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Season 4

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Way of the Warrior

Gul Dukat: "Captain, are you aware there's a Klingon on your bridge?"

Odo: "Doctor, if a Klingon were to kill me, I'd expect nothing less than an entire opera on the subject."

Quark: "If anything happens I have my disruptor right here.  Wait a minute, where's my disruptor?"
Odo (reading a paper from Quark's box):  "Dear Quark, took your disruptor apart for spare parts to fix the replicators.  Rom."
Quark:  "I'll kill him!"
Odo:  "With what?"

Sisko: "Running may help for a little while, but sooner or later the pain catches a with you.  And the only way to get rid of the is to stand your ground and face it."

Sisko: "The more we fight each other, the weaker we'll get and the less chance we'll have."

Sisko: "What's important is what you think."

Worf: "Nice hat."

Worf: "You cannot take away what someone does not have."

The Visitor

Jake: There's only one first time for everything, isn't there?  And only one last time, too."

Jake: "To my father, who's coming home."

Sisko: "It's life.  You can miss it if you don't open your eyes."

Hippocratic Oath


Bashir (re: Sisko): "Well, it could've been worse. He could've said 'it's a very big step'."

Dukat: "When one has a difficult job to do, personal reasons can be quite an incentive."

Kira: "There's always a choice."

Sisko: "Sometimes things between men and women can get a little complicated."

Kasidy Yates: "Could you muster up a bit more enthusiasm?"


Dax: "… in the end all that matters is how we feel and what we do about it.  Because either way we're the ones that have to live with the consequences."

Dax: "I've never let my past lives interfere with my job."

Dax: "I didn't come here to listen to a lecture about my responsibilities!"

Dax: "You came here for advice from a friend, and that's exactly what you're getting!"

Little Green Men

Quark: "All I ask is a tall ship, and a load of contraband to fill her with...."

Quark: "The riskier the road, the greater the profit."

Quark:  "If they'll buy poison, they'll buy anything.  I think I'm going to like it here."

Quark: "We forced them to help us with -- with --"
Rom: "-- with your insidious mind control powers."
Quark: "That's not bad."

Starship Down

Dax:  "A year ago, I would have thought you were trying to be a hero."
Bashir:  "And now?"
Dax:  "Now, I realize it was just a stupid thing to do."
Bashir:  "Ah, you're welcome."

Dax:  "If you don't mind my saying, Julian, that's a very strange fantasy."
Bashir:  "It's been a long time since I had that particular fantasy."
Dax:  "Oh?"
Bashir:  "You sound disappointed."
Dax:  "Julian!"
Bashir:  "That's right.  You enjoyed being chased and now you missed it."
Dax:  "That's preposterous!  And if you start chasing me again--"
Bashir:  "Don't worry, Jadzia, now that I know you liked it, I don't need to, do I?"

"Well, we'll worry about that tomorrow."
"That's easy for you to say -- it's your day off."

The Sword of Kahless

Kor: "It was our destiny to find it. It just wasn't our destiny to keep it."

Our Man Bashir

Garak: "So, what do we do now?"
Bashir: "I'm thinking."
Garak: "Think faster."

Garak: "Is that your plan?"
Bashir: "Shut-up!"

Garak (to Bashir) "Kiss the girl, get the key!  They never taught me that is the Obsidian Order."

Garak: "Indulging in fantasy keeps the mind creative."

Garak:  "I think I joined the wrong intelligence service."

Garak: "I must say, Doctor, this is more than I ever wanted to know about your fantasy life."

"I won!  Somehow, I didn't expect to."

Homefront [Part I]

Joseph Sisko: "Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, what the hell has gotten into your head?"

Paradise Lost [Part II]

Admiral Leyton: "Don't kid yourself, Ben.  This Pandora's box of yours -- we're opening it together."

Sisko: "There comes a time in every man's life when he must stop thinking and start doing."



Kira: "... you can't capitulate to terrorists."

Odo: "... Bajorans are even less successful than most humanoids at hiding their emotions."

Odo: "... I know even less about relationships than I do about politics."

Odo: "I don't have moods."

Odo: "I 'm just trying to keep to the essentials."

Odo: "For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me as a friend."
Quark: "Nah."

Quark: "... it's illegal to listen to someone's conversation without their consent."

Quark: "You take the form of an animal you're going to end up behaving like one."

Quark (to Odo re: tearing up his quarters): "You really are in love.  ... I really didn't think you had it in you.  It takes passion to do something like this and I always thought you were colder than a Breen winter."

Sarish Rey: "... have you ever met a Bajoran who didn't have a fervent opinion about everything from prophetic interpretation to farm policy?"

Shakaar Edon (re: visiting temple): "... we'll just slip in.  I'll stay for a few minutes and then we'll slip out."
Odo: "... now that you're First Minister, you can't slip in or out of bed without people noticing."

Shakaar: "... we're going to take a stroll."
Odo: "If you tell me where you're going, I'll secure your route."
Shakaar: "If I knew where we were going, it wouldn't be a stroll, would it?"

Shakaar: "... I've been a soldier and I've been a politician and I have to say I'm beginning to think that being a soldier was easier.  ..."
Odo: "... I'm afraid I don't know much about politics."
Shakaar: "Well, you agree with me.  As far as I'm concerned, that makes you an expert."

Shakaar: "... when you get four Bajorans together, you get six opinions." 

Sisko: "They say, 'to err is human'.  But you're not human, Odo.  You're not even humanoid."

Worf: "Providing security was difficult enough aboard the Enterprise.  It appears to be next to impossible on this station.  ...  I prefer a more -- orderly environment."
Odo: "We have that in common.  My people have an innate need for order."
Worf: "How do you tolerate living here?"
Odo: "I make order where I can.  For one thing, I have a daily routine, which I follow unwaveringly."

Return to Grace

Dukat: "I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit for, Major."

Kira: "You have got to make use of what you have.  If you need a hammer and you don't have one … use a pipe!"

Zival: "When I look at my father, I have a hard time seeing a murderer!"
Kira: "And when I look at him, I have a hard time seeing anything else."

The Sons of Mogh

The Bar Association

O'Brien: "Oh, I'm perfectly healthy, except that I have this disgusting cyst on the back of my neck. Now, either I paint a nose, eyes and mouth on it and pretend I've got two heads, or you take it off."
Bashir: "Well -- I'll get you some paint."


Akorem Laan ( to Sisko): "I see now why Kai Opaka believed you were the Emissary, and why Winn fears you."

Kira: "That's the thing about faith.  If you don't have it, you can't understand it.  And if you do, no explanation is necessary."

Quark: "See Brak acquire.  Acquire, Brak, acquire."

Rules Of Engagement

Sisko: "Wait until you get a fourth pip on your collar.  You'll wish you had gone into botany."

Hard Time

O'Brien: "When we were growing up, they used to tell us humanity had evolved -- that mankind had outgrown hate and rage.  But when it came down to it -- when I had the chance to show that no matter what anyone did to me, I was still an evolved human being.  I failed."

Shattered Mirror

Mirror Bashir: "So what am I supposed to do with these torpedoes?"
Mirror O'Brien: "I have a few ideas."

Mirror Garak (after threats from the Regent): "It's nice to have something to look forward to."

Guard: "You sentenced my wife to death."
Intendant Kira: "What a coincidence! I was hoping you weren't married!"

Intendant Kira: " Isn't that a coincidence!  I was hoping you  weren't married."

Intendant Kira: "... violence is a precision instrument.  It's a scalpel, not a club."

Intendant Kira (re: Professor Jennifer Sisko): "... she's very attractive but I've known Breen icicles that are warmer than she is."

Intendant Kira (after being freed from the brig by Mirror Nog): "I wasn't aware we were on the same side."
Mirror Nog: "You killed my father and my uncle.  Thanks to you, I won the bar."

Mirror Nog (to Jake Sisko): "You're too tall.  I don't trust tall men.  Tall women -- ah -- that's a different story."

Mirror O'Brien:  "Captain Sisko, I believe you have met Captain Bashir."
Sisko:  "Captain Bashir?"
Mirror O'Brien:  "Captain Sisko, Captain O'Brien, Captain Bashir.  We may not have enough troops or ships or weapons but we have plenty of captains."

Mirror O'Brien: "What good is glory when you're dead?"

Mirror O'Brien: "... there's nothing like a little on the job training to get the adrenaline pumping."

Mirror O'Brien: "... you never cease to amaze me."
Sisko: "Sometimes I even surprise myself."

Mirror O'Brien: "That cruiser has us in weapons range.  Do we make a run for it?"
Sisko: "We run all right -- right at it."
Mirror O'Brien: "Ah!  Pattern Suicide!"

Quark: "I suppose that's what you get for having friends.  ...  Just that, when you think you can count on them, they go off and leave you.  No.  You're much better off without them."

Sisko: "There's a difference between interrogation and torture."

The Muse

Jake: "So how do you like my story?"
Sisko: "I especially like the father."

Odo: "I'm sorry if I made you feel ... unwelcome. It's just my way."

Sisko: "You've got a good start on a novel here, Jake. The dialog is sharp, the story is interesting, the characters are real ... the spelling is terrible."

For The Cause


Kasidy Yates: "You are evil."  
Sisko: "I am a Starfleet officer, the paragon of virtue."  
Kasidy: "You're more like a parody of virtue."  

Odo: "... smuggling with intent to supply a terrorist organization is a serious offense."  

Sisko (re: Kasidy): "Odo, she's a Federation citizen.  You can't just invade her privacy based on your suspicions.  ..."
Eddington: "If she's really a Maquis, then she's no longer a Federation citizen."  

Bashir (re: Ziyal): "Stop watching her."  
Garak: "Oh, I thought the whole point was to watch."  
Bashir: "The point is to watch the game, not the spectators, especially that spectator."  
Garak: " Well, what does she expect?  She's the only Cardassian woman on the station.  She must know she's bound to attract some attention."  
Bashir: "Some, yes.  Yours, no.  ..."  
Garak: "Perhaps I should say hello after the game."  
Bashir: "That's Gul Dukat's daughter and I can't think of anyone in the galaxy who hates you more than he does.  Besides, Ziyal is a friend of Kira's and I wouldn't play around with her if I were you."  
Garak: "I simply thought it would be polite to say hello but clearly, you don't think I'm capable of conducting any kind of pleasant discourse without some kind of nefarious ulterior motive."  
Bashir: "That's not what I meant.  I just think you should just leave well enough alone.  Why stir up--?"  
Garak (re: Game): "Yes!  Well played!  Brava, Major!"  
Bashir: "What happened?"  
Garak: "A brilliant move on the part of the major.  You should have been paying attention."  

Kasidy: "Did you know you could smell that all the way down the corridor?"  
Sisko: "It's an experiment.  Bajoran ratamba stew over spinach linguine."  
Kasidy: "Don't your neighbors ever complain?"  
Sisko: "Sometimes, but usually it's only an excuse to get a taste of my cooking."  
Kasidy: "Oh, how sneaky of them."  
Sisko: "Yes, they are a duplicitous bunch."  

Jake: "I've got a problem.  Do either of you know what a Kavarian tiger-bat smells like?  It's for a story I'm working on.  The computer database has plenty of pictures but no olfactory information."  
Sisko: "You're a writer.  Make something up."  

Worf: "... criminals always make mistakes."  

Worf: "I would not become a terrorist.  It would be dishonorable."  
O'Brien: "I wouldn't say that around Major Kira if I were you."  

Eddington (re: becoming a terrorist): "I do my job, Chief.  Starfleet says to find the Maquis, I'll find the Maquis.  My opinion is irrelevant.  What matters to me is doing my job like a Starfleet officer.  Anything else is an indulgence."  

Garak: "It's much simpler when the customer explains what he wants."  
Quark: "Rudeness will get you nowhere."  

Kira: "Listen closely.  I don't know what kind of sick game it is you're playing with Ziyal but it better stop, and it better stop right now.  ...  Now that girl is here under my protection and I swear, if you do anything to hurt her I will make you regret it.  Is that clear?"  
Garak: "As Tabalian glass."

Quark: "So, are you canceling your date with Ziyal?"  
Garak: "It's not a date.  ..."  
Quark: "You're a man, she's a woman, it's a date."  

Garak: "I've had visions of Ziyal presenting my head to her father as a birthday gift."  
Quark: "That's a little paranoid, wouldn't you say?"  
Garak: "Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life.  I have threats against my life."  

Odo: "Terrorists don't work this way.  If your contact doesn't show up for a rendezvous, you leave.  You don't stay in the Badlands going in circles for five hours."  

Sisko: "Mister Eddington, I have just one question.  Why?"  
Eddington: "Will knowing my personal motivation change anything at this point?"  
Sisko: "No, I don't suppose it will."  
Eddington: "Then let's table that for now.  The only reason I've contacted you is to ask you to leave us alone.  Our quarrel is with the Cardassians, not the Federation.  Leave us alone, and I can promise you you'll never hear from the Maquis again."  
Sisko: "Unless you see another shipment you want to hijack."  
Eddington: "You keep sending replicators to Cardassia, and you're going to have a lot more to worry about than hijackings."  
Sisko: "I don't respond well to threats.  I thought you would know that by now but I'm beginning to see that you don't know me at all."  
Eddington: "I know you.  I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes.  Open your eyes, Captain.  Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis?  We've never harmed you, and yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism.  Starships chase us through the Badlands and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed.  Why?  Because we've left the Federation and that's the one thing you can't accept.  Nobody leaves paradise.  Everyone should want to be in the Federation.  Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join.  You're only sending them replicators because one day they can take their rightful place on the Federation council.  You know, in some ways, you're even worse than the Borg.  At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation.  You're more insidious.  You assimilate people, and they don't even know it."  
Sisko: "You know what, Mister Eddington?  I don't give a damn what you think of the Federation, the Maquis or anything else.  All I know is that you betrayed your oath, your duty and me.  And if it takes me the rest of my life, I will see you standing before a court-martial that will break you and send you to a penal colony where you will spend the rest of your days growing old and wondering whether a ship full of replicators was really worth it."

To The Death

Omet'iklan: "I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead.  As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar.  Remember, victory is life."
O'Brien: "I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brien.  I'm very much alive, and I intend to stay that way."

Sisko: "A dead man can't learn from his mistakes."

Worf: "Adopting a siege mentality is ultimately self defeating."

The Quickening

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Bashir: "Those little points of light out there ... the great Unknown beckoning to us."

Bashir: "Is it just me, or do the stars shine a little brighter in the Gamma Quadrant?" 
Dax: "Is it just me, or has Julian lost his mind?"

Bashir: "I thought this was a hospital and that you were a healer."
Trevean: "I am.  I take away pain."

Bashir: "The first thing I have to do is run a complete bio-spectral analysis on an asymptomatic individual."
Dax: "Loosely translated, that means he needs a volunteer."
[Ekoria Nods]
Dax: "Great!  Now if you'll just have a seat, the Doctor will be with you in a moment. - They love to keep you waiting.  It, uh, makes them feel important."

Bashir: "Doctors and nurses are supposed to project an air of caring competence."

Bashir: "Some people don't like being around the sick.  It reminds them of their own mortality.
Ekoria: "It doesn't bother you?"
Bashir: "Sometimes.  I prefer to confront mortality rather than hide from it.   When you make someone well, it's like you're chasing death off.  Making him wait for another day." 
Ekoria: "But death comes to everyone eventually."

Bashir: "I wouldn't be much of a doctor if I gave up on a patient, would I?"

Bashir: "Trevean was right.  There is no cure.  The Dominion made sure of that.  And I was so arrogant I thought I could find one in a week." 
Dax: "Maybe it was arrogant to think that. But it's more arrogant to think that there isn't a cure just because you couldn't find it."

Dax: "It's not a crime to believe in yourself."

Ekoria: "What is that smell?" 
Bashir: "I'm making a salve."  
Ekoria: "As long as I don't have to drink it."

Ekoria: "Trevean, am I dead?" 
Trevean: "Is that what you want?   I can end you're suffering."

Epran: "I suppose your going to want to bleed me." 
Bashir: "A little." 
Epran: "I cancelled my death for you.  I'll was really looking forward to it."

Epran: "I like your spots." 
Dax: "You told me that yesterday." 
Epran: "I still like them."

Kira: "If all your little advertisement aren't purged from our systems by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, I will come to Quark's, and believe me - I will have fun."

Quark Commercial: "Come to Quark's.  Quark's is fun.  Don't walk. Run."

Trevean: "No one wants to suffer needlessly."

Trevean: "She's asking for me.  You have no right to interfere."

Body Parts

Brunt: "What I want is 52 disks of vacuum decimated Quark, nothing more, nothing less."

Garak: "For a man who wants to kill himself, you are strangely determined to live."

Gint (Quark's dream): "Rule of Acquisition No. 239: Never be afraid to mislabel a product."

Gint (Quark's dream): "They're just rules.  They're written in a book, not carved in stone.  ...  A bunch of us just made them up."

Gint (Quark's dream): "The rules are nothing but guideposts, suggestions."

Kira: "The baby just had a change of address, that all! ...   Your son's living here now."

O'Brien: "It's as it if I have to remind [Keiko] that she's pregnant."  
Dax: "I guess the extra weight, the morning sickness, the mood swings, the medical examinations, they aren't reminders enough."

O'Brien: "One step a time."

Quark: "Bashir?  How good could he'd be?  He doesn't even charge!"

Quark: "Friends?  Community?  You sound like some sniveling human."

Rom: "Your dying?" 
Quark: "... I have Dorek Syndrome."   
Rom: "But, that's incurable."  
Quark: "That's right!   Which explains the dying part!"  
Rom: " But, Dorek Syndrome!   It's so rare." 
Quark: "It strikes only one out of every five million Ferengi.  I finally beat the odds."

Quark: "Grand Nagus  Zek ...  he always liked me."   
Rom: "He used you when it suited his needs.  I don't think it's the same things."  
Quark: "... He used me because he liked to be."

Quark: "It took my whole wife, but I'm going to die a winner."

Quark: "We're not Klingon's!  We're businessmen!"   
Brunt: "This is not business, Quark.  This is personal."

Quark: "I'm a Ferengi businessman.  ...   It means that I'm not exploiting and cheating people at random.  I'm doing it according to a specific set of rules, the Rules of Acquisition.  And I  won't disregard them when I find them inconvenient."

Quark: "Maybe I wasn't clear; I'm not dying."
Brunt: "Maybe I wasn't clear; I don't care."

Rom: "Rule of Acquisition No. 17: A contract, is a contract, is a contract.  But only between Ferengi."

Rom: "When you see how much your body is worth, you're going to wish you died years ago."

Broken Link

Dax: "I don't know -- maybe it's just being in the same room with so many naked men."