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Season 1

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Encounter At Farpoint

Data: "I thought it was generally accepted ... that Vulcans are an advanced and most honorable race."  McCoy: "They are.  And also damned annoying at times."

Data: "I am superior ... in many ways. But I would gladly give it up, to be human." 
Riker: "Nice to meet you, Pinnochio."

McCoy: "Have you got some reason you want my atoms scattered all over space, boy?"

McCoy: "Hold it right there, boy! What about my age?  ...  What's so damned troublesome about not having died?"

McCoy: "I don't see no points on your ears, boy, but you sound like a Vulcan." 
Data: "No, sir. I am an android." 
McCoy: "Almost as bad."

McCoy: "This is a new ship, boy, but she's got the right name.  Now you remember that, you hear?  ...  You treat her like a lady, and she'll always bring you home."

Picard: "Space, the final frontier.  These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.  Its continuing mission:  to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before."

Picard: "We do exactly what we would do if this Q never existed.  If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for who we really are."

Picard: " If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are."

Picard: "Make it so."

Q: "Thou art notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already.  Thou art directed to return to thine own solar system immediately."

Q: "But this is the court of the year 2079, by which time all 'United Earth' nonsense had been abolished."

The Naked Now

Data: "There was a young lady from Venus, whose body was shaped like a --"

Yar: "But I got out of my uniform for you, Data."

Data: "We are more alike than unlike, my dear Captain.  I have pores, humans have pores.  I have fingerprints, humans have fingerprints.  My chemical nutrients are like your blood.  If you prick me, do I not -- leak?"

Yar: "Data, I'm only going to tell you this just once.  It never happened."

Picard: "I put it to you all.  I think we shall end up with a fine crew, if we avoid temptation."

Riker: "They were just sucked into space." 
Data: "Blown, sir!"  
Riker: "Sorry, Data!"  
Data: "Common mistake, sir!"

Code Of Honor

Lutan: "Your skill impresses me.  I like you."

Dr. Crusher: "Damn. Where are the calluses us doctors are supposed to grow over our feelings?" 
Picard: "Perhaps the good ones never get them."

LaForge: "Shaving is a human art form, Data.  Technological perfection can shave too close."

Data: "Most interesting.  Could this be Human Joke Number Six-Hundred and Sixty-Three?" 
Riker: "Negative, Data.  That's a captain's order."

Picard: "I'm sorry, this is becoming a speech." 
Troi: "You're the Captain, sir. You're entitled."

The Last Outpost

Data: "Apologies, Captain.  I seem to have reached an odd functional impasse.  I am stuck." 
LaForge: "My hero."

Ferengi: "... they shamelessly clothe their females, inviting others to unclothe them.  The very depth of perversion."

Letek: "You work with your females, arm them, and force them to wear clothing."

Picard: "Yankee traders, I like the sound of that."  
Riker: "Well, sir, I doubt they wear red, white, and blue, or look anything like Uncle Sam."

Picard: "He has the right to meet death awake."  
Dr. Crusher: "Is that a male perspective?" 
Picard: "Rubbish."

Picard: "Merde."

Riker: "What do you make of these?" 
Data: "Crystalline, mostly inert.  Nothing to write home about."

Riker: " We can hardly hate what we once were."

Riker: "He will triumph who knows when to fight, and when not to fight."

Worf: "I say, 'Fight', sir.  There's nothing shameful in falling to a superior enemy." 
Picard: "And nothing shameful in a strategic retreat either."

Where No One Has Gone Before

Traveler: "Up until now, you have been ... uninteresting.  It's only now that your life-form begins to merit serious attention."

Lonely Among Us

Dr. Crusher: "Captain Picard, you are now relieved of duty.  I judge you to be disabled, mentally incapacitated --"

Data: "We must fall back on the old axiom that when other contingencies fail, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true."

LaForge: "Sometimes it's the result the counts."

Worf  (Re: memory block out): "I still don't remember having one."


Data: "Would you choose one life over a thousand?" 
Picard: "I refuse to let arithmetic decide questions like that."

LaForge: "They make love at the drop of a hat." 
Yar: "Any hat."

Picard: "There can be no justice as long as there are absolutes.  Even life itself is an exercise in exceptions."  
Riker: "When has justice ever been as simple as a rule book?"

Troi: "Sharing an orbit with a god is no small experience."

Worf: "I am not concerned with pleasure. I am a warrior."  
Riker: "Even Klingons need love now and then."  
Worf: "For what we would consider love ... I would need a Klingon woman." 
Riker: "What about plain old basic sex?  You must have some need for that."  
Worf: "Of course, but with the females available to me ..., Earth females, I must restrain myself too much. They are quite fragile ...."  
Riker: "Worf, if anyone else had said that, I'd suspect he was bragging."  
Worf: "Bragging, sir?"

The Battle

Ferengi: "As you humans say, 'I'm all ears!'"

Picard: "There never is [profit] in revenge.  Let the dead rest, and the past -- remain the past."

Hide And Q

LaForge: "Worf, is this your idea of sex?" 
Worf: "This is sex, but I have no place for it in my life now." 
Q: "No place Microbrain?  What possesses you?"

Picard: "Perhaps someday we'll find that space and time are simpler than the human equation."

Q: "Oh, your species is always suffering and dying."

Q: "Will you stop interrupting me?  I mean, this is hardly a time to be teaching you the true nature of the universe."

Q: "Let us pray for understanding and for compassion."  
Picard: "Let us do no such damn thing."

Q: "Change is at the heart of what you are.  But change into what -- that is the question."

Q: "You reveal yourself best in how you play."

Yar: "What in the hell am I doing, crying? It is so frustrating to be controlled like this." 
Picard: "Don't worry, there's a new ship's standing order on the bridge.  When one is in the penalty box, tears are permitted."


Data: "Could you please continue the 'petty bickering'?  I find it most intriguing."

Lwaxana Troi: "The answer to the puzzle is … too simple for most humans to understand…. All life, all consciousness, is indissolubly bound together. Indeed it is all part of the same thing."

Picard: "Data, you're circling the room like a buzzard."

Picard: "Legends ... are the spice of the universe ... because they have a way of sometimes coming true."

The Big Goodbye

Data (impersonating Bogey): "It was raining in the city by the bay ... a hard rain, hard enough to wash the slime...."

Troi: "You spell 'knife' with a 'k'." 
Picard: "I spell 'knife' with an 'n', but then I never could spell."

Picard: "If I leave town, the town leaves with me."

Redblock: "Senseless killing is immoral.  But killing for a purpose, can quite often be ingenious."

Picard: "It was a nice place to visit ..., but I wouldn't want to die there."


Data: "If you had an off switch, Doctor, would you not keep it a secret?" 
Dr. Crusher: "I guess I would."

Lore: "Lesson Number One in becoming more human.  You must observe all human customs."

Data: "How sad, dear brother, you make me wish I were an only child."

Angel One

Data: "How does stimulation of the olfactory nerves affect the enjoyment of sex?"

LaForge: "Make it so."

LaForge: "Ever feel like your really not wanted?"

Ramsey: "What do you think you're rescuing me from?  My shipmates and I have all taken wives.  A few even have children.  You can't rescue a man from a place that he calls his home."

Riker: "No power in the universe can hope to stop the force of evolution.  Be warned.  The execution of Mister Ramsey and his followers may elevate them to the status of martyrs.  Martyrs cannot be silenced."

Riker: "But will you respect me in the morning?"

Riker: "You may eliminate symbols, but that does not mean death to the issue those symbols represent."

Troi: "We have a duty to investigate."

Worf: "Klingons appreciate strong women."

Worf: "I think I may sneeze." 
LaForge: "A Klingon sneeze?" 
Worf: "Only kind I know."


Worf: "If winning is not important, then ... why keep score?" 
Yar: "I think he's pulling your leg. Believe it or not, Worf is developing a sense of humor." 
Riker: "I hope so, for their sake."

Riker: "What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin-joint like this?"

Too Short A Season

When The Bough Breaks

Dr. Crusher: "Our children are not for sale."

Picard: " Things are only impossible until they are not."

Home Soil

Picard: "You're a man obsessed with what he does.  Who knows what an obsessed man would do to keep going?  Kill perhaps?" 
Mandl: "I create life!  I don't take it!"

Lifeform: "Ugly bags of mostly water, we try at peace, you do not listen.  Boy in dome on sand of home, we kill."

Coming Of Age

Data: "There is nothing wrong with Captain Picard or with the ship's logs.  Therefore, there must be something wrong with your original assumption."   
Remmick: "That is not acceptable, Mister Data."  
Data: "Acceptable or not, sir, it is the truth."

Mirren: "It's a good thing you're cute, Wesley, or you could really be obnoxious." ... 
Wesley: "Did you hear what she said, Mordock?  She said I was cute."  
Mordock: "Is that good, Wesley?"  
Wesley: "Yes, I think."

Picard: "Running away solves nothing."

Picard: "The only person you are truly competing against is yourself."

Quinn: "Maybe I have been playing politics too long.  Perhaps I see conspiracies ... everywhere."

Remmick: "You don't like me very much, do you?" 
Worf: "Is it required, sir?"

Worf: "Only fools have no fear."

Worf: "Thinking about what you can't control only wastes energy and creates its own enemy."

Heart Of Glory

K'Nera: "How did they die?"  
Worf: "They died well."

Korris: "Do not deny the challenge of your destiny.  Get off your knees and soar.  Open your eyes and let the dream take flight."

Worf: "Why do you mock me? Why do you wish to anger me?"  
Korris: "Only to see if it is still possible."

Worf: "Cowards take hostages.  Klingons do not."

Worf: "You look for the battles in the wrong place.  The true test of a warrior is not without, it is within."

The Arsenal Of Freedom

LaForge: "The ride's going to get a little bumpy.  Things are going to happen fast.  Just keep alert, stay calm.  Let's focus on what we're doing."

Peddler: "Peace through superior firepower."

Peddler: "Impressive demonstration, isn't it?" 
Picard: "Demonstration?  It tried to kill us."

Picard: "Mister LaForge, when I left this ship it was in one piece.  I would appreciate your returning it to me in the same condition."

Paul Rice facsimile: "Tell me about your ship, Riker.  It's the Enterprise,isn't it?"  
Riker: "No, the name of my ship is the 'Lollipop'."  
Rice fax: "I have no knowledge of that ship." 
Riker: "It's just been commissioned.  It's a good ship."

Troi: "What happened to all the people?" 
Worf: "War?" 
Data: "Disease?" 
LaForge: "A dissatisfied customer?"


Dr. Crusher: "It's hard to be philosophical when faced was suffering."

Dr. Crusher: "You must trust yourselves."

Data: "Voluntary addiction to drugs is a recurring theme in many cultures."

Skin Of Evil

Armus: "I do not serve things evil, I am evil."

Data: "I would guess that death is no longer sufficient to alleviate its boredom, therefore Commander Riker is alive."

Data: "You are capable of great sadism and cruelty.  Interesting -- no redeeming qualities."

Picard: "Shall I tell you what true evil is?  It is to submit to you.  It is when we surrender our friends, our dignity, instead of defying you."

Picard: "I'm not taking you anywhere."

Riker: "We believe everything in the universe has a right to exist."

Troi: " What can I offer except myself?"

Yar: "Hello, my friends. You are here now watching this image of me because I have died.  It probably happened while I was on duty, and quickly, which is what I expected.  Never forget I died doing exactly what I wanted to do.  What I want you to know is how much I loved my life, and those of you who shared it with me.  You are my family, you all know where I came from and what my life was like before.  But Starfleet took that frightened, angry young girl and tempered her.  I have been blessed with your friendship, and your love."

Yar: "Ah, Worf.  We are so much alike, you and I.  Both warriors, orphans who found ourselves this family.  I hope I met death with my eyes wide open."

Yar: "My friend Data, you see things with the wonder of a child.  And that makes you more human than any of us."

Yar: "Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I wish I could say you've been like a father to me, but I've never had one so I don't know what it feels like.  But if there was one person in this universe who I would choose to be like, someone who I would want to make proud of me, it's you.  You who have the heart of an explorer and the soul of a poet.  So you'll understand when I say, 'Death is that state in which one exists only in the memory of others', which is why it is not an end.  No good-byes, just good memories.  Hailing frequencies closed, sir."

We'll Always Have Paris

Data (Re: time distortion duplicates): "Oh, we are us, sir.  They are also us.  So, indeed, we are both us."


Data: "That was not a request, I was simply ... talking to myself.  A human idiosyncrasy, triggered by a fascination with a particular set of facts, or sometimes brought about by senility, or used as a means of weighing information before reaching a conclusion, or as a --." 
Computer: "Thank you, sir, I comprehend."

Picard: "Mister LaForge, ahead warp six." 
LaForge: "Aye, sir, full impulse."

Picard: "Friendship must dare to risk ... or it's not friendship."

Quinn: "Do Klingons fear death as much as humans?  I could snap your neck in a second, but it wouldn't be as much fun."

Remmick: "We seek peaceful coexistence!"

Worf: "Swimming is too much like ... bathing."

The Neutral Zone

Clemens: "Well, we won't be inviting these Romulans to our party, will we?" 
Data: "No. That would not be ... appropriate."

T-Bok: "Matters more urgent caused our absence. Now witness the result. Outposts destroyed, expansion of the Federation everywhere. Yes, we have indeed been negligent, Captain, but no more."

Picard: "There's still much to do, still so much to learn."

Picard: "But Data, they were already dead.  I mean, what more could've happened to them?"