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Starship Troopers


Copyright � Tri Star Pictures, Inc. and Touchstone Pictures -- No infringement intended.

This page was last updated on 02/15/01.

Jean Rasczak: "Something given has no value."

Rasczak: "Force ... is violence, the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived."

Dizzy Flores: "My mother always said 'Violence never solved anything!'"

Rasczak: "Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has.  Use that freedom.  Make up your own mind...."

Mrs. Rico: "I hope you don't mess up your life over some silly little girl that wants to look handsome in a uniform."

Sgt. Zim: "Pain is in your mind."

Ace Levy: "Who needs a knife in a nuke fight anyway?  All you've got to do is push a button."  
Zim: "The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand."

Ace: "Funny how [girls] always want to be friends right after they rip your guts out."

Buenos Aires Survivor: "The only good bug is a dead  bug."

Zander Buscalow: "When you're trained to kill, it just doesn't pay to be polite."

News Reporter: "[Klendathu] is an ugly planet.  A bug planet."

Sky Marshall Meru: "To fight to bug, we must understand the bug."

Buscalow: "How could this happen?"  
Carmen Ibanez: "We thought we were smarter than the bugs."

Lt. Rasczak: "I only have one rule: everyone fights, no one quits.   You don't do your job, I'll shoot you."

Rasczak: "Rico, I need a corporal.  Your it until you're dead or until I find somebody better."

Rasczak: "Never pass up a good thing."

General Owen: "They're just like us.  They want to know what makes us tick.  They want to know us so they can kill us."