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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

V - the Original Miniseries

Part 1


Juliet/Julia/Julie Parrish (re: John, Visitor Supreme Commander, exiting Visitor shuttlecraft): "... that was no Nash Rambler he drove up in."  

Sean Donovan (re: John): "Aw, Mom, he's no E.T.  He doesn't even look like Mr. Spock."  

Michael/Mike Donovan (re: visit to mothership): "Just your average interstellar welcome wagon."  

Kristine Walsh (re: video of visit to mothership): "Fast forward, Mike."  
Mike: "Your life is on fast forward."  

Caleb: "... look at all those guys.  ... first we had to fight you honkies for a job, then there was the Mexicans, now these creeps, and they ain't even from this planet."

Robin Maxwell (re: Brian): "He is such a fox."  
Polly Maxwell: "Looks like a boy to me."  

William/Willy/Willie: "English -- not well to me.  Learned Arabic for going there."  
Harmony/Harmy: "Aw, and they screwed up and sent you to L.A.?"  
William: "Yes -- screwed."  

Sean: "... did you hear how many Visitors it takes to change a light bulb?"  
Mike: "No, tell me."  
Sean: "None.  They like the lights out."  

Mike: "What's the matter now?"  
Margie: "Nothing.  It's just a little tough trying to compete with someone who flies around in spaceships."  
Mike: "What am I supposed to do, Margie, give up my job?"  
Margie: "And what am I supposed to do, sprout wings, fly him off to Never-Never Land?  How else can I compete.  With pizza?"  

Julie: "Ruth, what's wrong?  It's Dr. Metz, isn't it?  You really love him, don't you?  Does he know?"  
Ruth: "I'm just a piece of lab equipment."  
Julie: "Well, starting tomorrow, we're going to go to work on him, and we'll make him see that Nobel's not the only prize he's got."  

Benjamin/Ben: "Elias, when are you going to stop this poor man's Richard Pryor act?"  
Elias: "What you talkin', man?  Brother, this ain't no act.  This here is pure-d Elias."  
Ben: "Well, it's pure-d something."  
Elias: "Look, man, I'm sorry, we can't all of us be Dr. Kildare.  Know what I mean, Uncle Tom?"  
Ben: "Oh, come on, come on, that Uncle Tom stuff doesn't work anymore.  You can be anything that you want to be, but first you got to get rid of this tap dance and this two-bit crook routine and start to grow up."  
Elias: "Oh, yeah?  Yeah, O.K.  Well, once again we thank you, Mr. Sidney Poitier.  Thank you."  

Brian: "I'm sorry.  I'm a little nervous.  ...  It's not every day I meet somebody from another planet."  
Robin: "You know, I never thought of that before.  I mean, it must be just as weird for you - I mean, not that you're weird or anything.  I mean, you know what I mean."  

Brian: (playing Space Invaders): "I'm not very good at this."  

Robin: "It must be strange to be so far away from home."  
Brian: "Yeah, it is.  But new friends make it easier."  

Tony: "Look, Mike, don't you think it would be a good idea if we just take the squad vehicle like we usually do?"  
Mike: "This way, they won't know we're on board.  We got a better chance of finding out what's going on."  

Steven: "The operation is working perfectly.  Scientists are being ostracized, disorganized throughout the world."  
Diana: "The problem is, our leader then says 'why not convert them all?'  He doesn't understand that the human will is much, much tougher than we bargained for.  To convert them all would take forever."  

Mike: "Of course the military are cooperating fully.  They're all under house arrest."  

Stanley Bernstein: "Oh, I'm so tired of her face and only hearing one side of what's going on."  
Daniel/Danny/Dan Bernstein: "Well, the truth is the truth."  
Stanley: "Then why not let some others say it?"  

Julie: "... we organize.  ... any complex structure, like our bodies, for example, starts with individual cells.  The cells will reproduce, expand themselves, and join with others.  ...  Look, I know that we're embryonic.  There's only just a handful of us.  But we're not the only ones huddled in the dark like this.  I know there are others like us, all across America and all around the world.  We're not the only ones who want to fight this thing."  

Bob (re: wounded prisoner): "If he wants to break the law, he's got to take the consequences.  A crook's a crook.  Ain't nothing changed except the guys who give the orders."

Elias: "There's just another man out there to be the man." 

Part 2


Mike: "They've got to have some Achilles heel, some weakness, something we can  use against them."  

Tony (re: Visitor weapon): "You really know how to use that thing?"  
Mike: "I'm sort of winging it.  Now, this thing controls the intensity, I think, how strong a jolt it shoots.  And you prime it over here."  
Tony: "Come with extra batteries?"  
Mike: "They're rechargeable, I think."  
Tony: "Clever, those Japanese."  

Tony (distracting Visitor): "Excuse me!  Uh, uh, hello.  Look, uh, I'm really sorry to bother you like this, but I'm on my way to Korea, and my - well, my shrimp boat gets a flat tire.  So I really need an inner tube."  

Ruby: "Juliet, are you all right?"  
Julie: "Oh, Ruby.  I can't handle this.  I was supposed to be a scientist, a doctor.  Not a plumber or some kind of rebel.  They all look at me like I know what to do."  
Ruby: "And you're just as lost and scared as we are."  
Julie: "More."  
Ruby: "These are the times that try men's souls.  I'll tell you why we look to you.  Because you're a natural.  A natural leader."  
Julie: "Oh, I don't feel that."  
Ruby: "But you don't have to.  All you need to do is trust your instincts.  Trust yourself as much as everybody else trusts you."  
Julie: "If I can't?"  
Ruby: "Fake it.  We won't know the difference."  

Martin: "You know, Diana, rather than putting Mr. Donovan away, he might prove very useful to us as a convert."  
Diana: "My instincts tell me he'd be a difficult subject.  I've decided not to bother.  Take him to the final area."  
Martin: "I always thought you thrived on challenges."  
Diana: "I do, but I like better odds."  
Martin: "That's curious.  I would have thought you'd find the difficult game far more interesting.  But, anyway, you're probably right.  I don't think even you, with all of your abilities, could ever turn this head of his."  
Diana: "Martin, wait.  Don't take him to the final area just yet.  Perhaps I would enjoy the challenge of converting him."  

Mike: "That damn dragon lady can bend people's minds.  What does she need a blowtorch for?"  
Martin: "Conversion is a very difficult and time-consuming operation.  When Diana simply needs some information, she'll do whatever's most effective, and efficient, and she likes to do it."  

Barbara: "Martin couldn't make it so you'll have to wear my uniform."  
Mike: "Oh, lots of luck, I'll never be able to -"  
Barbara: "It'll stretch enough to fit."  
Mike (seeing Barbara without her uniform): "You sure don't look like an iguana."  
Barbara: "What?"  
Mike: "Bad taste.  Why are you and Martin doing this?"  
Barbara: "Because it's right."  

Julie: "We have to organize coordinated efforts.  That's the only way we stand a chance of winning."  

Diana (re: Robin): "Is she attractive to you?"  
Brian: "Not like you are."  
Diana: "I see now how you've risen through the ranks so quickly."  

Harmony (re: gum on ground she stepped on): "Oh, boy, I hate when people do that.  Boy, I'd like to stick it in their hair."  

Mike: "You're here to take the water."  
Martin: "It's the rarest, most valuable commodity you can imagine.  Unlike most planets -- ours included -- Earth is blessed with an abundance of it.  We need it, Mike, for our sustenance and to power fusion generators and the leaders' weapons.  ..."  
Mike: "And the earth will become a desert, and humanity will die."  
Martin: "No.  There won't be any people left by then.  ..."
Mike: "What is this?"  
Martin: "They're your people."  
Mike: "Dead?"  
Martin: "No.  Just this side of death.  Metabolism slowed extraordinarily.  Diana's work."  
Mike: "The people who disappeared, my son, is he in here somewhere?"  
Martin: "Or in another ship like this one."  
Mike: "Why are they being taken, stored like this?  Why not just killed?"  
Martin: "The leader needs them living.  Some of them will be made into troops for battles with his enemy."  
Mike: "What enemy?"  
Martin: "The force that's defeated him before."  
Mike: "His enemy?  That makes them our friends, right?  ...  Well, it's something to go on.  You said some of them would be his troops.  Not all.  ...  What about the others?"  
Martin: "In addition to the water, there's another basic shortage on our planet."  
Mike: "Food."  

Mike: "How'd someone like that get to be your leader anyway?"  
Martin: "Charisma, circumstances, promises.  Not enough of us spoke out to question him until it was too late.  It happens on your planet, doesn't it?"  
Mike: "I guess it does."  

Mike: "Hell, man, we're all scared, every last damn one of us, but we've each got to help in the best way we can."

Julie (re: people being held on motherships): "... we may have to sacrifice those thousands to save millions, even billions.  ...  My life has been devoted to saving lives, but we may not have a choice."  

Eleanor Dupre: "I'm a survivor, and if you're going to be, you'd better change your ways.  I know the Visitors aren't saints, but they're in power.  They are power.  You and I are in unique positions.  Don't you see that?  Why not take advantage -"  
Mike: "Because I can't survive at the expense of others.  It's not right.  You know, when I was a kid, there was a woman who taught me what was right and what was wrong.  I wonder whatever became of her."  

Robert Maxwell: "I decided that it would be all right for me to die if millions -- millions could be saved."  

Abraham Bernstein (in note): "My dear family, it's painful knowing that I'll not see your faces anymore.  But I must take this stand for what I know is right.  You may think an old man wouldn't be afraid to die, but this old man's very frightened.  I'm hoping that I'll find a little of your mother's dignity and strength.  So far, I'm as frightened as a child who fears the dark.  But we must fight this darkness that's threatening to engulf us.  Each of us must be a ray of hope and do our part and join with the others till we've become a blinding light triumphant over darkness.  Until that task is accomplished, life will have no meaning.  More than anything, you must remember always which side you're on and fight for it.  Your mother and I will march beside you, holding hands again.  We'll sing your song of victory.  You'll feel us in your hearts.  Our spirit -- our spirits will be with you always and our love."  

Elias: "The first battle's been won, right?"  
Julie: "That's right, but the war is just beginning."

V: The Final Battle

Part 1


Julie: "What it's going to take is unity.  You're not real big on unity, are you Donovan?"  
Mike: "I'm used to working alone."  
Julie: "Well, get unused to it.  We're a team."  

Steven (re: resistance fighters): "There's not much glory in rousting this rabble."  

Mike: "We're running around in circles down here.  This defeat is going to cost us if we don't turn it around.  ...  People up there would help us if they thought there was a chance.  These hit-and-run raids are useless.  We need a bonanza.  We need an event."  

Caleb: "What's a priest know about war strategy?"  
Father Andrew Doyle: "Only what the South African guerrillas taught me."   

Robert (to Robin): "Polly's just teasing.  Look, she's frustrated just like the rest of us.  Kids tease, and grownups get mean."  

Kristine: "Dr. Walker!  Excuse me.  Dr. Walker!  Kristine Walsh.  We met in Palm Springs, Gerald Ford's.  Well, I've been such an admirer of yours I wanted to -"  
Dr. Walker: "I remember you, Ms. Walsh.  You were a newswoman."  
Kristine: "Well, I'm still a newswoman."  
Walker: "No, Ms. Walsh.  I don't know what you are but you're certainly not a newswoman.  At best, a press secretary.  At worst, a collaborator."  
Kristine: "I don't know what you've been told, Dr. Walker, but I'm just doing my job."  
Walker: "Familiar words.  I wonder how many times that phrase was used at the Nuremberg trials."  
Kristine: "That is insulting and untrue."  
Walker: "Ms. Walsh, I'll tell you what is untrue.  It is untrue that you're working for a benevolent regime.  It is untrue that you're an impartial journalist.  What's true is that Fascists have taken over our planet and you're their minister of propaganda.  You're a discredit to your profession.  You've allowed personal ambition to corrupt your integrity.  You no longer have credibility."  

Fred: "Don't ask me to do this again, Julie."
Julie: "I can't guarantee that, Fred."
Fred: "They're tightening security.  It's getting too dangerous."
Julie: "It's no picnic for us either."
Fred: "Yeah, but I'm not a resistance fighter.  I'm a doctor."  

Elias (to Fred): "Look, man, if we lose, the whole shooting match is lost.  Now we may not be much, but we're all you got between the life you have and the one you're not going to have."  

Diana (re: humans): "It's not as simple to tap their minds as it is their water resources." 

Mike: "Anything can be duplicated."  

Maggie Blodgett (to Daniel): "If you're talking about date, I'm interested.  If you're referring to something more horizontal, I'm not.  At least, not yet."  

Elias: "Dan, we need nothing less than your best, or we're dead, OK?"  
Dan Pascal: "Nobody told Picasso how to paint.  Lay off."  

Julie: "... we can't risk everything for just one person, no matter who it is."  

Eleanor: "Those of us who respect law and order are free.  It's criminals like you who cry fascist."  
Mike: "You're just as free as the leash you're on.  You tug it too hard, they'll hang you by it."  

Mike (to Kristine): "Why do you think they've increased our rations?  They're fattening us up."  

Julie: "...  You jeopardized everything when you acted on your own.  You put you trust in a traitor."  
Mike: "What the hell do you expect me to do?  They've got my boy."  
Julie: "I expect you to think of us before you think of yourself!  You risked all of us, Donovan.  You don't even care about us."  
Mike: "That's not true.  You don't understand.  It has nothing to do with you."  
Julie: "Mike, we need you.  I need you.  But unless you can give us your best, you should go before you really hurt us."

Diana (re: humans): "I have no friends among those people."  

Diana (to Kristine): "I am a woman of some authority.  And, therefore, I have enemies, enemies who would use anyone or anything to hurt me.  We mustn't give them the slightest opportunity.  ...  The consequences could be most unfortunate."  

Harmony: "The low man's always the last to know...."  

Elias: "... anything we can do that puts the lizards and the bootlickers on ice has got to help us."  

Martin (to Mike): "I envy you the riches of your planet."  

Father Andrew: "We're the resistance, not vigilantes and a lynch mob."  

Julie: "I'm tired of trying to be some kind of guerrilla leader.  ...  Trying to pull everybody together, trying to pull myself off as a doctor, as if I really know what I'm doing.  You know what, I just can't handle it anymore.  Just let somebody else do it."
Mike: "You're pretty much the whole show in there, there isn't anybody else.  ...  Nobody expects you to know everything except you."  
Julie: "Guess that's pretty arrogant, huh?"  
Mike: "I wouldn't know.  I'm too self-centered to notice."  

Julie: "The visitors are not our friends.  They've come to rape our planet and kill us.  They're not who they appear to be.  This is not science fiction!  This is what they are."  

Kristine: "... you have just seen a terrorist attack on the hospital, but it wasn't terrorism.  It was resistance, resistance to the monsters who are trying to take over this planet.  You see them as they really are, reptiles!  They must be defeated!"  

Robert: "Do you believe they're pulling off this fake as the real thing?"  
Caleb: "America will buy it, too."  
Elias: "Sure will.  I mean, who would believe lizards would invent the cure for cancer?"  

Mike: "If they can cure cancer, they can extract information." 

Part 2


Ham Tyler: "Without proper leadership, you're going to get hung out to dry."  

Mike: "... we're a unit.  We've made more noise than you have."  

Ham (re: dead Visitor and the fact that they are reptilian): "Now, that's a waste of good luggage."  

William: "Why are you being so nice to me, Harmony?  
Harmony: "I lo -- like you, Willie."  
William: "You saw what I look like."  
Harmony: "You want to know something?  I didn't fall in love with your looks."  
William: "No, I -- I guess I'm not what you'd call an ox."  
Harmony: "That's 'fox', you dope."  

Ham (to Mike re: Julie): "Forget about your lady friend.  We're not fighting this war over your personal life."

Ham (re: Martin): "Where's your little gator friend?"  
Mike: "Cool it with that talk.  He's one of us."  
Ham: "Gooder, you'll trust just about anyone."  

Ham (re: Martin): "Just like a swamp gator -- sneak up on you every time."  

Mike (to Martin re: Ham): "This 'person' is one of us.  I don't like him, but I trust him."  

Ham (to Martin): "Look, you do as the man tells you or I'm going to turn you into an hors d'oeuvre."  
Martin (to Mike re: Ham): "Are there many more like him?"  
Mike (to Martin re: Ham): "Fortunately, selective breeding keeps their number at a minimum."  

Squadron Commander Pamela: "What is important is that we do as we're told."  

Pamela: "... I've given orders to increase security."  
Diana: "I give the orders on my ship."  
Pamela: "Your ship is but one in my squadron.  You forget your rank, Diana."  
Diana: "I may not have your rank, but I have the leader's special interest - which, I might say, is even more desirable than rank."  
Pamela: "I shouldn't rely too heavily on that relationship with the leader.  That trap has seen some very heavy traffic."  
Diana: "I don't believe you."  
Pamela: "Diana, my dear, sex for favors is as old as ambition.  And sex is too fragile a foundation to handle your ambition."  
Diana: "You've seem to have managed."  
Pamela: "That's because I've managed my ambition.  You might take a moment to reflect that your lover has sent you 56 trillion miles away.  Hardly an indication he can't bare not to see you."  

Elias: "Hey, this damn war is tough on everybody here, all of us."  

Maggie: "If you can't handle it, that's your problem."  

Chris Farber: "You been practicing?"  
Maggie: "No William Tell."  

Chris: "You got any doubts in your mind at all that I couldn't change your life right now, or even bring it to a close?"  

Ham (to Ruby disguising herself as cleaning lady): "Are you as good as your makeup?"  
Ruby: "The New Yorker said my nurse in Romeo and Juliet was the best since Edith Evans."  
Ham: "I saw Dame Edith do that.  ...  In London, a long time ago."  
Ruby: "Well, you're not as primitive as I thought you were."  

Father Andrew (in Ruby's eulogy): "Our life in this world is short and often painful.  Its full meaning is rarely made clear to us."

Elias (re: LA being turned into a desert): "I don't know if I'm ready to trade my ride in for a camel."

Ham: "I like to get people's attention.  That way, I don't have to repeat myself."

Julie: "Ruby gave her life to rescue me and there's nothing I can do to repay that!  But, if I walk away now, she died in vain and I have no intention of doing that."  

Mike (to Julie): "You're a little shaken right now.  Nobody could go through what you did and not have scars, but you beat them."  

Chris: "These are experimental explosives.  ...  I've been working on this for some time.  Just about have the kinks out of it.  ...  We needed something special.  This is it, similar to a nitroglycerin.
Ham: "Which means you don't shake it like a martini."
Chris: "No, and here's the kicker.  It's stable only between 60 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.  So much as one degree over or under that, you're history.  This stuff will blow you into next week."  

Mark: "I can play hardball with Tyler anytime."  

Mike: "Julie, without something to live for, people give up hope."  

Julie: "I don't even know what hand to use.  You know, I have to concentrate to use my right hand.  I don't know where I am from day to day.  They screwed me up so bad, I don't even trust myself anymore."  

Steven: "My little ploy worked rather well, don't you think?"  
Diana: "After your string of failures, you have nothing to crow about."  

Oliver (to Mike): "It would take an armed assault to get you off this ship and that would jeopardize the entire Fifth Column.  We can't afford that risk for just one man."  

Oliver: "We're not executioners...."   

Diana: "We can't let you go to your deathbed without making a confession, now, can we, Mr. Donovan?"

Diana: "Do you believe in truth, Mr. Donovan?"
Mike: "Well, depends on who I hear it from."

Part 3


Steven: "You can't expect a professional to do his job with a rank amateur constantly interfering with every decision." 

Robert: "We discovered this hybrid bacterium....  ..."
Julie: "...  We don't even know if it's dangerous to the visitors."
Ham: "So what we've got is something as potentially dangerous as nerve gas or as harmless as baby food."

Caleb (to Ham re: Daniel): "You going to kill him?"
Ham: "As many times as I can." 

Steven: "The ambitious have no friends." 

Daniel: "What are you going to do with me, Steven?" 
Steven: "Send you where you'll serve us well." 
Daniel: "Where's that?" 
Steven: "Where else?  On a serving platter." 

Mike: "We can't pick somebody out at random. That'd be murder." 

Diana: "Cages are very unpleasant, aren't they?" 

Father Andrew (to Diana): "This is Elizabeth.  She's our first interplanetary child." 

Father Andrew (to Diana re: Elizabeth): "Look at her.  She's proof we're made of the same genetic stuff.  Surely this child demonstrates that harvesting humans for food is nothing short of cannibalism." 

Chris: "You know, I never figured the Padre for going A.W.O.L.  He always struck me as being a real stand up guy." 
Ham: "You start believing in this peace on Earth goodwill stuff, there's no telling how screwed up you're going to get." 

Robin (re: Elizabeth): "I didn't realize how much I loved her, till she was gone." 

Robert: "There are some things in life that we do, that later, we deeply regret." 

Elias: "Handling this stuff gives me the shakes." 
Sancho: "Don't worry.  They said it's not harmful to humans." 
Elias: "Yeah, that's what they said about DDT, Agent Orange -" 

Ham (re: Fifth Column visitors): "You know, if you let them live, Gooder, they're going to breed." 
Mike: "I prefer them to you." 
Ham: "I may bring the neighborhood down, but they'll eat it." 

Elizabeth: "Pritinama."
Diana: "It's not in our destiny."
Elizabeth: "Pritinama."
Diana: "No." 

Diana: "... what you work so hard to build, others take great pleasure in tearing down.  You must never give them the chance." 

Martin: "If they lose, the mother ship can be turned into a thermal nuclear device with the power to destroy the Earth.  They'll take what they have and annihilate the rest." 

Ham: "There is no argument!  We either win or we lose.  There's no in-between." 
Robert: "No.  No.  Because we're not talking about just the people here in this room.  Look, be real clear.  If we lose, then the whole damn world loses." 
Julie: "We're not fighting the same war.  The rules have changed.  It's way out of control." 
Chris: "War has a tendency to do that, ma'am." 
Julie: "What I'm saying is we're not fighting a guerrilla war anymore.  We are facing the certainty of nuclear destruction." 
Ham: "We've lived with that threat for over 40 years." 
Mike: "That was the threat.  This is the reality.  They'll nuke us." 
Sancho: "This is crazy.  Not long ago, I was a gardener.  She was a student.  He used to work in a factory.  Here we are trying figuring out the fate of the world." 
Han: "No, we're the only ones capable of winning this war.  We better decide to do it." 
Julie: "I not prepared to risk the lives of three billion people." 
Maggie: "How dare we even have this debate!  After the visitors killed Mark and they killed Ruby and they killed your wife and they killed your son.  They've made life a living hell for all of us." 
Caleb: "We've all suffered.  No one in this room needs to be reminded of that.   We all want quick and easy vengeance.  This isn't revenge.  This is a one way ticket to oblivion." 
Ham: "The visitors came here to suck us dry.  And when they're finished with this planet, their going to take it like an empty beer can and toss it over their shoulder." 
Julie: "Nobody's calling them good guys, Tyler.  Nobody's appealing to their better nature.  You can't win a war if you're extinct!  We've got to think of another way." 
Elias: "There is no other way.  There's no time.  Look, if Martin knows about the red dust, then you can believe that Diana does, too.  And if she doesn't, then she will in a few days.  I mean, as raggedy and as ordinary as this little bunch is, we're the last shot before the buzzer.  ...  If we attack, then at least we have a fighting chance.  We do nothing, and we've signed this planet's death warrant." 

Julie: "By a narrow margin, ones who voted for the attack have won.  Personally, I think we just voted for Armageddon, but I will abide by the decision." 

Mike (to Julie): "Don't ever make me choose between my son and you.  You'll lose, every time." 

Diana: "I found your Bible very intriguing, Andrew." 
Father Andrew: "Oh, I'm so pleased to hear you say that, Diana.  Perhaps you'd allow me to bring the word of God to your planet." 
Diana: "You would abandon your world to bring these teachings to ours?" 
Father Andrew: "Oh, I'd consider that a unique privilege." 
Diana: "I'm sure you'd have as profound effect on my people as you've had on yours." 
Father Andrew: "Well, I'm only the spokesman.  He writes the words." 
Diana: "You're too humble.  I've have found new strength of purpose because of our time together and I thank you for that." 
Father Andrew: "This praise is unexpected, coming from one so self-assured." 
Diana: "Self-assured?  You've shown me that I have vulnerabilities.  I never allowed myself to experience them before.  I never knew they existed.  And I won't allow them to exist anymore.  Vulnerabilities, my dear priest, are exploitable weaknesses." 

Eleanor (to Sean): "It's not polite to change the subject, dear." 

Chris (re: Fifth Column members and humans working together): "At least there won't be rats in the dorm anymore."

Pamela: "It's not standard practice to base troop movements on the tattling of a 10-year-old earthling." 

Pamela: "You scientific types are so easily ruffled." 
Diana: "And you military types are so predictable.  You rely on cunning, intrigue.  I prefer the direct approach." 

Julie: "You shouldn't blame Sean....  He's not a traitor or spy.  He's just a little boy who couldn't fight back...." 

Visitor Officer: "Those Earthlings are stupid.  That makes them unpredictable." 

John (to Diana after she comments about being safe on the bridge of the mothership): "I don't relish the idea of spending the rest of my life in here with you."

John (to Diana): "We've lost.  Don't you understand, Diana, it's over?  Or can't your vanity handle reality?" 

John: "Pamela said you were ambitious.  But she underestimated you." 
Diana: "You stupid, feeble man.  If it hadn't been for me, you'd still be trying to decide where to land on this planet.  You and your petty, idiotic intrigue, wondering who was in charge.  I was in charge!  I directed this entire operation while you made pretty speeches.  I had the power and you wore the crown." 
John: "Ah, the crown.  It's yours now, Diana.  Enjoy your reign, queen of a poisoned realm."

Mike: "We can't give up." 

Elizabeth: "Pritinama." 
Julie: "What does that mean?" 
Barbara: "It means 'peace'."