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Season 1

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.


Caretaker: "Aren't you contentious for a minor bi-pedal species?"

Chakotay: "Be creative."
B'Elanna Torres: "How am I supposed to be creative with a 39 year old rebuilt engine?"

Doctor: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

Doctor: "Is the crew always this difficult?"
Harry Kim: "I don't know, Doc. It's my first mission."

Doctor: "Doesn't anyone know to turn off the program when they leave?"

Jabin: "Ocampa?  She (Kes) is Ocampa.  Why would you be interested in such worthless creatures?  They live only nine years.  They make poor servants."

Jabin (to Janeway and crew): "You have made an enemy today." 

Katherine Janeway: "Gentlemen!  Welcome aboard Voyager."
Kim: "Thank you, Sir."
Janeway: "Mr. Kim -- at ease before you sprain something.  Ensign, despite Starfleet protocol, I don't like being addressed as 'Sir'."
Kim: "I'm sorry -- Ma'am."
Janeway: "'Ma'am' is acceptable in a crunch, but I prefer 'Captain'."

Janeway: "Break out the compression phaser rifles."

Janeway: "Don't believe your eyes."

Janeway: "Most of the species we've encountered have overcome all kinds of adversity without a caretaker.  It's the challenge of surviving on their own that helps them to evolve."

Janeway: "Children have to grow up."

Janeway: "I intend to destroy the array."
Torres: "What do you think you're doing?  That array is the only way we have to get back home!"
Janeway: "I'm aware everyone has family and loved ones at home that they want to get back to.  So do I.  But I'm not willing to trade the lives of the Ocampa for our convenience.  We'll have to find another way home."
Torres: "What other way home is there?  Who is she to be making these decisions for all of us?"
Chakotay: "She's the Captain."

Janeway: "We're alone in an uncharted part of the galaxy.  We've already made some friends here, and some enemies.  We have no idea of the dangers we are going to face.  But one thing is clear; both crews are to have to work together if we are to survive.  That's why Commander Chakotay and I have agreed that this should be one crew; a Starfleet crew.  And as the only Starfleet vessel assigned to the Delta Quadrant, we'll continue to follow our directive:  to seek out new worlds and explore space.  But our primary goal is clear:  even at maximum speeds, it would take 75 years to reach the Federation ... But I'm not willing to settle for that.  There is another entity like the Caretaker, out there, somewhere, who has the ability to get us there a lot faster.  We'll be looking for her.  And we'll be looking for wormholes, spatial rifts, or new technologies to help us.  Somewhere, along this journey, we'll find a way back.  Mister Paris, set a course for home."

Janeway: "I don't like threats, I don't like bullies, and I don't like you!"

Kim: "Captain, if these sensors are working we're over 70,000 light years from where we were.  We're on the other side of the galaxy."

Kim: "I don't need anyone to choose my friends for me."

Kim: "Paris, she's only a hologram."
Paris: "No reason to be rude."

Neelix: "A very impressive title.  I have no idea what it means, but it sounds very impressive"

Neelix: "There's really very little you could offer me, unless, of course, you had water?"

Neelix: "You'd be surprised, the things of value some people abandon."

Neelix: "Never judge a fruit by its skin."

Neelix: "Whatever you need is what I have to offer.  You need a guide; I'm your guide.  You need supplies; I know where to procure them.  I have friends among races you don't even know exist.  You need a cook; you haven't lived until you've tasted my angla'bosque.  It will be my job to anticipate your needs before you know you have them.   And I anticipate your first need will be me."

Tom Paris (to Janeway): "I'm already doing a job for the Federation."

Paris (to Kim): "Didn't they warn you about the Ferengi at the Academy?"

Paris (to Kim): "The ghosts of those three dead officers came to me in the middle of the night and taught me the true meaning of Christmas."

Paris: "... on the other hand, if I save your butt, your life belongs to me.  Isn't that some kind of Indian custom?"
Chakotay: "Wrong tribe."
Paris: "I don't believe you.  You'd rather die than let me be the one to rescue you?"
Chakotay: "Fine.  Be a fool.  If I have to die at least I'll have the pleasure of watching you go with me."
Paris: "Isn't there some Indian trick where you can turn yourself into a bird and fly us out of here?"
Chakotay: "You're too heavy."

Lt. Stadi: "That's our ship.  That's Voyager.  Intrepid class, sustainable warp velocity of 9.975, fifteen decks, crew complement 141, bio-neural circuitry.…"

Stadi: "Do you always fly at women at warp speed, Mr. Paris?"
Paris: "Only when they're in visual range."

Tuvok: "Perhaps you would care for a bath,"
Neelix: "A what?"

Tuvok: "Vulcans do not worry."

Tuvok (to Chakotay): "My mission was to gather information on Maquis activities and then deliver you into their waiting hands.  That is correct."

U.S.S. Voyager - NCC-74656

Paris' full name:  Thomas Eugene Paris


Chakotay: "Here."
Torres: "What's this?"
Chakotay: "The medical report on Lieutenant Carey."
Torres: "Lieutenant Carey is an idiot.  When I tell you --"
Chakotay: "I don't want to hear it.  You might be interested to know that the impact fractures along his cranium were pretty serve.  If you'd hit him just a little harder you could've driven some of those bones into his cerebellum."
Torres: "I didn't even come close to hitting him that hard."
Chakotay: "So, on the one side I'm facing a Vulcan who wants to court marshal you, and on the other I'm facing all the Maquis who are ready to seize the ship over this.  You've turned this into one lousy day for me, Torres."
Torres: "So how long do I have to stay in here?"
Chakotay: "Rest of the trip; 75 years."
Torres: "I've never found your twisted sense of humor very funny, Chakotay."
Chakotay: "Or I could send you back to work with the understanding that you'll apologize."
Torres: "Apologize.  He was the one who --"
Chakotay: "Not just a simple apology, a personal one over a hot cup of pejuta.  Bond with the man."
Torres: "I am not going to bond with him."
Chakotay: "You're going to need support from people like Carey."
Torres: "I don't need support from anybody."

Chakotay (to Janeway): "I have no intention of being your token Maquis officer."

Chakotay (re: Maquis personnel): "You're going to have to give them more authority if you want their loyalty."
Janeway: "Theirs, or yours, Commander?"

Doctor: "So it begins.  The trivia of medicine is my domain now.  Every runny nose, stubbed toe, pimple on a cheek becomes my responsibility."

Doctor (to Kes re: soil sample): "I am not just a doctor.  I've been designed with the information from two thousand medical reference sources and the experiences of forty-seven individual medical officers.  I am the embodiment of modern medicine.  How much dirt do you need...?"

Janeway: "I can give you a long and boring analysis.  Suffice it to say, I don't know what's going on!"

Janeway: "You don't understand, Commander.  This isn't about Torres.  My problem is with you."
Chakotay: "Me?"

Janeway (to Torres): "Some professors like students who challenge their assumptions, B'Elanna.  And so do some captains."

Janeway: "Feels like a real ship to me."

Janeway: "In Command School, they taught us to always remember that maneuvering a starship is a very delicate process.  But over the years, I've learned that sometimes -- you just have to punch your way through."
Paris: "I'll have to remember that one...."

Janeway: "One of the nice things about being Captain is that you can keep some things to yourself."

Kes: "What's your name?"
Doctor: "What purpose would a name serve a hologram?"
Kes: "I'd just like to know what to call you besides 'Doctor'."
Doctor: "I guess they never thought I'd be around long enough to need one."
[In two subsequent communications between the Doctor and Captain Janeway, Closed Captioning identifies the Doctor as 'Zimmerman'.  A later episode identifies the Doctor's physical appearance as having been derived from the Emergency Medical Hologram programmer, Dr. Zimmerman.]

Paris: "Am I making any sense here?"
Janeway: "No, but that's OK.  One of the more difficult concepts to grasp in temporal mechanics is that sometimes effect can precede cause.  A reaction can be observed before the action which initiated it."

Paris: "If we don't get more power to the warp drive, we're all going to have to get out and push."

Paris (quoting Janeway): "'Sometimes you just have to punch your way through.'   I'll have to remember that one."

Seska (to Torres re: Carey): "You should've broken more than his nose."

Torres: "I'm not bothered by what people think of me!"

Torres (re: her leaving Starfleet): "The problem was a system that didn't give anyone a chance to breathe."
Janeway: "We work under that same system on this ship."

Torres: "I hope that I can depend on you."
Carey: "I assure you, you'll never get less than my best."

Tuvok (to Kim): "I will never cease to be amazed by the human capacity for hyperbole."

Tuvok (to Chakotay): "Ms Torres is no longer a member of the Maquis, and, with all due respect, Commander, neither are you."

Time And Again

Doctor (to Kes): "Your brain is not on file."

Doctor (to Kes): "You have a lovely brain.  It will make a fine addition to our files."

Doctor: "She's the healthiest member of her species I've ever seen.  The only member of her species I've ever seen."

Doctor: "Missing.  The captain is missing.  It seems I've found myself on a Voyage of the Damned.  Very well.  Please advise the highest ranking officer who is not missing to see me at his earliest convenience."

Doctor: "I seem to be the last to know just about everything around here!"

Janeway: "You have no idea what the consequences might be once you involve yourself."

Kim: "Record? I never broke any record."  
Paris: "And who are they going to check it with?"

L'Teeka (questioning Paris' and Janeway's arrival after they claimed to be the couple that arrived on the transport into the city):  "So where's the child?"
Tom:  "We ate him because we are demons and eat little children, and I haven't had my supper yet! 

Paris (to Kim re: Harry's girl): "Let go.  Let her have a husband and kids, and a good life -- while you and I have the Delaney sisters!"

Tuvok: "It would be a highly questionable decision in light of the Prime Directive."
Chakotay: "If it were me, I would have tried to get there."
Tuvok: "The issue is whether Captain Janeway would go there, not you Commander."


Chakotay: "Sounds delicious, but I've already had my vacuum packed oatmeal this morning."

Doctor:  "And then they tell me there are no nurses, so I have no one to assist me."
Kes:  "I thought Tom Paris was assigned to you?"
Doctor:  "Like I said, no one to assist me."

Doctor (re: Paris): "The man drives a 700,000 ton starship, so somebody think he makes a good medic."

Doctor (re: Neelix): "His lungs have been removed."

Doctor: "Don't worry, I'm not trying to kiss you, I'm just adjusting the restraint."  
Neelix: "I'll try to contain my disappointment."

Doctor: "I wasn't programmed for any of this!  It's just not acceptable!"

Janeway (to Motura): "I don't have the freedom to kill you to save another.  My culture finds that to be a reprehensible and entirely unacceptable act."

Janeway: "Sometimes I think B'Elanna goes out of her way to find solutions that ignore Starfleet procedures."

Janeway: "Tuvok, what would happen if we locked phasers and fired at the source?"
Tuvok: "The walls of this chamber reflect directed energy. The phaser beam would ricochet along an unpredictable path, possibly impacting our ship in the process."
Janeway: "All right, we won't try that."

Kes: "Give yourself some credit!"

Kes: "I know you're afraid. I just want you to know that, no matter what happens, I'll be here with you."

Kes: "We're going to get through this together!"

Motura: "This is set to scan only."
Tuvok: "Proceed -- carefully."

Motura: "According to my readings, you are not here."  
Doctor: "Believe me, I wish I weren't."

Neelix: "If I'm going to be in here awhile, now's as good a time as ever to tell you.  Your ceiling is hideous."
Doctor: "I'm a doctor, Mister Neelix, not a decorator."

Neelix (to Kess re: Paris): "He's just one big hormone walking around the ship."

Paris (to Doctor): "But a hologram is just a projection of light contained in a magnetic field, there's no real matter involved."

Tuvok: "I could describe to you in detail the psychological observations I've made about you over the past four years which lead me to conclude that you are about to take this ship inside the asteroid.  But suffice it to say, I know you quite well."
Janeway: "One of these days I'm going to surprise you, Tuvok; but not today." 

The Cloud

Chakotay (ritual to help Janeway seek her animal guide): "A-koo-chee-moya ... we are far from the sacred places of our grandfathers.  We are far from the bones of our people.  But perhaps there is one powerful being who will embrace this woman and give her the answers she seeks."

Doctor (Torres): "Now there's an interesting concept; a hologram that programs itself.  What would I do with that ability?  Create a family?  Raise an army?"

Doctor: "A nebula?  What were we doing in a nebula?  No, wait, don't tell me.  We were investigating.  That's all we do around here.  Why pretend we're going home at all?  All we're going to do is investigate every cubic millimeter of this quadrant, aren't we?"

Doctor: "I can only speculate about my programmer's motives."

Gaunt Gary: "Watch out for him, kid.  He can swallow your wallet without losing his smile."

Janeway:  "Commander Chakotay was just showing me how to get in contact with my animal guide."
Torres:  "I hope you have better luck with yours than I had with mine."
Chakotay:  "B'Elanna is the only person I know who tried to kill her animal guide."
Torres:  "It was ugly!"

Janeway: "There's coffee in that nebula."

Janeway (to Neelix after his objections about entering the 'Nebula'): "Just like Jonah and the whale, you're going in."

Janeway (to Neelix): "Dismissed.  ...  That's a Starfleet expression for get out."

Janeway (Janeway's log): "Here, in the Delta Quadrant, we are virtually the entire family of man.  We are more than a crew.  And I must find a way to be more than a captain to these people.  But it's not clear to me exactly how to begin.  At the academy, we're taught that a captain is expected to maintain a certain distance.  Until now, I've always been comfortable with that distance."

Janeway (Janeway's log re: needs of crew): "Maybe more than ever now they need me to be larger than life.  I only wish I felt larger than life."

Janeway:  "I need to know if we did serious harm to this life form."
Doctor:  "Let's see -- you ran your ship through it, fired phasers at it, and blew a hole in it with a photon torpedo. Yes, I believe it is hurt."
Janeway: "Computer, delete audio."

Kes: "These people are natural born explorers."  
Neelix: "These people are natural born idiots!  I'm smart enough to around nebulas when I encounter them."

Kes (to Neelix): "If I were captain, I'd open every crack in the universe and peek inside just like Captain Janeway does."

Kes ( to Neelix): "I've never kissed anyone inside a nebula before." 

Kim: "There's and ancient Chinese curse:  'May you live in interesting times'.  Meal times are always interesting now that Neelix is in charge of the kitchen."

Kim: "Somebody picked your pocket, on earth?"
Paris: "Oh, they just do it for the tourists. They give it back, usually."

Neelix ( to Janeway): �Well, perhaps it�s just the way the glow of the food heater lamps hit you, but you look wonderful!� 

Neelix: "I'm smart enough to go around nebulas when I encounter them."

Neelix: "This ship is the match of any vessel within a hundred light-years.  And what do they do with it?  Well, let's see if we can't find some space anomaly today that might rip it apart."

Neelix (to Janeway): "You don't care about your crew and introduce them to the specter of death at every opportunity."

Torres (re: holodeck character): "Paris, did you program this guy?"
Paris: "Yeah, why?"
Torres: "He's a pig.  And so are you."

Eye Of The Needle

Doctor: "Captain Janeway has made me realize that I must function as more than an emergency medical replacement.  I must think of myself as a member of the crew."

Doctor (to Janeway): "There's one more request, something of a personal nature:  I would like -- a name."

Doctor: �If there�s one thing you can count on, it�s that I am the last to be told about anything that happens on this ship.� 

Doctor: "Are you suggesting that I be reprogrammed?"

Janeway (to Doctor): "You don't have the luxury of thinking of yourself as an emergency medical program anymore.  You've become a full-fledged member of the crew."

Kes: "I enjoyed studying anatomy.  It'd be interesting to see an autopsy someday."

Kes (re: Doctor): "So because he's a hologram, he doesn't have to be treated with respect, or any consideration at all?"

Tuvok: "Captain, what year is it?"

Ex Post Facto

Chakotay: "There's a Maquis trick we sometimes use to get out of situations like this."
Janeway: "Be my guest."
Chakotay: "B'Elanna, remember Teloridian IV.  The two Starfleet runabouts?"
Torres: "I'm with you.  Blowing out the dorsal phase emitters.  Torres to Engineering.  Vent a couple of LN2 exhaust conduits along the dorsal emitters.  Make it look like we're in serious trouble."
Chakotay: "Cut all engines.  Lock phasers on navigational deflectors."
Janeway: "Not to belittle Maquis tactics, but this is a very old trick."
Chakotay: "It worked on those Starfleet runabouts."
Janeway: "You're lucky I wasn't commanding one of them."

Doctor: �I never even considered that I have a life.� 

Janeway: "That's one more trick you won't be able to use again when we get home." 
Chakotay: "I have more.  ...  Besides, out here in the Delta Quadrant, every old trick is new again."

Lidell Ren (re: smoking): "Maybe I kill myself slowly because I don't have the courage to do it quickly."

Lidell (to Tuvok): "Have you ever had to end a marriage?   It's a quiet thing."

Minister (to Tuvok re: Paris): "You're saying that somebody used his brain to send secret data to our enemy?"

Paris ( to Kim): "I consider you the conscience I never had." 

Paris: "What are you looking at?"
Kim: "Not the same thing that you're looking at, that's for sure."


Chakotay (to Torres): "You're looking, but you're not seeing."

Doctor (to Chakotay): "The biopolymer residue is left behind when the tissues decompose.  In a sense, Commander, you were strolling through dead bodies."

Janeway: "This may not make much sense to you now; a young man at the beginning of his career.  But one of the things you learn as you move up the ranks and get a little older, is that you wish you had more time in your youth to really absorb all the things that happen to you.  It goes by so fast.  It's so easy to become jaded, to treat the extraordinary as just another day at the office.  But sometimes there are experiences is that transcend all that.  You've just had one, Mister Kim.  And I want you to live with it for a little while.  Write about it if you feel like it.  Paint.  Express yourself in some fashion.  The bridge will still be there in two days."

Janeway: "What we don't know about death is far greater than what we do know."

Torres: "No artifacts, no inscriptions, just some naked dead people."

Prime Factors

Eudana: "Stories are an essential part of every person's being.  I would never share one without permission."

Eudana: "Stories can be whimsical, or frightening, or melancholy, or many other things.  But noble stories are the ones that can most affect our lives."

Gath (to Janeway): "I don't enjoy being judged like this.  It's most upsetting, not at all pleasurable."

Janeway: "But you're sending out a distress call." 
Gath: "Yes." 
Janeway: "Why?" 
Gath: "Because you are in distress."

Janeway: "After all, it never hurts to -- theorize."

Janeway (to Gathorel Labin) : "We prefer permanence; the reward of relationships that endure and grow deeper with the passing of time."

Janeway (to Tuvok): "You are one of my most valued officers, and you are my friend.  It is vital that you understand me here.  I need you.  But I also need to know that I can count on you.  You are my counsel, the one I turn to when I need my moral compass checked.  We have forged this relationship for years, and I depend on it.  I realize you made a sacrifice for me, but it's not one I would have allowed you to make."

Janeway: "Principles, Principles!  That's what it comes down to.  Do I compromise my almighty principles?  But how do I not compromise them, if it involves the chance to get the crew more than halfway home?  How do I tell them my principles are so important I would deny them that opportunity?"

Janeway: "You can use logic to justify almost anything.  That's its power -- and its flaw."

Janeway: "How many times have we been in the position of refusing to interfere when some kind of disaster threatened an alien culture?  It's all very well to say we do it on the basis of an enlightened principle, but how does it feel to the aliens?  I'm sure many of the think the Prime directive is a lousy idea."

Janeway (to Torres): "I don't have the luxury of throwing you in the brig for the rest of this voyage.  I need you.  I need every person on this ship.  But I want to you to know how very deeply you have disappointed me."

Paris: "I think maybe Harry wasn't prepared for how voracious Jenny DeLanie can be"

Seska: "I'll start erasing sensor logs.  We can blame it on the phase discrepancy."
Torres: "No, we're not going to cover this up."
Seska: "Are you crazy?  We don't have to take the blame for this."
Torres: "But we're going to.  We disobeyed orders, gambling it would've paid off.  It didn't.  And now we're not going to pretend like nothing happened."
Seska: "I don't understand.  There's no need for this."
Torres: "I'm sorry if you don't get it, Seska.  But it has something to do with being able to live with yourself."
Seska: "That doesn't sound like you.  You've changed."
Torres: "If that's true, I take it as a compliment."

Tuvok: "My logic was not in error.  But I was."

State of Flux

Chakotay: "He had the motive and the opportunity."
Janeway: "He's also had a distinguished Starfleet career.  Seska's spent most of the last two years as an enemy of the Federation."
Chakotay: "So have I."

Chakotay (to Tuvok): "You were working for her, Seska was working for them.  Was anyone on that ship working for me?"

Chakotay ( to Tuvok): �You damn Vulcans and your defined perimeters.� 

Chakotay (to Seska) "Chief Inspector Tuvok leaves no stone unturned."

Chakotay (to Tuvok): "Misery loves company."

Doctor (to Seska): "Ensign, you are Cardassian."

Janeway: "… if we can help, we should."

Janeway: "You know, I'm really easy to get along with, most of the time, but I don't like bullies, and I don't like threats, and I don't like you, Culluh."

Janeway: �... this may be an opportunity to make a friend.  And out here we can use all the friends we can get.� 

Janeway: "I don't like number three at all."

Neelix: "Stew them for a few hours in a light herbal broth and you won't even notice the mildew."

Seska: "I had only one agenda with you, Chakotay, and I never kept it secret."

Seska: "Do you think I gave you my heart to steal your Maquis secrets?"
Chakotay: "I was beginning to wonder."
Seska: "Let me tell you something.  Your secrets weren't good enough."

Seska (to Janeway and Chakotay): "You're a fool Captain.  And you're a fool to follow her."

Torres: �No, Captain.  When I say �tomorrow�, I mean tomorrow.  I don�t exaggerate.  Tomorrow is the best I can do.� 

Tuvok: "On the contrary, the demands on a Vulcan's character are extraordinarily difficult.  Do not mistake composure for ease."

Tuvok: "Curious how my failure, added to your own, should improve your feelings."

Tuvok: "Like all humans, you depend on feelings and instincts to guide you, and they invariably let you down."

Tuvok: "How may I be honest with you today?"

Heroes and Demons

Chakotay: "Every culture has its demons.  They embody the darkest emotions of its people.  Giving them physical form in heroic literature is a way of exploring those feelings."

Doctor: "I can describe every detail of every piece of equipment in this sickbay, from biobed to neurostimulator.  But I've never even seen a sky, or a forest, let alone Vikings and monsters.  I can't afford to fail.  But I don't know what to expect in that holodeck."

Doctor (on the holodeck): "The only reason you won't die, is that I've taken an oath to do no harm."

Freya: "He was like no other.  Hair straight and raven-black; eyes bright with fierce fire - the burning gaze of a hero."
Tuvok: "Grand eloquence notwithstanding that would qualify as a description of Mr. Kim."

Freya: "You are a master of many talents, Lord Schweitzer. Your people must value you greatly."
Doctor: "You would think so."

Freya: "Fire is not the only heat, Lord Schweitzer.  You know where I sleep."

Freya (re: Doctor) "All hail Schweitzer!"

Paris (after recovering the Doctor from the holodeck short one forearm): "I have him, Captain, more or less."

Tuvok: "I might point out, there are no demons in Vulcan literature." 
Chakotay: "That might account for it's popularity."

Unferth (to Doctor): "Your name means nothing to me."


Doctor (to Torres re: Chakotay's medicine wheel): "You might have asked before adorning my sickbay with animal remains."

Doctor: "You've placed the Coyote Stone at the crossroads of the Fifth and Sixth Realms which would divert Commander Chakotay's soul, that is, his consciousness, into the Mountains of the Antelope Women.  According to his tradition, an extremely attractive locale.  He might not want to leave."

Doctor (re: Paris): "Other than his irritating lapses into nostalgia, I see nothing wrong with him."

Doctor: "I would consider writing a paper about it, if there were a convenient forum in which to publish it."

Doctor: "Mister Neelix, just because a man changes his drink order doesn't mean he's possessed by an alien."
Neelix: "Nevertheless, don't you think you should scan him or dissect him or something, just to make sure?"

Doctor: "I make life-and-death decisions every day."
Paris: "I feel better already."

Janeway: "Torres, what's going on?"
Torres: "Captain?"
Janeway: "You've initiated an emergency warp core shut down."
Torres: "What?"
Janeway: "Too late.  The warp core's off line.  It'll take at least to hours to regenerate the dilithium matrix.  Apparently, you just crashed the main computer, locked out the Bridge and stopped this ship cold.  Do you want to tell me why?"
Torres: "Captain, I don't know what you're talking about."
Janeway: "What the hell is going on here?"

Janeway: "Do you feel up to it?"
Doctor: "Oh course.  I make life and death decisions every day."
Paris: "I feel better already."

Torres (re: Chakotay's medicine wheel): "The wheel represents both the universe outside and the universe inside our minds as well.  They believe each is a reflection of the other.  When a person is sleeping, or on a vision quest, it's said that his soul is walking the wheel.  But if he's in a coma, or near death, it means that he's gotten lost.  These stones are signposts to help point the way back."


Doctor: "If you think this is remarkable, you should see me remove a bunion."

Paris: "They're the ones with the guns, remember?"

Paris (to Human Torres): "Sometimes fear can be a good thing.  Keeps you from taking unnecessary chances.  Courage doesn't mean that you don't have fear.  It means that you've learned to overcome it."

Sulon: "I think Klingons are the most impressive species I've ever seen."

Talaxian Prisoner: "They'll get around to gutting you eventually."

Human Torres: "That's the way you respond to every situation isn't it.  If it doesn't work, hit it.  If it's in your way, knock it down.  No wonder I got thrown out of the Academy."  
Klingon Torres: "For which you should be eternally grateful."  
Human Torres: "Well, I'm not.  Your temper has got me into trouble more times than I ... Listen to me.  Listen to us.  This is ridiculous.  Do you realize that we are each fighting with our self."

Human Torres: "I came to admire a lot of things about her, her strength, her bravery.  I guess I just have to accept the fact that I'll spend the rest of my life fighting with her."

Human Torres: "Brute force isn't going to do it!"

Human Torres: "Look at us! We’re each fighting with ourselves!"

Human Torres: "So she's saving my life again."

Klingon Torres (to Sulon): �I know I�m the first Klingon you�ve ever seen, so I�ll tell you; Klingons find honor as warriors on the battlefield, not as guinea pigs in a laboratory.� 

KlingonTorres (to Sulon): �Did you know that Klingon females are renowned in the Alpha Quadrant not only for their physical prowess, but for their voracious sexual appetites as well.� 

Klingon Torres (to Sulon): "Why not let your creature out of her harness?  Study her in action?"

Klingon Torres (to Human Torres): "I'm sorry I can't replicate you a souffl�."


Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel: "It was a scientific inevitability; one discovery flowing naturally to the next.  Something so enormous as science will not stop for something as small as man, Mister Neelix."

Jetrel: "It's good to know how the world works.  It is not possible to be a scientist unless you believe that all the knowledge of the universe, and all the power that it bestows, is of intrinsic value to everyone.  And one must share that knowledge and allow it to be applied; and then, be willing to live with the consequences."

Jetrel: "I'm simply a scientist.  Yes, I developed the weapon.  But it was the government, and the military leaders, who decided to use it.  Not I."
Neelix: "That must be a very convenient distinction for you.  Does it help you sleep at night?"

Jetrel: "The day we tested the Cascade, when I saw that blinding light, brighter than a thousand suns, I knew at that moment exactly what I had become."

Jetrel: "There is no way I can apologize to you, Mister Neelix.  That is why I have not tried."

Kes (to Neelix): "Before I met you, eight or nine years seemed like an eternity.  It never occurred to me that anyone could live longer.  Now that we're together, no matter how many years we have left, it doesn't seem like enough.  But the important thing is to cherish whatever time we have together, whether it's a day, or a decade."

Neelix: "Peace of mind is a relative thing...."

Neelix: "I fell in love with you without knowing how lonely it would be to live without you!"

Neelix: "You need to go on with your life.  Don't worry about me."

Neelix: "I never reported for duty.  I thought the war was unjust, that Talax was fighting for reasons that weren't worth killing for.  Or at least, that's what I told myself.  But the real reason I didn't report was because I was a coward."

Neelix: "I wanted to tell you that I forgive you."

Neelix (to Jetrel): "Did you every think that maybe your wife was right, that you had become a monster?"

Learning Curve

Chakotay: "Don't worry, Tuvok.  I'll tell them to take it easy on you."

Kenneth Dalby: "Are we testing my social skills?   Does Starfleet have rules about them too?"

Dalby:  "We do things the Maquis way."
Chakotay (punching him):  "That's the Maquis way, too."

Dalby: "I thought Starfleet rules said that was an unacceptable risk; going back to save him."
Tuvok: "It was.  However, I recently realized that there are times, when it is desirable, to bend the rules."
Dalby: "Lieutenant, if you can learn to bend the rules, I guess we can learn to follow them."

Doctor: "The patient is sick."  
Torres: "Can you be more specific?"  
Doctor (to Torres): "To discuss the patient's condition in front of the patient would be a serious breach of professional etiquette. It's been suggested that I cultivate a greater sensitivity to my patients needs."  
Doctor (to bio-neural gel-pack) "Don't worry my little friend."  
Torres: "Doctor!"  
Doctor: "Very well.  The biological component of the circuit device has an infection.  A very contagious one."

Janeway: "to It's not only a matter of attitude.  It's a matter of experience."

Neelix: "I feel that my services as morale officer are required."

Neelix: "These are Keela flowers.  Beautiful, and remarkably strong.  The stem is flexible; impossible to break.  But occasionally, on the same plant, there's a bloom whose stem is not so flexible, ah, here's one.  And when the stem is brittle, it breaks."
Tuvok: "You're saying that the Maquis crew is rigid and inflexible.  That they will never adjust to Starfleet rules."
Neelix: "No, Mister Vulcan, I'm saying that you are rigid and inflexible.  But maybe if you learned to bend a little, you might have better luck with your class."

Torres: "Get the cheese to sickbay.  The doctor should look at it as soon as possible."

Tuvok: "Commander Chakotay would be a more logical choice to be their instructor.  He is a Maquis, as well as their former captain."
Janeway: "That's my point.  He doesn't have to earn their respect.  We do."

Tuvok: "The strongest tactical move is always the one in which you will reap the highest gain at the lowest cost.  Going out with phasers firing may seem heroic, but in the long run, it is merely foolish.  Retreat is often the best possible option."

Tuvok: "If you do not learn from your mistakes, you will be doomed to repeat them."

Tuvok: "You may never know what conditions you might encounter.  You must be prepared for anything."

Tuvok:  "Crewman Gerron; what is the problem up there?  Keep going!"
Crewman Chell (about Tuvok):  "Maybe he'll slip and plunge to his death..."

Tuvok (to Maquis crewmembers):  "Your first command together was less than successful.  You are all dead."

The 37's

Chakotay: "It is a tempting prospect.  But when I hold it up against the prospect of seeing the sunrise over the Arizona Desert, or swimming in the Gulf of Mexico on a summer's day, there's just no comparison.  I want to go home."

Amelia Earhart: "Put yourself in my shoes, Captain.  If you were me, would you believe your story?"

Earhart: "Think I can take her for a spin?"

Fred: "You know how to make Jell-O?"
Neelix: "I even put in fruit cocktail."

Janeway: "Am I the only one so intent on getting home?  Is it just me?  Am I leading the crew on a forlorn mission with no hope of success?"
Chakotay: "You're not alone.  I want to get home too.  And there's not a day that goes by when I don't hear someone mention Earth."

Janeway: "I'm not sure I want to go in."
Chakotay: "No matter what happens, we'll make it.  Remember that."

Neelix: "I'm staying right here with Captain Janeway.  She'd be lost without me."

Fred Noonan: "You mean I'm not going to die?  Uh, Amelia, you got to forget what I just told you."
Earhart: "Fred, I already have."

Paris: "Captain, I think I should tell you I've never actually landed a starship before."  
Janeway: "That's all right, Lieutenant.  Neither have I."


Barclay: "Lewis, how would you rather think of yourself; as a real person with a real life, with a family that loves you or as some hologram that exists in a sickbay on a starship lost in deep space?"
Chakotay: "Just because you're made of projected light and energy doesn't mean you're any less real than someone made of flesh and blood.  It doesn't matter what you're made of.  What matters is who you are.  You're our friend.  And we want you back."

Barclay: "Don't panic!"

Barclay: "Well, I'm just not an alien."

Doctor: "Computer, delete Paris."

Doctor (re: bridge): "Well, it's bigger than I thought."

Doctor: "I'm not programmed to bleed!"

Doctor (re: picture of Dr. Zimmerman): "He looks a lot like me.  In fact, he looks exactly like me.  Computer, is this me?"

Kes: "I sometimes ask those kind of questions.  Who am I?  What am I doing here?  What's my purpose in life?  Doesn't everybody?"
Doctor: "Not me.  I know exactly who I am and what my purpose is.  I am the Emergency Medical Hologram aboard the Starship Voyager."
Kes: "Are you sure about that?"

Kim (to Doctor): "Barclay was part of the original engineering team that designed your program.  He was in charge of testing your interpersonal skills."

Neelix (seeing red stain on jacket): "Am I going to die?"
Doctor: "Not unless you're allergic to tomatoes."

Neelix (re: knocking out a Kazon in his kitchen): "No one gets the best of me in my kitchen!"


Chakotay: "Feeding at 3,000 kilometers per second; not exactly leisurely dining, is it?"

Chakotay: "I'd call that an example of indiscreet shipboard fraternization."
Paris: "Sorry I missed it."

Janeway: "Who'd have thought we'd be considering a generational ship when we were ordered on a three-week mission.  And what are the consequences for children aboard a small ship without adequate services flying through often-hostile space?"

Janeway (to Chakotay): "Good work, Commander.  In the future, if I have any questions about mating behavior, I'll know where to go."

Janeway: �I think, eventually, people will begin to pair off.� 
Chakotay: �Including you?� 
Janeway: �As Captain, that�s a luxury I don�t have.� 

Kes: "I'm fine I just can't stop eating."

Kes (to Doctor): �You can�t mean that my body lacks dirt?� 

Kes (to Doctor): "But isn't that why we have minds?  To look beyond biological urges; to consider their consequences?  If I'm going to ask myself to look at those consequences, then I have to ask myself some questions.  Am I really ready to have a child?  Am I prepared to give that child the attention and devotion it deserves?  Am I capable of taking on such a huge responsibility?  There's so much I haven't done.  There's so much I want to study and learn.  I'm not sure I'm finished growing.  How could I help a child grow?"

Neelix: "Kes, please come out. You can eat anything you want."

Neelix: "Bringing a child into the world; it's a huge responsibility.  I know you'd want to be sure we're both up to the task.  I mean, somebody would have to keep their eye on the little guy all the time, or he'd be off sticking his finger into and EM conduit, or playing with plasma injectors --"
Kes: "That's right.  That's called being a parent."

Neelix: "I don't have anything to teach a daughter...."
Tuvok: "Why would it be any different from what you would teach a son?"

Neelix (to Kes): "Well, order the diapers.  We're about to become parents."

Neelix: "You're such an innocent!  I see the way he looks at you.  I used to look at women that way.  I know what it means!"

Tuvok (to Neelix): "I can only tell you that if you have considerable doubts about fatherhood, it would not be wise to enter into the process.  It is so much more overwhelming than one expects that I believe only the most committed should become parents."

Tuvok (to Neelix): "However, I must point out that, as illogical as it seems, being a father can have infinite rewards; far more than would seem possible.  My children occupy a significant portion of my thoughts, now, more than ever."

Tuvok: "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, Captain."


Chakotay: "I imagine most people who have been in love have been jealous at one time or another."
Neelix: "I see.  It's a perfectly normal response.  Then why ... is it so unpleasant?"
Chakotay: "Jealousy's about the fear of losing someone we love.  There's no pain greater than that.  ...  Nothing makes us more vulnerable than when we love someone.  We can be hurt very easily.  But I've always believed that what you get when you love someone is greater than what you risk."

Chakotay: "Maybe this is one bear we can't wrestle to the ground."

Chakotay: "You know, Tuvok, I may not get another chance to say this:  I sometimes find you arrogant and irritating, but you're a hell of an officer."
Tuvok: "And since we are speaking candidly, may I say, sir, that I have not always been partial to your methods either."

Doctor: "I am a Doctor, not a bartender."

Doctor (to Sandrine): "You see these hands?  These are surgeon's hands, created by the most sophisticated computer imaging technology available.  They do not play games and they do not mop floors."

Gaunt Gary (to Paris): �Would you mind moving your foot, Tommy boy?  It�s blocking my shot.� 

Kim: " B'Elanna, shouldn't you be in engineering?  What are you doing here?"
Torres: " Just answer one question Starfleet.  Where is here?"
Kim: " What?"
Torres: " Where am I?"
Kim: " Outside holodeck two.  Are you feeling okay?"
Torres: " I've been walking in circles for the last twenty minutes trying to get to engineering."

Kim: "Are you afraid?"
Paris: "I chose this life.  And I guess I always knew it could come to this.  But, yeah, I'm afraid."
Kim: "Me too."

Kim (to Doctor): �What are you still doing on the holodeck, besides playing �doctor�, that is? 

Neelix (Jealous of Paris): "Did you see that?"
Chakotay: "See what?"
Neelix: "He -- he -- he did a lovely wrapping job.  Don't you think?"

Neelix: "Wait till you taste this cake.  Seven layers of Jibalian fudge -- and the icing is made from pure l'maki nuts, Kes' favorite."
Janeway: "Now make a wish and blow out the candles.  ..."
Torres: "Don't tell us.  The wish has to be a secret if it's going to come true."

Neelix: "... my tracking skills are legendary throughout the quadrant."

Neelix: "Kes, my sweet, you have many wonderful attributes.  Your sense of direction is not one of them."

Paris: "... it's an old Earth custom called a surprise party.  ..."
Kes: "Doctor, I'm so glad you're here.  ..."
Doctor: "I'm here in an official capacity, of course -- in case of medical emergency.  ...  Surprises have been known to cause acute hyperventilation, esophageal spasms and in extreme cases, even coronary arrests.  One can never be too careful."

Paris: "Birthday gifts are also an Earth tradition.  ...  ... who am I to fly in the face of tradition?"

Paris: "I don't suppose anyone here knows the way to the bridge?"

Sandrine (re: the Doctor): "If he won't play pool with you, and he won't make love to me, then as far as I am concerned he can mop the floor."

Sandrine: "All men are alike.  In the end, they always break your heart."

Torres: "How are we supposed to reverse something we don't understand?"

Torres: "Personally, I'd rather go down fighting."

Tuvok (re: space anomaly): "If we cannot go around it, then we will have to go through it."

Tuvok: "If we are, indeed, trapped in some sort of labyrinth then the logical course is to systematically eliminate all routes which do not lead us to our desired destination.  The route that remains will be the correct one.  ..."
Chakotay: "There's a flaw in your logic.  ...  You're assuming there's a logical pattern to this maze we're caught in but so far I haven't seen any evidence of that."
Tuvok: "Even within chaotic systems, there is a pattern of limited predictability.  ...  --"
[After going in separate directions, they encounter each other again.]
Chakotay: "...  What does your logic tell you about navigating a maze that's constantly changing shape?"

Tuvok: "When every logical course of action is exhausted, the only option that remains is inaction.  ...  If we continue desperately improvising solutions our own efforts may ultimately kill us."