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Season 2

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Narrator:  "This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend, when ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.  Only one man dared to challenge their power -- Hercules.  Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.  He journeyed the Earth, battling the minions of his wicked step-mother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.  But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules."


The King of Thieves


Autolycus: "I try to start everyday with a healthy dose of excitement ... anything to get the old heart started."

Dirce (re: "Cyros): "No crime goes unpunished here.  It's the law.  Unfortunately, when the real culprit can't be found, innocent people have been executed.  ...  I'm sorry, but the law is part of our tradition.  And as much as the King loves things that are new, tradition gets the best of him every time."
Hercules: "And you're willing to let your tradition kill an innocent man."
Dirce (re: Iolaus): "I only care about protecting my clients.  Justice for the people.  Humanity before tradition.  But frankly, if we don't catch the real thief, his goose is cooked."

Iolaus: "His name was Autolycus."
Dirce: "Autolycus?  ...  The peasants call him the 'King of Thieves'."

Autolycus: "If I didn't like trouble, I would have gone into a different line of work."

Dirce: "Justice is not a game.  Justice is life."

King Menelaus: "I cling to tradition because I am trying to preserve our ways of life here in Cyros.  ..."
Dirce: "I want you to care about people as much as you care about your inventions."

Autolycus: "... it looks like a beautiful day in the neighborhood."

King Menelaus: "... tradition must be honored.  It's what keeps us civilized."

Iolaus (to Dirce while being led to his execution): "Just keep fighting for justice and reason."

Hercules (to King Menelaus): "Humanity is more important.  Start a new tradition."

Iolaus (re: Dirce): "... I left my heart in Cyros."
Hercules: "... but you kept your head."

All That Glitters

What's In a Name?

Siege at Naxos

The Outcast

Under the Broken Sky


Woman: "Oh, flex for me!"
Hercules: "Sorry, ladies, I don't flex."

The Mother of All Monsters


Iolaus (re: Hercules' mother marrying Jason): "Come on, Hercules, just because she's your mother doesn't mean she can't get married."

The Other Side

The Fire Down Below

Cast a Giant Shadow

Highway to Hades

The Sword of Veracity

The Enforcer

Once a Hero


Iolaus: "Pick on someone your own size.  ...  --"
Otus: "There is no one my own size."
Iolaus: "Ah!  You got a point."

Archivus: "Sometimes truth has to be sacrificed for art."

Archivus: "Behold the Golden Fleece."

Peddler: "I have Hercules dolls.  Exact likeness."

Iolaus: "It's an old hunter's trick."

Phoebe: "This is crazy, fighting among ourselves."

Iolaus: "...  I hate volcanoes."

Castor (to Argonauts): "You may have lived as warriors, but you're going to die as fools."

Heedless Hearts

Let the Games Begin


Salmoneous (describing the competitive games being planned by Hercules): "It's Herculean!"
Hercules: "I prefer to think of it as Olympian."

The Apple


Hercules (to Iolaus): "... you rode a piece of wood on a wave.  You mean ... this is going to catch on and become popular?"

Hercules: "Hate's like anything else.  After a while, it becomes a habit."

Aphrodite (re: surf): "Break's better at Calydon.  But the guys are cuter here."
Artemus: "The guys are cuter!  Give me a break."
Athena: "What a bimbo!"

Artemus (to Iolaus): "How would you like to be the greatest warrior the world has ever seen?  Even greater than Hercules.  ...  And if that doesn't do it for you, I can make you the world's best wrestler or fastest runner.  Think about it. --"

Athena: "Reflection is the hallmark of a superior mind.  ...  You know, it's sad, really, Artemis' obsession with sports.  And Aphrodite, well, let's just say there's a lot of echoing going on between those ears.  ...  ... to you, I offer the greatest gift imaginable -- wisdom -- a mind like none the world has ever known."
Iolaus (in vision of wisdom): "...  ... in the end, we must learn to go beyond our limitations and accept as an act of faith that some things may exist even if we cannot see or understand them.  ..."
Athena: "I must say, you'd make a great wiseman.  Choose me and you'll be remembered forever." 

Athena (re: Aphrodite after Artemus and Athena had already offered Iolaus bribes): "I can't believe she'd resort to bribery."

Aphrodite (re: Gold Apple to Iolaus): "Hold this close to your heart and any woman you want will fall hopelessly in love with you.  If you both touch it at the same time, you'll be soul mates forever.  You know you want it.  Pick me and it's yours."

Aphrodite: "I am the goddess of love.  How would it look to lose a beauty contest ...?"

Hercules (to Aphrodite): "...  You're not as dumb as you pretend to be."

[Hercules and Iolaus between Dolos and Syros armies]
Iolaus: "I'd rather be fishing."

Iolaus: "Why does keeping the peace have to be so violent?"

Iolaus: "Boy, I'm never going to look at an apple the same way again."
Hercules: "I know what you mean.  You know my cousin, Asclepius?"
Iolaus: "The one who does medicine?"
Hercules: Yeah!  He's always saying, 'An apple a day keeps Asclepius away.'  I could never figure out what he meant by that."
Iolaus: "Well, who could?  Ever try to read one of his prescriptions?"


King for a Day

Protean Challenge


Hercules: "How's your sculpture coming, Thanis?"
Thanis: "Ah, it's only three weeks till the exhibit in Athens, and I'm still waiting for the rock to tell what it wants to be."
Iolaus: "...  Yeah, rocks are stubborn that way."

Hercules: "... I believe in justice as long as it's just.  ...  Killing a man for stealing isn't justice."

Magistrate: "... he won't be stoned.  We're not Barbarians.  ...  We'll simply chop off his hands."

Hercules: "... misery loves company."

Iolaus: "My hearing's not too good when jealousy plugs up my ears."

Hercules (naming the thief): "It was Proteus."
Iolaus: "Proteus?  You mean, the god who changes shape?"

Hercules: "... my mother taught me I shouldn't ridicule anyone simply because they're different than me."

Iolaus: "The smell of blood brings out the worst in people."

Proteus: "All I wanted was to love and be loved in return.  Was that too much to ask?"
Hercules: "No, but you can't force someone to love you."
Proteus: "How else was I supposed to do it?"
Hercules: "You have to be who you are, Proteus.  That's all anybody can be."

Wedding of Alcmene

The Power

Centaur Mentor Journey

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Salmoneus: "Air-sandals.  ... each one of the has a squirrel bladder lovingly sewn inside.  You blow in it ... -- tie it off ... and it's like walking on air."
Hercules: "Hmmm!  How does the squirrel feel about it?"

Salmoneus: "I even have a slogan, 'The son of Zeus in on the loose with Herculoid Air-sandals'."

Salmoneus: "Not nice to hit somebody from behind."
Thief: "Oh, I should do it face to face?"
Salmoneus: :It's more sporting."

Salmoneus (re: Theseus): "Not much of a talker, is he?"
Hercules: "That's not a bad thing."

Ceridian: "... sip it, don't slurp it."

Ceridian: "... my greatest pleasure has always come from tutoring young men....  Watching them grow into good, productive beings."

Theseus: "I don't want you to die."
Ceridian: "I know, but that's the natural course of all living things.  The birds, trees, flowers -- they all bloom, reproduce, then fade away, to make room for others to bloom in their place."

Salmoneus: "I hope they teach business and marketing concepts ..., like the value of celebrity endorsements and 'buy wholesale and sale retail'."

Hercules: "... education is a wonderful thing."

Cassius: "What do we want?"
Centaur group: "Equal rights!"
Cassius: "When do we want it?"
Centaur group: "Now!"

Cassius: "Sympathy is for the week."

Hercules: "It's never easy letting someone you love go."

Salmoneus: "Some of my best friends are cheap labor."

Hercules: "Moral battles may be worth dying for, but not street brawls."

Gredor: "Being a magistrate has its advantages."

Ceridian: "Saving lives is more important than watching one slip away."

Hercules: "Violence begets violence."

Cassius: "We still have a long way to reach equality, but violence isn't the answer."

Cave of Echoes