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[email protected]

Recommendations, suggestions and quotation submissions welcomed.

Quotations from Star Trek and other Science Fiction / Fantasy sources

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Welcome to my web site!

 This page was last updated on 02/20/01.


I have combined several of my interests in creating this site:

Anything Science Fiction / Fantasy (especially Star Trek)



This site will be under continuous construction as new material becomes available on a regular basis.  See 'Updates' link for update details.

Should you have any comments, suggestions, recommendations or quotation contributions you may contact me.  Any contributions will be greatly appreciated and contributors will be given credit for those contributions used.

Site Information and Disclaimer:

1.  This site is currently being constructed using Microsoft FrontPage 2000.

2.  Any copyright material appearing in this site complies with fair or acceptable use principles established in U.S. and International copyright law for the purposes of review, study, criticism, or news reporting.

3.  Any copyright and / or trademark material appearing in this site is the property of the respective owners.  No income is being derived from the operation of this site.  No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

4.  Quotations on this site are derived from a variety of sources.  As such, there may be inconsistencies between quotations as they were voiced on film or television and the quotations on this site.  Although many quotations are derived directly from the broadcast of television episodes and movies, people tend to hear what they want at times.  Although I've done what I could to verify accuracy, paraphrasing does occur in quotations.  Especially in those contributed by others.  Additionally, quotations are sometimes derived from scripts of certain episodes which may be different from the statements actually made on film.  Finally, since many of the quotations are taken from the spoken words on film, punctuation is just a guess.

5.  Graphics used in this site are derived from Microsoft FrontPage 2000, created through personal effort or captured from copyright material mentioned above.  Any other graphics outside of these areas are credited to the source from which they are derived.

6.  Any links to other web sites located in this site are provided as a courtesy.  These links are provided only because the sites provide information which may be similar to or related to the information provided on this site.  Any information or links on the site being linked is the responsibility of the owner of that site.  Should anyone be offended by information on a site linked to this site, please contact me.

7.  Although some quotes on this site may contain some sexual innuendo, there is not and will be no sexual content on this site.  If you are on this site looking for such, you are in the wrong place.