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Season 1

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

City Of . . .

Lonely Heart

In The Dark

(Part 2 of a Buffy / Angel crossover - Continued from BtVS episode 'The Harsh Light of Day')

[Spike, looking down on conversation between Angel and Rachel after Angel rescues Rachel from her boyfriend Lenny.  Spike creates a complete conversation between Rachel and Angel.] 
Girl: "How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing?"
Boy: "No need, little lady.  Your tears of gratitude are enough for me.  You see, I was one bad-ass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me.  And now I'm just a big fluffy puppy with bad teeth.  (Rachel reaches for Angel) No, not the hair.  Never the hair."
Girl: "But there must be some way I can show my appreciation."
Boy: "No.  Helping those in need's my job.  And working up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough."
Girl: "I understand.  I have a nephew whose gay, so --"
Boy: "Say no more!  Evil's still afoot.  And I'm almost out of that Nancy-boy hair gel I like so much.  Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away."

[Oz arrives in town with a ring for Angel]
Angel: "It's the Gem of Amarra."
Oz: "One in the same.  --  Buffy wanted you to have it.  ..."
Doyle: "... can we concentrate on the mother lode that Angel jus hit.  What are you waiting for, man?  Will you put it on?"
Cordelia: "... you're getting weird with this ring.  Since when did you get all Versace about accessorizing?"
Doyle: "Since the accessory is priceless and renders the wearer 100% unkillable if he's a vampire."
[Closed Captioning during the Buffy episode spells the gem's name 'Amara' while Closed Captioning during the Angel episode spells it 'Amarra']

Doyle: "... I'm ... going to celebrate with a drink down at the pub."
Cordelia: "He'd celebrate the opening of a mailbox with a drink down at the pub."

Spike: "Marcus is an expert.  Some say artist, but I've never been comfortable with labels.  He's a bloody king of torture, he is.  Humans, demons, politicians -- makes no difference.  Some say he invented several of the classics, but he won't tell me which ones.  Beneath the cool exterior, you'll find he's rather shy.  Except with kids.  You like kids, don't you Marcus?  Well, likes to eat.  And other nasty things."

Marcus: "Creatures with souls have something to lose."

Marcus: "What do you want, Angel?"
Angel: "Are you going to torture me or just bore me to death?"
Marcus (after jabbing a hot poker through Angel): "Probably, a little of both."

Spike: "Why do you keep playing that bleeding Brahms?"
Marcus: "Actually, it's Mozart.  Symphony 41.  I find it very effective."
Spike: "Well, personally I prefer his older funnier symphonies myself.  Look, I want my ring."

Spike (re: Buffy): "She is cute when she's hurting, isn't she?"
Angel: "She's cuter when she's kicking your ass."

Marcus (to Angel): "Most things that live and breath hate the dark and love the light.  We're different though, aren't we.  We hate the light of day and it hates us back in kind."

Marcus: "It's through the pain that we find the truth of who we are.  It strips us of our defenses.  We are made innocent again, like children.  I like children, Angel.  I'm here to help you find that innocence, here -- with the light."

Marcus: "... there's nothing either bad or good, but thinking make's it so."

Angel: "I want -- forgiveness."
Marcus: "...  And you want to earn it.  You're not the type to take the easy way out....  In the end, you won't feel guilt -- or remorse -- or anything but pure darkness.  ...  You'll be free.  I promise."

Cordelia (searching for where Angel hid the Gem of Amarra): "This is not a needle in a haystack.  This is a needle in Kansas."

Spike: "No more partners.  From now on, I'm my own man.  A lone wolf.  Sole survivor.  Hey, look out!  Here comes Spike...."

Cordelia (re: Angel): "We need to get him to a hospital."
Oz: "... which one?  They all tend to specialize in humans."

Oz (re: Angel): "He's very pale.  Paler than most people."

Doyle (to Angel): "You got a real addiction to the brooding part of life."

Angel (to Doyle): "I don't know about you, but I had a nice day.  --  You know, except for the bulk of it, where I was nearly tortured to death."

I Fall to Pieces

Room With a View

Sense & Sensitivity

The Bachelor Party

I Will Remember You


Parting Gifts




I've Got You Under My Skin

The Prodigal

The Ring


Five by Five


War Zone

Blind Date


Wesley: "Demons with one eye, demons with 12 eyes, some with double vision.  No blind demons.  Perhaps Angel's discovered a new species."  
Cordelia: "What, Helen Kellerus homicidalus?"
Wesley: "Of course, it's possible she's not a demon at all."  
Cordelia: "You think?"  
Wesley: "Perhaps she's simply learned to hone her senses around her disability.  Angel said it was as if she anticipated his actions before he carried them out."  
Cordelia: "A handy skill in a fight or on a date."  
Wesley: "Unusual, to be certain, but not necessarily demonic."  

Cordelia: "Vanessa Brewer."  
Wesley: "What, you found her?"  
Cordelia: "Our first stop doesn't always have to be world of the weird, you know.  Sometimes, actual human people can be just awful."  

Wesley: "She obviously doesn't see the way we do, but she can see.  In a sense, the human eye is only capable of registering a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, but if Brewer was somehow equipped to see outside that range -"  
Cordelia: "- she'd be Superman."

Holland (re Vanessa Brewer): "Two minutes alone with that woman, I feel like my spine's been fused."  

Holland: "Everything all right?  You look a little stressed."  
Lindsey McDonald: "I've been putting in the hours, but -"  
Holland: "Ah.  Well, that's a big part of it.  The perspiration.  But the other part, the inspiration, you've had kind of a rough year on that end."  

Holland (to McDonald): "It took me a while to realize how the world was put together and where I belonged in it.  Actually, the world isn't that complicated.  It's designed for those who know how to use it.  ...  I want you to think about these things.  You're not gonna be happy until you find your place in the scheme of things."  

Angel: "How am I supposed to fight evil if they won't even put it behind bars?"  
Cordelia: "It's not your fault."  
Angel: "No, it's not my fault.  I-I didn't cause it, and I can't fix it.  I can't do anything about it.  Well, she's guilty.  She's guilty, and -- and they let her go.  She murdered a man right in front of me, and I can't even testify to that fact in a court of law.  ...  It's their courtroom, not mine.  ...  Their rules.  Their game.  ...  I have no place in their world at all.  ...  Look, how am I expected to do battle if I can't even get into the ring?"  
Wesley: "You have a place, Angel.  Our battle will be fought elsewhere."  
Angel: "It's still their world, Wesley.  Structured for power, not truth.  It's their system, and it's one that works.  It works because there's no guilt.  There's no torment.  No consequences.  It's pure.  I remember what that was like.  Sometimes I miss that clarity.  ...  Nothing ever changes."  

McDonald: "You probably think this is some kind of trick."  
Angel: "Are you afraid of me, Lindsey?  Do you think maybe I might kill you?  ...  I'm smelling a whole lot of fear.  Big, stinky, mortal terror.  So, no, I don't think this is a trick.  I think it's a big joke."  
McDonald: "Hey, I don't want to be here any more than you want to see me.  I don't have a choice."  
Angel: "You always have a choice.  You sold your soul for a fifth-floor office and a company car."  

McDonald: "I go back there, they're gonna kill me."  
Angel: "That's what we call an acceptable risk."  

Angel: "You have to make a decision to change.  That's something you do by yourself.  Most people, they never do."  
McDonald: "I get myself killed, that'll convince you I've changed."  
Angel: "It's a start."  

Cordelia: "Why are you going in at all?  I thought born-again boy was gonna do it."  
Angel: "It's a 2-man job."

McDonald: "They have shamans.  They can sense the moment a vampire crosses the threshold."  
Angel: "That's not gonna be a problem."  
Cordelia: "Well, then.  Seems pretty simple, except for the 'you'll definitely get caught' factor."  
McDonald: "The righteous shall walk a thorny path."  

Lilah: "I'm always in too much of a hurry."  
McDonald: "I think we all are.  ...  You doing some research?"  
Lilah: "Only when I want it done right."  
McDonald: "I know what you mean.  I don't mind making myself look like an idiot, but I hate it when some clerk does."  
Lilah: "Now, I was under the impression that you never touch a book anymore."  
McDonald: "A little secret between you and me.  If the amoebas find out you're willing to read, they lose all respect for you."  

Holland: "Well, I have to say, this is a shame.  It's just a shame.  Whenever I hear of disloyalty, it, uh, hurts me.  Hurts me personally.  But this sort of thing must be dealt with quickly and cleanly.  And unambiguously."  

Holland: "Terminating an employee is never pleasant."  

Holland (re: blood): "What a pity.  You can't get that out of the carpet.  Believe me, we've tried."  

Holland: "... you're in a crisis, son.  Crisis of faith.  Do you believe in love?  I'm not speaking romantically.  I'm talking about that sharp, clear sense of self a man gains once he's truly found his place in the world.  It's no mean feat, since most men are cowards and move with the crowd.  Very few make their own destinies.  They have the courage of their convictions, and they know how to behave in a crisis.  ...  You have everything it takes to go all the way here -- drive, ambition, excellence -- but you don't know where you belong.  And until you do, I guess we both have some important questions to answer.  ...  ... I know you.  And I know a little something about character.  I think what you actually need is a few days off to think about it, and I'm sure once you have, you're gonna do the right thing.  ...  Lindsey, I believe in you.  Look deep enough inside yourself, you'll find that love."  

Wesley: "The Order of the Nanjin.  Cave-dwelling monks.  They believe enlightenment is seeing with the heart, not the mind."  
Cordelia: "Are you telling me self-mutilating psycho assassin chick reached enlightenment?"  
Wesley: "Of a kind.  She'd be more sensitive to her surroundings than even a sighted person, which is what would make her an unstoppable foe."  

Angel: "You know what it is?"  
Wesley: "If I'm right, the prophesies of Aberjian, for centuries thought lost.  I translated some of the text.  ... it mentions the children you saved today.  That's not all.  I also believe I know why you were drawn to it.  There's an entire passage about you.  Doesn't call you by name, but it tells of a vampire with a soul.  ...  There is a design, Angel, hidden in the chaos, as it may be, but it's there.  And you have your place in it."  

Holland: "What does safe mean to you?"  
McDonald: "Not being at war with Wolfram & Hart.  Having my own life."  
Holland: "Lindsey, haven't you learned anything?  No one has their own life.  We're all part of something larger.  ...  I handpicked you when were a sophomore at Hastings, not because you were smart, not because you were a poor kid who had to do better than anyone else, because you had potential.  Potential for seeing things as they are.  It's not about good or evil.  It's about who wields the most power.  And we wield a lot of it here, and you know what?  I think the world's better for it.  ...  You walked in that door and called me by my first name.  You never did that before.  You wouldn't have had the nerve.  But you're different now.  You stood up to us and won.  Do you know how many people have that much nerve?  I can count 'em on one hand.  I need people like that working for us."  
McDonald: "You're offering me my job back?"  
Holland: "Oh, no.  I'm offering you a new job.  A permanent one with a thundering raise and ungodly benefits.  In fact, I'm offering you this very office.  I'm going upstairs.  What I'm offering you, Lindsey, is the world.  Now, I know you pretty well, and I'm betting you're gonna take it."  
McDonald: "You may not know me as well as you think you do."  
Holland: "As I've been trying to tell you, that's a decision that each person has to make for himself.  If you want it, it's yours.  If you don't, walk out this door.  I'm going upstairs now."

To Shansu in L.A.