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Season 6

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

A Time To Stand


Dax: "First, we'll shed blood and then we'll feast."

Dax: "The computer agrees with Julian."
Garak: "Of course it does.  They think alike."

Dukat: "I've found that one can't be too careful when dealing with the Bajorans."

Dukat: "I could make things very pleasant for you here, Kira."
Kira: "You could start by doing something about your breath."

Dukat: "... even amongst servants, someone has to be in charge."

Garak: "I'm sure my head will heal, but the way this war is going, I wouldn't bet on any of us living to a ripe old age."

Garak: "You're not genetically engineered.  You're a Vulcan."
Bashir: "If I'm a Vulcan, then how do you explain my boyish smile."

Kira: "What do you want Quark?"
Quark: "The usual: peace, love and understanding not to mention a generous profit margin which, I'm happy to say, is looking more and more likely.  ...  I never expected to say this, but as occupations go, this one's not so bad."
Kira: "No, I suppose that's true if all you're worried about is a monthly balance sheet."
Quark: "I'm not just concerned with profit....  I miss the Federation, too.  All I'm saying is, things could be a lot worse."

Kira: "... what good is power if you're not willing to use it."

Martok: "Klingons make great warriors, but terrible doctors."

Quark: "It's amazing how many of my customers think of Quark's as their second home."

Ross: "As of right now, you're no longer in command of the Defiant."

Sisko: "It's wartime.  ...  I go where I'm sent."

Joseph Sisko: "Are things really as bad as the news service claims?"
Sisko: "Maybe worse."
Joseph Sisko: "Well, you certainly know how to comfort a frightened old man."
Sisko: "You didn't raise me to be a liar."
Joseph Sisko: "I raised you to be a chef for all the good it did me."

Joseph Sisko (to Sisko): "... there's something I just don't understand.  You're always telling me that space is big, that it's an endless frontier filled with infinite wonders.  ...  ... if that's the case, you would think it would be more than enough room to allow people to leave each other alone."

Rocks and Shoals

Sons and Daughters

Ch'Targ: "Keep a close watch, there may be more hostile simulation programs out there."  
Martok (stopping Worf from interferring): "Wait! He'll [Alexander] never make that mistake again.  It's better that we should be too ready than not ready enough."  
Ch'Targ: "At least your keeping us on our toes."   
Martok: "You see! They have accepted him."  
Worf: "They have accepted him as the ship's fool."

Dukat: "I'm hosting a celebration for her in my quarters tonight. I hope you'll join us."  
Kira: "What time?"  
Dukat: "Uh! 21:30 unless I'm unavoidably delayed."  
Kira: "Ah! The busy life of an interstellar despot."

Martok: "War is much more fun when your winning.  Defeat makes my wounds ache."

Martok: "A vital mission, impossible odds and a ruthless enemy, what more could we ask for?  I tell you Worf, I feel young again."

Worf: "I can see our lives together will not be easy."   
Dax: "True! But they'll be fun."

Worf: "I cannot change the mistakes I have made but, from this day forward, I promise, I will stand with you."  
Alexander: "We'll see if you mean it."  
Worf: "Yes, we will. What you are about to do entails a grave obligation.  Do not accept it lightly."  
Alexander: "I understand and I accept."  
Worf: "Good! I will teach you what you need to know to be a warrior and you will teach me what I need to know to be a father."

Behind The Lines

Favor The Bold [Part I]

The Sacrifice Of Angels [Part II]

You're Cordially Invited...


Mirror Bariel (Re: gods): "I leave them alone, they leave me alone."

Dax: "It's not polite to accuse a guest of lying."

Kira (to Dax): "Sometimes your taste in men frightens me."

Kira: "When you over indulge the body ..."   
Mirror Bariel: "... you starve the soul."

Kira: "An Orb experience isn't meant to be shared."

Statistical Probability

Bashir: "We're mutants."

Bashir: "It's not always easy to walk among the common people."

Bashir: "There's no way the Federation is going to beat the Dominion.  We have no choice.  We're going to have to surrender."

Bashir: "We're not gods."  Jack: "Maybe not, but we're the next best thing."

Bashir: "One person derailed your plans.  One person changed the course of history."

Bashir: "Sometimes you just have to take a chance."

Jack: "There are rules."

Jack: "Well, why don't you fix it, dear fellow, dear fellow, why don't you fix it before I go mad."

Jack: "Equations don't lie."

Sisko: "Surrender is not an option."

Sisko: "If we're going to lose, we're going to go down fighting."

The Magnificent Ferengi


Who Mourns for Morn?

Far Beyond the Stars

One Little Ship

Bashir:  "This conduit's filthy.  Don't you ever clean up in here?"
Dax:  "All right, all right, let's not badger the Chief."
O'Brien:  "Thank you!"
Bashir:  "I'm sorry.  That was rather small of me."

Bashir (noticing Odo's scrutiny):  "Is there something wrong?"
Odo:  "Are you sure you've returned to your normal size?"
O'Brien:  "Of course."
Bashir:  "Why?"
Odo:  "Well, you both appear to be a couple of centimeters shorter than you were the last time I saw you. A changeling notices that sort of thing."
Quark:  "I didn't want to say anything, but you do look a little on the petite side."
Bashir (to O'Brien):  "Infirmary."  
Quark (to Odo):  "And they say you don't have a sense of humor." 

O'Brien (demonstrating height with fingers):  "Are you telling me I'm going to be this bloody tall for the rest of my life?!?"
Bashir (demonstrating a smaller height with fingers):  "This bloody tall, actually."

Honor Among Thieves

Change Of Heart

Wrongs Darker than Death or Night


Bashir (re: solitary confinement in a Dominion prison camp):  "Wait.  Let me think.  Was I alone in solitary?  -- Yes.  I think I was."

Luther Sloan:  "We search out and identify potential dangers to the Federation."
Bashir:  "And once identified?"
Sloan:  "We deal with them."
Bashir:  "How?"
Sloan:  "Quietly."

In The Pale Moonlight

Romulan Senator (to Sisko):  "So, you're the Commander of Deep Space Nine and the Emissary of the Prophets, decorated combat officer, widower, father, mentor, and, oh yes, the man that started the war with the Dominion.  I thought you'd be taller."

His Way

The Reckoning

Bashir:  "Who knows?  The rest of the tablet probably says "Go to Quark's.  It's happy hour."
Quark:  "I like the way you think, Doctor."

Dax: "Yep.  Just as I thought.  It's a brick slab with writing on it."

Dax:  "Just do me one favor.  If you talk to the Prophets again, ask for a dictionary.  Please."
Sisko:  "I'll see what I can do."
Dax: "Thank you."

Quark:  "Business is slow.  I'm going to have to make some changes.  I'm extending happy hour."
Bashir:  "Oh?"
Quark:  "Now, every hour is happy hour -- at least until business picks up"



Odo (re: Jadzia Dax): "You're in love."
Quark: "That's the most ridiculous thing you've said this year."

Jake: "There's another ship coming in.  ...  It's the Defiant."
Nog: "...  That's not the Defiant.  This ship's registry number is NCC 74210.  USS Valiant."

Captain Watters: "We have cadets here as young as 17 who are doing the job of officers twice their age."

Watters (to Nog): "As of this moment, you are Chief Engineer.  Congratulations.  ...  With rank of Lieutenant Commander."

Watters (to Nog): "None of us were ready for the responsibility thrust upon us, Commander.  But each of us found a way to rise to the occasion -- do the job that had to be done.  ...  You can do this, Mister Nog.  Just have faith in yourself, faith in your shipmates, and everything will be fine."

First Officer Karen Farris: "... we are in the middle of a war.  We can't afford to have young cadets thinking about mommy and daddy when they need to be concentrating on their duties."
Jake: "All I did was ask about her home."
Farris: "All you did was plunge a member of this crew into emotional turmoil."
Watters: "Jake.  ...  You're a reporter.  Your job is to watch the way events unfold, not participate in them.  Right now, you need to stand back.  ...  You're right in the middle of a great story.  ...  Don't interfere with the story, Jake.  Don't become a part of it.  Just let it unfold around you.  Observe, listen, and then write it down."

Watters: "We're Red Squad, and we can do anything!"

Jake: "... someone told me that ship out there was twice the size of a galaxy-class ship and three times as strong."
Nog: "That's accurate."
[Note: the Enterprise D was a galaxy class starship]

Jake (trying to talk sense into Nog): "I feel like I'm having a conversation with one of the bulkheads."
Nog: "You don't understand because you've never put on the uniform.  You don't know anything about sacrifice or honor or duty or any other things that make up a soldier's life.  I'm part of something larger than myself.  All you care about is you."
Jake: "That's right.  All I care about is Jake Sisko and whether or not he's going to be killed by a bunch of delusional fanatics looking for martyrdom.  ...  I don't even know who you are."
Nog: "I'm the Chief Engineer of the Starship Valiant."
Jake: "I'll have them put that on your tombstone."

Watters: "Lay in a strafing course along their superstructure and make it close.  ...  I want to scrape some paint off their hull...."

Nog (re: Valiant and death of crew): "It was a good ship -- with a good crew -- that made a mistake."

Chief Petty Officer Dorian Collins: "Captain Watters was a great man.  ...  If he failed, its because we failed him."
Nog: "...  He may have been a great hero.  He may even have been a great man.  But in the end, he was a bad captain."


Profit and Lace

Ishka: "We all deal with stress in different ways."

Ishka: "You may be a lousy son, but you made a lovely daughter."

Nilva: "I'm all ears."

Nilva: "I never, ever thought I'd find a clothed females so enticing."

Quark: "Females?  Available resources?"

Quark (as Lumba): "When it comes to profit, I'm your girl."

Zek (re: Ishka): "If she couldn't find another female, she'd make one."

94th Rule of Acquisition: "Females and finances don't mix."

Out Of Time

Time's Orphan

Dax: "Worf, ... you're not good with babies."

Worf: "I am a Klingon warrior and a Starfleet officer.... I can make this baby go to sleep."

The Sound of Her Voice


Lisa Cuzak: "Both my sisters are teachers.  I don't know how they do it.  I can't stand children."

Cuzak (disguising voice): "She's gone.  I have eaten her."

Odo: "Only you would consider barstools a form of creativity."

Odo: "Some mysteries are better left unsolved."

Quark: "Love's a distraction -- and a distracted policeman is an opportunity."

Quark: "Lesson No. 1:  No one involved in an extra-legal activity considers them self nefarious.  I am a businessman."

Quark: "I can handle deputies."

Quark: "My best option is panic."

Quark: "285th of Rule of Acquisition:  No good deed ever goes unpunished."

Kasidy Yates: "If you're going to do something, do it right."

Kasidy Yates: "That's why you're a good parent.  You know all the clich�s."

Tears of the Prophets