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Season 5

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

"This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.  Only one man dared to challenge their power - Hercules.  Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.  He journeyed the earth, battling the minions of his wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.  But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules."

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.




Genies and Grecians and Geeks, Oh My

Render Unto Caesar ...

Norse by Norsevest

Somewhere over Rainbow Bridge

Darkness Rising

For Those of You Just Joining Us ...

Let There Be Light


Sky High

Stranger and Stranger

Just Passing Through

Greece is Burning

We'll Always Have Cyprus

The Academy

Love On the Rocks

Once Upon a Future King

Fade Out

My Best Girl's Wedding


Hercules: "Okay, guys, look, we can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way."  
Man: "What's so hard about kicking his butt?"  
Hercules: "Nobody ever wants to do it the easy way."  

Iolaus: "I think I'm getting good at this!"  
Hercules: "Well, practice makes perfect.  And here comes more practice."  

Lysaka: "I'm just a guy in love."  
Iolaus: "This guy knows how to make friends fast."  
Hercules: "Yeah, it must be his charismatic personality."  
Iolaus: "Tell me, Hercules, Why would a woman want to marry a slob like that?"  
Hercules: "I don't know, but she must be pretty desperate."    

Hercules: "... she was a mermaid, right?"
Iolaus: "Right."  
Hercules: "So, where's her tail?"  
Iolaus: "In storage?"  
Hercules: "What about Poseidon's command that Nautica's heart warms the seas?  If she's here to marry Lysaka, why haven't the oceans frozen over?"  
Iolaus: "El Ni�o?"  

Aphrodite: "Oh, you poor, dear, sweet, little loser!  What you must be going through!  Come to goddess, baby."
[Aphrodite pulls Iolaus' head to her chest]  
Iolaus: "Actually, it is kind of comforting."  

Aphrodite: "A girl can only take so much heartbreak."   

Serena: "Do the gods hear our prayers?"  
Hercules: "They hear, but they don't always listen."  

Aphrodite: "A goddess has feelings, too...."  

Lysaka: "Who in Tartarus are you?"  
Iolaus (as seamstress): "Hmm!  Why, you, uh, you silly muffin.  I'm her seamstress.  Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?  
You get yourself out of here."  

Aphrodite (re: Iolaus): "You know, Curly has developed a real attitude problem."  
Hercules: "Good for him."  

Lysaka: "How did a girl like you end up with a guy like me, huh?"  
Nautica: "Blackmail!"  
Lysaka: "And a great sense of humor, too!  That's why I love her."  

Lysaka: "I'm hungry.  Where's the food?"  
Iolaus (as French chef with French accent): "Over here.  Coming.  A feast extraordinaire.  Preparer a la table for your dining pleasure."  
Lysaka: "Who are you?"  
Iolaus: "Who am I?  Je suis le scorpulus, your savior.  I mean, your -- your server this evening."  

Hercules (after Aphrodite transports them both into Triton's lair): "I wish I could do that.  It would save me a lot of time."  

Serena: "Now I just have to wait and see if luck is on my side."  
Hercules: "Let's make our own luck."  

Serena: "Why are you being so nice to me?"  
Hercules: "Part of the job.  It's what  do."  
Serena: "No, really."  
Hercules: "That person I told you about, the one that I said you remind me of -- I loved her more than I ever thought I could love anybody, but, well, let's just say fate was against us."  
Serena: "I always thought we create our own destiny."  

Hercules: "... the mind -- it's a funny thing."  

Iolaus (as elderly priest): "... patience is a virtue, young man."  

Iolaus: "Now, good people, marriage is an institution long blessed by the gods, and not to be entered into lightly, or unwisely, or unprepared."  

Nautica: "You lied to me."  
Lysaka: "Only 'cause I loved you so."  

Aphrodite: "I told you this was useless!  Cabiri doesn't talk to anyone."  
Hercules: "Maybe nobody's ever asked the right way."  

Aphrodite: "... I'm as much of a romantic as the next goddess of love, but let's get a little perspective here!"  

Cabiri: "I know why you're here, Hercules.  You want me to make a new trident and save the sea lord's life.  What matter is his life to you?  You're no friend of the gods."  
Hercules: "But I am a friend of mortals.  Without your help, the seas will die, and so will mankind."  
Aphrodite: "And if you won't do it for mankind, then help us in the name of love.  ..."  
Cabiri: "You ask my help in the name of love?"  
Hercules: "That's right."  

Lysaka (to Nautica and Iolaus which Lysaka is about to have hung): "What are you grinning about, huh?  In three seconds time, you're gonna be dancin' on air!  With no music, neither."  

Hercules: "Hey, Lysaka, haven't you ever heard that it's bad luck to hang the bride on her wedding day?"  

Hercules (re: fighting Lysaka and his men): "After the day I've had, I'm actually looking forward to this."  

Iolaus (to Nautica): "... in this world, you'll just be a fish out of water.  ...  Sooner or later, you'll begin to dream of everybody and everything you left behind.  ...  I know how hard it is to leave the only world you've ever known.  It's like -- it's like tearing yourself in two.  You'll come to regret that, and I couldn't stand that.  We both know your place is under the sea."  

Hercules: "Iolaus, how much do you love Nautica?"  
Iolaus: "I'd give up the world for her."  
Hercules: "Good, that's what I had in mind."  

Aphrodite: "It's hard to say goodbye."  
Hercules: "It gets harder every time." 
