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Season 3

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Chute

Chakotay: "I guess you're not the only captain who doesn't want their ship boarded."

Janeway: "I'd like to resolve this situation peacefully, Ambassador.  But let me clarify my position....  I will not allow this ship to be boarded."

Janeway: "Then you won't mind if a few of my crew members come aboard to look around." 
Vel: "Not if they don't mind having their throats cut."

Kim: "Did you have to hit me so hard?"  
Paris: "Trust me, you don't want anybody in here thinking you're soft."

Kim: "Let's get something straight first."  
Paris: "What?"   
Kim: "The next time you take a swing at me, I'm hitting back."

Kim: "I'm not a killer."  
Zio: "If you want to survive in here, you'd better learn to be."  
Kim: "If that's what it takes to stay alive, then I'd rather die."

Kim: "This man is my friend.  Nobody touches him!"

Kim: "I almost killed you."  
Paris: "What are you saying?  You're the one who kept me alive."  
Kim: "I was ready to hit you with the pipe.  Don't you remember?"  
Paris: "You want to know what I remember?  Someone saying, 'This man is my friend.  Nobody touches him!'  I'll remember that for a long time."

Piri: "With this ship, you can attack the prison and get your people out."   
Janeway: "I'm sorry.  That's not how we do things where I come from."   
Piri: "Coward."

Vel: "She's not my friend.  She is my sister."

Zio: "Go ahead, finish him.  You wanted to kill him, didn't you."
Kim: "He's my best friend!"
Zio: "No, that's where you're wrong.  He's too far gone to be your friend.  All he is now is a burden."
Kim: "That's not true!"
Zio: "He eats your food, he ruined your device.  He's given in to the clamp.  You've got to get rid of him before he brings you down with him."
Kim: "Quiet!"

The Swarm

Doctor (to Kes): "All the soprani seem to have the most irritating personalities.  These woman are arrogant, superior, and condescending.  I can't imagine anyone behaving that way."

Doctor: "I've just had an unpleasant encounter with a madwoman on the holodeck.  She must have upset me more than I'd realized."

Doctor: "I can't say I'd like to lose the last two years, but my primary responsibility is the health and welfare of this crew."

Doctor: "I think you would be a little more sensitive to my needs." 
Torres: "You're questioning my bedside manner?"

Doctor: "He's a sick man.  This is where sick people come."

Doctor: "Others can leave.  You can leave.  Why can't I leave?"

Doctor ( to Kes): �I demand you tell me my name.� 

Janeway: "If a crew member came down with a debilitating illness, you'd do everything in your power to make them well again.  I think we owe you nothing less."

Kes: "The Doctor has taken it upon himself to become a person who grows, and learns, and feels.  It's made him a better physician."

Paris: Well if you ever have a free evening, I have a holodeck program you might enjoy...sailing on Lake Como.
Torres: I'd rather take my chance with Freddy Bristow.

Paris (to Torres): �I�m just curious how someone with Klingon blood seems to live the life of a Tabran monk.� 

Pentangeli: It's like singing with a computer.

Torres (re: Zimmerman hologram): "I can see where you got your charming personality."
Doctor: "Not to mention my hairline."

Torres: " We've been out here almost five hours and we haven't seen any sign of those energy signatures.  Isn't it time to admit it was nothing more than galactic background noise?"
Paris: " I want to keep looking a while longer.  Just to be sure."

Tuvok: "Would it affect your decision if I pointed out that encroaching on the territory of an alien species is prohibited by Starfleet regulations." 
Janeway: "No, it wouldn't." 
Tuvok: "Captain, you have managed to surprise me." 
Janeway: "We're a long way from Starfleet, Lieutenant.  I'm not about to waste 15 months because we've run into a bunch of bullies."

Zimmerman hologram: "Either reinitialize it or live with the knowledge that eventually this EMH will end up with the intellectual capacity of a parsnip."

Zimmerman hologram: "Look at all this useless information floating around your buffer; friendships with crew, relationships with women?  Do they find you attractive?"

Zimmerman hologram: "I'm a diagnostic tool, not an engineer."

Zimmerman hologram: "This EMH will end up with the intellectual capacity of a parsnip."

Zimmerman hologram: �You filled your memory with nonsense.� 
Doctor: �It was only during my off hours.� 
Zimmerman hologram: �You�re suppose to be off in your off hours!� 


Chakotay (to Torres): �I know, you�ll rip my heart out and eat it raw.� 

Dathan: "You can't go on trying to believe in both of us anymore.  Either he's right and you should never see me again.  Or I'm right and he is part of a terrible crime."

Doctor: "I don't think satisfying your curiosity is worth risking brain damage, Lieutenant."

Janeway: "If they've chosen to conceal part of their history from their own descendants, that's their own decision, whether we approve of it or not."

Janeway: "They'll be gone in another day.  The situation will resolve itself."
Tuvok: "And yet, you fully intend to continue investigating."
Janeway: "I wonder how long it's been since I did anything that surprised you."

Jareth: "A secret conspiracy against their people, organized murder on such an enormous scale.  Do you really think that your family and friends are capable of that?"

Jareth: "They'll say anything to get what they want.  Like that boy, Dathan.  Has he told you he's in love with you?  He's not.  It's his way of gaining your sympathy.  And not only yours.  I've seen him talking to quite a number of young women.  Has he been asking you to trust him, poisoning you against your own people, even your own family?  That's very cruel.  No wonder you've been confused.  Now you understand what these people are really like."

Mirell (to Torres): "You won't deny the truth.  We've been hiding it, but I couldn't anymore.  They found out I was sharing it with you.  Don't let the memories die; promise."

Torres/Korenna (to Dathan): "Nothing's impossible if you want it badly enough."

Torres: "It is the truth.  I know you don't want to believe it.  In fact, they're counting on that.  They always have."

Torres: "She showed me everything.  No apologies.  No request for forgiveness.  Just the truth.  At least she had the conscience to stand up and realize what she had done wrong, which is more than I can say for you."

Torres (to Janeway): " I know that I could have found a better way to handle the situation than just charging into the mess hall like that.  I was just too angry to think straight.  Not the first time that's happened, I know."

Torres: "That's it?  We just go on our merry way and nobody ever has to take any kind of responsibility?"

Torres: "I know you have no reason to believe what I've said about your people.  All you have is my word against everything you've ever been taught."
Jessen: "That's right."
Torres: "So prove me wrong.  Go down to Enara and find the colony where the Regressives were supposed to live.  Talk to people.  Ask questions.  Learn the truth for yourself."

Future's End, Part I

Braxton: The end is coming!  The future's end!

Braxton: You quasi-Cardassian totalitarian!

Braxton: "Who's been here?  Who took my pencils?"

Chakotay: "Well, Kathryn. You got us home." 
Janeway: "Right place, wrong time."

Chakotay: "She does have your legs."

Janeway: "I won't sacrifice this ship and crew based on a 10-second conversation.  I need proof."

Janeway: "The question isn't where we are, it's when we are."

Janeway: "Time travel.  Since my first day on the job as a Starfleet captain, I swore I'd never get let myself get caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes.  The future is the past.  The past is the future.  It all gives me a headache."

Janeway: "What will we need to pass as locals in this era?"
Paris: "Simple.  Nice clothes, fast car -- and lots of money."

Janeway: "Ensign Kim, you have an impeccable sense of timing.  Not bad for your first day in the big chair."

Janeway: "This is like stone knives and bearskins."

Janeway: "If you don't give us that ship, we'll take it by force."
Starling: "In case you haven't noticed, I'm holding the gun."
Janeway: "Not for long.  I've got a starship in orbit that could vaporize this entire building in a blink of an eye."
Starling: "And you along with it."
Janeway: "If necessary."

Neelix (intrigued with televised 'soap operas'): "I can't wait to see if Blaine's twin brother is the father of Jessica's baby."

Paris: "Somehow I doubt that taking a test drive is going to alter the course of the universe."

Paris: "Your curves don't look so great."
Rain: "Excuse me?"

Paris (to Tuvok):  "Vulcans.  Deep down, you're all a bunch of hypochondriacs."

Paris: "This lab is pretty groovy." -- Paris.

Rain Robinson: "Who are you people and what is that thing in your pants?"
Tuvok: "I beg your pardon."

Rain: "Geese don't park themselves 20,000 kilometers above North America."

Rain: "You know a lot for someone who can't find his way past Saturn."
Paris: "I majored in astrophysics."
Rain: "Where?"
Paris: "Starfleet Academy."
Rain: "Never heard of it."
Paris: "Uh -- east coast school."

Rain: "The USSR broke up five years ago.  The KGB doesn't even exist anymore."
Paris: "That's what they'd like you to think."

Torres: "The Captain put you in charge.  It's your decision."

Tuvok: "We could have worn our Starfleet uniforms.  I doubt if anyone would have noticed."

Tuvok: "... and as for my ears, they're a family trait."

Tuvok: "I am curious, Lieutenant.  What does it mean: 'groovy'?"

Future's End, Part II

Braxton: "I never experienced that time-line."

Doctor: "I find your interest in my well-being less than genuine."

Doctor (to Starling): "A paranoid response indicative of bipolar personality disorder.  Southern California in the late 20th century had no shortage of psychotherapists, competent and otherwise.  I suggest you find one."

Doctor (to Starling): "I'm a doctor, not a database."

Doctor: "I'm not programmed to make small talk."

Doctor: "I've been equipped with an autonomous, self-sustaining mobile holo-emitter.  In short, I am footloose and fancy-free."

Doctor: "Try to relax.  You appear to be hallucinating."
Rain: "Oh! Is that what I am?  I'm hallucinating."

Doctor: "How exactly do I get to torpedo tube one?"

Janeway: "You don't care about the future.  You don't care about the present.  Does anything matter to you, Mr. Starling?"
Starling: "The betterment of mankind."

Janeway: "In my time, Mr. Starling, no human being would dream of endangering the future to gain advantage in the present."
Starling: "Captain, the future you're talking about, that's 900 years from now.   I have a company to run and a whole world full of people waiting on me to make their lives a little bit better."

Janeway: "Chronowerx stock is about to crash."

Kim: "Welcome to the bridge, Doctor."
Doctor: "Thank you.  It's a pleasure to be here."

Paris: "I've never met anyone quite like you, and I don't think I ever will."
Rain: "Same here. Say hi to Saturn for me."

Paris: "Tuvok, has anyone ever told you, you're a real freakasaurus?"

Porter: "Are you spying on us -- chief?"
Chakotay: [Chuckles]  No.  Just passing by."
Butch: "In your new stealth plane?  Who sent you?"
Torres: "Nobody sent us.  We had engine trouble."
Butch: "I don't believe her.  They're wearing military uniforms.  Flying a secret plane.  They're coming for us."
Porter: "'U.S.S.' equals federal government.  The federal government is the beast."
Chakotay: "We are not from the beast.  Just take us to our plane."
Butch: "Shut up!"
Porter: "That'll be all."

Porter: "There are two forces at work in the world -- the drive toward collectivity and the drive toward individuality.  You are the former and I am the latter."
Torres: "We told you.  We are not from the United States government.  And we are not ..."
Porter: "The beast has many heads and I'm looking at two of them."
Chakotay: "Listen, I use to think violence could be the solution to a problem, but it's not true."
Porter: "You are no patriot."
Chakotay: "I was a freedom fighter ... so I thought.  That gun will get you nowhere."

Porter: "They've got lasers.  A black man and some bald guy."

Porter: [After attempting to and failing to kill the Doctor]  "God in Heaven, help us."
Doctor: "Divine intervention is unlikely."  [The Doctor then stuns Porter and Butch]  "Tuvok's at the shuttle.  He's starting repairs."
Chakotay: "Doctor, how ..."
Doctor: "It's a long story, Commander.  Suffice it to say, I'm making a house call."

Rain: "Let me guess. Someone broke into the van last night while I was sleeping, tried to snatch the stereo, you bravely fought them off and now you're repairing the damage."
Paris: "That's exactly what happened."
Rain: "My hero."

Rain: "Yesterday afternoon, I picked up a UFO in orbit.  Today my life is totally out of control.  So don't think I'm too stupid to notice."

Rain: "And you.  Mister Leisure Suit."
Doctor: "There's a name I hadn't considered."

Rain: "Let's recap:  UFO in orbit, laser pistols, people vanishing.   I've seen every episode of Mission: Impossible.  You're not secret agents."
Paris: "I told you I can't talk about it."
Rain: "Well, you can't keep a girl from hypothesizing.  I'm a scientist."

Rain: "Talk about a motley crew. We have the Doctor, a guy with the worst, worst, taste in clothing I've ever seen.  Tuvok -- what a freakasaurus!  Has that guy ever cracked a smile?"
Paris: "Not that I can recall."
Rain: "And you Tom Paris, hmm, sexy, in a Howdy Doody sort of way.  Pretty goofy, although sometimes I think you're the smartest man I've ever met. All this running around you do, your mission.  You're so dedicated, like you care about something more than just your own little life."
Paris: "Is that so unusual?"
Rain: "Yeah!"

Henry Starling: "... Start talking."
Doctor: "Or suffer the consequences?  Hardly.  I'm a hologram.  I experience neither pain nor fear of death.  You have no means of coercing me."
[Starling clicks a computer mouse button.]
[The Doctor gasps]
Starling: "Pain.  [Click]  It's an interesting sensation, isn't it?"
Doctor: "I never realized."
Sterling: "How unpleasant it could be?"

Starling: "Pack a lunch, Doc. We're going for a walk."

Starling: "Give me some credit, Captain.  I did pretty well for a primitive."

Starling: "What are you going to do?  Shoot me?"
Janeway: "The thought has crossed my mind."

Starling: "I created the micro-computer revolution."
Janeway: "Using technology you never should have had."
Starling: "Irrelevant -- my products benefit the entire world.  Without me, there would be no laptops, no internet, no bar code readers.  What's good for Chronowerx is good for everybody.  I can't stop now.  One trip to the 29th century and I can bring back enough technology to start the next ten computer revolutions."

Torres:  "Sounds like you had a lot more fun at the Academy than I did.  I remember dodging a few punches in the lab."
Chakotay:  "Only you, B'Elanna, could start a brawl in Astrotheory 101."
Torres:  "I guess I was just a little more enthusiastic, in those days."
Chakotay:  "I guess so."

Torres: "Wasn't there supposed to be a timeship in that truck?"

Torres: "Highly qualified Klingon seeks position as engineer."

Tuvok: "Good morning."
Rain: "Agent Tuvok, what's up?"
Tuvok: "Breakfast is up. ..."
Rain: "Chili burritos, foot-long hotdogs and Goliath Gulps.  This is not a breakfast.  This is an afternoon at Dodger Stadium."

Tuvok: "Would you please hand me a burrito?"


Adin: "You neural pattern may become unstable if you stay in this host.  Now that we've got the transfer mechanism in place I suggest you use it to move into a more compatible body."
Tieran/Kes: "No.  I like this one.  Particularly, the unique mental abilities that came with it."
Adin: "Consider the risks."
Tieran/Kes: "Do you really think a child like this poses any threat to me?  ...  I certainly won't surrender to this little girl."

Demmas (re: Kes): "I believe your crew member has been inhabited by the consciousness of a very dangerous man named Tieran.  ...  Tieran ruled Ilari over two centuries ago.  He was a war hero, a brilliant military leader.  He brought security and stability during a difficult time in our history.  But in peacetime, he began to treat his own subjects as enemies.  He became convinced everyone was a potential traitor.  ...  During his reign, he became obsessed with his own mortality.  He spent most of his time and Ilari's resources searching for ways to overcome death.  Somehow, he's discovered a way to transfer his own mind into someone else's body...."
Neelix: "So he's been controlling her.  ...  But she -- he knew things about Kes' life.  He acted enough like Kes to fool us all.  The real Kes must still be in there somewhere."

Janeway: "There are always alternatives to war."

[Tieran and Kes continue to struggle within]
Kes: "The headaches alone are almost more than you can stand."
Tieran: "I've suffered pain all my life.  It's going to take more than headaches to stop me."

Kes: "How can I go back to my normal life as if nothing ever happened?" 
Tuvok: "You cannot.  This experience will force you to adapt.  You are no longer the same person and the course of your life will change as a result.  Where that new course leads is up to you."  

Neelix: "You can't have a party without food."

Neelix: "Why, I certainly don't mean to intrude on your friendships.  You can spend time with anyone you want."
Tieran/Kes: "As long as I still spend most of it with you."

Neelix: "It's not a duty or an obligation."
Tieran/Kes: "Well, sometimes it feels that way."

Rech: "Nori, I heard your ship had been destroyed."
Tieran/Kes: "You didn't think I'd let a little accident stop me, do you?"
Rech: "That's Tieran?"
Tieran/Kes: "The host body you were expecting is dead.  Fortunately, a young nurse was with me at the right time and she's provided me with a very suitable replacement.  ..."
Rech: "... we can't go ahead with the attack now.  ...  This is insane.  ...  ... our leader's a little girl."
Tieran/Kes: "I've been exploring the mind of this 'little girl' and I've discovered some rather interesting abilities.  She had barely begun to tap into them.  It's a good thing I came along so that all that wasted potential could be turned to a greater purpose."
[Tieran used the powers of Kes' mind to inflict pain on Rech]
Tieran/Kes: "... should I continue the demonstration...?"

Tieran/Kes (to Adin): "Do something about these headaches....  They made it difficult to concentrate."

Tieran/Kes: "When did corruption become so commonplace?  My people are crying out for moral leadership."

[Tieran is struggling with Kes within Kes' body over control over the mind and the body]
Tieran: "You may find that you enjoy having power.  I assure you, it is the finest aphrodisiac there is."

[Tieran and Kes continue to struggle within]
Tieran: "What I need from you I already have, your body and your mind." 
Kes: "You may have my body, but you'll never have my mind."

Tieran/Kes: "I haven't existed for two centuries to be brought down by a child."

Tieran/Kes: "It might be a good idea for both of use to spend some time apart."

Tieran/Kes (re: Kes): �Who would have imagined that such fierce determination existed within that deceptively frail body?� 

Tieran/Kes: "Every citizen must have a garden."

The Q and the Grey

Doctor: "Just remember, Kes, anyone can stargaze on the bridge -- even a hologram with a mobile emitter, but the real action will always be in sickbay."

Female Q (re: comment by Tuvok): "The Vulcan talent for stating the obvious never ceases to amaze me."

Female Q (to Tuvok and Chakotay): "Tossed aside for someone five billion years younger."

Female Q (discussing trying to get the Female Q back to the Continuum on Voyager): "...  I don't think this rickety barge or your half-witted crew members are up for the challenge."
Tuvok: "May I remind you, madam, that this 'rickety barge' and its 'half-witted crew' are your only hope at the moment."

Female Q: "It's imperative that I get back to the Continuum before Q mates with your Captain."
Torres: "I understand perfectly.  You aren't the first female who's even had a man run out on her."
Female Q: "I hope you're not comparing some failed romance in your pitiful existence to my eternal association with Q."
Torres: "You know, I've had it with this superiority complex of yours." 
Female Q: "It's not a complex, dear.  It's a fact."
Torres: "Well, here's another fact:  if you don't stop pestering me, I'm never going to finish.  In which case, your association with Q might not be quite as eternal as you think."
Female Q: "You know, I've always liked Klingon females.  You've got such -- spunk."

Female Q (to Paris): "You, Helm-boy!"

Janeway: "Congratulations, everyone.  Only two other crews in the history of Starfleet have witnessed a supernova explosion."
Kim: "But neither one was this close, less than ten billion kilometers, definitely a record."

Janeway: "Janeway to security, intruder alert."
Q: "Oh, it's no use.  I've taken the proverbial phone off the hook."

Janeway (to Q): "If you think this puerile attempt at seduction is going to work, then you're even more self-deluded than I thought."

Janeway (to Q): "A star going supernova is an event that occurs once every century in this galaxy.  Now we're about to witness out third in less that three days - all in the same sector.  Why do I suspect you have something to do with it?"
Female Q (re: Janeway to Q): "She may be a member of an intellectually challenged species, but she's right.  Your irresponsible behavior is continuing to have cosmic consequences."

Janeway: "The supernovas."
Q: "... 'galactic crossfire.'"

Janeway: "You can't just sprinkle a little human DNA into the Continuum and make everything all right.  ...  Those 'best qualities of humanity' you talked about aren't a simple matter of genetics.  Love, conscience, compassion -- they're attributes that mankind has developed over centuries.  Values that have passed from one generation to the next taught by parents to their children.  Creating a new kind of Q is a noble idea.  But it will take more than impregnating someone and walking away.  If you want your offspring to embrace your ideals, you're going to have to teach them yourself."

Janeway (re: baby Q): "He's adorable -- I'd say fatherhood agrees with you."
Q: "...  I look at the universe in an entirely different way now.  ..."
Janeway: "I'm glad you intend to set a good example."
Q: "... did I tell you how smart he is.  I've already taught him how to knock small planets out of orbit."
Janeway: "... I thought you were going to teach him about love and conscience."
Q: "... that's why we want Aunty Kathy to be the godmother, don't we?"
Janeway: "I'm -- honored."
Q: "... wait until we ask you to baby-sit."

Q (to Janeway in Janeway's quarters): "There's no need to call room service, Kathy.  I've already ordered."

Q (offering a toast): "To us."
Janeway: "There is no us, Q."
Q: "The night is young, and the sheets -- are satin."

Q: "I have no intention of getting between those Starfleet issue sheets.  They give me a terrible rash."
Janeway: "Since you won't be getting in the bed, I wouldn't worry about it."

Q: "Oh, Kathy -- don't be such a prude.  Admit it.  It has been a while."
Janeway: "And it's going to be a while longer."

Q: "I know that you're probably asking yourself: 'Why would a brilliant, handsome, dashingly omnipotent being like Q want to mate with a scrawny little bipedal specimen like me?"
Janeway: "Let me guess:  no one else in the universe will have you."

Q: "You think I'm interested in some tawdry one-night stand....  Out of all the females, of all the species, in all the galaxies, I have chosen you to be the mother of my child.  ...  I could have chosen a Klingon targ, a Romulan empress, a Cyrillian microbe."
Janeway: "Really?  I beat out a single-celled organism?  How flattering."
Q: "It's an overwhelming honor, isn't it?  I can't get you out of my mind.  You're confident, passionate, beautiful."
Janeway: "And totally uninterested."
Q: "Kathy, you can't leave.  My cosmic clock is ticking.  Besides, you have no idea what you're missing.  Foreplay with a Q can last for decades."
Janeway: "Sorry, but I'm busy for the next 60 or 70 years."
Q: "Oh, I see.  This is one of those silly human rituals.  You're playing hard to get."
Janeway: "As far as you're concerned, Q, I'm impossible to get."
Q: "Goody.  A challenge.  This is going to be fun."

Q (re: Chakotay): "I was wondering, Kathy:  what could anyone possibly see in this big oaf anyway?  Is it the tattoo?"
[Q makes a tattoo appear on his face]
Q: "Because mine's bigger." 
Janeway: "Not big enough."

Q (to Paris and Kim): "... I just don't understand your Captain.  I've tried everything -- filling the bridge with roses, writing Drabian love sonnets, serenading her in her bath."

Q: "Captain Janeway.  Now that's a subject I want to discuss.  Tell me:  what are some of her favorite things?  Chocolate truffles, stuffed animals, erotic art?"
Neelix: "You can't bribe Captain Janeway."
Q: "...  Isn't that what you do?  ...  I understand that you acquire things for her -- create little treats.  After all, why else would she be so fond of your -- fur-lined face?"
[Q plucks a hair from Neelix's cheek]
Neelix: "Do you want to know what Janeway likes about me?  I'll tell you.  I am respectful, loyal and most of all, sincere.  And those are qualities that someone like you could never hope to possess."

[after attempting to bribe Janeway with a puppy]
Q: "I'm lonely.  ...  ... I've been single for billions of years.  It was fun at first -- gallivanting around the galaxy, using my omnipotence to impress females of every species.  ...  The fact of the matter is that it left me empty.  I want someone to love me for myself.  ...  I want a relationship.  I just thought if you and I had a child, it would give me that kind of stability and security that I've been messing."
Janeway: "Sorry, Q.  I'm not buying it."
Q: "...  Admit it, Kathryn.  You're lonely too.  And you wonder if you'll ever have a child."
Janeway: "You're right.  I would like to have a child someday ... but not with you.  ...  I'm just not the right kind of woman for you, Q."
[Female Q pops into the room]
Female Q: "Truer words were never spoken."
Q: "Q!  How did you find me?"
Female Q: "Never mind that.  What are you doing with that dog?  --  I'm not talking about the puppy."

[Q transports himself and Janeway to the Q Continuum.  The Q Continuum appears to be set during the U.S. Civil War]
Q (to Janeway): "I'm sure your first office, 'Chuckles' is it?  I'm sure he's got everything under control for the moment."

Q: "The Q Continuum is burning.  The Q is in the middle a civil war."

Q: "... it's ... a wonderful opportunity."
Janeway: "I fail to see anything wonderful about a war."
Q: "War can be an engine of change.  War can transform a society for the better.  Your own Civil War brought an end to slavery and oppression."

Q: "I want you to help me transform the Continuum...."
Janeway: "By mating with you?  ...  I don't see how a baby is going to end a war being fought by a race of omnipotent beings."
Q: "...  Mating will crate a new head of Q which will combine my omnipotence and infinite intellect with the best that humanity has to offer."
Janeway: "You believe human DNA is going to restore peace?"
Q: "Precisely.  What the Continuum needs right now is an infusion of fresh blood -- a new sensibility -- a new leader -- a new messiah.  --  Think of it, Kathy.  Our child will be like a precious stone tossed into the cosmic lake sending endless ripples of human conscience and compassion to wash up on every distant shore of the universe.  What greater contribution could a being of your limited power ever hope to make?  What is more important to humanity than peace?  I'm offering you the opportunity to be the mother of peace."

Q: (re: weapons fire in Continuum): "... those are not mere cannon balls and lead charges being fired at us."
Janeway: "So they're some sort of -- Q weapons?"
Q: "You'd be surprised what innovative munitions could be created by one immortal being who set his mind of killing another."

Q (to Janeway): "... if their weapons can make me bleed, what do you think they'll do to you."

Q: "Mate with another Q?  Ridiculous.  ...  I mean, the Q are way beyond sex.  It's never been done."
Janeway: "...  Then how, exactly, did the Q come into existence in the first place?"
Q: "The Q didn't come into existence.  The Q have always existed.  ... I can only mate with a species capable of copulation...."
Janeway: "But I don't love you, Q."
Q: "... what does that have to do with it?"

Q: "I'm an idea man.  Hard work isn't my forte."

Q (to Janeway, both of which are about to be executed): "You have to admit, there's something romantic about going to our deaths together."

Q (to Female Q): "I love it when you talk dirty." 
Janeway: "Why don't I give you two some privacy." 
Q: "Oh, Kathy. Don't you like to watch?"
[Q and Female Q touch fingers causing an energy exchange]
Q: "I was good, wasn't I?" 
Female Q: "Very good." 
Janeway: "That was it?" 
Q: "You had your chance.  Don't go crying about it now."

Q: "Well, I'll admit, I look at the Universe in an entirely different way now.  I mean, I can't go around causing temporal anomalies or subspace inversions without considering the impact it'll have on my son."


[During this episode, Closed Captioning apparently did not know in advance what the Stardate would be."
Janeway: "Captain's log, stardate 50384.2...."
Closed Captioning: "Captain's log, stardate 12345.6...."


Chakotay: "Compassion is nothing to be sorry about, Doctor.  It won't be the last time you're faced with a moral dilemma in the field.  But if it makes you feel any better, your performance was exemplary."

Doctor: "As for the larger versions of the viruses, what I've termed macro-viruses, I would suggest a fly swatter."

Doctor: "One down, ten billion to go."

Doctor: "Who designed this ship anyway?"

Janeway: "I may never put my hands on my hips again."
Neelix: "You had no way of knowing you were making one of the worst insults possible."

Janeway (re: Tak Tak):  �They make the Klingons look sedate.� 

Janeway (to Neelix): "Grab a phaser, Ambassador.  We're going to get some answers."

Paris:  "B'Elanna, thank God you're here."

Paris:  "Oh, no!  You can't leave me now."
Torres:  "You need me.  I'm touched."

Paris: "So much for lunch."
Torres: "I may never look at food again." 
Paris: "I thought Klingons didn't get nauseated.  You have a redundant stomach." 
Torres: "Well, right now, they're both unhappy."

Fair Trade

Janeway: "We're all in this together, Neelix.  And we have to be able to count on each other, no matter how hard it gets."

Janeway (to Neelix): "I'd have thought you'd have learned by now that the first duty of a Starfleet officer is to the truth."

Janeway: "I won't allow a member of my crew to be condemned for a crime they didn't commit."

Janeway: "Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?"
Neelix: "Only that I'm terribly sorry."
Janeway: "Oh, you're sorry.  Is that supposed to make everything better.  I don't really care if you're sorry or not, Neelix.  At this point it doesn't really matter."

Janeway (to Neelix): "You can't just walk away from your responsibilities because you made a mistake?"

Neelix: "The people on Voyager are my friends."
Wixiban: "Friends!  You've already told me, there're ready to put you off the ship."

Neelix: "... would you tell me how you got in trouble?"  
Paris: "I've thought a lot about that and it comes down to one simple fact.  I didn't tell the truth.  I made a mistake, which happens to people, but if I'd have admitted that mistake it would have been a whole lot better.  But I lied about it, and it nearly ruined my life."

Neelix: "We have to tell the truth.  It's the only way to make things right."

Neelix: "I've never been dishonest with you before, Captain.  I just took one step, a step that seemed perfectly reasonable, and that step led to another and another, and before I knew it, I was involved in something I didn't know how to handle."
Janeway: "What was it?  What was so important that you were willing to throw away your principles?"
Neelix: "I needed a map."
Janeway: "A map?"

Neelix (to person holding weapon on him): "Go ahead.  You'd be doing me a favor.  I have nothing to lose." 

Tossin: "Then, you will die with me, little man."
Neelix: "No problem at all, if it will get rid of an Orillian maggot like you."

Alter Ego

Doctor: "The life of a recreational hologram. Dining, dancing, non-restrictive clothing -- I see the allure."

Janeway: "Beauty and mystery, a tantalizing combination."

Janeway: "It would appear to me that we're not moving, Mister Paris."

Kim: "I'm not hiding out.  I'm deconstructing the emotional complex."

Kim: "Hi, my name is Harry 'read-me-like-a-book' Kim."

Kim:  �I can�t have a balanced, stable relationship with a holodeck character!� 

Marayna: "Ready to get your ears wet?"
Tuvok: "Vulcans do not hydrosail."

Marayna: "... what about you, Tuvok?  Will you always be alone?"

Paris: "Lieutenant, you look absolutely --"
Torres: "Tropical?"
Paris: "More along the lines of smashing."
Torres: "Thanks."
Paris: "Of course, nothing can quite measure up to this shirt.  This is an exact recreation of a 1962 Big Daddy O surf special.  An American classic."
Torres: "I'd say you put just a little bit too much thought into that."
Paris: "Now, that's where you're wrong --"
Torres: "Let's go, I told Vorik we'd pick him up at 1600 and you know how Vulcan he gets when anybody is late."
Paris: "Vorik?  I thought we were meeting Harry."
Torres: "Oh, he's not coming."
Paris: "Why not?"
Torres: "He said he was busy."
Paris: "With what?"
Torres: "I don't know."
Paris: "Harry and I will meet you and Vorik at the Lual."
Torres: "Oh, you're pretty confidant about your powers of persuasion."
Paris: "Yes, I am."

Paris (to Kim): "Everyone falls for a holodeck character sometime."

Torres: " Thanks, I am starving."
Paris: " Me too.  Lets find us a spot, this place is filling up fast."
Vorik: " I have already taken the liberty of reserving a table, Lieutenant, with a view of the lakeside.  You did express a fondness for that particular spot."
Torres: " I did?"
Vorik: " Five days ago.  In a conversation we had in Engineering regarding holodeck programs."
Torres: " I guess, maybe, I did."
Paris: " Good memory."
Vorik: " Of course."
Torres: " Well, then, Ensign, let's go."

Tuvok: "I am fully capable of appreciating this phenomenon without the extraneous sentimentality humans find so necessary."  
Chakotay: "Being moved by an emotion isn't always extraneous. Sometimes it's the whole point."

Tuvok (to Kim):  �You�re in love with a computer subroutine?� 

Tuvok: "I do not have a complete understanding of emotions.  But I believe that if you truly care for me, you will not pursue this course of action."


Admiral Janeway apparition (to Janeway): "My poor little bird; you always made it hard for yourself.  If there was a rocky path and a smooth one, you chose the rocky one every time."

Alien: "You will come into my matrix, Captain, and you will nourish me for a very long time."

Doctor: "I've come to the conclusion that there's only one humane course of action." 
Janeway: "What's that?" 
Doctor: "Euthanasia."

Janeway: "I would rather be here in spirit than not at all.  A captain doesn't abandon ship."

Janeway: "My father would never act like this.  He always believed I had to learn my own lessons, make my own mistakes."

Janeway: "What's the real reason you want me in that matrix?  Somehow, I don't think it has anything to do with everlasting joy."

Janeway: "We can stand here for all eternity and I will never choose to go with you."  
Admiral Janeway apparition: "You're in a dangerous profession, Captain.  You face death every day.  They'll be another time and I'll be waiting.  Eventually, you will come into my matrix and you will nourish me for a long, long time." 
Janeway: "Go back to hell, coward."

Janeway: "Come on, Chakotay, there must be some talent you have that people would enjoy."
Chakotay: "Me, get up in front of people and perform?  I don't think so."

Janeway (re: talent night):  �Maybe I could stand with an apple on my head and you could phaser it off.�  
Chakotay:  �Sounds great.  If I miss, I get to be captain!� 

Kim: "The Captain sat down next to me .... She put her arm around my shoulder and she said ... she said .... 'Ensign, these are the times we have to remember.'"

Torres: "When I first came to this ship, I resented the fact that Captain Janeway was responsible for our being stranded here in the Delta quadrant.  I didn't think that she made the right decision and I certainly didn't want to serve under her command.  In the beginning I fought her.  Even when she made me chief engineer, I...I didn't trust her reasons.  I kept looking for a hidden agenda.  I actually believed that she'd set me up to fail.  Well, I couldn't have been more wrong.  She saw -- she saw something in me that I didn't see.  She saw a worthwhile person while I saw a lost and hostile misfit and because she had faith in me, I began to have faith in myself.  And when she died the first thing I thought is that I couldn't do this without her, that I needed her too badly, her strength and her compassion.  But then I realized that the gift that she gave me ... gave a lot of us here ... was the knowledge that we are better and stronger than we think.  I wish I had said these things to her.  I wish I had taken the time."

Tuvok: "I would like the record to show that I have lost a good friend as well, ... one whom I can never replace."

Blood Fever

Doctor: "For such an intellectually enlightened race, Vulcans have a remarkably Victorian attitude about sex."
Tuvok: "That is a very Human judgment, Doctor."
Doctor: "Then here's a Vulcan one:  I fail to see the logic in perpetuating ignorance about a basic biological function."

Doctor: "The Vulcan brain never ceases to amaze me."

Doctor (to Vorik): "I know that self-sufficiency is very important to a Vulcan, but there is nothing shameful in getting a little guidance every once in a while."

Paris (re: Torres) "She bit me -- and she seemed to be enjoying it, in a Klingon kind of way.  She's really not herself."

Paris: " If I remember my Klingon customs right, biting someone on the face means --"
Torres: " I know what it means!"

Paris: " B'Elanna, stop it!  This isn't about the gun, this is about sex.  But that's not going to happen right now."

Paris: "I tried to stop her from leaving, but she got very hostile and ... bit me."  
Chakotay: "She bit you?"  
Paris: "And she seemed to be enjoying it in a Klingon sort of way."

Paris: "You're afraid that your big, scary Klingon side might have been showing.  Well, I saw it up close, and you know, it wasn't so terrible.  In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing it again someday …."  
Torres: "Be careful what you wish for, Lieutenant."

Paris: "So, this is the part where you throw heavy objects at me?"
Torres: "Maybe later."

Paris (to Torres): "I'm your friend, and I have to watch out for you when your judgment's been impaired.  If you let these instincts take over now, you'll hate yourself -- and me, too, for taking advantage of you.  I won't do that."

Paris:  "B'Elanna, I know this is a pretty bizarre situation.  Probably not what either of us had in mind.  But, it's too late to worry about that now-"
Torres:  "Tom?"
Paris:  "What?"

Paris: "I hope, someday, you'll say that to me and mean it."

Torres (to Neelix): "In other words, you're ready.  Let's go."

Torres: "You don't know how strong, how hard it is, to fight this urge."
Paris: "Are you telling me I'm impossible to resist?"
Torres: "I wouldn't go that far."

Torres: "You've never been hard to get, Tom."  
Paris: "Well, I'm making an exception.  I can't let you do this."  
Torres: "Oh, but you wish you could.  All the invitations to dinner and on the holodeck, the way you would stare at me when you thought I wasn't looking, and get jealous when I'm with someone else. You can't tell me you're not interested in me."  
Paris: "You're right, I can't."

Torres: "Well, what are you doing?"
Paris: "Enjoying myself?"
Torres: "Then show it."

Torres: "I am not helping that Vulcan patk!"

Torres: "I am not your mate!"
Vorik: "We will soon decide that!"
Torres: "
If anyone is going to smash your arrogant little face in, I will.  I take your challenge myself."

Tuvok: "Lieutenant Torres has never been a great follower of logic."

Ensign Vorik (to Torres):  �I�ve come to greatly admire not only your impressive technical skills but also your bravery and sense of moral duty.  All excellent qualities in a prospective mate.� 

Vorik: "I hope she isn't too upset with me." 
Doctor: "With Lieutenant Torres, upset is a relative term."

Vorik: "She's a hologram. She isn't real."  
Doctor: "Then I assume you have the same low regard for me."  
Vorik: "You are a skilled physician, Doctor, but let me point out the limitations to your own experiences with physical matters."  
Doctor: "I believe we're discussing your sexual difficulties at the moment, Ensign."


Chakotay: "... they didn't hesitate to impose their collective will on me when it served their interests.  I wonder how long their ideals will last in the face of that kind of power."

Doctor: "I must say, there's nothing like the vacuum of space for preserving a handsome corpse."

Riley Frazier: "Sometimes radical problems require radical solutions."

Frazier (to Chakotay): "I want to be closer to you."

Frazier (to Chakotay): "We're creating a society here; one that's based on tolerance, shared responsibility, and mutual respect that people like you and I were raised to believe in.  We're not about to give it up just because it's difficult."

Janeway (to Chakotay): "Helping others, Chakotay, that's part of who you are."

New Cooperative: "We are the New Co-operative."

Paris: "I think they should have renamed it the 'negative expanse'.  We haven't run across anything interesting in days."  
Janeway: "If you're bored Mr. Paris, I'm sure I can find something else for you to do.  The warp plasma filters are due for a thorough cleaning."  
Paris: "Now that you mention it, Captain, I find this region of space a real navigational challenge."

Tuvok: "Allowing yourself to become apprehensive can only be counterproductive, Lieutenant."  
Torres: "I'm not being apprehensive, Tuvok.  I'm just nervous as hell."

The Darkling

Lord Byron hologram (to Doctor): "One can pursue one's creative urges, spiritual urges, and physical urges.  All have a place in the well-lived life."

Lord Byron hologram (to Gandhi hologram): "Free of passion?  One might as well be free of humanity."

Lord Byron hologram "It is said the angels themselves take pleasure in their bodies of light."
Gandhi hologram: "And you should take a cold bath."

Doctor: "In my preparatory report to the away team, I recall mentioning to you that Klingons lacked an enzyme for metabolizing this planets vegetation.  Have you been naughty?"
Torres: "I had one small salad."
Doctor: "So impetuous.  Any sharp pains?"
Torres: "No."
Doctor: "Heartburn?"
Torres: "I guess so."
Doctor (Darkling): "There's nothing like a heart that burns."
Torres: "What?"
Doctor (Darkling): "Your pulse is, lovely! Ah ha!  Mmm!  Does that feel good?"
Torres: "Doctor, unless you want me to knock you into the middle of the next millennium, you'd better back off!"

Doctor: "Don't eat the vegetables, I said.  But does anyone listen to me?"

Doctor (Darkling to Torres):  �Watch your tongue or I�ll remove it.� 

Doctor (Darkling): "'What is the nature of the medical emergency'.  What a hollow excuse for a life.  Servile, pathetic -- at the beck and call of anyone who invokes his name."

Doctor: "Put those down before someone gets hurt and I have to clean up the mess."

Doctor (from Physician's Oath): "I swear this oath by Apollo Physician, by Asclepius, by Health, and by all the gods and goddesses.  In whatsoever place that I enter, I will enter to help the sick and heal the injured.  And I will do no harm."

Doctor (Darkling)"Behavioral categories are for the weak."

Doctor (to security) "Put those down before someone gets hurt and I have to clean up the mess."

Kes: "Everyone here has been so good to me.  I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful, I've just been thinking that maybe there's more.  I don't know what that means, but I know I'm changing, and I know that there are things that I'm not satisfied with.  I want -- complication in my life."

Kes: "Everyone seem to treat me like I'm still a child -- I'm three years old now!"

Kes (to Doctor): "Families, societies, cultures -- wouldn't have evolved without compassion and tolerance; they would have fallen apart without it."

Torres:  �Doctor, have you been messing around with your program?� 

Zahir: "We have a saying; 'My course is as elusive as a shadow across the sky'."



Doctor: "Vulcans are notoriously difficult to impress.  Mister Tuvok rarely acknowledges my brilliance."

Neelix: "I'll tell you who's being emotional. You! You hide it beneath that Vulcan calm, but the truth is you're filled with contempt and sarcasm and I'm tired of being the target of all your hostility."

Neelix: "It's strange, but I really like him.  I only wish the feeling were mutual."

Sklar: "I can't believe you're going out there.  You don't even know what you're looking for." 
Tuvok: "I am looking for Mister Neelix's instinct.  Perhaps it will be marked."

Tuvok: "It is illogical to dwell on situations which are beyond your control.  It will only serve to heighten your anxiety, which if I might say so, is already heightened enough."

Tuvok (to Neelix):  �I�m not interested in your �funny feeling�.� 

Tuvok: "I have no feelings toward Mister Neelix." 
Neelix: "That's right!  That's exactly what I'm talking about.  You have no feelings for me, but you have feelings against me.  For three years you've ridiculed me, and made it obvious to everyone that you have no respect for me.  And I've tolerated it.  You know why?  You know why?  Because you are smarter than I am, Tuvok; and more logical and stronger and superior in almost every way.  And I admire you.  But you don't have any instincts, you don't have any gut feelings, and you don't really understand people.  But non-Vulcans have feelings and they have to listen to them.  And I've got to listen to mine."

Tuvok: "One day your intuition will fail and you will finally understand that logic is primary above all else.  'Instinct' is merely another term for 'serendipity'."
Neelix: "One day, Mister Vulcan, I'll get you to trust your gut."
Tuvok: "That is doubtful."
Neelix: "We'll see."
Tuvok: "Your attempts have yet to succeed."
Neelix: "You always have to get in that last word, don't you?"
Tuvok: "I am simply responding to your erroneous statement."
Neelix: "Something tells me you just hate to lose an argument."
Tuvok: "Losing is irrelevant."
Neelix: "See what I mean?"
Tuvok: "No, I do not."

Tuvok: "Your instincts were correct.  However, one day, your intuition will fail and you will finally understand that logic is primary above all else.  Instinct is simply another term for serendipity." 
Neelix: "And one day Mister Vulcan, I'll get you to trust your gut."

Favorite Son

Chakotay: " What's your next trick, Harry; pull a shuttlecraft out of a hat?"

Doctor: "Another patient snatched from the jaws of death."

Doctor: "I've never considered dreams as a diagnostic tool before."

Eliann: "You can't fight genetics."
Kim: "I can try."

Eliann: "If there's anything that your Taresian genes have given you, it's a sense of duty and loyalty."
Kim: "My loyalty is to my crew and my family back home."

Janeway: "Battlestations."

Janeway: "I trust your intentions, Ensign, but your actions are going to need a little more justification."

Kes: " Doctor, she's regaining consciousness."
Doctor: " Good morning, Lieutenant."
Torres: " Morning?  What am I doing here?"
Kes: " There was an accident in engineering.  A plasma conduit exploded."
Doctor: " I've treated you for second and third degree burns and several broken ribs. I  expect you'll make a full recovery."
Torres: (trying to sit up) "Argh!"
Doctor: " After you've spent at least one more day in sickbay."
Torres: " This time, Doctor, I'm not going to argue with you.  Harry, what happened to your face?"
Kim: " We're still trying to figure that out."
Torres: " It's kind of cute.  Makes you look like a speckled targ."
Kim: "B'Elanna, I'm really sorry you got hurt."
Torres: " Hey, it's all part of the adventure of space travel, right?"
Kim: " I know, but um..."
Torres: " What?  What is it?"
Kim: " Never mind.  I'm glad you're going to be alright."
Torres: " Thanks."
Doctor: " I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut visiting hours short.  Ensign, you can go.  I'll contact you with the results of my analysis."
Kim: " Take care of yourself."
Torres: " See you later, Spot."

Kim (re: what might be happening to him): "Space-time anomalies, alien telepathy, alternate realities -- the list gets weirder as it goes on."

Kim: "Sometimes I wish I could be more bold, confident with women; more like you."
Paris: "Like me?  You might want to reconsider that, Harry.  There could be prison time involved."

Paris: "Is this the standard 'welcome home' reception?"

Paris (to Kim): �You�re my role model.  You�re reliable, hard working, extremely punctual -- did I mention polite?� 

Paris: "Is this the standard welcome home reception?"
Tamen: "For males it is. They're very rare. Our population is 90% female."
Paris: "Really?"

Before and After

Andrew: "Grandma Kes?"

Andrew (to Kes): "I always think before I speak.  You taught me that."

Chakotay (questioning actions by Kes): "What was that all about?"
Doctor: "I'm afraid Kes is getting worse, Captain.  her amnesia is near total.  Fewer that one percent of her engrams remained intact.  It's as if here memory were wiped clean."
Chakotay: "Is it some sort of senility?"
Doctor: "Maybe.  I've never treated a nine year old Ocampan before.  For all I know, it's a perfectly normal part of their aging process.  ...  ... this Morilogium comes on abruptly, and then progresses with a rapidity I've never seen before."

Chakotay (re: Paris' possible future): "Careful, Tom.  You might find out that you leave Voyager only to join the monastery."

Doctor: "Activate the bio-temporal chamber."

Doctor (to Kes): "You're the finest friend I've ever had."

Doctor (re: Kes): "Her cells are in a state of bio-temporal flux.  I don't understand how that could be happening before I put her in the chamber."

Doctor (to Kes): "It's amazing to think that you weren't even a year old when we first met."

Doctor (re: Kes): "She appears to have lost more than 95 percent of her memory engrams."

Doctor (to Paris re: Kes): �It�s really obvious, Lieutenant -- your wife is traveling backward through time.� 
Kes: "It's as though I came into existence at the moment of my own death without any memories.  I've been living my life backwards even since -- jumping progressively to earlier moments in my life accumulating memories and experiences as I go.  Your past has become my future."

Janeway: "In all my years in Starfleet, I've never come across a phenomenon quite like this."

Kes (aged): "I don't know you."
Andrew: "...  I'm Andrew.  Your grandson."
Kes: "I don't know you."
Andrew: "Doctor!  Dr. Van Gogh!"
Doctor (with a full head of hair): "What is it?"
Andrew: "She doesn't recognize me."

Kes (aged) (to Doctor): "How could I be your friend?  I don't know you."

Kes (aged but younger than earlier in episode): "Who are you?"
Linnis: "I'm your daughter -- Linnis."

Kes: "What about this?  It says I got some kind of radiation poisoning on stardate 50973."
Paris: "That was the beginning of the year of hell."
Kes: "Year of hell?"
Paris: "Well, that's what some of us call it now.  We were under virtually constant attack by a race called the Krenim.  The ship almost didn't make it.  The doctor was off-line for months and we lost a lot of good people -- Captain Janeway, Joe Carey -- B'Elanna."
Kes: "B'Elanna?"
Paris: "...  B'Elanna was someone who was very special to me.  When she died, I felt like I wanted to die too.  ... you helped me through it."

Kes (inside a force field to keep her from traveling further back in time): "I feel like I'm in a cage.  Dr. Van Gogh says -"
Paris: "Dr. Van Gogh?  I thought you settled on Mozart."
Doctor: "Evidently, my interest in the great figures of art and culture will be an ongoing process."

Kes (after another jump back in time): "Doctor, you've lost your hair."

Kes (in response to several crew members asking about their future): "... I've only seen pieces of one possible future."
Paris: "You know what?  Don't tell me.  I like a little mystery in my life."
Janeway: "... I think we should all leave the future to the future."
Tuvok: "While I agree it would not be wise for Kes to make all of her experiences public, a report on anything she knows about these Krenim might be useful."
Kes: "I'll get started right away."
Janeway: "Hang on a minute.  I didn't mean now.  Stay and enjoy your party."
Kes: "If there's one thing that this experience has taught me, Captain, it's that there's no time like the present."

Kes: "Tom."
Paris: " Hey, Kes!  Some party, huh?"
Kes: " I have to talk to you."
Torres: "Tom, I'm sorry I'm late."
Kes: " You must be B'Elanna."
Torres: " Well, last time I checked."

Kim: "So, how does it feel to be a grandfather?"
Paris: "A lot better than it does to have you for a son-in-law."

Linnis (to Kes): "Don't you remember?  You were one of the ship's doctors.  I worked there with you."

Linnis (to Kes): "... none of the things that you remember before waking up from your nap have happened."

Linnis: "The onset of Morilogium."
Doctor: "She's lost more than 98 percent of her memory engrams."
Kes: "Morilogium?"
Linnis: "The final phase of the Ocampan lifespan, Mother."

Linnis: "...  I seem to be much more comfortable with a molecular scanner than I am with a diaper."
Kes: "Linnis, you must be a good mother.  I happen to know that Andrew grows up to be a wonderful child."

Neelix (to Kes, even younger still): "Happy ninth, Kes."

Neelix (re: birthday cake for Kes): "... I haven't made one of these ... since I became security officer."
Tuvok: "Perhaps you would care to relinquish your commission and return to the scene of your former triumphs."
Neelix: "You keep working on that sense of humor, Commander Vulcan.  You'll get it one of these days."

Neelix: "So, I'm going to become a security officer.  ..."
Tuvok: "Fortunately, Mr. Neelix, what Kes has been describing is merely one possible future.  On each occasion that she jumped to a previous time, her subsequent actions most likely altered the future from that moment on."
Neelix: "Good point, Tuvok.  Maybe I'll turn out to be Chief Security Officer."

Neelix: "You keep working on that sense of humor, Commander Vulcan.  You'll get it one of these days."

Neelix: "It's good to see that old lung is still working, Kessy."

Paris: "Kes, it's me, Tom.  Your husband."

Paris (to Kes): "It's almost as if you're experiencing events in reverse."

Paris (to Kes): "You've demonstrated some pretty extraordinary mental powers over the years -- telepathy, telekinesis." 
Doctor: "And precognition wouldn't be unprecedented."

Paris (to Kes): "I remember when you came on board.  I had a crush on you from the very beginning."

Paris: "You were asking about the radiation poisoning.  A lot of us were exposed.  During the first Krenim attack, one of the chronoton torpedo fragments leaked radiation into the ship."
Kes: "Chronoton torpedoes?"
Paris: "They were able to penetrate our shields because their torpedoes were in a constant state of temporal flux.  ...  I think we may be on to something."

Real Life

Doctor:" Hello, I'm home."

Doctor (to holo-family): "As husband and father, I believe it is my duty to set some parameters.  It's part of good parenting."

Doctor: " Lieutenant, what are you doing?"
Torres: " I'm stopping this before my blood sugar levels overload, Doctor."
Doctor: " Yes."
Torres: " If you think that this is giving you an accurate impression of being in a family, you are sadly mistaken."
Doctor:" I don't understand."
Kes: " They're kind of perfect."
Torres: " They are ridiculously perfect.  You're not going to learn anything from these lollipops!"

Doctor: "I have analyzed the situation and come up with a solution.  There should be no more problems."
Paris (to Doctor re: coping with computer simulation family): "You make it sound like you're treating a sick patient.  I'm not sure you can diagnose and cure a family."

[Discussion between Doctor and Paris re: death of holo-daughter]
Doctor: "I shut down the program.  I'm not going back."
Paris: "Maybe you should think about that, Doc."
Doctor: "I couldn't begin to face it.  It was too difficult."
Paris: "I guess all of us would avoid that kind of pain if we could.  But most people don't have that choice."
Doctor: "Well, fortunately I do."
Paris: "Is it so fortunate?  You created that program so you could experience what it's like to have a family; the good times and the bad.  You can't have one without the other."
Doctor: "I fail to see why not."
Paris : "Think about what's happened to us here on Voyager.  Everyone left people behind, and everyone suffered a loss.  But look how it's brought us all closer together.  We found support here, and friendship.  And we've become a family, in part because of the pain we shared.  If you turn your back on this program, you'll always be stuck at this point.  You'll never have the chance to say good-bye to your daughter, or to be there for your wife and son when they need you, and you'll be cheating yourself of the chance to have their love and support.  In the long run, you'll miss the whole point of what it means to have a family." 

Doctor (to Paris): "You're in fine physical shape, Lieutenant. You may go ahead and engage in this reckless activity."

Doctor (to dying daughter)"It's all right.  Go to sleep.  We're all right here."

Paris: "A beautiful woman should never have to eat alone.  What are you reading?"
Torres: "It's nothing important."
Paris: "Women Warriors at the River of Blood?"
Torres: "It's just, escapist reading."
Paris: "'Rorg turned his fierce eyes upon her and M'Nea felt her heart begin to quicken, even as her hand went to her dagger.  She had intended to plunge it into his throat, but something about him made her hesitate.'  B'Elanna, is this a Klingon romance novel?"
Torres: "Klingons do have, what you might call, a romantic side.  It's a bit more vigorous than most."
Paris: "I think I'll read it.  Maybe it'll give me some ideas about how to make your heart quicken."
Torres: "It's not a technical manual, Tom."
Paris: "Well, that depends what you mean by 'technical'."
Torres: "To an engineer, that means, specializing in particular systems."
Paris: "I think that definition works."
Torres: "I can't promise I won't put a dagger through your throat."

Distant Origin

Chakotay: "I won't bite."

Chakotay (to Minister Odala): "I know from the history of my own planet that change is difficult.  New ideas are often greeted with skepticism; even fear.  But sometimes, those ideas are accepted; and when they are, progress is made; eyes are opened."

Chakotay (after being shot, to Gegen): �Do you always harpoon the local wildlife?� 

Chakotay: "Deny that past and you deny the struggle and achievements of your ancestors.  Deny your origins on Earth and you deny your true heritage."

Doctor: " That creature laying in sickbay is a dinosaur."

Gegan (to Veer re: Paris and Torres): "Male and female interacting. Let's observe."

Gegen (re: Torres and Paris): �Note how the female, through her feigned antagonism, encourages the male in his attempt to mate.� 

Gegan (to Veer): "It would appear that we've underestimated our endotherms."

Haluk: "Where do you come from?"
Janeway: "Apparently we're from the same place you are.  Earth."

Odala: "It would be in your best interests if I never saw you again."

Odala: "We are not immigrants!  I will not deny 20 million years of history and doctrine just because one insignificant Saurian has a theory."

Paris: "BYOB"
Torres: "What?"
Paris: "Bring your own bat'leth."

Paris (to Tuvok re: noise in corridor): "Tuvok, I hope that's your stomach."


Chakotay: "In the last three hours, we've lost 22 of our people.  According to the Nyrians, they've all shown up on their colony as though we're switching places."
Paris: "I went over our navigational charts with Dammar, but he's completely unfamiliar with this part of space."

Chakotay: "How do you like your first day as Chief of Security, Ensign?"
Lang: "It's everything I dreamed of, sir."
Chakotay (after most of the crew had been replace by Nyrians): "Who says there's not room for advancement on this ship?"

Chakotay: "I want access to all systems restricted to authorized voice prints only.  Seal off any part of the ship that we're not using and place security force fields around sensitive areas -- warp core, armory, torpedo bays -- and let's hope I'm just being paranoid."

Chakotay: "The Nyrians obviously prepared for this before they got here.  They must have tapped into our computer some how and gotten enough information to plan this mission down to the letter."

Chakotay: "Chakotay to any body that's left.  Please respond."
Gennaro: "Gennaro here, sir."
Chakotay: "Anybody else?  --  The two of us aren't going to win this so we might as well make life for the Nyrians as difficult as we can.  Sabotage everything you can get your hands on."
Gennaro: "Understood."

Chakotay: "I've got to give you credit, Tuvok.  Working on the fly with nothing but random parts with no guide to follow -- I never that Vulcans had much of a knack for improvising."
Tuvok: "Our circumstances seem to require a certain flexibility."

Doctor (to Nyrian): "Welcome to sickbay.  Take a number."

Doctor: "A typical defensive reaction -- using an aggressive outburst as a shield against a perceived emotional threat."

Doctor: "Fear of intimacy is a common indication of low self-esteem."

Doctor: "Well, if my scanning services are no longer required, I'll return to my medical duties."

Doctor: " Lieutenant, I haven't seen any sign of a port hole.  Frankly, I'm getting tired of this."
Torres: " Holograms don't get tired, keep looking."

Janeway: "Confine the Nyrians to the cargo bays and post security details at every access port."
Chakotay: "In all fairness, Captain, they haven't been threatening in any way.  They seem as puzzled by all this as we are."
Janeway: "Chakotay, I don't care how they seem.  All I care about is that I've had a knot in my stomach since the first Nyrian arrived.  Something about this is wrong; I can smell it.  Look at us -- running around the ship checking sensors and spinning theories while the Nyrians slowly replace our crew.  Consider this: there has been a consistent interval of nine minutes and twenty seconds between these exchanges.  At that rate, our entire crew will be gone in eighteen hours.  Tell me that doesn't put a knot in your stomach."

Janeway: "Where did you come from?"
Jarlath: "My people live in the other environment, through the portal."

Janeway: "... we're on a ship."

Janeway: "The translocator is what the Nyrains used to get on our ship."
Tuvok: "Then we should be able to use the same method to return to Voyager."
Janeway: "Assuming we can figure out how to use it."

Jarlath: "Would you be interested in trading ... ?  The last inhabitants of this environment had no concept of a barter system but you strike me as a much more ... sophisticated group."
Janeway: "If there were people here before us, maybe we could get out the same way."
Jarlath: "...  I don't think you'd like their method of escape.  ... they all died from a plague."

Jarlath: "It took me almost nine years to find the portal."
Torres: "How did you get it open?"
Jarlath: "...  I have my ways."
Janeway: "I consider that information a valuable commodity."
Jarlath: "... I'd be happy to make a trade...."
Janeway (offering food for trade): "There may be other portals if you can show us how to find them."
Jarlath: "I look forward to our collaboration."

Jarlath (after passing through a portal into the Nyrians control center): "I don't think we're supposed to be in here."

Paris: " Where are you going?  You were in perfect position to deliver the death blow.  All you had to do was follow through.  Come on, let's try it again."
Torres: " Don't push me, Tom."
Paris: " I am not pushing you, I'm encouraging you."
Torres: " To do what?"
Paris: " Try something new.  This martial arts program is the best workout I've ever had.  No, it's more than that.  Working with a bat'leth is an art.  You have to use your mind and body, your movements --"
Torres: " Look, you may find all of this Klingon stuff really fascinating, but I don't.  I'm not going to waste my time trying to disembowel a bunch of holographic monsters.  I only came down here because you tricked me into that stupid bet."
Paris: " If you don't like the program, that's fine.  But why do you always have to get so hostile?"
Torres: " I am not hostile! 
...  I have tried this, and now I am finished, got it?"

Paris (to Torres): �I am an easygoing person, who is just trying to be friendly to someone who is obviously terrified of having a friend.� 

Paris (to an alien visitor which appears confused about having been transported to Voyager): "You're on a starship called Voyager.  Where were you before?"
Dammar: "My colony on Nyria Three.  I was walking home -- then I was here."

[Torres suffering from hypothermia]
Paris: "On your feet now, Torres.  That's an order."
Torres: "You can't give me orders.  We're the same rank."
Paris: "I am a bridge officer and I have seniority."
Torres: "Oh, yeah, by about two days."

Taleen: "I'd like to welcome you to your new home.  ...  Your vessel will be used to defend Nyrian acquisitions."
Chakotay: "Is this the way you operate, gradually charging places with the crew of a ship?"
Taleen: "Ships, colonies, space stations.  We've found it far more effective than warfare.  We aren't a cruel people."

Taleen: "... we've gone to great lengths to create an environment in which you will be comfortable."
Janeway: "Nonetheless, we are being held here against our will.  ..."
Chakotay: "It's still a prison."

Torres: "You don't think I'm hostile, do you?"
Kim: "I, uh -- wouldn't describe you that way, no."
Torres: "I know that I have a temper, but that doesn't mean I'm always hostile, does it?"
Kim: "No, of course not."
Torres: "I am forthright; I speak my mind.  That is very different from being hostile."
Kim: "Very different."
Torres: "And if someone described me that way, they'd be way off the mark, wouldn't they?"
Kim: "Way off."
Torres: "Then why do you look like you're afraid for your life?"

Torres: "Torres to bridge.  Ensign Kim just disappeared."
Janeway: "And we just got another visitor."

Torres (to Rislan, Nyrian scientist, re: exchanges of Voyager personnel with Nyrians): "Your people have been behind this all along."

Torres (at the Nyrian colony): "Captain, the Nyrians are responsible for the exchanges.  I think they have some kind of technology -"

Torres: "I've reconfigured the Doctor's optical sensors.  And, as soon as they're aligned, he should be able to detect the microwave signature of the portals."
Doctor: "Then I can begin my new career as a tricorder."

Torres (to Paris): "You're hardly one to talk about being defensive.  ...  Well, you just pretend that nothing bothers you and then you turn everything into a joke."
Doctor: "That's a valid observation.  Defense mechanisms come in many forms."

Torres (finding other environments maintained by the Nyrians): "Self-contained biospheres.  Every one of them is different."

[Torres and Paris have ducked into a frigid environment to avoid Nyrian security]
Torres: "My hands are completely numb."
Paris: "I would have thought that all that hot Klingon would have kept you warm."
Torres: "Shows how much you know about Klingons.  They have much less tolerance for the cold than humans do."
Paris: "Really?  I thought that was Cardassians."
Torres: "No, they just complain about it more."

Torres: " I didn't think we were this far from the porthole.  I don't think I can go on any further."
Paris: " You have to keep moving."
Torres: " Ah, I'm so sleepy."
Paris: " No, B'Elanna, get up."
Torres: " No, you go on.  I'm just going to rest here."
Paris: " If you do that you'll die."
Torres: " No, I'll be fine.  I just have to close my eyes for a minute."
Paris: " Oh no, I am not going to let you do this.  On your feet now Torres.  That's an order."
Torres: " You can't give me orders, we're the same rank."
Paris: " I'm a bridge officer and I have seniority."
Torres: " Oh yeah, by about two days."
Paris: " On your feet now!  Come on, you've been wanting to take a swing at me for days, now's your chance."
Torres: " You're just trying to get me moving."
Paris: " You will keep moving.  Or do I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you out?"
Torres: " Don't even try it."

Torres: "Things were pretty chilly there for a while.  ...  It feels good to be warm again."
Paris: "Yeah!  Sure does."

Tuvok: "Captain, there's data here for 94 different environments."
Janeway (re: the Nyrians): "They're holding thousands of prisoners."

Tuvok: "This translocator has an extremely long range.  Over ten light-years."
Janeway: "Great distances must limit its capacity.  That's why the Nyrians could only send one person to Voyager at a time and bring one of us here."
Tuvok: "There method has the advantage of appearing innocent, at least in the beginning."

Worst Case Scenario

Chakotay (to Janeway in a holoprogram): �Kathryn, don�t try to be a hero.� 

Doctor: "Ath, there you are.  I have several brilliant ideas for upcoming chapters of your holo-novel, as well as a list of revisions and dialogue changes that I believe will improve the earlier installments."
Paris: "I don't believe this."
Doctor: "No thanks are necessary.  In addition, I'm prepared to offer my expertise in the creation of holographic mise-en-scene."

Janeway: "You've just threatened the wrong woman, Chakotay."

Janeway: "Apparently you didn't account for B'Elanna's exceptional computer skills."
Tuvok: "Or her somewhat excessive curiosity."

Janeway: "With all due respect, Mister Tuvok, loosen up."

Janeway: "If Seska can rewrite Tuvok, maybe I can rewrite Seska."

Janeway: "Who says deus ex machina is an outdated literary device?"

Neelix: "I just have a couple of comments -- about the Neelix character --"
Tuvok: "How surprising."

Paris (re: holoprogram): "Who wrote this stuff?"

Paris: "You know, I think you're on to something.  We could add a steamy love scene between the Starfleet CONN officer and the Maquis engineer."
Torres: "Oh, that's realistic."

Paris: "You should never have crossed her, Tuvok."
Tuvok: "She has been dead for over a year.  There would have been no way to predict this turn of events."
Paris: "I guess we should have known Seska wouldn't let a little thing like death stop her from getting even."

Paris: "So, Tuvok, anything in the Dictates of Poetics about how to escape from a ship of insane holograms?"

Paris: "Ah, just great.  Maybe we can go to the mess hall now and let the holographic Neelix burn my arm with a frying pan."

Paris (to Torres): "Well, it's not as if I caught you dancing the rumba with a naked Bolian."

Torres: "All I'm saying, is that there is room in every good story for a little bit of passion."

Torres: "Artistic differences?"
Tuvok: "I would hardly call Mister Paris's ideas artistic."

Tuvok: "You, on the other hand, are still adapting to your duties of first officer.  Under the circumstances, I believe my time would be better spent assisting you in your effort to justify the trust the Captain has placed in you."

Tuvok: "Seska is not the only one who knows how to cause a phaser malfunction."

Scorpion, Part I

Borg: "We are the Borg.  Existence as you know it is over.  We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.  Resistance is futile."

Chakotay: "I think you're struggling to justify your plan because your desire to get this crew home is blinding you to other options.  I know you, Kathryn.  Sometimes you don't know when to step back."

Leonardo da Vince hologram: "There are times, Catarina, when I find myself transfixed by a shadow on the wall, or the splashing of water against a stone; I stare at it, the hours pass.  The world around me drops away, replaced by worlds being created and destroyed by my imagination; a way to focus my mind."

da Vince hologram: "When one's imagination cannot provide an answer, one must seek out a greater imagination.  There are times, when even I find myself kneeling in prayer."

Doctor: "In essence, Mister Kim is being eaten alive."

Doctor: "Resistance, in this case, is far from futile."

Janeway (log entry): "I won't allow fear to undermine this crew's sense of purpose, even if that fear is justified."

Janeway: "We just need the courage to see this through to the end."
Chakotay: "There are other kinds of courage; like the courage to accept that there are some situations beyond your control.  Not every problem has an immediate solution."

Janeway: "We'll do everything in our power to avoid a direct confrontation, but if and when we do engage the Borg I'm confident that we'll be ready.  I have faith in each and every one of you.  Let's do it."

Janeway: "This day was inevitable.  We all knew it and we've all tried to prepare ourselves for the challenge ahead.  But at what point is the risk too great?  At what point do we come about and retreat to friendly territory?  Could the crew accept living out the rest of their lives in the Delta Quadrant?  I'm looking to all these captains; my comrades in arms.  But the truth is, I'm alone.
Chakotay: "If that moment comes, we'll face it together and we'll make the right decision.  You're not alone, Kathryn."
Janeway: "Three years ago, I didn't even know your name.  Today, I can't imagine a day without you."

Janeway: "Fight it, Harry.  That's an order."

Janeway: "I'm not ready to walk out onto the bridge and tell the crew we're quitting.  I can't do it, Chakotay; not yet."

Janeway: "I've made my decision.  Now, do I have your support?"
Chakotay: "You're the Captain.  I'm the first officer.  I'll follow your orders.  But that doesn't change my belief that we're making a fatal mistake."
Janeway: "Then I guess I'm alone after all.  Dismissed."

Janeway (being scanned by the Borg): �Think good thoughts.� 

Kes: "It's not the Borg that we should be worried about...."

Neelix: "But the Borg aren't exactly known for their diplomacy."

Paris: "Better to ride the rapids than face the hive."

Tuvok: "Curious."
Chakotay: "That's not the word I had in mind."