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Season 5

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

"In a time of ancient gods, warlords, and kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero.  She was Xena, a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle.  The power, the passion, the danger.  Her courage will change the world." 

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Fallen Angel



Animal Attraction

Them Bones, Them Bones


Back in the Bottle

Little Problems

Seeds of Faith

Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire

Punch Lines

God Fearing Child

Eternal Bonds

Amphipolis Under Siege

Married with Fishsticks

Life Blood

Kindred Spirits

Antony and Cleopatra


Cleopatra (in bath): "Is it just me, Shiana, or do crises only happen when I'm naked?" 

Gabrielle: "Do you have a plan?" 
Xena: "First we become Egypt, and then we take on Rome." 

Messenger: "Sir, Queen Cleopatra bids you welcome and has sent you a gift." 
Antony: "Queen Cleopatra has sent me a gift.  Bring it in." 
Messenger: "Sir, yes, sir!  --  Bring it in!  --  It's a carpet, sir." 
Antony: "Dismissed."
[Antony reads scroll that accompanied carpet]
Antony: "Will Rome enter Egypt?"
[Antony unrolls the carpet pushing it with his foot.  In the center of the roll is Xena impersonating Cleopatra]
Xena/Cleopatra: "I am Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, slave of Rome." 

Xena/Cleo (dressed in nothing but chains): "Cat got your tongue?" 
Antony: "Queen Cleopatra, your reputation for not wasting time is well-deserved." 
Xena/Cleo: "Egypt is yours, Antony.  [Xena kisses Antony passing the key for the chains from her mouth to his]  Won't you free me?" 
Antony: "Is that what you want?  Surely this is about you capturing me." 
Xena/Cleo: "If that was my plan, I would have dressed for the occasion."
[Antony unlocks chains from Xena, the chains dropping to the floor leaving Xena completely naked]
Xena/Cleo: "Now I am free, and you."
[Antony hands Xena a blanket to cover herself with] 
Antony: "Let's just say your conquest is not yet complete." 
Xena/Cleo: "Well, of course not.  And who could expect the great Antony to surrender easily?  I simply thought that you might be the type to enjoy surprises." 
Antony: "Your guessing serves you well, Queen, but I came here to form an alliance with you - one based on trust and openness." 
Xena/Cleo: "I think we got the openness covered.  And as for trust, I really couldn't have come here in a more vulnerable state, now, could I?  So perhaps you should trust me.  Come to my palace.  I think I can find a bed for you." 

Xena/Cleo (in bath): "Welcome, Antony."
[Xena introduces Gabrielle as Iris] 
Xena/Cleo: "Oh, this is my companion, Iris." 
Antony: "If I were your hands, Iris, I would be fortunate indeed." 

Octavius (entering Queen's chambers through window): "Are you Cleopatra?" 
Xena/Cleo: "Are you my assassin?" 
Octavius: "No!  I was coming to see you." 
Xena/Cleo: "We have a front door for that." 

Gabrielle/Iris: "I'm losing sight of your plan, Xena.  Are you going to flirt  him to death?" 
Xena/Cleo: "I'm getting him to trust me so I can do what I want with him." 
Gabrielle/Iris: "Be careful.  He's your type."
Xena/Cleo: "You think?" 
Gabrielle/Iris: "What's this 'unfinished business'?" 
Xena/Cleo: "He's going to try to seduce me into letting him use Cleopatra's navy.  ...  And then I'll have him on his knees - figuratively speaking, of course." 

Gabrielle/Iris: "Queen Cleopatra?  Don't forget your meeting with your advisors." 
Xena/Cleo: "Ah, my advisors.  Yes, they're such busybodies." 
Antony: "Rome wasn't built in a day." 
[Antony leaves]
Gabrielle/Iris: "What do you think you were doing?" 
Xena/Cleo: "I was in complete control."
Gabrielle/Iris: "How far were you going to let that go, Xena?" 
Xena/Cleo: "Until he begged for my 'navel'." 
Gabrielle/Iris: "Your navy?"
Xena/Cleo: "I know what I'm doing."
Gabrielle/Iris: "Xena, what happens if he's the one who killed Cleopatra?" 
Xena/Cleo: "He's the one I'll kill if I have to.  I have no real feelings for him, Gabrielle, believe me.  ...  Got him right where I want him." 

Antony (among the pyramids): "Our time in this world is brief.  Kingdoms, they're mere clay, will Rome surpass their majesty?  I don't know.  In a place like this, a man is truly small." 
Xena/Cleo: "Why did you come to Egypt?  --  My navy." 
Antony: "Yes, but that has changed." 
Xena/Cleo: "Changed how?" 
Antony: "I don't want you to give me your navy.  You would always suspect that that is all I wanted from you." 
Xena/Cleo: "So what do you want from me?"  
Antony: "Your love." 
Xena/Cleo: "My love won't help you in a fight against Brutus." 
Antony: "The first time I saw you, I knew a man would give up a kingdom for such a woman.  There is nothing that I have learned since that would change my mind." 

Xena/Cleo: "You were right, Gabrielle -- I do have a soft spot for bad boys.  Even worse is a bad boy who loves like a fool.  ...  He wouldn't take Cleopatra's navy.  He says he wants my love instead.  I think he means it." 

Antony: "I'm trying to outguess Brutus." 
Xena/Cleo: "And if you defeat him, what will you do?"
Antony: "I will execute him and all his men." 
Xena/Cleo: "All of them?  Even the common soldier?" 
Antony: "There must be consequences for opposing Marc Antony.  Death, executions - it is the Roman way, and I am Roman." 
Xena/Cleo: "Yes, I see.  And what about Octavius?  I hear he's a good man." 
Antony: "He may be a good boy, but I cannot let him live to be a good man." 

Brutus: "Xena!" 
Xena/Cleo: "That's right.  I've been playing the part of Cleopatra because you killed her." 
Brutus: "You have to understand -- I needed that navy.  I could never compete with Antony for the affections of a woman.  I thought if she were gone, I had a chance to negotiate with her admirals." 
Xena/Cleo: "That's your justification for murder?" 
Brutus: "When I killed Caesar, I crossed the Rubicon of blood." 

Brutus (to Xena): "Why should I trust you?" 
Gabrielle/Iris: "I'll go with you." 
Brutus: "I can't ask for a better guarantee than that." 

Gabrielle: "You've become an ambitious man, Brutus." 
Brutus: "People change, Gabrielle.  I remember when you spoke only of peace, and now you're a warrior." 
Gabrielle: "And you're a murderer." 
Brutus: "I killed Cleopatra for the good of Rome!" 
Gabrielle: "How many people have to die for the good of Rome?" 

Octavius: "Death has no respect for rank." 

Antony: "Xena.  You win my trust, my love and then you betray everything." 

Xena: "Cleopatra always put the well-being of her kingdom ahead of her own.  Respect this.  She died in the hope that the Egyptian people might, for the first time, choose their next great leader.  She was Egypt." 

Looking Death in the Eye


Bar patron: "Hey, Ramius.  What's the next item up for bid?"
[Ramius pulls out a scroll]
Bar Patron: "You can't be serious."  
Ramius: "But this isn't just any scroll.  No, my friends.  I have in my hand the last-known scroll transcribed by the bard of Poteidaia herself!  It describes    in breathtaking detail the final adventure of Xena, the legendary warrior princess who dared to defy the gods."   
Older Joxer (viewing the scroll): "This is Gabrielle's handwriting.  This is real!"  
Ramius: "Sure it is."  
Older Joxer: "Bard of Poteidaia.  You know, I-I knew her.  She was a friend of mine.  Xena was my friend, too."
Bar patron: "Xena was my housemaid."  

Xena: "Finding your kid topping the list of Olympus' most wanted makes you do some pretty surprising things."  

Fate 1: "Your child, Xena -"  
Fate 3: "- will bring forth the Twilight and usher in a new beginning."  
Xena: "Yes, I heard.  I was hoping you could humor me with a date."   
Fate 1: "The twilight will occur in time."  
Xena: "That's not very specific."  
Fate 2: "The time depends on you, Xena."  
Xena: "What do you mean?  It's me that determines when the Twilight begins?  How?"  
Fate 3: "You must die, Xena."  
Fate 1: "Only in the essence of death will the child find salvation and the Twilight be set in motion.  Until then, a storm without end lies upon your path and hers."  
Gabrielle: "You're saying the sooner Xena dies, the faster Eve brings about the fall of the gods?  No.  Xena, let's go.  Hey!  What are you doing?  You're not listening to them.  Xena, you have said we always determine our own fate!  It's not written for us.  You've always believed that!"  
Xena: "I still believe that, Gabrielle.  So do they.  It's the only way.  I have to die, Gabrielle."  

Xena (after knocking the helmet off of Hades): "The helmet of invisibility.  Hades.  ...  You're not really a hat kind of guy."  

Athena: "You three are hard ones to catch up to, for mortals."  
Xena: "That's the beauty of being insignificant."  

Athena:  Celesta, we're doing everything we can to ensure our survival, but we can't finish the job until you pay a visit to Xena and her child."  
Celesta: "I'm sorry, Athena, Ares, and my beloved brother, Hades, but you know it's not in death's nature to discriminate."  
Athena: "Even when your own life is on the line?"  
Celesta: "As long as my flame continues to burn, death will remain a part of life for eternity, Athena."  
Athena: "Meaning you might somehow be immune to the prophecy.  If I didn't know better, I'd say Death's getting a little cocky."  
Celesta: "Prophecy or not, it is forbidden for any mortal to be taken before their rightful time."  
Athena: "Celesta!  We know you can't help but care for the mortals you interact with so personally, but just remember - you can't deny them their rightful time, either."

Xena: "So, if you're the god of arts and crafts, what do you do for a hobby?"  
Hephaestus: "Help my family kill your child by first killing you, Xena."  
Xena: "No, that's a perversion, not a hobby!"  

Hephaestus: "How does it feel, Xena?  How does it feel to finally be in the presence of Death herself?"  
Xena: "What took you so long?"  

Xena: "... if I'm not mistaken, Celesta, when this candle burns out, you die.  Imagine that.  The death of Death herself.  And me and my kid will live forever."
Celesta: "Xena, this isn't like you.  Or you, Gabrielle.  At one time, you both fought to free me."  
Xena: "You're right.  Somehow, motherhood has made me harder."  
Celesta: "Even giving birth to a child isn't enough to sway someone so grounded in their beliefs."
Xena: "And how's that?"  
Celesta: "By holding me here, you're condemning to eternal suffering those who would otherwise find their peace."  
Xena: "Lady, since we last met, I've decided you cause a lot more suffering than you end."
Celesta: "Death is nothing to fear.  For I only visit those whose rightful time -"  
Xena: "- rightful time?  Who decides when it's the rightful time?  You are at the beck and call of every warlord and murderer.  Solan, my only son.  His rightful time came when someone else decided it should.  And you came running -- no questions asked.  You didn't end the suffering of my little boy, Celesta.  You stole his life!  And Marcus and Lyceus."
Celesta: "Your brother.  ..."
Xena: "Lyceus!  Lyceus!  He wasn't just a brother, he was my best friend.  ...  rowing up, he was everything to me.  He accepted me for who and what I was.  And if you hadn't taken him, he would have grown up -"  

Xena: "Death can end suffering, Celesta.  Suffering just begins for those left behind.  I won't allow it any longer.  I can't lose what's left of my family.  And I won't lose another child."  

Archer: "Joxer, I presume?"  
Joxer: "Yep.  Yeah, that's spelled with an 'x'.  The 'x' is for extra-super sexy.  ..."
Archer: "Athena thanks you for being Xena and Gabrielle's most high-profile acquaintance."  
Joxer: "I'm very high-profile all around town.  'Mr. Get-around town' they call me in certain circles."  

[Ares took Gabrielle and Xena's bodies and put them in coffins inside an ice cave]
Ares (to Xena's body): "You're with her now.  I handled you all wrong.  I know that.  She knew what you needed -- unconditional and unselfish love.  And I couldn't give that to you, but I appreciated you in ways she never could -- your rage, your violence, your beauty.  When you sacrificed yourself for others, you were hers.  But when you kicked ass, you were mine.  I love you, Xena."


