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The Dominion War

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Book 1 of 4:  Behind Enemy Lines by John Vornholt (TNG)

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Ro Laren: "We can't choose where to die, only how to die."

Ro: "Old habits -- they seem to work."

Gul Ditok: "Experience is always a great profit."

Data (Re: LaForge expression): "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is."

Letharna (quoting a terran): "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Shek: "War is good for the black market.  Its chaos, and chaos is always good for those of us who work in the shadows."

Riker: "It doesn't do any good to throw bodies at a problem unless they have the experience to deal with it."

Data (thought): "... war required a level head, good judgment, and the ethereal commodity known as good fortune."

Professor Enrak Grof: "The smaller the black hole, the older it is."

Ro: "Whenever I make plans to have a normal life, things go haywire."

Picard: "... no matter how advanced the races of the galaxy, we still suffer from greed and bloodlust."

Grof: "Most of our greatest achievements are only beginnings, halfway measures until the real thing comes along."

Sam Lavelle: "... you're awfully quick to blame your coworkers for everything that goes wrong, when sometimes it's just a matter of Murphy's law."
Grof: "Murphy Law?  I'm unfamiliar with that concept."
Lavelle: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."

Book 2 of 4:  Call to Arms ... by Diane Carey (DS9)

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The two DS9 books in this set are novelizations of the DS9 episodes "Call to Arms", "A Time to Stand", "Sons and Daughters", "Rocks and Shoals", "Behind the Lines", "Favor the Bold" and "Sacrifice of Angels".

Book 3 of 4:  Tunnel Through the Stars by John Vornholt (TNG)

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Lavelle: "It's funny what even a small taste of freedom will do to a man."

Picard: "You have acted with honor."
Hasmek: "You mean, I lied with honor."

Captain Jobra (to Riker): "We only play games that have already been played.  Famous games --
Captain Anowon: "There's no dishonor in losing in game which has already been lost."

LaForge: "It's nice to know there are some things which look weird to everyone."

Picard (to Grof): "We all know the value of scientific progress, but that progress cannot come at the cost of a far-reaching civilization which has only sought peace and cooperation."

Picard (to Ro): "Sometimes our search for peace has led us to make mistakes -- to trust people we shouldn't have trusted, to  appease those without honor.  We can undo the past...."

Hasmek: "You can't fight, or do much else, on an empty stomach."

Troi: "I'm a realist.  It does no good to worry, but it often does a lot of good to talk."

Ro: "Talavians have a strong religious beliefs, but that doesn't keep them from cheating you."

Picard: "A captain's job is never done."

Ro: "...   I don't like being told what to do.  It's a problem I have with authority.  -- In the end, you have to answer to yourself and no one else."

Riker: "... no one was truly ready for battle until they experienced it."

Commander Shana Winslow: "In wartime, the absurd becomes the norm."

'Taurik': "To humans, death brings great suffering to the survivors.   They console each other with gestures...."

Picard: "... doing good isn't always good."

Picard (thought): "... so many inventions came during war, when desperation, fear, and hatred fueled the imagination and the will."

Picard (thought): "Anyone who thought a commanding officer had to like every order he gave didn't know much about command."

Picard: "War is about making sacrifices."

Book 4 of 4:  ... Sacrifice of Angels by Diane Carey (DS9)

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The two DS9 books in this set are novelizations of the DS9 episodes "Call to Arms", "A Time to Stand", "Sons and Daughters", "Rocks and Shoals", "Behind the Lines", "Favor the Bold" and "Sacrifice of Angels".