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Season 6

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Equinox, Part II


Chakotay: "I'd ask for a status report but I'm not sure I'd want to hear it."
Janeway: "Harry's analyzing the sound we've been hearing.  He thinks it's some form of communication."
Chakotay: "Well, I once figured out how to speak with a Terrelian seapod.  This couldn't be that much harder."

Janeway: "Our enemies aren't the aliens.  They're the humans aboard the Equinox."

Ransom: "You know, once we get our enhanced warp drive back on-line we'll be on our way home but it'll still take months to get there.  You can spend that time in the brig or -- you can become part of this crew.  I'd prefer the latter."
Seven: "I'd prefer the brig.  --"
Ransom: "You know, Janeway's not the only captain who can help you explore your humanity."
Seven: "You would be an inferior role model."
Ransom: "Janeway clung to her morality at the expense of her crew.  Maybe you should learn from that mistake."
Seven: "Her only mistake was trusting you."

Burke: "First-degree phaser burns, minor lacerations.  Looks like we'll have to amputate.  --  That was a joke.  Your suppose to smile and make a witty retort."
Seven: "I'm familiar with human banter.  Yours is crude and predictable."

[Voyager's Doctor has been downloaded into the Equinox's computer]
Doctor: "Seven's cranial infrastructure is highly complex.  You'll need months just to figure out what she had for breakfast."

Ransom (re: Doctor): "I deleted his ethical subroutines.  He'll be a little more cooperative now."

Chakotay: "A small olive branch is still an olive branch."

[After an attempt to communicate with the aliens fails]
Janeway (re: aliens): "They're not listening....  We should be tracking Ransom, not tinkering with adverbs."

Chakotay: "You've been known to hold a grudge.  This man betrayed Starfleet, he broke the Prime Directive, dishonored everything you believe in and threw Voyager to the wolves."
Janeway: "Borg, Hirogen, Malon -- we've run into our share of bad guys.  Ransom's not different."
Chakotay: "Yes, he is.  You said it yourself.  He's human.  --  I don't blame you for being angry but you can't compromise the safety of this ship to satisfy some personal vendetta."
Janeway: "I appreciate your candor.  Now, let me be just as blunt.  You're right, I am angry.  I'm damned angry.  He's a Starfleet captain and he's decided to abandon everything this uniform stands for.  He's out there right now torturing and murdering innocent life forms just to get home a little quicker.  I'm not going to stand for it.  I'm going to hunt him down no matter how long it takes.  No matter what the cost.  If you want to call that a vendetta, go right ahead."

Doctor (singing): "The ocular node's connect to the sensory node.  The sensory node's connected to the cortical node.  The cortical node's connected to the reticular node....  ...  The reticular node's connected to the occipital node."

Doctor: "Being unfettered by the ethical subroutines has made me far more efficient."

Ransom: "Janeway was right about one thing -- you are unique.  It would be a shame to lose you."
Seven: "Your compassion is irrelevant."
Ransom: "You think this is easy for me?  ...  ... you're leaving me no choice."
Seven: "'No choice'?  You say that frequently.  You destroy life-forms to attain your goals, then claim that they left you no choice.  Does that logic comfort you?"

Janeway (re: Ransom): "I've been studying his service record.  He's had his share of run-ins with hostile aliens.  It seems that when he's being pursued, he tends to hide."

Janeway: "I'll drop the shields around this room and let your little friends come pay you a visit."
Lessing: "That would be murder."
Janeway: "You could also call it 'poetic justice'."

Janeway: "We all make our own hell, Mr. Lessing.  I hope you enjoy yours."

Chakotay: "You almost killed that man today.  ...  It was a bad call.  ...  This isn't about rules and regulations.  It's about right and wrong and I'm warning you --  I won't let you cross that line again."
Janeway: "Then you leave me no choice.  You are hereby relieved of duty until further notice."

Janeway (to Ankari): "Your spirits of good fortune are attacking us."

Ankari officer (interpreting alien noises): "They say they want the humans to die." 
Tuvok: "A difficult place to start a negotiation.  ..."
Janeway (to aliens): "We didn't do this to you.  We're trying to stop the humans who did."
Ankari officer (still interpreting): "They don't believe you would harm your own kind."
Janeway (to aliens): "We have rules for behavior.  The Equinox has broken those rules by killing your species.  It's our duty to stop them."
Ankari officer (still interpreting): "Give us the Equinox.  Give us the Equinox.  They insist on destroying the ones who were responsible."
Tuvok (to aliens): "We will punish them according to our own rules.  They will be imprisoned.  They will lose their freedom."
Janeway (to aliens): "All right.  --  If you stop your attacks, I'll deliver the Equinox to you."
Tuvok: "Captain ... these beings would destroy Captain Ransom and his crew.  ...  Your behavior is irrational.  We could find another solution."
Janeway (to Tuvok): "I've already confined my first officer to quarters.  Would you like to join him?"
Ankari officer (still interpreting): "They agree."

Doctor: "Oh, my darling.  Oh, my darling.  Oh, my darling -"
Seven: "- Clementine.  ..."
Doctor: "You are lost and gone forever, -"
Seven: "- dreadful sorry, Clementine.  ..."
Doctor: "Light she was and like a fairy -"
Seven: "- and her shoes were number nine."
Doctor: "Herring boxes without topses -"
Seven: "- sandals were for Clementine."
Doctor: "Drove she ducklings to the water ..."
Ransom: "Enough!  --"
Doctor: "Why the long face Captain?  You're about to get your crew home.  --  She tried to stand in your way.  You had no choice.  --"
Ransom: "No choice.  --  Thank you, Doctor."
[Ransom had 'no choice' about killing the aliens.  Janeway had 'no choice' about relieving Chakotay of his duties.  The Doctor, with ethical subroutines disabled, said Ransom had 'no choice'.  It appears the lack of ethics reduces the number of choices available.]

[Ransom is fantasizing while using a 'synaptic stimulator'.  Seven's appearance in the fantasy is as a human female without Borg implants.]
Ransom: "You.  What are you doing here?"
Seven: "Hiding.  Like you."
Ransom: "I'm not hiding."
Seven: "It's beautiful.  I can see why this brings you comfort."
Ransom: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Seven: "But it isn't real."
Ransom: "You're not real.  Now leave me alone."
Seven: "It's not too late to stop."
Ransom: "I don't have a choice."
Seven: "Find another way."
Ransom: "There is no other way."
Seven: "Stop trying to hide."
Ransom: "I told you I'm not hiding.  Now get away from me!"
Seven: "End this."
Ransom: "No."
[Seven's appearance changes to that of an alien and scares Ransom out of his 'synaptic stimulator' fantasy]

[Seven and the Doctor are back on Voyager]
Doctor: "it's quite disconcerting to know that all someone has to do is flick a switch to turn me into Mr. Hyde."
Seven: "Perhaps you should enhance your program with security protocols.  It will prevent such tampering in the future."

Janeway: "The last time we welcomed you aboard, you took advantage of our trust.  ...  Noah Lessing, Marla Gilmore, James Morrow, Brian Sofin, Angelo Tassoni.  You are hereby stripped of rank.  You'll be expected to serve as crewmen on this vessel.  ...  This time you'll have to earn our trust."

Janeway (re: Voyager's nameplate): "Would you look at that.  --  All these years, all these battles.  This thing's never fallen down before.  --"
Chakotay: "Let's put it back up where it belongs."

Survival Instinct


Janeway: "Doesn't it look like Christmas morning in here ... ?
Chakotay: "You have to admit, the generosity of our guests is very impressive."
Tuvok: "As is their proclivity for criminal behavior."

Chakotay (to Tuvok): "... after all the xenophobic races we've run into, don't you find it just a little refreshing to meet some people who value openness and freedom."

Tuvok (to Janeway and Chakotay): "I am pleased that you are pleased."

Neelix: "... I'm sorry, but there's no more marsupial surprise.  ...  Now how about some pizza?"

Naomi Wildman: "She's a Shivolian, right?  ...  Species 531?"
Seven: "Your mother would not approve of you memorizing Borg designations.  I don't approve either.  We've discussed the impropriety of you emulating Borg."

Seven: "I do not enjoy crowds."
Naomi: "But you were in the Collective.  Wasn't that like a big crowd?"
Seven: "Which is why I do not enjoy them now."

[Seven is recollecting the events of a crash of a Borg probe eight years prior.]
P'Chan (AKA Four or Nine): "Error.  ...  We shouldn't be desecrating the body of this drone.  It is against the will of Brothara?"
Marika (AKA Three of Nine): "Who is Brothara?"
Lansor (AKA Two of Nine): "Brothara: supernatural deity worshipped by Species 571."
P'Chan: "I am a member of Species 571."
Seven: "You're being confused by irrelevant data.  Ignore it."
Marika: "You said 'I am a member of Species 571.'  Do you consider yourself and individual?"
Seven: "There are no individuals here.  We are Borg."

Marika: "We need consensus."

Marika: "Apologies are irrelevant."

Marika: "If we fail, we'll never become individuals."

Seven: "I will not comply."

[Eight year old memory]
Seven: "I use to be afraid of the dark."

[Eight year old memory]
Marika: "I have a name.  It's Marika.  Marika Wilkarah...."
Seven: "Her designation is Three of Nine."

[Eight year old memory]
P'Chan: "I have a name.  P'Chan.  Son of Dronar and Anisha.  My primary function was to care for them.  ...  My parents are dead.  The Borg killed them.  I hate the Borg.  [Closed captioning subtitles first identified P'Chan as Four of Nine during this discussion.]

[Seven identifies the three former Borg members as Two of Nine, Three of Nine and Four of Nine prior to this discussion in sick bay.]
Lansor: "We want to become ..."
Marika: "... individuals."
Janeway: "You want to break the neural link between the three of you?"
Marika: "Wouldn't you?  None of us is alone with our own thoughts, our own feelings."
Lansor: "Every day of my life is spent hearing their two voices in my head."
P'Chan: "When we're asleep, we experience each other's dreams."
Doctor: "How is that different from life in the Collective?"
Seven: "In the Collective, there are billions of voices.  They become ... white noise."
Lansor: "But with only three ..."
Marika: "... each voice comes through clearly."
P'Chan: "It has to stop.  We must break the neural link."

Lansor: "When we were reassimilated ..."
Marika: "... we found that we had been linked together somehow."
P'Chan: "We were a subset within the Collective."
Lansor: "It's like having three voices whispering in one ear ..."
Marika: "... and a crowd screaming in the other."

Lansor: "Why do they still call you Seven?  You should have a name."
Seven: "It is my name."
P'Chan: "No.  It's a designation.  You're and individual now."
Seven: "I decided that my former name was no longer appropriate."

Seven: "I do feel compelled to help them but I am uncertain as to the correct course of action."
Janeway: "... do you think of these people ... a family?"
Seven: "Is it relevant?"
Janeway: "There's an old saying: Blood is thicker than water.  It means that the ties of family run deeper than any other kind of relationship.  We'll often do things for members of our family we'd never dream of doing for anyone else."

Doctor: "It's never a good sign when the patient feel the need to comfort the doctor."

[Eight year memory]
Seven: "I do not exist, I am only a part of the greater whole."

[Eight year memory]
Seven: "Resistance is futile."

[Eight year memory]
Seven: "State your designations."
Lansor: "Two of Nine.  Primary Adjunct of Unamatrix Zero-One."
Marika: "Three of Nine.  Auxiliary Processor of Unamatrix Zero-One."
P'Chan: "Four of Nine.  Secondary Adjunct of Unamatrix Zero-One."

Chakotay: "There's a difference between surviving and living."

Seven: "Survival is insufficient.  ...  The deserve to exist ... as individuals."

Doctor: "... Seven of Nine doesn't like to make mistakes.  She strives for perfection.  ...  Are you doing what's right for those three people ... or are you trying to alleviate the guilt you feel over what happened eight years ago?"
Seven: "The damage I did can never be repaired and my guilt is irrelevant.  I simply want them to experience individuality ... as I have.  As you have.  At one time you were confined to this sick bay.  Your program was limited to emergency medical protocols.  In some ways, you were not unlike a drone.  But you were granted the opportunity to explore your individuality.  You were allowed to expand your program.  Your mobile emitter gives you freedom of movement.  Your thoughts are your own.  If you were told you had to became a drone again, I believe you would resist."
Doctor: "Yes, I suppose I would."
Seven: "They would resist as well.  They would choose freedom, no matter how fleeting.  Only you and I can truly understand that."
Doctor: "Survival is insufficient."

Lansor: "I'd forgotten what it was like to be alone with my own thoughts.  ...  I want to see the space station.  To meet new people.  To fill my life ... with life again ... in the time I have left."

P'Chan: "My people don't believe in holding grudges."

Marika: "I can't forgive you for what you did to us.  But I do understand why you did it."

Seven: "I see that word travel quickly."
Naomi: "It's a small ship."

Barge of the Dead

Kim: "Maybe the comm system picked up some stray signal from a pulsar, I don't know."
Torres: "A pulsar that speaks Klingon?"

Miral: "Who are you asking?"
Torres: "You!  Kahless!  The tooth fairy!  Anybody who will tell me what I am supposed to do!"

Paris: "Are you alive?"
Torres: "You tell me."

Torres: "Harry, it bled, it screamed, there's got to be some explanation."
Kim: "Hey, I've got one for you, you hit your head harder than you thought."

Torres: "And if you even think about joining in on this, embrace your heritage nonsense, I swear, I'll rip out your tongue and wear as a belt."
Paris: "Oh, no, there's not a lot of Klingon in you."
Torres: "I inherited the forehead and the bad attitude, that's it."

Torres: "She prayed to Kahless everyday to guide me in the ways of a warrior.  I guess he wasn't listening."

Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy

Torres Hologram: "Why do you torment me like this?"
Doctor: "That was never my intention."
Torres Hologram: "It wasn't?"
Doctor: "I want you to be happy, B'Elanna."
Torres Hologram: "Without you?"
Torres: "What?"
Doctor: "I'll always be fond of you, that will never change."
Torres Hologram: "You can't just leave me.  I couldn't bear to be alone."
Doctor (re: Paris): "Aren't you forgetting someone?  He needs you, B'Elanna, now more than ever."
Torres Hologram: "Forget him, he's not half the man you are."



Paris: "...  If you were married in 2304 and your daughter was conceived during your eleventh pon farr, that would make you -- 162 years old."
Tuvok: "Incorrect."
Kim: "Come on, Tom.  The man's not a day over 140.  We know you were at least a hundred when you joined Starfleet the second time, so I'm guessing you're around 133?"
Tuvok: "Also incorrect.  I'm afraid you both lack sufficient data to reach a logical conclusion."
Paris: "Come on, Tuvok, tell us."
Tuvok: "I see no reason to enlighten you."
Kim: "Don't tell me Vulcans are embarrassed about their age."
Tuvok: "On the contrary, we value the wisdom that comes with advancing years."
Paris: "In that case, how wise are you?"
Tuvok: "Wise enough to end the inquiry."

Kim: "I got a fleet of ships, 200,000 kilometers dead ahead."
Tuvok: "Can you identify them?"
Kim: "Negative."
Paris: "I'm reading multiple hull configurations."
Tuvok: "Raise shields.  Red alert!"
Janeway: "Report."
Tuvok: "We've detected a large group of vessels directly ahead."
Chakotay: "Hostile?"
Tuvok: "Possibly.  I'm charging weapons."
Janeway: "On screen.  --"
Kim: "I'm counting 62 ships and a few hundred pieces of ships.  All dead in space."
Paris: "It's a junkyard.  Congratulations, Tuvok.  You just saved us from a flotilla of hostile trash."

Abaddon: "Welcome to Abaddon's Repository of Lost Treasures.  Whether you're in the mood to buy, or simply browse, we're always open.  Take a look.  You may find something you never knew you wanted."

Kim: "This guy's collected more technology than the Borg."
Seven: "And almost all of it is useless."

Paris: "... this ship is a diamond in the rough.  ...  It has a neurogenic interface that allows it to react directly to the pilot's thoughts.  That give it the potential of being quicker and more maneuverable than anything we've got , including the Delta Flyer."
Neelix: "Add to that an optronic weapons array -"
Chakotay: "- I get the picture.  Are you sure you're not just looking for a new toy?"
Paris: "No.  Absolutely not."

Neelix (to Abaddon): "Let me guess.  All trades are final."

Kim (re: the neurogenic interface ship named Alice by Paris): "A little snug."
Paris: "As Seven would say, an efficient design."

Paris (following a woman to the shuttle bay where Alice is being repaired): "Who are you?"
Alice hallucination: "It's me -- Alice."

Chakotay (to Paris re: uniform, appearance and duties): "...  We do have protocols."

Alice hallucination: "Since when do you care so much about orders?"
Paris: "I'm already an ensign.  You want to see me busted down to cadet?"

Paris: "We're compromising vital systems.  ..."
Alice hallucination: "If your friends had been more understanding, we wouldn't have to be sneaking around like this."
Paris: "I spent the last six years with these people.  They're like my family."
Alice hallucination: "Sometimes you have to leave your family behind.  They're not like us.  They're trapped by rules and regulations."

Alice hallucination: "You don't belong here.  You belong with me."

Torres (re: Paris): "You're his best friend, right?  ...  So maybe you can explain why every time he finds a new hobby, I go right out the airlock?"
Kim: "I wouldn't take it personally.  The Ferengi call it the five stages of acquisition:  infatuation, justification, appropriation, obsession and resale.  Seems like you've only got one stage left before he loses interest in that ship and he's all yours again."
Torres: "Until the next infatuation."

Alice hallucination: "So, I guess this is the real Tom Paris.  Life throws up a few roadblocks and he heads for the nearest exit."

Alice hallucination: "'And Daedalus fashioned wings from wax and feathers and used them to escape his prison.'"
Paris: "That's one of my favorite myths.  ...  But you left out the part where Icarus flew too close to the sun and his wings melted."

Doctor (to Abaddon): "The woman you saw was an hallucination created by the derelict ship's neurogenic interface.  ..."
Janeway: "... what does the ship want with our crew man?"
Abaddon: "She can't fly herself.  She needs a pilot -- a biological entity to work in tandem with her programming."

Torres (Preparing to communicate with Paris through Alice's neurogenic systems): "I'm not sure how I feel about getting inside Tom's head."
Doctor: "Maybe you'll be able to explain a few things when you get back."

Torres: "Don't believe her."
Paris: "Where's Alice?"
Torres: "There is no Alice.  She's a pile of circuits in this ship's computer core.  You're letting a program delude you."

Doctor (to Paris): "You'll need a few days to fully recover.  Think you can manage to stay off your feet for the that long?"
Torres: "If he doesn't, I'll break his legs."
Doctor: "Well, then, I'll leave you to B'Elanna's tender mercies."

Paris: "I'm sorry...."
Torres: "It wasn't your fault."
Paris: "...  It was like I was sleepwalking."
Torres: "The important thing is you woke up."
Paris: "--  Thanks for being my alarm clock."
Torres: "Anytime."
Paris: "From now on -- I promise no more affairs with strange ships."
Torres: "What about the Delta Flyer?"
Paris: "--  We're just friends."



Neelix: "How about a game of 'Species, Starship or Anomaly'?"  
Tuvok: "Surely you could find something more productive to occupy your time."  
Neelix: "Come on, Tuvok.  It'll be fun.  You think of something -- species, anomaly, or starship -- and I have 15 questions to guess what it is.  Come on, come on."  
Tuvok: "I would prefer some peace and quiet."  
Neelix: "How about a riddle?"  
Tuvok: "Mr. Neelix."  
Neelix: "Come on!  It'll be fun."  
Tuvok: "I have no desire for fun."  
Neelix: "Okay, forget fun.  A good riddle can stimulate the mind.  Now, no self-respecting Vulcan can say no to that."  
Tuvok: "Very well.  One riddle."  
Neelix: "Okay, here goes.  A lone ensign finds himself stranded on a class 'L' planetoid with no rations.  His only possession; a calendar.  When Starfleet finds him twelve months later he's in perfect health.  Why didn't he starve to death?"
Tuvok: "It is a theoretical possibility that such planetoids contain hot water springs which could sustain the man for several weeks."  
Neelix: "Ooh, but not for a whole year."  
Tuvok: "I concur.  Logic dictates that the ensign in question would perish."  
Neelix: "Aha!  Ha!  I stumped you.  As a matter of fact he not only survived, but his belly was full.  Why?  Because he feasted on dates from the calendar."  
Tuvok: "Your answer is merely wordplay.  It has no basis in reality.  Now if you'll excuse me."  
Neelix: "Where are you going?"  
Tuvok: "To find some peace and quiet."  
Neelix: "Have fun."  

Deputy Investigator Naroq, Kesat Security (re: attack on Tuvok): "It is my opinion that he was a victim of the Ba'neth.  ...  In my language, their name means 'shadow people'.  They're a species obsessed with concealing their identity; extremely paranoid and xenophobic.  It's my belief they've been responsible for several unexplained attacks similar to this one."  
Neelix: "Why wasn't I warned about them during my negotiations with your government?"  
Naroq: "Because my government's official position is that the Ba'neth do not exist.  Most people think they're a myth."  
Chakotay: "There's nothing mythical about what happened to Mr. Tuvok.  Why is your government so skeptical?"  
Naroq: "Because there have been so few encounters with the Ba'neth and, well, no one's ever actually seen one."
Janeway: "How many encounters are we talking about exactly?"  
Naroq: "Before this incident, twelve."  
Chakotay: "I guess we're lucky thirteen."  

Janeway: "... what makes you so sure the Ba'neth aren't just a myth?"  
Naroq: "This incident fits the pattern, Captain.  All of the alleged encounters have occurred aboard vessels foreign to this sector.  I believe they've been attempts by the Ba'neth to assess the technology of new arrivals."  
Neelix: "They were trying to download tactical data."  
Naroq: "And commander Tuvok suffered severe neural damage.  That's also consistent with previous attacks.  The Ba'neth were making sure he would not tell anyone what he saw."  

Doctor: "His cognitive, memory and logic centers have all been severely damaged."  
Naroq: "But he still has brain activity which is more than I can say for any of the previous victims."  
Doctor: "Vulcan neural tissue is extremely resilient.  I have no doubt that a brain from a lesser species would not have survived."  

Doctor: "Something I can do for you, Mr. Neelix?"  
Neelix: "I want to help."  
Doctor: "Unless you have a degree in Vulcan neurobiology that I'm not aware of, there's nothing you can do."  
Neelix: "There must be something.  ..."
Doctor: "There have been rare cases in which comatose patients responded to external stimuli:  aromas, touch, voices."  
Neelix: "So you're saying that if I stay here and try to talk to Tuvok, I might be able to provoke some sort of response."  
Doctor: "If anyone can provoke Tuvok, Mr. Neelix, it's you."  

Neelix (to comatose Tuvok): "... I ... thought that you might enjoy a recitation of that classic proto-Vulcan drama, Clash on the Fire Plains.  I'll be performing  all 23 parts myself."  

Neelix (to comatose Tuvok): "... how about some music?  Computer, access Vulcan audio file selection 56 alpha."  
[voices chanting]  
Doctor: "Mr. Neelix, what is that dreadful noise?"  
Neelix: "The chants of the monks of T'Panit.  Personally, I think it's dreadful, too but it's one of Tuvok's favorites."  
Doctor: "I appreciate your efforts, Mr. Neelix, but I'm trying to analyze his latest neurological scans and this music is very distracting."  
Neelix: "You said I was supposed to stimulate his senses."  
Doctor: "I said 'stimulate them', Mr. Neelix, not annihilate them."  

Janeway: "Commander Chakotay says you've found something."  
Naroq: "That, Captain, is an understatement.  Listen."  
Janeway: "What is it?"  
Naroq: "The sound of history being made."  
Janeway: "Less poetry, Mr. Naroq, more facts."  
Naroq: "The sound you're hearing indicates the presence of veridium isotopes."  Seven: "Residual particles from the Ba'neths' cloaking field.  ...  We can use Mr. Naroq's photolitic converter to illuminate them."  
Naroq: "So you see, Captain, why this is an historic moment.  We may finally learn what the Ba'neth look like."  
Janeway: "Well, let's see what we've got."  
Naroq: "You don't know how long I've waited to meet you."  
Janeway: "So, the Ba'neth aren't a myth after all."  
Naroq: "This is the clearest image ever captured!"  
Seven: "Perhaps.  I believe I can adjust our internal sensors to improve it."  
Naroq: "What are you doing?  You might disrupt the image entirely. -- Tentacles!  I always suspected they were multipeds."  

Janeway: "Seven, if we can integrate Mr. Naroq's photolitic technology into the deflector array we might be able to decloak a Ba'neth ship."  
Naroq: "The technology only works at close range.  We have to find the ship before we can expose it.  We still need that cloaking frequency."  
Janeway: "One step at a time."  

Doctor: "The Vulcan brain -- a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma housed inside a cranium.  Tuvok's neural pathways have begun to bypass the damaged tissue.  They're forming new synaptic connections.  In effect, his brain is rewiring itself.  Whether this is due to my neurostatic therapy or Neelix's rehabilitation regimen or some combination of the two -"  

Neelix: "Don't worry, Captain.  Tuvok will be back to his old self before you can say, 'live long and prosper'."  

Neelix: "Everybody makes mistakes."  

Neelix (to Tuvok): "Your quarters.  You spend a lot of time here reading, meditating.  Mr. Paris once referred to it as the 'Vulcan vault'."  

Paris: "I hate to ruin a good chase but the Ba'neth ship is moving out of the deflector's range."  

Tuvok: "You are Neelix.  I'm safe with you."  

Kim (re: Kaltoh): "The object of the game is to turn this jumble of rods into a perfect sphere.  We take turns positioning our pieces.  Whoever gets the shape to appear first wins."  
Tuvok: "I like the way it looks now."  

Tuvok (re: personnel record): "I was an instructor at Starfleet Academy.  I've received 17 commendations for valor.  I'm a husband.  A father."  
Neelix: "You're an extraordinary fellow, Tuvok."  
Tuvok: "I was an extraordinary fellow."  
Neelix: "You're still the same person."  
Tuvok: "Then why do I no longer work on the bridge?"  
Neelix: "We talked about that.  You had an accident."  
Tuvok: "And now I'm not smart enough."
Neelix: "Tuvok, you've just got to be patient.  Look how much progress you've made already."  
Tuvok: "He could dismantle a photonic warhead in -- in less than 30 seconds.  I can't even play Kaltoh."  
Neelix: "It's going to take time but you'll relearn all those things."  
Tuvok: "How do you know that?"  
Neelix: "Well, because the Doctor -"  
Tuvok: "The doctor!  The doctor doesn't know how to make me better!  Does he?"  
Neelix: "Well, not yet, but -"  
Tuvok: "I'll never be him again!"  
Neelix: "You don't know that.  The Vulcan mind -"  
Tuvok: "I'm not a Vulcan!  Not anymore!"  

Neelix: "Anything I can help you with?"
Seven: "Unlikely."
Neelix: "Try me."
Seven: "How do you find something that's invisible?"  
Neelix: "The Ba'neth."  
Seven: "We have the ability to illuminate them.  But to do so, we must first locate them which we cannot accomplish without their cloaking frequency."  
Neelix: "That's quite a riddle."  
Seven: "One that we might be able to solve if Commander Tuvok could tell us what he saw.  How is his rehabilitation progressing?"
Neelix: "Well, I thought it was going great, but now -- let's just say that I've got a riddle of my own."  
Seven: "Try me."  
Neelix: "All right.  When is a Vulcan no longer a Vulcan?"  
Seven: "When his genetic code is sufficiently altered."  
Neelix: "No.  I-I-I was speaking metaphorically."  
Seven: "In that case, a person is no longer Vulcan when he has lost his logic."  
Neelix: "Right!  And how does he get it back?"  
Seven: "He must be taught."  
Neelix: "Exactly, but what if he's brain-damaged and emotionally unstable?  How does he learn?"  
Seven: "It may be impossible for him to learn what you're trying to teach."  
Neelix: "Well, thanks for the pep talk."  
Seven: "I was merely suggesting that you adapt to the circumstances."  
Neelix: "What circumstances?  Are you saying that the Tuvok I know is gone -- that I should stop trying to help him?"  
Seven: "When I was separated from the Collective I, too, was damaged.  I was no longer connected to the hive mind.  I lost many abilities that I had acquired as a drone, but I adapted."  
Neelix: "Because Captain Janeway didn't give up on you.  She kept trying to help you."  
Seven: "But not by restoring me to what I'd been -- by helping me discover what I could become."  

Neelix: "What are you making?"  
Tuvok: "A flower.  It's for you."  
Neelix: "Thank you, but I'm not sure I deserve a gift."  
Tuvok: "I shouldn't have shouted at you.  I was angry.  I'm sorry."  
Neelix: "You were frustrated.  I don't blame you.  I'm the one who should be apologizing."  
Tuvok: "Why?"  
Neelix: "Because I was pushing you too hard.  I was trying to mold you into something you weren't."  
Tuvok: "You were disappointed in me because I can't do anything as well as I did before."  
Neelix: "Maybe there are things that you can do better."  
Tuvok: "What can I do better?"  
Neelix (re: flower): "Well, this, for example.  You would've considered it an 'illogical use of your time'."  
Tuvok: "It's not good."  
Neelix: "No, it's wonderful.  It's creative.  It's a symbol of friendship.  Before your accident you never would have considered that my feelings might have been hurt.  You would have certainly never have made me a gift."  
Tuvok: "We weren't friends?"  
Neelix: "Well, uh, we were colleagues and I certainly felt affection for you."  
Tuvok: "But I didn't return those feelings."  
Neelix: "You -- tolerated me."  
Tuvok: "I don't understand."  
Neelix: "You said things like 'Mr. Neelix, please contain your exuberance'.  And, uh, 'Mr. Neelix, I have no desire for fun'.  And you never smiled.  You have a much better sense of humor now."  
Tuvok: "I like to smile."  
Neelix: "Me, too."  
Tuvok: "I don't want to play Kaltoh anymore, or - or meditate, or -- work on logic problems."  
Neelix: "You don't have to."  
Tuvok: "What can we do instead?"  
Neelix: "Whatever you want."  
Tuvok: "Teach me things that you like to do."  

Neelix: "Tuvok has a flair for food.  All morning, he's been creating new recipes using combinations of ingredients that I never would have imagined.  ..."
Paris: "Only desserts?  How come?"  
Tuvok: "They taste good."  

Janeway: "What's all this?"  
Tuvok: "We're having fun."  
Paris: "It turns out Tuvok is quite the pastry chef."  

Ba'neth: "We do not share technology."  
Janeway: "But you take it from others.  The attacker was downloading our tactical database when the incident occurred."  
Ba'neth: "We must assess potential threats."  
Naroq: "Paranoid, just as I predicted."  

Neelix: "What are you listening to?"  
Tuvok: "A selection from Tom's jazz database -- it really swings."  

Tuvok: "I want to be able to have fun.  With you.  I won't be able to.  Will I?"  
Neelix: "Well, you won't call it fun.  You'll call it 'deriving satisfaction' but it's basically the same thing.  You'll still experience emotions."  
Tuvok: "But I won't express them."  
Neelix: "Probably not."  
Tuvok: "Then how will you know how much I enjoy being with you?"  
Neelix: "You've just told me."  
Tuvok: "We'll still be friends?"  
Neelix: "Of course."  
Tuvok: "Even if I -- merely tolerate you?"  
Neelix: "I'd be lying if I told you that things between us will stay the same."  
Tuvok: "Well, then, why?  Why do you want me to go back to the way I was?"  
Neelix: "Because this crew needs its tactical officer on the bridge and I wouldn't be a very good friend if I ignored that just so you'd be nicer to me."  

Neelix: "I'm preparing a special dinner tonight in honor of your recovery.  I don't suppose that you'd be interested in preparing one of your famous desserts."  
Tuvok: "I have much more important things to do than engage in the preparation of nutritionally deficient foods."  

Tuvok: "Sundays."  
Neelix: "I beg your pardon?"  
Tuvok: "I've given further consideration to your riddle regarding the ensign who survived by consuming the 'dates' from his calendar.  It occurs to me that he could also have eaten the 'Sundays'."  
Neelix: "That's a very clever answer, Mr. Vulcan, but it's not very logical, is it?"  
Tuvok: "No.  It's not." 

Dragon's Teeth

One Small Step

The Voyager Conspiracy



Deanna Troi: "I'm watching my figure."  
Lieutenant Reginald Barclay: "Why?  You -- you look lovely."  
Troi: "You always knew how to flatter me."  

Troi: "Well, hello!"  
Barclay: "Neelix!  Oh, he's not used to company.  It's not polite to eat our guest's food.  If you're hungry, just say so.  Deanna, uh, Neelix."  
Troi: "Neelix?  That's an unusual name.  Maybe we should introduce him to Data's cat, Spot."  

Troi: "I have a feeling you didn't ask me here to reminisce.  Tell me what's wrong."  
Barclay: "I've lost myself, Deanna."  
Troi: "Lost yourself?"  
Barclay: "In Voyager.  I've become obsessed with Voyager."     

Commander Pete Harkins: "Reg, I really appreciate your imagination.  It's what makes you such a valuable part of this team...."  

Chakotay hologram: "Warning.  The shark is circling."  
Torres hologram: "Let the games begin."

Kim hologram: "Just trying to get on your good side so you'll go easy on me tonight."  
Barclay: "Ah, you know what I always say -- if you can't stand the heat -"  
Kim hologram: "- get out of the warp core."  

Barclay: "Now, where's, um, Tuvok?"  
Torres hologram: "He said it's illogical to continue losing to a clearly superior player."  
Barclay: "Oh, that's too bad.  I love to watch that Vulcan squirm.  Now, you all know the rules.  Deuces, one-eyed jacks and suicide kings are wild.  Five of a kind beats a straight flush every time."  
Paris hologram: "The man is ruthless."  
Kim hologram: "He's a killer."  
Barclay: "Now, come on, guys.  You know it hurts me to see you lose.  After all, you are my best friends."  

Doctor (a hologram of a hologram): "Therapeutic massage can be an effective treatment for insomnia, Lieutenant, but we need to get to the cause of your sleeplessness if we're going to find a more permanent solution."  

Fair Haven


Paris (re: Fair Haven holoprogram): "I'm not changing a thing.  Fair Haven is perfect just the way it is."  
Kim: "Tommy boy, you forgot the leprechauns."  
Paris: "No.  No leprechauns, no aliens, no starships.  I want this to be a place where the crew can unwind."

Seamus holo-character: "Excuse me, Father, but I'm needing a bit of counsel."  
Doctor/Priest: "I'm off duty right now."  
Seamus: "But I've broken the fifth commandment again."  
Doctor/Priest: "Say ten 'our fathers' and call me in the morning."  

Janeway: "I'm looking for some friends of mine."  
Michael Sullivan holo-character: "Well, we're all friends here."  

Janeway: "There's a first time for everything."  
Sullivan: "An optimist, are you?"  
Janeway: "A realist."  

Janeway: "So, this is the program I've been hearing so much about."  
Paris: "Welcome, weary traveler."  
Janeway: "You have outdone yourself this time.  Everything is authentic except for one tiny detail."  
Paris: "Oh?"  
Janeway: "The harp on the sign.  It's backwards."  
Paris: "Everybody's a critic."  
Doctor: "As I recall, the Captain is quite an aficionado of Irish history."  

Janeway: "I hate to break up the party there's a neutronic wavefront approaching, class nine.  ..."
Seven: "Borg spatial classification 34792 particle density anomaly.  ...  I believe it was formed by the collision of two neutron stars.  ..."
Chakotay: "How long before it hits?"  
Seven: "Approximately 15 hours."  
Torres: "We're already feeling its effects.  ..."  
Janeway: "... we'll have to ride it out.  Let's batten down the hatches."  

Janeway: "This approaching wavefront, it's bringing back some unpleasant memories."  
Neelix: "How so?"  
Janeway: "You know I grew up on a farm in Indiana.  We used to have some terrible thunderstorms during the summer months.  At the first bolt of lightning I'd bolt under the bed."  
Neelix: "We had some pretty nasty weather on Talax, too.  I always enjoyed a good ion storm."  
Janeway: "Give me clear skies any day."  

Neelix: "... I am concerned with keeping up morale over the next few days.  The crew is not used to sitting still.  ...  Everyone seems to love Fair Haven.  I was thinking we might initiate an open-door protocol on the holodeck and keep the program running 24 hours a day.  Let people come and go as they please."  
Janeway: "Permission granted.  Fair Haven's just become our port in the storm."  

Sullivan: "Cead mil failte."  
Janeway: "Translation?"  
Sullivan: "'A hundred thousand welcomes.'  It's an old Irish saying.  We're all friends here."  
Janeway: "I had an aunt who used to have a saying like that.  'A stranger is a friend you just haven't met yet'."  

Sullivan: "Didn't your auntie teach you that it's impolite to leave without playing a game of rings?"  
Janeway: "I really can't...."  
Sullivan: "Afraid you'd lose?"  
Janeway: "I rarely lose."
Sullivan: "Prove it.  ..."  
Janeway: "Well, maybe rings aren't my forte after all.  Would you care to arm wrestle?"  
Sullivan: "That's not a woman's game, Katie.  You could get hurt."  
Janeway: "I'm stronger than I look."  

Sullivan: "It's good to make a new friend.  You have a nice way about you."  
Janeway: "'Flattery's the food of fools.'"  
Sullivan: "Another pearl of wisdom from your auntie?"  
Janeway: "No.  Jonathan swift."  

Doctor (re: Fair Haven holoprogram): "Even I have to admit Mister Paris's latest effort is quite a tour de force."  
Janeway: "Ooh, high praise from a hologram.  ..."  
Doctor: "I was hoping I could give my character a more active role.  In the period you've created, the village priest was the most prominent member of the community; held in the highest regard."  
Paris: "Yep, that's a great idea, Doc.  We could send Father Mulligan on a retreat to a nearby monastery where he takes a vow of silence and never speaks again."  
Doctor: "Try it!  You'll be saying Hail Marys till St. Patrick's Day."

Janeway: "Computer, display Fair Haven character Michael Sullivan.  Adjust his parameters to the following specifications:  give him the education of a 19th century third-year student at Trinity College."  
Computer: "Modification complete."  
Janeway: "Now access the character's interactive subroutines.  Make him more provocative."  
Computer: "Specify."  
Janeway: "Give him a more complicated personality."  
Computer: "Specify."  
Janeway: "More outspoken, more confident, not so reserved.  And make him more curious about the world around him."  
Computer: "Modification complete."  
Janeway: "Good.  Now, increase the character's height by three centimeters.  Remove the facial hair.  No, no, I don't like that.  Put some back -- about two days' growth.  Better.  Oh, one more thing.  Access his interpersonal subroutine, familial characters.  Delete the wife."  
Computer: "Modification complete."

Seven: "Are you ill, Commander?"  
Tuvok: "I am experiencing a slight loss of equilibrium and some gastrointestinal distress."  
Seven: "Space sickness?"  
Tuvok: "Unlikely.  I'm not prone to that condition."  
Seven: "Perhaps you should go to sick bay."  
Tuvok: "I'll be fine."  
Kim: "I'm telling you, we should add more fog."  
Paris: "Fog is depressing."  
Kim: "It's authentic!"  
Paris: "It's dangerous!"  
Kim: "All right, we could add a lighthouse."  
Paris: "It's Fair Haven, Harry -- sunshine?"  
Kim: "Tuvok, what do you think?  The Irish seacoast - fog or no fog?"
Tuvok: "I have no opinion."  
Paris: "He hasn't visited our little paradise yet."  
Tuvok: "Nor do I intend to."  
Kim: "I think you'd like it, Commander.  It's a great place to meditate."  
Paris: "Imagine yourself sitting high on a bluff overlooking the ocean.  Salt air.  The rhythm of the waves rising and crashing against the rocks.  A tiny fishing boat bobbing on the water below; up and down.  Up and down."  
Tuvok: "I get the idea, Ensign.  Thank you."  
Neelix: "Mutton, creamed cabbage or blood pudding?"  
Seven: "Explain."  
Neelix: "I'm preparing a traditional Irish meal at the 'Ox and Lamb' this afternoon and I cannot decide on a main course."  
Paris: "Oh, blood pudding -- you can't lose."  
Neelix: "That was my first choice, too.  But replicating the lamb's intestines, it -- it could be tricky, and every time I try to heat the blood, it coagulates in the milk."  
Tuvok: "If you'll excuse me.  I think I will consult the doctor."  

Sullivan: "Do you know Jane Eldon?"  
Janeway: "Eldon?  No, I've never met her."  
Sullivan: "Well, I'd be terrified if you had.  She's been dead 70 years.  No, I was, uh, I was thinking about her poetry."  

Chakotay: "Looks like the worst is yet to come.  ...  Seven's found an increase in the neutronic gradient at the trailing edge of the wavefront.  It's going to be a rough ride when it hits.  ..."
Tuvok: "That could explain my recent space sickness.  The Vulcan physiology is highly sensitive to neutronic gradients."  
Paris: "You'd make a good barometer, Tuvok.  Every time you get queasy, we go to red alert."  

Janeway: "I have an interest in Irish culture.  ...  They've produced great writers for hundreds of years."  
Chakotay: "Not to mention great bartenders."  
Janeway: "He's a hologram."  
Chakotay: "I couldn't help but notice he seemed a little taller than the last time I saw him."  
Janeway: "Yes, I made a few modifications."  
Chakotay: "In the interest of Irish culture?"  
Janeway: "Exactly.  ..."  
Chakotay: "It was nice to see you having a little fun."  
Janeway: "He  is  rather charming, isn't he?  Too bad he's made of photons and force fields."  
Chakotay: "I never let that stand in my way." 

Janeway: "... I'd rather stick to reality right now."  

Seamus (watching Seven play rings): "Saints preserve us."  
Seven: "I possess superior hand-eye coordination."  
Seamus: "That's not all that's superior.  The lily and the rose are staging a competition in your face."  
Seven: "Clarify."  
Seamus: "The fullness of your lips and the paleness of your cheeks -- it's enough to make a man faint."  
Seven: "Then, in that case, perhaps we should sit down."  
Kim (apparently jealous of how quickly Seamus caught Seven's attentions): "I don't believe it."  
Paris: "It's called 'old-world charm,' Harry."  

Doctor/Priest: "Temperance is a virtue."  

Doctor/Priest: "Love thy neighbor."  

Doctor: "I don't mean to pry, Captain, but we've got a broken-hearted hologram who believed that the two of you were in love."  

Doctor: "If you decide you want to talk, I've been hearing a lot of confessions lately.  Let me know.  --"
Janeway: "You want a confession, Doctor?  ...  I've become romantically involved with a hologram, if that's possible."  
Doctor: "Tell me what happened."  
Janeway: "Well, you know the story -- girl meets boy; girl modifies boy's subroutines.  ..."  
Doctor: "I don't see the problem."  
Janeway: "Don't you?  Michael Sullivan is exactly my type -- attractive, intelligent.  We share the same interests and if there's something I don't like I can simply change it."  
Doctor: "I've noticed that humans usually try to change the people they fall in love with.  What's the difference?"  
Janeway: "In this case, it works.  We had a picnic by the lake yesterday afternoon.  Michael drifted off to sleep.  His head was lying on my shoulder and I remember thinking, 'this is close to perfect.'  Then he began to snore.  Did I nudge him with my elbow hoping he'd roll over and stop?  Did I whisper in his ear to wake him?  No.  Why bother, when I could simply access the computer and alter his vocal algorithms?  And that's exactly what I was about to do when I realized that everything around me was an illusion, including him.  So, I left.  I almost wrote him a note to say, 'good-bye.'  Can you believe that; a 'dear John' letter to a hologram?"  
Doctor: "I understand your trepidation, but you're the Captain.  You can't have a relationship with a member of your crew.  They're all your subordinates.  So, where does that leave you -- the occasional dalliance with a passing alien?  Voyager could be in the Delta Quadrant for a very long time.  A hologram may be the only logical alternative."  
Janeway: "He's not real."  
Doctor: "He's as real as I am.  Photons and force fields; flesh and blood -- it's all the same, as long as your feelings are real.  He makes a joke; you laugh.  Is that an illusion?  He says something that makes you think.  Does it matter how his molecules are aligned?  Did it ever occur to you that it's not just a question of whether or not he's real?"  
Janeway: "What do you mean?"  
Doctor: "I think you should stop trying to control every aspect of this relationship.  Romance is born out of differences as well as similarities.  Out of the unexpected, as well as the familiar."  
Janeway: "Maybe I just needed to be sure that he'd love me back."  
Doctor: "But isn't that the risk you always take, hologram or not?  ..."  
Janeway: "I've never been afraid of taking risks."  
Doctor: "Then perhaps next time you should just let him snore."     

Tuvok: "Deflector output is dropping."  
Janeway: "Give him everything we've got -- life support, environmental control.  Scrape the residual ions off the sonic showers if you have to."

Paris: "So much for the luck of the Irish."  

Janeway: "Hello."  
Sullivan: "You disappeared on me, Katie.  I woke up and you were gone."  
Janeway: "I had some thinking to do."  
Sullivan: "Are you done?"

Blink of an Eye





Spirit Folk

Ashes to Ashes

Child's Play

Good Shepherd

Live Fast and Prosper

The Muse


Life Line

The Haunting Of Deck Twelve

Unimatrix Zero


Doctor: "Dreams can often seem quite real." 

Seven: "I don't wish to dream again.  Please repair my cortical array." 
Doctor: "This isn't a malfunction, Seven.  It's a natural step in your human development.  It might seem unsettling now but you'll get used to it.  Before you know it you'll look forward to climbing into your alcove each night." 

Janeway (to Paris): "As ship's captain I hereby reinstate you to the rank of lieutenant with all the privileges and responsibilities therein.  Your performance on this ship over the past year has been exemplary.  I expect more of the same." 

Kim (re: Paris finding box on his seat containing his Lieutenant pip): "I didn't notice a little box on my chair." 

Seven: "I'm regenerating.  This is only a dream." 
Axum: "You're not dreaming.  I brought you here.  This is Unimatrix Zero." 

Seven (re: Unimatrix Zero): "Are you telling me this isn't a real place?  It's some kind of virtual construct?" 
Axum: "We come here during our regeneration cycles.  We can exist as individuals here.  ...  You used to come here; before you escaped the Collective.  You have the recessive mutation, too.  Don't you remember any of it?" 
Seven: "No.  What mutation?" 
Axum: "Only one out of a  million drones has it." 

Borg Queen (to Borg head): "It's a shame you're not alive to experience disembodiment.  It's the epitome of perfection." 

Axum: "Unimatrix Zero is our sanctuary.  When we're here, our thoughts are our own."
Seven: "What was my function?" 
Axum: "You're thinking like a Borg.  Our only function here is to try and regain a fragment of the lives we lost when we were assimilated." 

Laura (to Korok): "Shouldn't you be off sharpening your teeth?" 

Seven: "You're human." 
Laura: "I was assimilated at Wolf 359.  It's good to see you again.  But you look out of place.  Your cybernetic implants -" 
Seven: "Our doctor was unable to remove all of my Borg components." 
Axum: "You don't have to look that way here." 
Seven: "My appearance is irrelevant." 
Axum: "No, it's not.  They may have turned us into drones but they can't change the essence of who we are." 

Seven: "It's my understanding that when we receive a distress call, we respond.  'Starfleet protocols'." 

Janeway: "... Seven's discovered a potential weakness in the Collective.  Before we decide how to proceed I'd like to learn as much about it as we can."
Chakotay: "Too bad you don't have the luxury of an interlink node." 
Tuvok: "There is another possibility.  A Vulcan technique known as 'the bridging of minds'.  ...  I would need to initiate a mind meld with both you and Seven acting as a telepathic conduit." 
Doctor: "You make it sound like a conference call." 

Chakotay: "This will be one away mission for the record books." 
Janeway: "Mind melds.  The last time I heard the words 'my mind to your mind' I had a headache for two weeks." 
Chakotay: "I'm willing to volunteer if you'd rather hold down the fort." 
Janeway: "I appreciate your trying to protect me but a chance to see this place; it's worth a headache." 

Doctor: "How many times have you actually performed this 'bridging of heads'?" 
Tuvok: "'Minds'.  Never." 
Doctor: "Then how can you be certain it'll work?"
Tuvok: "Nothing is certain, Doctor.  However, I once observed a Vulcan master perform the technique.  I am reasonably confident I can duplicate his success." 
Doctor: "Watching and doing are two different things." 
Tuvok: "As always, your logic is impeccable." 
Doctor: "What a comfort." 

Borg Queen (re: Unimatrix Zero): "If we can't terminate their link, then we'll simply have to pay them a visit." 

Axum (re: Unimatrix Zero): "You can see why we want to protect this place." 
Janeway: "We're prepared to help you but I'm concerned that we'd only be putting off the inevitable.  Even if we succeeded and you could remain hidden for a year, ten years, the Borg would eventually find you again.  Have you ever considered a more permanent solution?  ...  You've got a remarkable sanctuary here but that's all it is.  Maybe it's time to stop hiding and find a way to fight back.  ...  If you could find a way to carry your individualities into the real world -- to wake up from your regeneration cycles with your memories intact -- you could begin to undermine the Borg's control over you." 
Seven/Annika: "That sounds like you're suggesting a civil war." 
Janeway: "I prefer to call it a resistance movement." 

Janeway: "The Collective's found a way to infiltrate Unimatrix Zero.  It won't be long before they learn enough to destroy it from the inside out.  I plan to stop them." 
Chakotay: "What have you got in mind?" 
Janeway: "The people there are vulnerable.  They don't have the ability to take action in the real world.  We're going to give them that ability."
Chakotay: "How?" 
Janeway: "The Doctor and B'elanna are working on it.  I know what you're thinking.  We'd be violating half a dozen Starfleet protocols and if the Collective ever learned we were involved we'd be putting Voyager in the middle of a civil war.  Valid objections.  Chakotay, we've had our disagreements and there have been times when I've chosen to proceed without your support.  But this can't be one of those times.  I won't do this without my First Officer." 
Chakotay: "The way I see it, risking the safety of Voyager is a small price to pay.  If we help these people, this could be the turning point in our battle against the Borg." 

Janeway: I couldn't help but notice you were a little different in Unimatrix Zero and I don't mean your lack of Borg implants.  You seemed more -" 
Seven: "Human." 
Janeway: "If you don't mind my saying so, it suited you." 
Seven: "I've been told I spent a great deal of time there and since I don't remember Unimatrix Zero any more than I remember Earth, it's irrelevant." 
Janeway: "To you, maybe, but if what I saw was any indication, Annika would disagree." 

Seven: "We were more than friends, weren't we?  Why didn't you tell me?" 
Axum: "You'd forgotten.  It wasn't my place." 

Seven: "I should return to Voyager." 
Axum: "Annika." 
Seven: "My name is Seven of Nine." 

Janeway: "It was my decision to help these people.  This is my responsibility."
Tuvok: "Starfleet Tactical Directive 36:  'The captain will not engage a hostile force without the protection of a security officer.'  The probability of success is greater if there are two of us." 
Torres: "Make that three.  If you're going to pull this off you'll need an engineer in there.  ...  Tactical Directive 36-A." 
Paris: "There is no Directive 36-A." 
Torres: "There is now." 

Borg Queen: "Captain." 
Janeway: "It's been a long time.  How are things in the Collective?" 
Borg Queen: "Perfect, for the most part.  Voyager?" 
Janeway: "Never better." 
Borg Queen: "I understand you've established contact with Starfleet.  Perhaps you'll be getting home sooner than you expected." 
Janeway: "Perhaps." 
Borg Queen: "We could help you." 
Janeway: "How so?" 
Borg Queen: "Transwarp technology.  You'd find that we can be quite accommodating, but we'd expect the same in return." 
Janeway: "I'm not sure I know what you mean." 
Borg Queen: "You know exactly what I mean.  Tend to your own crew.  Stay away from things that don't concern you." 
Janeway: "I'm afraid I can't do that, but thanks for the offer." 
Borg Queen: "I won't be as accommodating next time." 

Seven: "Our previous friendship.  ...  It's irrelevant." 
Axum: "Irrelevant.  Well, now that I'll be able to retain my memory, I'll keep that in mind."