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Numbered Novels

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

#1 Caretaker - L. A. Graf

#2 The Escape - Dean W. Smith & Kristine K. Rusch

#3 Ragnarok - Nathan Archer

Torres (re: Carey): "The man can't realign a plasma conduit to save his life!"

#4 Violations - Susan Wright

Neelix: "Has everyone around here gone crazy or is it just me?" 
Kes: "It's just you."

#5 Incident at Arbuk - John Greggory Betancourt

#6 The Murdered Sun - Christie Golden

#7 Ghost of a Chance - Mark A. Garland & Charles G. McGraw

#8 Cybersong - S. N. Lewitt

#9 Invasion #4: The Final Fury - Dafydd ab Hugh

#10 Bless the Beasts - Karen Haber

#11 The Garden - Melissa Scott

#12 Chrysalis - David Niall Wilson

#13 The Black Shore - Greg Cox

#14 Marooned - Christie Golden

Kim (thought):  "Isn't it amazing ... all the conversations you can have without ever opening your mouth."

#15 Echoes - Dean W. Smith & Kristine K. Rusch

Academy instructor: "... all leaders have ... an edge."

Janeway: "Every problem can be resolved.  No matter how vast the problem is."  
Chakotay: " Yes ... but at what cost?"  
Janeway: "Cost is for the historians to decide ....  We will do the best we can."

Janeway: "It is never right to sacrifice a life unnecessarily."

#16 Seven of Nine - Christie Golden

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Janeway (thought): "The children always suffered the most in tragic situations...."

Chakotay (thought): "Appearance had nothing to do with the true nature of an alien...."

Seven (thought): "In the course of human history, one of the   things that most terrified that race was a fear of going insane."

Beytek: "Rumors are like the tariflies, they buzz about with no clear point of origin."

Doctor (in response to Seven having a crusty, gritty material in her right eye): "Humans call it sleep sand.  There are all kinds of stories told to children about the Sandman sprinkling the stuff in one's eyes with the purpose of bring restful sleep.  Similar to legends of the Tooth Fairy.  Personally, I find the thought of some spirit or magical being hovering about a child as it sleeps and pouring sand into its eyes rather disturbing, but it seems to calm the humans."

Doctor: "I'm a doctor, not an ornithologist, but to the best of my recollection, ravens don't have a particularly appealing song."

Doctor: "Since Ensign Kim brought you in to sickbay this afternoon, I've had to deal with Druana, Keela, Amari, To-Do-Ka, Shrri, and Zarmuk the Father-Warrior.  You make a very interesting male, Seven."

Seven (thought): "One doesn't concentrate on the smell of roses or the softness of their petals when one is about to die."

Tamaak: "... fear is a dreadful thing....  It can be as deadly as any disease."

Vorik: "Lieutenant Torres, if I may say so, cursing will not make the repairs go faster nor increase their efficacy."

Seven (thought): "Frantic activity would not accomplish the desired results.  She had to be effective to be successful."

"Seven thought in terms of efficiency, of logic, of balance, and there was no place for forgiveness in that kind of system."

Seven: "Attaching blame where there is none is inefficient and illogical."

#17 Death of a Neutron Star - Eric Kotani

#18 Battle Lines - Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur


Spock of Vulcan in 'The Squire of Gothos': "I object to you.  I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without constructive purpose."

"Risk was an albatross around every explorer's neck...."

"New encounters were always a tightrope walk between too much caution and too much risk."

Torres: "Band-aids don't fix broken arms."

Dahlyar Lekket: "... there is no such thing as civilization.  We play at civilization ... like children who put on their parents clothes and pretend to be adults. ...  All lies.  We are beasts, and must live our lives as such."

Lekket: "A man without fear is a man without sense."

Janeway: "Fate isn't something you wait and hope will fall into your hands.  You have to take charge of it."

Janeway: "We can't be expected to change our value system every time we cross a border.  If the murder of innocents is wrong in one place, it's wrong in every place."
Tuvok: "The definition of innocence, and indeed values, changes from culture to culture."
Janeway: "That's not relevant.  You can call the sun cold, but that doesn't lower its temperature.  Look at your logic....  Is it logical to change your values based merely on your location and the conclusions of others?"
Tuvok: "No.  Logic is simply the act of noncontradictory concept formation -- reason applied to base perceptions.  One's location cannot change one's moral values, if those values were logically chosen."

Doctor: "I'm a doctor, not a toastmaster."

Janeway (thought): "People needed bright colors to remind them they were alive and not part of the machinery."

Chakotay (thought): "... a weapon could symbolize:  death and tyranny, or protection and liberty -- depending on whose hand fingered the trigger."

"War was always dirty, but there was something especially unclean about trying to kill the defenseless -- even when they were soldiers."

Chakotay (thought): "...sometimes life-and-death decisions were easier when one knew death was the only alternative to inaction."

Janeway: "Was isn't supposed to be easy.  It's hard, and the harder the better.  Maybe there would be less war if it were just a little harder."

"Fear was a galactic constant."

Janeway (thought): "Magic was only magic as long as one was ignorant to the method behind the feat."

Doctor: "... I often prefer my patients unconscious."

Tuvok: "... I cannot relate to you anything save what I understand to be the facts of reality."

Tuvok: "Morality is a path to guide one's choices.  An unreasoned path leads to the unknown, and eventually to self-destruction.  ...  I ask you to remember that while the path chosen must be rational, the reason for your walking that path must also be based in logic -- in noncontradictory concept formation.  It is the only method I know to ensure that you are not in conflict with reality."
Janeway: "Logic will fit any argument, but not every premise on which the argument is based.  ...  It all comes back to morality not changing based on your location.

Tuvok: "Logic is not a Vulcan philosophy.  It is merely a philosophy embraced by most Vulcans.  Any sentient being, who chooses to think, can be logical.  Real thought -- where contradictions are not allowed, and morals codes are based on reasonable values ... it is the universal philosophy of reason."

Janeway: "Betrayal of an immoral value -- is moral ...."

Lekket (thought): "... evil didn't often wear signs or have scars.  Sometimes evil looked like you neighbor, or you brother ... or your friend."

Tuvok: "It is difficult to miss a nail with a sledge hammer ...."

Bolis: "Money, power ... it's much the same."

"Twenty-twenty hindsight is very clear and very useless."

Chakotay (thought): "Inexperience was bliss."

Janeway: "Freedom isn't just for those with the power -- its for those without the power as well."

Janeway: "All you need is one man with an idea, with reason on his side ... and with liberty as his goal."

Tuvok: "If one can think logically enough to conquer space, one can grasp the reason of liberty as well."