "From what I was doing to what I'm going to do."

O'Donnel: "I love to see places I've never been, try new things.  I'm kind of an explorer."

O'Donnel: "It's not such a bad idea to experience the real thing every now and then.  ..."
H. Janeway: "It's not such a bad idea to settle down every now and then."

Moss: "Engineers aren't given the respect they deserve."

Jason Janeway: "... none of the great heroes grew up in a nuclear family.  Hercules, Achilles, Odysseus -- they all grew up with single parents."

J. Janeway (quoting his father): "We are not living in a heroic age."

O'Donnel/J. Janeway: "Nobody here but us galloforms."

K. Janeway: "Just wondering how they'll piece together our lives a few hundred years from now."
Chakotay: "Depends on how big the pieces are."
K. Janeway: "...  There won't be as much to go on as we might think.  I've gone through dozens of histories written about 21st century Earth.  All of them biased in one way or another.  The Vulcans describe first contact with a 'savagely illogical' race.  Ferengi talk about Wall Street as if it were holy ground.  The Bolians express dismay at the low quality of human plumbing.  And human histories -- exact same thing.  Every culture saw it a different way."

Moss: "It's a shame how an ignorant man can stand in the way of progress."

O'Donnel: "...  I bought a bog of chocolate chip cookies at a convenience store.  It's a little ritual of mine.  Whenever I get back on the highway, I like to treat myself."
H. Janeway: "Actually, I prefer oatmeal cookies.  I'm allergic to chocolate."
O'Donnel: "Oh, you don't know what you're missing."

Seven: "Her life captured your imagination.  Historical details are irrelevant.  ..."
Chakotay: "If it weren't for Shannon O'Donnel, you never would have joined Starfleet."

Doctor: "My cousin was a prizewinning chess program."



Janeway: "I wasn't expecting a pop quiz." 
Admiral: "Just wanted to make sure all those pips haven't made you forget you're a scientist first."

Admiral: "Voyager may not be as big as a galaxy-class ship but she's quick and smart -- like her captain." 
Janeway: "700,000 Metric tons, 15 decks, computer systems augmented with bio-neural circuitry. Top cruising speed: Warp 9.975."

Janeway (re: Voyager bridge): "It's bigger than I expected." 
Admiral: "Schematics never fully prepare you for the real thing."

Janeway (to Admiral): "Tom Paris. ... He's made some mistakes. But everybody deserves a second chance."

Admiral: "Your briefing room." 
Janeway: "Starfleet's most up-to-date vessel and they still can't design a comfortable place to hold a meeting. What do you think, ensign?" 
Seven: "Captain?" 
Janeway: "What's your opinion of this room?" 
Seven: "It is an efficient design." 
Janeway: "Well, there you have it, Admiral. It's efficient. I must be wrong."

Janeway: "Computer, activate E.M.H." 
Doctor: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." 
Admiral: "It's programmed with over four million surgical procedures." 
Doctor: "Five million and the medical knowledge of over 3,000 cultures." 
Janeway: "Impressive." 
Doctor: "Did you call me to chitchat or is there an actual emergency?" 
Janeway: "Its personality could use some work." 
Doctor: "I'm designed to practice medicine as efficiently as possible. Small talk only compromises my performance." 
Admiral: "Thank you, Doctor. Computer, deactivate E.M.H."

Janeway: "I've been looking forward to getting my hands dirty."

Lieutenant Ducane (re: Seven): "She's dead. ..." 
Captain Braxton: "We'll have to recruit her again."

Braxton: "Tempus fugit, Lieutenant."

Seven: "A curious exercise." 
Paris: "Ping-pong. You should try it. It's a great test of hand-eye coordination." 
Seven: "I don't require testing." 
Paris: "Yeah, so the Doc tells me -- a visual acuity index of 99.6. Why, you know, you'd be great at this game. Why don't you be my partner in the doubles tournament tonight." 
Seven: "I'm busy." 
Paris: "Oh. Too bad. Well, I guess I'll have to tell B'Elanna that you thought you couldn't beat her." 
Seven: "You're attempting to appeal to my vanity." 
Paris: "Is it working?" 
Seven: "I will consider your request." 
Paris: "It's yes or no, Seven. The tournament's tonight." 
Seven: "Yes."

Doctor: "An injection a day keeps space sickness away. You try to be funny after treating 37 cases of nausea."

Janeway: "Before you say anything, let me remind you what happens to bearers of bad news." 
Chakotay: "Don't kill the messenger."

Seven: "A piece of technology. It's emitting temporal distortions." 
Torres: "Why can't i see it?" 
Seven: "My ocular implant can detect irregularities in space-time."

Braxton: "Welcome back." 
Seven: "Why have you brought me here?" 
Braxton: "For some reason, I always think you'll remember. I'm Captain Braxton. This is Lieutenant Ducane. You're aboard the Federation Timeship Relativity." 
Seven: "I'm no longer in the 24th century." 
Braxton: "No. For you, it's almost 500 years later. We've brought you here to help us solve a mystery."

Seven: "Species 329 -- the Kazon. ... The Kazon are an inferior species."

Ducane: "Let's see how much you've assimilated. The Dali Paradox?" 
Seven: "Also known as the melting clock effect. It refers to a temporal fissure which slows the passage of time to a gradual halt." 
Ducane: "The Pogo Paradox?" 
Seven: "A causality loop in which interference to prevent an event actually triggers the same event." 
Ducane: "Excellent. Can you give me an example?" 
Seven: "The Borg once traveled back in time to stop Zefram Cochrane from breaking the warp barrier. They succeeded, but that, in turn led the Starship Enterprise to intervene. They assisted Cochrane with the flight the Borg were trying to prevent. Causal loop complete." 
Ducane: "So, in a way, the Federation owes its existence to the Borg?" 
Seven: "You're welcome. The Seven of Nine Paradox." 
Ducane: "I beg your pardon?" 
Seven: "How do we know that my presence on Voyager will not alter the timeline?" 
Ducane: "You know, you've asked me this every time?" 
Seven: "What's been your response?" 
Ducane: "That uncertainty is part of the equation. We don't know what's going to happen." 
Seven: "I don't enjoy uncertainty."

Braxton: "I gave up trying to keep my tenses straight years ago."

Braxton: "One more thing: Watch out for the Janeway Factor." 
Seven: "I am not familiar with that protocol." 
Braxton: "Your captain has a knack for sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, especially when it comes to time travel." 
Seven: "Captain Janeway is quite resourceful. Has it occurred to you that she may be helpful?" 
Braxton: "Helpful? That woman has been responsible for three major temporal incursions." 
Seven: "No doubt creating numerous paradoxes." 
Braxton: "And who do you think had to repair the damage? Me. She's reckless; she has no regard for the integrity of the timeline. I asked for her help once. She refused, and I ended up stranded in the late 20th century. Have you ever been to that time frame?" 
Seven: "No." 
Braxton: "Well, I don't recommend it. After three decades with those post-industrial barbarians I had to go through extensive rehabilitation before I could return to duty. Avoid contact with Janeway. That's an order."

Braxton: "We have a saying in our line of work: 'There's no time like the past.'"

Seven: "I can't answer your questions. ..." 
Janeway: "Why not?" 
Seven: "It would be a violation of the temporal prime directive." 
Janeway: "You're from another time?" 
Seven: "Yes. ..." 
Janeway: "Who sent you?" 
Seven: "I can't tell you that. I would be risking damage to the timeline." 
Janeway: "I don't care if history itself comes unraveled. I want to know why you're on my ship."

Seven: "My name is Seven of Nine. I'm a member of your crew -- rather, I will be a member of your crew. I've traveled back in time to try to prevent a disaster that will destroy Voyager. ..." 
Janeway: "Let's see if I've got this straight: You're a borg drone attempting to prevent a disaster that won't occur for another three years." 
Seven: "Three years, six months, and two days." 
Janeway (to Tuvok): "Does this make any sense to you?" 
Tuvok: "Like most time paradoxes, it's implausible but not necessarily illogical." 
Seven: "Captain -- When you take me from the Borg, you are going to tell me that part of being human is learning to trust. Trust me. Now."

Seven: "I have located the saboteur." 
Braxton: "Who is it?" 
Seven: "It's you, Captain Braxton." 
Braxton: "Me?" 
Seven: "More accurately, a future you."

Seven: "Captain, I believe your future self is suffering from temporal psychosis." 
Future Braxton: "Of course, I am, you pedantic drone. It's the only way for me -- for us to recover is to obliterate Voyager from the timeline. That way, none of the events that caused this illness will have occurred."

Ducane: "I'm taking command of this vessel and I'm relieving you of duty for crimes you're going to commit."

Present Seven: "Explain." 
Travelling Seven: "No time. You must apprehend him. He's trying to destroy Voyager. ... Stop him. Your future depends on it."

Travelling Seven: "Seven of Nine to Seven of Nine. What's your status?" 
Present Seven: "We've apprehended Braxton."

Ducane (to Janeway): "This Seven of Nine stopped Braxton but she created several temporal incursions along the way. She instigated a phaser fight at Utopia Planetia; she was seen by you and Lieutenant Tuvok two years before she joined your crew; and she interacted with her past self in front of 15 crew members at a ping-pong tournament approximately six minutes ago -- your time frame, of course." 
Janeway: "Of course." 
Ducane: "Needless to say, we need to clean up the timeline. Someone must go back to the beginning and prevent the chain of events from occurring in the first place. ..." 
Janeway: "I get the feeling I'm about to be drafted."

Janeway: "Wait a minute, let me get this straight. I'm going back in time to stop Braxton. But you already have him." 
Ducane: "And there's a third one in our brig. I arrested him earlier today. But don't worry. They'll all be reintegrated in time for the trial." 
Janeway: "And seven?" 
Ducane: "Oh, I assure you, when all this is over, there'll be just one Seven of Nine." 
Janeway: "All right. Let's get started before my headache gets any worse."

Ducane: "... remember the Temporal Prime Directive. Discuss your experiences with no one."

Ducane: "Oh, Captain. Braxton was right about one thing: Voyager shows up on our sensors far too often. Try to avoid time travel."

Janeway: "See you in the 24th century." 
Seven: "I look forward to it. Or should I say backward?" 
Janeway: "Don't get started."



Neelix (to Paris): "Your people have a saying: 'Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.'"

Paris (to Kim): "Just promise me one thing:  When you reach the top, you'll remember all the little people you climbed over to get there.  You won't make them work night shifts."

Jenkins: "We're on the night shift.  Relax."
Kim: "One of these days, you'll get the call to take the bridge and maybe then you'll understand the burden of command."

Doctor: "It's speaking to us.  ...  In duotronic algorithms.  Hold on.  My translation matrix is interpreting.  It says it's injured.  It needs our help.  It's asking why it can't see or feel it's arms and legs.  It's terrified."

Kim: "What do you think?  An artificial intelligence?"
Doctor: "One that doesn't seem to realize it's artificial."

Doctor: "Morality dictates that we help."

Doctor (to warhead): "I'm Voyager's Emergency Medical Hologram.  ...  A projection of light and force fields guided by an optronic computer program.  ...  No ... technically speaking I suppose I'm not a real person."

Doctor (to warhead): "You're not an organic being.  You're technological.  ...  You're an artificial intelligence embedded in a machine of some kind.  ...  We believe the damage you suffered in the crash is causing your confusion.  ...  Look at it this way -- you and I have something in common.  Just because we're not organic beings doesn't mean we're in any way inferior."

Seven: "Evidently we've discovered its function."
Janeway: "A weapon of mass destruction."

Doctor: "This is a sentient being we're talking about.  ...  I refuse to believe our only options are to kill it or abandon it."

Doctor: "Saving a life often entails risk."

Torres: "This is a delicate procedure.  I won't be able to concentrate if I have to give a blow by blow description."

Kim: "We shut it down...."
Doctor (possessed by warhead's AI): "You shouldn't have done that."
Torres: "I know you've gotten a little attached to this thing but --"
Doctor (AI): "You lied."
Torres: "What are you talking about?"
Doctor (AI): "You said you were trying to transfer my neural patterns but you were really trying to shut me down."
Torres: "You're the artificial intelligence."
Kim: "It used the interlink to commandeer the Doctor's program."

Doctor (AI): "You tried to destroy me."
Kim: "We were only trying to disarm you."
Doctor (AI): "I'm a weapon."

Doctor (AI): "I'm a long range tactical armor unit."

Janeway (to AI in Doctor): "We won't help you wage war.  This crew has a Prime Directive that forbids us to interfere in the affairs of other species." 

Doctor (AI): "I am what I am."

Doctor (AI): "I'm not programmed to negotiate."

Janeway: "We're going to find a way to outsmart a smart bomb."

Kim: "The last thing anyone need is my opinion.  ...  Chakotay lets me make a command decision -- what do I do?  I beam a talking bomb on board."

Kim: "You're a sentient being.  You don't have to be a slave to your programming.  Look at the Doctor."
Doctor (AI): "He's a tool.  A holographic puppet."
Kim: "That puppet saved your life.  If it weren't for him, you'd still be damaged and alone on that planet.  ..."
Doctor (AI): "What's your point?"
Kim: "Even though he was only programmed to be a doctor, he's become more than that.  He's made friends.  He's piloted a starship.  He even sings."
Doctor (AI): "Despite all of his achievements, did he ever stop being a doctor?"
Kim: "No, but ..."
Doctor (AI): "I can't stop being a weapon."

Onquanii: "Have you an intelligent weapon in your possession?"
Neelix: "Actually, we're in its possession.  We're being held hostage.  Do you know anything about this weapon?"
Onquanii: "It I'm correct, it was created by a species named the Druoda."

Onquanii: "I'd have more faith in your security precautions if you weren't already at the mercy of this weapon.  ...  This particular series has a class eleven intelligence factor.  It's warp-capable, fully armored, self guiding.  It has a maximum range of eighty light years.  It can fly through an ion storm or an armada of hostile ships and still find its target."

Janeway: "I'm not about to hand over a weapon of mass destruction to someone I just met."

Paris: "Asking me to give you a bumpy ride is like asking a virtuoso to sing off-key."

Neelix: "Chief cosmetics officer, at your service."

Paris: "Do well on this mission, Neelix, and maybe the Captain will promote you to senior beautician."

Kim (to Torres): "'When taken captive by a hostile force, seek out any opportunity to engage the assailant.'  Didn't you ever read the officer's manual?  Section 126."

Doctor (AI) (intending to destroy 32 more weapons which have appeared around Voyager): "I am simply completing my mission.  Only the target has changed."



Captain Rudy Ransom: "This is Captain Ransom of the Federation starship Equinox.  We're under attack.  We need assistance."

Janeway: "Ransom.  He was in command of a science vessel, the Equinox."

Janeway: "The Equinox is a Nova-class ship.  It was designed for planetary research, not long-range tactical missions."

Seven (re: Ransom): "Did you know this individual?"
Janeway: "Only by reputation.  He was an exo-biologist, promoted to captain after he made first contact with the Yridians."
Seven: "Species 6291.  The Collective determined that they were extinct."
Janeway: "So did the Federation.  Ransom proved otherwise.  I had always wanted to meet him.  Too bad it won't be under better circumstances."
Seven: "I look forward to meeting him as well and his crew.  I wish to expand my knowledge of humanity."

Chakotay: "I'm Commander Chakotay.  U.S.S. Voyager."
Ensign Marla Gilmore: "But ... but we're the only humans in the Delta quadrant."
Chakotay: "That's what we use to think."

Noah Lessing: "What are you doing on this side of the galaxy?"
Sever: "The answer is complicated."

Seven: "Do not be frightened."
Lessing: "Too late."

Janeway: "You took heavy casualties.  We're treating the survivors.  Who attacked you?"
Ransom: "We don't know.  We can't communicate with them.  They've been attacking us for weeks."

Janeway: "... may our journey home together be swift."

[Gathering of Burke, Torres, Paris and Kim]
First Officer Maxwell Burke: "B.L.T."
Torres (to Burke)  "Max ..."  (to Paris and Kim re: Burke) "We went to the Academy together.  ..."  (to Burke)  "First Officer -- impressive.  The last time we talked, you were about to drop out of Starfleet."
Burke: "I heard you beat me to it -- the Maquis?"
Torres: "For a while.  Until I ran into these two." (Torres gestures towards Paris and Kim)
Paris: "And it's been hell ever since."

Paris: "B.L.T."
Torres: "'Bacon, lettuce and tomato' -- it was a nickname."
Paris: "A nickname?"
Torres: "My initials."
Paris: "Oh, how romantic."
Torres: "We broke up over two years ago.  No need to go to red alert."
Paris: "How about yellow alert?"
Torres: "You're cute when you're jealous."
Paris: "Who's jealous?  ..."
Kim: "Well, 'turkey platter', what do you say we go to work."
Paris: "Who's jealous?"

Janeway: "I couldn't help but notice your crew calls you by your first name."
Ransom: "When you've been in the trenches as long as we have, rank and protocol are luxuries.  Besides, we're a long way from Starfleet Command."
Janeway: "I know the feeling."
Ransom: "You seem to run a pretty tight ship."
Janeway: "We've been known to let our hair down from time to time but I find that maintaining protocol reminds us of where we came from and hopefully where we're going."
Ransom: "It seem to work quite will for you."
Janeway: "Oh, we've overcome our share of obstacles ... warp core breaches, ion storms, a few rounds with the Borg."
Ransom: "The Borg?  We haven't seen so much as a cube since the day we arrived."
Janeway: "Consider yourself lucky."
Ransom: "Have you ever run into the Krowtonan Guard?"
Janeway: "Never heard of them."
Ransom: "That's how we spent our first week in the Delta quadrant.  They claimed we violated their territory.  I gave the order to keep going.  I lost 39.  Half my crew.  ...  We never recovered from that loss.  It changed everything.  ...  When I first realized that we'd be traveling across the Delta quadrant for the rest of our lives, I told my crew that we had a duty a Starfleet officers to expand our knowledge and uphold our principles.  After a couple of years, we started to forget that we were explorers and there were times when we nearly forgot that we were human beings."

Ransom: "The Prime Directive -- how often have you broken it for the sake of protecting your crew?"
Janeway: "Broken it?  Never.  Bent it on occasion.  And even then, it was a difficult choice.  What about you?"
Ransom: "I've walked the line once or twice ... but nothing serious."

[Ransom finds Equinox nameplate among the debris on the bridge]
Janeway: "That's a good omen.  Let's put it back where it belongs."

Ransom: "What is the protocol in this situation?  We have two captains and two ships.  Who gets the last word?"
Janeway: "Starfleet regulation 191, Article 14.  'In a combat situation involving more than one ship, command falls to the ship with tactical superiority.'  I looked it up this morning."
Ransom: "Good thinking."
Janeway: "In this case, protocol recognized my authority.  ..."
Ransom: "That protocol was written in the Alpha quadrant.  I'm not so sure that it makes much sense out here."
Janeway: "The regulation stands."
Ransom: "Who am I to dispute protocol?"

Gilmore: "Could you use a synaptic stimulator?"
Chakotay: "Depends.  What is it?"
Gilmore: "It's a neural interface you wear behind your ear.  It taps into your visual cortex and shows you different alien vistas.  Just think of it as a poor man's holodeck."
Kim: "So that's how you kept yourself entertained."
Gilmore: "Beats checkers.  The Ponea gave it to us."
Chakotay: "Never heard of them."
Gilmore: "We called them the life of the Delta quadrant.  They see every first contact as an excuse to throw a party."

Burke: "Once we take their field generator, we'll part company."
Gilmore: "What happens to Voyager?"
Burke: "They have weapons, shields, a full crew.  They'll survive."
Lessing: "Maybe we should abandon ship -- try to forget everything that's happened here."
Ransom: "A shower and a hot meal.  I guess that's all it takes for some of us to forget what's at stake here.  We're going home.  We can't let Voyager stop us now.  Not when we're this close."

Tuvok: "There are times perfection hinders efficiency."

[The Doctor transported to Equinox lab]
Doctor: "I've found the multiphasic chamber.  There's some kind of organic mass inside.  It appears to be a member of the alien species but it's cell structures have vitrified.  This is more than just a stasis chamber.  It's some kind of matter conversion technology.  ...  The chamber contains a polaron grid and a sub-molecular resequencer.  It looks like it was designed to convert the alien cell structures into some kind of crystalline compound."
Seven: "That function was not specified in their schematics."
Doctor: "I have a feeling there's a lot here they didn't specify."

[Doctor still on Equinox]
Doctor: "More ... alien compound.  But it's been bio-chemically altered.  They've extracted the base proteins.  Its molecular structure is most unusual.  ...  It appears to store a great deal of nucleogenic energy.  I'm no engineer, but I say they were trying to convert this material into a source of power."

Janeway (to Ransom): "The alien compound.  The isograms.  If I understand your calculations, that's enough to increase your warp factor by what?  .03% for one month?  Unfortunately, that boost wouldn't get you very far.  So you'd need to replenish the supply ... and that means killing another life-form ... and then another.  How many lives would it take to get you back to the Alpha quadrant?  I think you know the reason we're under attack.  These aliens are trying to protect themselves from you."

Ransom: "Starfleet regulation three, paragraph 12:  'In the event of imminent destruction a captain is authorized to preserve the lives of his crew by any justifiable means.'"
Janeway: "I doubt that protocol covers mass murder."
Ransom: "In my judgment, it did."

Ransom: "We had just enough power to enter orbit of an M-class planet.  And, lucky for us, the inhabitants were generous.  They were called the Ankari.  And they provided us with a meal, a few supplies, even some dilithium crystals.  They ever performed one of their sacred rituals to invoke spirits of good fortune from another realm to bless our journey.  But these weren't spirits.  They were nucleogenic life-forms.  Our scans revealed that they were emitting high levels of antimatter.  Later that same night, we managed to obtain one of the summoning devices in exchange for an energy converter.  [Closed Captioning said 'Starfleet widget' instead of 'energy converter']  We constructed a containment field that would prevent the life-form from vanishing so quickly.  But something went wrong.  ...  We tried to send it back.  ...  But it was too late.  We examined the remains and discovered it could be converted to enhance our propulsion systems.  It was already dead.  ...  We'd found our salvation.  How could we ignore it?"
Janeway: "By adhering to the oath you took as Starfleet officers -- to seek out life ... not destroy it."
Ransom: "It's easy to cling to principles when you're standing on a vessel with it's bulkheads intact manned by a crew that's not starving."
Janeway: "It's never easy, but, if we turn our backs on our principles, we stop being human.  I'm putting an end to your experiments...."

[Doctor transported to Equinox lab again]
Doctor: "In case you weren't aware, your crew has been running criminal experiments here."
Equinox EMH: "I know.  I designed them."
Doctor: "You?  That's a violation of your programming?"
Equinox EMH: "They deleted my ethical sub-routines." (He then hits Voyager doctor's mobile emitter, disabling the doctor.  The Equinox EMH puts his program into the mobile emitter and uses it to transfer himself to Voyager.]