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Star Trek: New Frontier

This set involves a completely new captain and ship, but involves crossovers from TNG.

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

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Hardback consolidation of first four novels

#1 House of Cards - Peter David

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#2 Into the Void - Peter David

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#3 The Two-Front War - Peter David

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#4 End Game - Peter David

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#5 Martyr - Peter David

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Ontear:  "Wars are never great.  There can be great acts of heroism.  There can be great causes.  But the wars themselves are always terrible, terrible things."

Ontear:  "They fly in the face of prophecy.  They fight a hopeless battle.  It is only the hopeless battles ... that are the truly interesting ones."

Mackenzie Calhoun: "... I am suspicious of women."

Sh'nab: "You are a strategist.  That has always been your greater strength.  As such, it has been necessary for you to give a great deal of thought to whatever situation you might be faced with.  In my opinion in, you were   treating the prospect of sex with the same gravity that you would plan  a military engagement.  You are trying to foresee all possibilities, plan for every possible contingency.  Intimacy is not a war..." 
Calhoun: "I know of some couples who might disagree with you ..." 
Sh'nab:  "all right, I'll grant you that ....  but you are over thinking things here.  Simply allow matters to develop naturally."  
Calvin: "that is not my nature....I am one who feels the need to steer matters to a conclusion that I find satisfactory."  
Sh'nab:    "Relationship do not work that way.... In war, you give instructions to your men and they follow orders.  Women do not take to that.  Except the most passive of women, and I doubt that you would be satisfied with someone like that."

Selar: "You see, it could easily be argued that there is no logical reason to have a child.  Ever.  They are burdensome, they are limiting, they habitually expel bodily fluids out of a variety of orifices at high velocity, and they are extremely time-consuming.  So, for a race whose every action is that the defined by logic, that race would -- by definition --  face extinction."  
Calhoun: "But to allow the demise of your race just to avoid child rearing is also illogical."  
Selar: "In which case, perpetuation of the species becomes a chore.  An obligation.  To live with such an onerous situation is also not logical.  Therefore our very nature, our bodies, have developed in such a way that logic simply does not enter into the conception of children."

Burgoyne: "...assignment of blame is an even greater skill than assignment of duty."

Selar: "Do not dismiss the concept of loneliness....There is much to be said for it.  There is much comfort that one can take in it.  Once one adjusts to loneliness, one can never be hurt again.  Yes, indeed...loneliness is underrated."

Shelby: "When dealing with fanatics, count on their fanaticism."

#6 Fire on High - Peter David

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Si Cwan: "Entering a realm that makes no sense? ...the technical term for that is birth.  Or are you under the mistaken impression that life is a whole makes sense?"

Lefler: "Lefler's Law Number Thirty-Two: If life hands you lemonade, don't try to make lemons out of it."

Lefler: "Lefler Law One hundred and eight: It's not over until it's over, and sometimes not even then."

Kebron: "I don't need romance, I have goldfish."

Mackenzie Calhoun: "One person's blackmail is another person's negotiation."

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Prometheans - Science Fiction Book Club hardback consolidation of New Frontier novels 5 and 6

The Captain's Table #5 - Once Burned - Peter David

Double Helix #5 - Double or Nothing - Peter David

#7 The Quiet Place - Peter David

#8 Dark Allies - Peter David