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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's

The Lost World

� Telescene Film Group Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  No infringement intended.

"At the dawn of the century, a band of adventurers set out to prove the impossible:  the existence of a prehistoric world.  The visionary, the heiress, the hunter, the scientist and the reporter, all chasing the story of a lifetime.  Stranded in a savage land, befriended by an untamed beauty, together, they fight to survive in the amazing world of lost civilizations and terrifying creatures, always searching for a way home, a way out of -- The Lost World."

Season 1

My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Adventure Begins

More Than Human


Cave of Fear


Blood Lust

Out of Time

Paradise Found

The Beast Within

Creatures of the Dark


Absolute Power

Most of this episode is spent within the mind of George Challenger after he is injured.  All but the first and the last four quotations take place in Challenger's mind.

Marguerite Krux: "Looks like a crude map of the solar system."
Professor George Challenger: "It's a blueprint of the atom."
Krux: "...  It's a thousand years old.  How the hell could they know about the atom?"

Ned Malone: "I'm a journalist, not an electrician."

Krux (re: Challenger): "What if the light rewired his head?"
Lord John Roxton: "Then we'll get him to pick a few winning horses when we get back to civilization."

Dirkon (Slaver leader): "On your knees before Rohtah, woman.  --"
Victoria: "I kneel before no one, much less some piece of junk."
Dirkon: "Kneel!"
Victoria: "Go to hell."

Challenger: "I think I'm beginning to understand.  Each mind has it's own frequency, like a short-wave wireless.  It's as if I'm a radio, tuning everything in."

Dirkon (re: Veronica): "Any damage to this woman and the price falls."

Challenger: "... there are forces at work in our universe beyond explanation."

Veronica: "You killed him with your hand."
Challenger: "No, with my thoughts."

Dirkon: "Rohtah is watching and his servants kneel before no man."

Dirkon: "False prophet.  --  Trickster.  --  Now you will kneel before Rohtah, or I will command him to strike you down."
Challenger: "Your god has no power over me.  I do this with regret.  But there can be no mercy without true worship."
[Challenger uses his thoughts to destroy the idol of Rohtah]
Challenger: "Know this!  Now and forever, there are no other gods before me!"

Challenger: "Quantum reality?  Everything is possible and all at the same time.  I've never been able to put my finger on it before because there's never been a unified theory for this sort of thing.  And now I understand.  And I understand how to harness the power."
Krux: "And you got this magical knowledge from the light?"
Challenger: "Oh, it's not magic, it's science.  Pure and breathtaking."
Veronica: "Science from a vanished civilization."
Challenger: "From Atlantis.  ..."
Roxton: "And this makes you a god now?"
Challenger: "It burdens me with new responsibilities, if that's what you mean."

Challenger: "All I'm doing is manipulating the laws of physics."

Krux: "Atlantis was destroyed, Challenger.  And this may be why."
Challenger: "They didn't respect the power.  It overwhelmed them.  I will be wiser.  I will not make the same mistakes."
Roxton: "No.  You'll make new ones.  ..."
Challenger: "You can be either disciple or enemy.  --  For your sake, choose wisely, friend."

Challenger: "... compared to the millions of people who need my help, two lives are insignificant."

Veronica: "I don't know what you are, but your not human anymore.  ...  You're a fraud, Challenger."

Roxton: "We're going home."
Challenger: "You're not going anywhere."
Roxton: "Maybe you're not tuning me in right.  Check your dial."

Challenger: "This is a spiritual awakening.  A revolution."
Roxton: "You need to get down from that altar and take a cold shower."
Challenger: "Mankind needs me, Roxton.  ...  I can't turn my back on them."

Roxton: "Blundering into that light doesn't make you the chosen one, Challenger.  ..."
Challenger: "...  I discovered it.  It is my destiny."
Veronica: "I don't want any part of your destiny."
[Challenger kills Veronica while aiming at Roxton]

Challenger: "I am in need of friends, as well as worshippers."
Roxton: "What you need is a mirror, to get a good hard look at what you've become."

Challenger: "... even my sadness brings joy to someone."
[Challenger pulls a diamond from his tears and attempts to use it to bribe Krux to stay with him]
Krux: "...  There are some things even diamonds can't buy."

Challenger: "If I can't have your friendship, I demand your respect.  Pray to me."

Challenger: "Anything is possible.  ...  It was the light, Arthur.  It showed me so many things:  how to control time and space and the forces of nature."
Professor Arthur Summerlee: "... you have to give it up.  ...  You've got to forget it.  Forget it at all costs.  ...  This power you describe is too great for any man to bear."
Challenger: "But I am so much more than any more now.  ..."
Summerlee: "Pride goeth before the fall."
[Shortly after this conversation, Challenger frightens Summerlee into falling out of their tree dwelling and killing him.  The thought of killing Summerlee causes Challengers injured body to succumb to heart failure.]

[After Challenger is resuscitated, he rises from the bed in a start]
Challenger: "Slavers are coming for Veronica."

[After fighting off the Slavers]
Summerlee (re: Challenger): "He's gone."
Roxton: "What do you mean, he's gone?  The man was just dead."

Challenger: "May those who find this be bolder, braver and wiser than us."
[Challenger destroys the atom blueprint found at the beginning of the episode.  He apparently feared his actually obtaining the powers and losing control as he did in his mind during his injury.]

Krux: "How did you know about the slavers?"
Challenger: "It's complicated.  ...  Let's just say, I was shown a world where I was god, and it wasn't a world worth living in.  ..."
Krux: "Seriously, how did you know about the slavers?"
Challenger: "The same way I know you'd never sell out a friend, not even for the most perfect diamond in the world."




The Official Web Page of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World.