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Season 2

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Season 2 Premier


Johnny Fontaine: "In this city, you'd better learn to get along.  'Cause L.A.'s got it all:  The glamour and the grit, the big breaks and the heartaches, the sweet young lovers and the nasty, ugly, hairy fiends that suck out your brain through your face.  It's all part of the big, wacky variety show we call Los Angeles.  You never know what's coming next, and let's admit it, folks:  Isn't that why we love it?" 

[Entering a health club]
Cordelia: "Are you sure we're in the right place?" 
Wesley: "Seems a tad public for a praetorian sacrifice." 
Angel: "The quadrants match.  It's a carnyss demon, and they love muscles and mirrors." 

Health club employee: "That guy has horns." 
Angel: "Steroids.  Not good for you."          

Angel: "That was a nice gym.  ...  The thing about a gym is that you're not alone.  You've got people around.  It encourages you to work out." 
Cordelia: "You don't have to work out.  You're eternal." 
Angel: "I may not always be.  ...  You got your steam.  You got your sauna.  Your fresh towels.  I mean, how bad could it be?" 
Cordelia: "You shower with a lot of men." 
Angel: "I'll always be a loner." 

Wesley: "Prio motu demon.  It's a killer." 
Angel:  "Ancient ofga-beast bred to maim and massacre." 
Cordelia: "Oh, goody.  A pit bull." 

Cordelia: "Your stool pigeon feels safe in a karaoke bar?" 
Wesley: "In this one he does.  It's a sanctuary." 

Cordelia: "Cat got your tongue, Merl?" 
Merl: "I don't have a tongue." 

Fontaine: "Welcome to Caritas.  You know what that means?" 
Angel: "It's Latin for mercy." 
Fontaine: "Smart and cute.  How about gracing us with a number?" 
Angel: "I don't sing." 

Fontaine: "I know you're feelin' smooth, in the groove.  Isn't that the thing that comes before a fall?" 

Angel: "There are three things I don't do:  tan, date, and sing in public." 

Angel: "I help people." 
Jo: "You're joking, right?  ...  Look, I don't know who you are or what your deal is, and I don't care.  He was my protector.  I had one friend in this world, and you killed him.  Now, you stay the hell away from me." 

Wesley: "Cordelia said he was a nasty demon." 
Cordelia: "Well, he looked nasty.  I didn't say he was a killer.  You did!" 
Wesley: "That's what prio motus are.  They hunt, they kill.  What, we're supposed to think a creature like that can suddenly change its modus operandi overnight?  Turn into some noble protector, and -- defender of -" 

Cordelia: "Thanks for the obscure visions.  We're doing great with that." 

Angel: "I killed an innocent being.  He was a soldier like me.  Whatever his mission is, it's mine now." 

Angel: "You ever hear of a prio motu?" 
Charles Gunn: "That like a '62 Chevy with the big cam?  All right.  I could have just said no." 
Angel: "It's a warrior demon.  He was living down here." 
Gunn: "Well, isn't that nice?  And I thought all we had to dodge was roaches and vampires." 

Gunn: "I was hoping for some demon fighting tonight, but I wound up with a delivery job instead." 

Cordelia: "You can't see everything.  You're just a vampire like everyone else.  That didn't come out right."

Angel: "I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, that some day I might become human.  That light was so bright, I thought I was already out." 
Cordelia: "Yeah.  We all got a little cocky, didn't we?  It's gonna be a long while till you work your way out, but I know you well enough to know you will, and I'll be with you until you do." 
Angel: "What about your inevitable stardom?" 
Cordelia: "I'm not saying I won't have a day job." 

[Angel at club singing 'Mandy' off key]
Cordelia: "That man will do anything to save a life." 

Fontaine: "Why Mandy?" 
Angel: "Well, I know the words.  I kinda think it's pretty." 
Fontaine: "And it is, you great big sap!  There's not a destroyer of worlds can argue with Manilow, and good for you for 'fessing up." 

Tribunal Judge: "The trial by combat will begin." 
[The combat is a jousting match]
Jo: "I really appreciate you coming through for us like this, but you know how you're not really good at anything?  You sure you can do this?" 
Angel: "I grew up around horses." 
Jo: "How long has it been since you've ridden one?" 
Angel: "It's been a while.  Don't worry.  It's not something you forget.  I can do this.  [Directing comments toward horse]  Nice horse.  Try not to make me look stupid out there, ok?" 

Jo: "Are you ok?" 
Angel: "Yeah." 
Jo: "You sure seem to bleed a lot." 
Angel: "It's part of the job." 

Wesley: "We shouldn't be keeping score.  We're not running a race.  We're doing a job, one soul at a time." 

[Angel visiting Faith in prison]
Angel: "I had to sing Barry Manilow." 
Faith: "You're kidding." 
Angel: "In front of people." 
Faith: "And here I am talking about my petty little problems." 
Angel: "Just wanted to give you a little perspective." 
Faith: "Copacabana?" 
Angel: "Mandy.  I don't want to dwell on it." 
Faith: "The road to redemption is a rocky path." 
Angel: "That it is." 
Faith: "Think we might make it?" 
Angel: "We might."