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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Great Star Trek Quotes



This site contains Star Trek quotations from each of the live action series and the movies.



This site contains quotations, information and pictures from Star Trek: Voyager with a concentration on Roxann Dawson / B'Elanna Torres.  The quotations are currently limited to the first four seasons, but the site does include a list of episodes in seasons five and six.



This site contains quotations and episode list from the first four seasons.




This site concentrates on Star Trek: Voyager and seems to be more current that most other sites I have encountered.  The site contains quotations, episode information and Voyager encyclopedias.

Collected Quotes



This site contains quotations from multiple sources, including a limited number of quotes from Star Trek.

Garak's Tailor Shop



This site contains contains three quotation pages.  One for Voyager Quotes, one for DS9 Quotes and one for TNG, TOS and TMS Quotes combined.  The quotations are organized by speaker.