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Season 1

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Wrong Path

Eye of the Beholder

Road to Calydon

The Festival of Dionysus


As Darkness Falls

Pride Comes Before a Brawl

March to Freedom

The Warrior Princess (Xena C/O)

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Xena: "Hard times make hard people."

Xena (to troops): "Pathetic!  ...  If you can't learn to fight better than that, then you're never going to defeat Hercules.  And I want him dead."

Iolaus (re: nearby enemy soldiers): "What do you want to do?"
Xena: "I want to kill them all!"

Xena (to troops): "You demoralize and weaken before you destroy.   When Hercules realizes that he's killed his best friend, he'll be ripe for slaughter."

Xena (to troops re: Hercules and Iolaus): "Get them!  I want them both dead!"

Xena: "You haven't seen the last of me, Hercules!"

The Gladiators

The Vanishing Dead

The Gauntlet (Xena C/O)

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Xena (to Darphus): "You're a butcher!"

Xena (to Darphus while holding a crying baby): "If you kill this baby, you die next!"

Salmoneus (to Xena): "Not that you don't have maternal instincts, but with all the fighting...."

Salmoneus: "An army such as your, with such a beautiful leader like you -- you need publicity.  Public relations!"
Xena: "I prefer my relations to be private!"

Iloran: "Who could've done such a thing?"  
Hercules: "I think he was trying to tell us. Those marks are the Macedonian symbols for 'warrior'-- and 'woman.'"

Iloran: "May the gods help us." 
Hercules: "I wouldn't count on it."

Iloran: "You take it personally, don't you?" 
Hercules: "These people have been robbed of their lives. It's the least I can do."

Salmoneus (re: Xena): "Compared with Darphus, she looks like the goddess of love and light."

Xena: "Finish it!  Prove you're the greatest warrior."
Hercules: "Killing is not the only way to prove you're a warrior, Xena.  I think you know that."

Hercules: "I'm glad you came back."
Xena: "They weren't true warriors.  They had to be stopped."
Hercules: "Is it over now?  All of it?"
Xena: "Yes, it is."
Hercules: "So, what now?"
Xena: "What do you say we go find out together?"
Hercules: "Yeah!"

Unchained Heart (Xena C/O)


Iolaus (re: Xena working with Hercules and Iolaus): "Are you crazy?  ...  She tried to kill us!"

Xena: "I have done terrible things.  I've killed so many men I'll never wash the blood from my hands!"
Hercules: "You've already started.  You saved that baby."
Xena: "But when you help people, you honor the wife and children that Hera  stole from you.  There is nothing in my whole life that moves me that way."
Hercules: "You're wrong.  There's goodness in your heart."

Salmoneus (keeping a diary on Hercules and Xena): "As warriors, Hercules and Xena have always been a perfect match.  I find myself wondering about them falling in love, getting married, having children - hiring me to handle their finances."

Xena (in response to Hercules urging her to stay): "Please don't.  You're going to make me cry.  I haven't done that since I was a child."

Xena: "There's so much in my life I have to make amends for.  I've got to get started."
Hercules: "I wish you'd let me help."
Xena: "You already have.  You unchained my heart."