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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.


"This is bad.  Very bad."


The Tearing


Guardian Bob: "Slow clock speed or what?"

Bob:  "... I never do favors for slime."

Enzo: "I'm not afraid of old Mega-breath."

Computer: "Warning!  Incoming game!"

MegaByte: "Sorry, Bob, you can't play any games until you finish your work for me."

Computer: "Game over!  User wins!"
Enzo: "--  The whole sector's nullified.  Off-line!"
Bob: "They lost."

Fong (after losing to Bob in a Pong like game): "Ah, you've won and proven yourself worthy of my advice."

Fong: "There is an old 'read me' file that says: 'you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer.'"

Bob (to MegaByte): "I see now that you're the big circuit in town.   I'll throw my chips in with you."

MegaByte: "... only guardians and games dropped by users are able to stabilize tears...."

Bob: "Where's MegaByte?"
Dot: "There!  With the user.  What's he doing?"
Bob: "Viral takeover.  He's infecting the user.  This is not good.  Bummer!  Now we've got a Mega-user."

Bob: "Stay Frosty!"

Dot (flying through ice tunnel within game): "This place is making me dizzy."

MegaByte: "We could be a great team."
Bob: "I'd rather be erased."

MegaByte: "You want to see how much I hate to lose."

Bob: "Hidden file commands!  You've got to love them."

Bob (re: MegaByte): "When he messes with one of us, he messes with all of us."

Racing the Clock

Quick and the Fed

Medusa Bug


In the Belly of the Beast

The Crimson Binome

Enzo the Smart

Wizards, Warriors, and a Word from our Sponsor

Bob: "One user, four characters.  I think I know this game.  'A Dungeon Deep'."

Bob: "We're stuck like this.  A thief can't use a warrior's weapon."
Enzo: "And an elf can't  use a wizard's weapon."
Bob: "Exactly.  We're all stuck playing our roles."

Dot: "The secret to the whole game was to act as a team."

The Great Brain Robbery


Talent Night

Identity Crisis, part 1

Identity Crisis, part 2


High Code

When Games Collide

Bad Bob

Bob: "Good help is so hard to find."

Number One: "It's a volatile situation.  Anything can happen when a game is corrupted."

Painted Windows





Bob (re: Hexadecimal): "Any signs of what attacked her?"
Fong: "...  Whatever came out of her mirror has either gone or cannot be detected by my sensors."
Bob: "... this creature attacked Hexadecimal first.  Maybe it preys on viruses."
Fong: "Which could mean -"
Hex: "- Megabyte.  ..."
Fong: "I was right.  It's got MegaByte.  He's attacking Hexadecimal and trying to merge."

Bob: "You and MegaByte started to merge back there."
Hex: "...  We are from the same viral strain."
Bob: "The same family?"
Hex: "Oh, much worse than that, Guardian.  He is my brother."
[Hex laughs]
Bob: "... but you're always trying to destroy each other."
Hex: "Oh, that's just sibling rivalry."
Bob: "What will happen if you join?"
Hex: "The next generation!"
[Hex laughs]
Bob: "Why don't I like the sound of that?"

[After the infected MegaByte takes Hexadecimal and merges with her, a new virus is formed]
Bob: "I am Guardian 452.  State your name and function."
GigaByte: "I have become GigaByta, destroyer of systems."

Bob (to Fong via communicator): "The virus is called GigaByte.  He's at least as strong as MegaByte, but he hasn't used any of Hex's powers yet."

Bob: "Glitch, net-wide alert.  This is Guardian 452 of System Mainframe.  We've got a class five virus, energy absorbing.  We need help."

Mouse: "You called, sugar."

Bob: "... Mouse just saved our bitmaps...."

Slash (to GigaByte): "Drain my friend of energy, I don't think so."

[Bob recommended capturing a tear and using it on GigaByte disable him with too much energy.  Dot and Mouse go after a tear in Mouse's ship.]
Dot: "I hope this works."
Mouse: "Well, it was Bob's idea."
Dot: "That's what I'm afraid of."

Bob: "When Glitch split GigaByte, there were three signals:  MegaByte, Hexadecimal and a third one.  I'm not sure why.  ...  ... I still think there's something rotten at the heart of Mainframe."

Trust No One

Web World Wars


To Mend and Defend

Between a Raccoon and a Hard Place


Game Over


Where No Sprite Has Gone Before

Number 7

The Episode with No Name

Return of the Crimson Binome

The Edge of Beyond

Web Riders on the Storm





End Prog