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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Quotes from Unidentified Episodes

Rembrandt: "You fish?"
Arturo: "I'm English. We invented fishing."


"... you blistering idiot!"


The Premiere

Professor Maximillian P. Arturo: "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I think I've just seen God, and I could have sworn He was driving a Cadillac."

Arturo: "God help us."

Quinn Mallory: "One missing piece, you think after 3 months I'd be able to crack it."

Wade Kathleen Welles: "If I found a place that was paradise, I don't think I'd tell anybody."


Rembrandt Lee 'Crying Man' Brown: "Who do you suppose they're going to eat first?"
Arturo: "I suppose the young are more tender."
Quinn: "Age before beauty. It's a universal tenet."
Rembrandt (to Arturo): "Don't look at me. I'm just a Chicken McNugget. You're the Quarter Pounder!"

Rembrandt: Oh great, we get 20 minutes in wealthy land, we stuck 2 days here in phycho-ville.

Arturo: "Biology is what you do if you don't have the maths for real science"

Last Days

Arturo: "... take note -- the first casualty of sliding is dignity."

Prince of Wails

Arturo: "Do you know why the sun will never set on the British Empire?  Because God doesn't trust the British in the dark!"

Quinn: "I can't believe people in the 20th century would actually allow themselves to be governed by a monarchy."
Arturo: "... they are undoubtedly waiting for a precocious college kid from another world to teach them the error of their ways."

Summer of Love

Rembrandt: "I'll be damned. You guys are rich!"
Seeker: "Well, we may be into Mother Earth and spiritual values, but we're not stupid."

Landlady: "This fight ain't just with the Aussies.  If South Australia falls, it's just a hop, skip and a jump to our shores."
Quinn: "Well, we cant have that!  Boomerangs and kangaroos everywhere.   What a nightmare!"


Wade (to Rembrandt): "You bet on a game that you don't understand? You're an idiot!"

The Weaker Sex

Rembrandt: "I'm getting awfully tired of landing on my butt. Can't you do something about that?"
Quinn: "You know I can't. I think you ask just to annoy me a little."
Rembrandt: "Actually, I ask to annoy you a lot."

"Men have too much testosterone. Look at women -- they only cycle once a month. Men cycle every twenty minutes. As many mood swings as I go through in an afternoon, I wouldn't want to be in charge of anything."

The King Is Back

The Luck of the Draw


Into The Mystic

Arturo: "Given the fraudulent nature of this man's claims, I suggest a response that harkens back to our childhoods: Run! Run like hell!"

Love Gods

Rembrandt (in drag): "My legs are freezing!"
Wade: "I told you to wear the pantyhose."
Rembrandt: "I can honestly say that I never thought anyone would say those words to me."

Gillian of the Spirits

Arturo (attempting to repair the timer): "How am I expected to work like this?! I'm a theoretical physicist. I work with universes, not piddling little stuff like this!"

The Good, The Bad And The Wealthy

Rembrandt: "Are you all right?"
Quinn (hung over): "Nothing a bullet between the eyes wouldn't cure."
Arturo: "Be careful what you wish for."

El Sid

Time Again And World

Rembrandt: "Damn! A whole nation of squares! This reminds me of a solo gig I played in Florida once. The average age was deceased."

In Dino Veritas

Wade: "A few weeks ago, we were on that world without clothes, remember?"
Arturo: "How could I forget? Not exactly my finest hour, was it? Then, none of us exactly covered ourselves in glory, did we? Or anything else, for that matter. Yes, we have certainly seen the best and the worst of each other."

Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome

Rembrandt: "I guess randomly traveling through an interdimensional vortex has a way of making you appreciate what's important in life."



Quinn: "In a lot of ways, black jack not so dissimilar from advanced number theory."

Wade: "Fear of litigation. That's what happens when 84% of the population attends law school."
Quinn: "85% too many if you ask me."

The Young And The Relentless

Tiffany August: "I guess when you're up to your ass in alligators, you tend to forget that your job is to drain the swamp."

As Times Go By

Arturo: "Madam, I'm professor of cosmology and ontology at the University of . . ."
Miss Sanchez: "Excuse me, Mr. ... Arturo, but you were looking for work as a day laborer, okay?"


Rembrandt: "Ah, I tell you, I just love the French women. You never know what they're thinking. Of course I could say the same thing about Asian women or Latin women..."
Wade: "Maybe it's a good thing you don't know what women are thinking."


Rules Of The Game

Wade: "I've got this thing about flying."
Quinn: "Sliding between parallel worlds doesn't bother you, but flying does?"
Wade: "You have no idea how much."

Quinn: "This ranks very high on the weird meter."

Rembrandt (to Arturo): "For somebody with so much education, there are moments when you aren't very smart at all."

Double Cross

Arturo (to Wade): "No need to sound so surprised. I may not be your idea of a shower fantasy, but I do have my admirers."

Electric Twister Acid Test

Wade (re: The Wizard of Oz): "Flying monkeys, poison poppies, tornadoes, witches -- great family fun. I couldn't sleep for a week."

Rembrandt: "I've never been banished before; except for that time in Abilene. Cowboys just didn't get Motown."

The Guardian

Biker: "Those words, all those syllables. It's like ... it's like being back at school!"
Arturo: "Well, at least that implies that you did go to school. This is good."

Biker: "Hey! I'm talking to her!"
Arturo: "But you're looking at me. Are you confused?"

The Dream Masters

Desert Storm

Dragon Slide

Quinn: "I know it's all scientific heresy, but I'm starting to think Shakespeare knew what he was talking about.  Maybe some things just can't be explained."
Arturo: "That is heresy."

The Fire Within

The Prince Of Slides

Rembrandt: "I'm pregnant?! I'm not even married!"

Arturo: "He's not thinking clearly."
Wade: "Well, I guess pregnancy does that to a man."

Duke Rembrandt: "What the devil is going on?"
Quinn: "I got kicked in the stomach."
Wade: "Are you okay?"
Quinn: "Yeah, but it's a good thing I'm not six inches taller."

Arturo: "I'm a theoretical mathematician, not a butcher!"

Dead Man Sliding

Arturo: "This mob is only interested in entertainment, they don't give a damn about the truth."
Quinn: "They couldn't handle the truth."
Arturo: "Then we'll make the truth entertaining Mr. Mallory."

State of the A.R.T.

Wade: "... I'm sorry I came down on you like I did. It's just sometimes you say things that just really push my buttons...."
Arturo: "... the four of us have become like an extended family, and like all families I'm afraid we all know how to press each other's buttons."

Arturo: "Just a minute young lady. You and I are not machines, and he by definition is not human. Now I don't care how creative he is, whether he can compose a symphony or write a sonnet. He cannot experience the joy of creativity nor can he experience the the pain of failure. Now what's the difference between us and them? It's the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong, it's our capacity for moral growth, it's our capacity for love, truthfulness, charity and an ability to put up with friends when they drive us to the point of distraction. When I see those characteristics in him then I'll reconsider the question. Till then he's just a damn walking calculator."

Seasons Greedings

Murder Most Foul

Rembrandt: "You don't even have a plan...."
Quinn: "We have a plan. We just don't know what it is yet."

Slide Like an Egyptian

Deera: "Oh, that was insane! We could have died!"
Quinn: "Been there, done that. Let's go."

Paradise Lost

Quinn (re: creature): "It could be some kind of freak nemertean."
Rembrandt: "Is that Latin for big freaking worm?'"
Quinn: "Something like that."

The Exodus

Quinn: "Sliding means improvising."

Wade (eulogizing Arturo): "I don't believe in goodbyes, not really. I can't believe that everything we are, and everything we've done just disappears. I think our spirit -- it's like a river -- it goes somewhere. And I know in my heart, I'll see you again."

Quinn (eulogizing Arturo): "I never would have been the student I was without your guidance and love. You taught me there are no limits to the imagination. You were a true adventurer. Now you're the greatest adventurer of all time."

Sole Survivors

Quinn (after attack by zombie): "That guy bit me!"
Rembrandt: "Talk about your bad neighborhoods!"

Rembrandt: "It takes more than military mind set to survive sliding."

The Breeder

The Last of Eden

Quinn: "Looks like we're outnumbered."
Wade: "Looks like we're going to be the next meal."

The Other Slide of Darkness



Maggie Beckett: "We just saw dinosaurs, and you're rattling on as if nothing happened."
Quinn: "Been there, done that. And we got the T-shirt. You should've been with us the first time we ran into dinos."
Rembrandt: "There's not a lot you don't see if you slide long enough."


Maggie (re: Rickman): "You know, you'd think someone who sucks brain to stay alive would stand out in a crowd."

This Slide of Paradise



Prophets and Loss

Maggie: "I would never surrender my will to some self-righteous guy who says he's got the answers to everything."
Quinn: "Does that mean we have no future together?"

Common Ground

Virtual Slide

Maggie: "So what's our next move?"
Rembrandt: "Same as always: getting the timer back."

World Killer

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Just Say Yes

The Alternateville Horror

Maggie: "And I could hear things -- like little animals, with little claws and little beady yellow eyes scurrying at my feet."
Rembrandt: "Easy girl. I thought you were a Marine."
Maggie: "I don't like rats."


Quinn: "Why does everybody always expect me to have all the answers?"
Colin Mallory: "Because you usually do."


Colin: "What if this is one of those strange worlds?"
Maggie: "Colin, every world is a strange world."

Dr. Venable: "You better get dressed."
Rembrandt: "Why do women always tell me that?"

California Reich

The Dying Fields

Colin (hitting Rembrandt when exiting the vortex): "Sorry. I didn't see you."
Rembrandt: "That's because you weren't looking where you were going. I told you, you've got to open your eyes when you're sliding through the vortex."
Colin: "Look, I've been a horse and buggy man most of my life. Warp speed is a new concept for me."
Rembrandt: "Yeah, well you'll get hip to it. I just hope I survive your learning curve."

Lipschitz Live

Quinn: "I've met the female version of myself."
Barry Lipschitz: "Did you have sex with her?"

Mother And Child

Net Worth

Slide By Wire

Data World

Maggie: "Quinn, you're supposed to finish your beer before you start hallucinating."

Way Out West

My Brother's Keeper

The Chasm

Roads Taken
