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How I Survived My Summer Vacation

Volume 1

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Dust by Michelle West

"... in war, the losers rarely had a choice of how they left the battlefield."

Older Man: "There is no way to defeat prophecy; it is a simple statement of fact."
Anointed One: "You haven't tried reading it lately."
Older Man: "I'm not a reader, I'm a writer."

Buffy Summers (thought): "... the good thing about vampires:  It wasn't illegal to kill them.  Technically they were already dead, and legally they didn't exist.  But legally, neither did she."

Buffy (thought): "... seeing a loved one die as a reward for a sign of affection was a poor incentive."

Absalom Rising by Nancy Holder

(re: Willow Rosenberg): "Her long red hair would have gotten her burned at the stake a couple of centuries ago.  Being a redhead was supposedly a clear sign that one was a witch."

Willow: "How can you joke?  This is scary stuff, Xander."
Xander Harris: "That's why I joke, Will."

Rupert Giles: "... like werewolves, magickal forces are often stronger with the full moon."

Xander: "Silence is not golden."

Looks Can Kill by Cameron Dokey

Giles: "Anything can be made to fit anywhere if sufficient force is exerted."

Giles: "There's strength in numbers."

Willow: "Fighting the powers of darkness does add a certain spice to life."

Giles (thought): "Never look a gift stealth in the mouth."

[Giles, Jenny (Janna) Calendar and Angel were standing apart in the Master's cavern]
"... the three formed an uneven triangle with Angel as the point."
[Geometrically, a triangle has three sides and three points.  If three people formed a triangle, they would each have to stand at a point.]

Giles: "My title is Watcher, not Planner."

No Place Like ... by Cameron Dokey

Buffy: "Destinies can be changed."

Uncle Dead and the Fourth of July by Yvonne Navarro

Giles: "A country's independence should not be celebrated with hot dogs made of unspeakable contents, screaming children, atrocious band music and -"

General Samson Murray's zombie: "Casualties in war are a fact of life."

Giles: "... life is not without its annoyances."

Angel: "Buried alive?  Too close to personal experience for me."

Calendar: "Rupert, don't you want to know the truth?"
Giles: "Spare me.  A man needs to hold on to his fantasies."
Angel: "Really.  Maybe yours need to be updated."

The Show Must Go On by Paul Ruditis

"Commotion was easy to handle but silence required additional stealth."

Xander (thought): "Perfect, here I am finally helping a woman with her clothing, and I'm putting it on, not taking it off."